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all right leveling out get ready to drop three two one go go go go hold what you got if you're not that sniper that machine gun the rest of us are pushing right nine zeus this is sultan i'm high low with you don't step two enemies down on the tower hello everyone and welcome back to the channel in today's video we've got an arma 3 op and this isn't just any up this was the first op that i played on my journey back into arma 3. i've been sitting on this footage for about a month now just haven't had the time to edit it we've been so busy getting our armor 3 liberation server running which is a 128 community server for you guys that's running 24 7 with persistent ops one of the most hardcore gaming milsim experiences out there if you want to join in on that check us out discord gg karma cut but anyways guys in today's operation we're gonna be doing some covert ops which is something we don't really get to experience much whether it be in squad or even just the armor liberation server getting into some of these nitty gritty really nicely paced covert operations is a new experience that i really want to jump into with arma again also guys i do want to shout out controlled paris who is my main man my boy my homie he got me back into arma and he's just an awesome content creator i cannot thank him enough also other guys who are in this video are gonna be useless fodder another awesome twitch streamer and also friendly nikolai which you guys for my squad days should know i hope you guys do enjoy today's video as always don't forget to like comment and subscribe for more content and now sit back relax and enjoy the show quick objective overview uh the regional criminal cartel is smuggling drugs in this area and they are using aid supplies as a cover in order to move those jokes around our seal team callsign sultan will be inserted via via hey ho that is a high altitude high opening parachute drop from the c-130 near the target island of note it is a high altitude high opening jump rather than a high altitude low opening jump and our infill location can be found up north just to the west of uh the isla de liberty dad so that's where we're gonna depart the aircraft the moment that we get out of that aircraft everyone is going to open their parachutes we're going to take off during daylight hours during our transit time the sun is going to go down we'll be exiting the aircraft at night so you'll be jumping under nods and then we'll kind of assess the loom once we're out of the aircraft after we depart the aircraft we're going to begin flying to our drop zone which is approximately 1500 meters to the southwest located in vicinity spot elevation 220 and spot elevation 219 and that's at 062071 grid just to the west of the production camp that'll get us into town the reason we're choosing to do a high altitude high opening rather than a high altitude low opening is because it allows us to keep our c-130 offset from the island means we're gonna be able to get out of the aircraft fly all the way in very quietly without the cartel members realizing that we're infilling into a territory that they're not expecting us to be at once we're on ground there's three objectives that we have to accomplish the primary objective is to kill a high value individual this is a cartel leader that objective is genie so kill hvi or hvt genie the second is to just destroy cartel supply depot located on the map located at the production camp the way that we're gonna accomplish this is after we land on the ground at the dz the entire force will move to and establish overwatch of the production camp we're going to enter and clear the compound at the production camp probably end up having to take out several cartel members while we're there and then once we're inside set charges to destroy the means of production at that spot if you reference the satellite imagery in the intel packet you can see the depot is located looks like about 250 to 300 meters to the north of the something that's identified as a possible checkpoint so there's a compound wall surrounding that depot at nearly 360 degrees the breach seems to be open to the west and so we're likely going to end up having to make entry from the west side the goal is going to be to get into the depot quietly if we have to kill people do it suppressed get charges set on all the means of production in that depot and then depart without raising the suspicions of the checkpoint that is located to the south looking back now at the big map once we are clear and secure at the production camp we have our demo charges set we've tied those demo charges to our means of initiating them we'll move on foot from production camp back towards our secondary objective or our primary objective happening second which is to kill objective genie we're gonna move to and establish a hide site at what is indicated on the map is the possible vantage point um isr indicates that we've got a position of advantage there we're gonna be able to see all the way to that hvi he's expected to be meeting with some of his compatriots and so there's going to be other cartel leaders there they're going to have foot soldiers there and it's directly adjacent to that cathedral so it should be a pretty significant piece of terrain that we're able to spot if you go back to the intel packet and you uh you move to the next slide where you can actually see the hvt's location marked you can see that he is expected to be located on the northeast side of that cathedral which is the side opposite of the uh the tower there the uh that's on the cathedral so if you need a quick reference that's where that meeting's supposed to be located there's a footpath that moves from the cathedral uh to the south and uh and there's also roads moving in and out of the area so we don't know exactly where he's gonna go but we're hoping that if we establish that vantage point to the north we're gonna have good eyes all the way to where that uh that individual is located once we move to an established at that possible vantage point we're going to observe this meeting occurring and at the earliest opportunity and on my order we will initiate with precision fires from echo to kill that high value individual simultaneously we will engage the rest of the enemy force that is located there and i'll give some fire instructions on how that's going to go down but what you can kind of expect is i tell echo to shoot the bad guy that we want to kill first in the face i have half of our four start working their way from the left to the right and the other half working from the right to the left we destroy that entire enemy element as fast as possible and then simultaneously because we just voluntarily compromised ourselves we will detonate the charges that we left back at the production camp to add chaos to the situation and help give us some deception and prevent the enemy from understanding exactly how many of their uh how many of us are on the ground amidst that chaos once we've achieved all of our mission objectives will move back to the north on foot staying west of our dz moving north past spot elevation 189 and 156 and arrive to the extraction point where the swick boats will move to and secure us and then we will flush from that extraction point to the uss liberty which is a friendly vessel about two and a half miles offshore but over the horizon to the north any questions on the scheme of maneuver all right leveling out get ready to drop three two one go go go all right all right we're uh i'm counting parachutes one two three four five six seven eight with me we're up copy that looks like you're missing one we got uh one one drop down roger looks like we lost uh echo there i don't know if i'm gonna be able to revive him could have had you maybe throw on a strobe here yep heading uh south guys i was first out looks like i'm furthest west if you check your compass i'm far north of you guys and i got visual ground roger i'm nearing the ground now guys should be first with my boots on the ground i'm gonna set it down just north of the dz we've got some flat high ground up here with good observation on the uh production facility about 30 meters off the ground now in the flare so you coming in uh west east pressure on yourself one two let's get 360 wait for everybody else i see one canopy still high two three a pocky's on ground gotcha everybody up mm-hmm what's up all right we're moving east nice and slow let me crest this hill real slow we should have eyes on here in just a second no oh yes now i do echo if you can get eyes on down there please i think i see the checkpoint guys hold what you got let me get sniper and a light machine gun on me machine gun deploy left side sniper to play right side get eyes bearing 8-0 300 meters low i believe that's our checkpoint roger do not engage weapons tight hold what you got if you're not that sniper that machine gun the rest of us are pushing right and high send a set rep on what you see there echo and gun bird win able no movement so far two targets on a in a technical one driving one on the gun i got one target standing armed at sandbags acknowledge i've got eyes on packs down there yeah i think i do as well i see make that one is that a mortar tube i can't tell what that is a chair i can't either hey uh i go gunverger so you're tracking two y'all's right another 25 degrees currently concealed between you and terrain there's a little encampment with at least two adult males armed standing around a campfire that's in addition to the four packs you observe to say the technical at the checkpoint zeus this is sultan sitrip follows currently have eyes on six packs across two locations vicinity checkpoint we have a heavy weapon system and then the rest is light infantry we're moving to the first objective right now send it i was wrong no target driving the technical only one on the back however there was another thermal signature that i did not spot appears to be armed understood all right rest of the assault force on me all right hey uh gunbird and echo are you both set and you have eyes on the checkpoint the encampment and the depot does that you see the two packs up on the hill by the two tanks i see the left one has a gun right one eye and go and gun here to cover our movement echo your priority target is going to be the armed guard that is on the left side of that half wall on the east side of the objective you understand those guys on the tens they have roger and then gunbird your primary task is going to be to prevent the enemy that are located at the encampment deep from encroaching on us as well as destroying any elements that move against us from a counter-attack down at that checkpoint got it roger all right everyone else we're breaking down we're moving past them to the right moving through the low ground down down towards the objective we're gonna end up having to take out the enemies at that encampment first before we go into the compound and then once we're in the compound we're gonna have civilians in there to deal with frankly i don't know what that mechanic how that works fodder please help me uh and then uh yeah it'll buff from there yeah we can tell them to go away or we can uh we can flex cuff them and try to take them with us if we want if anyone brought flex cuffs i don't know if we have flex cuts or not assault forces on the move again we're moving to establish our attack by fire position on this encampment send a sit rep on the uh compound itself when you can't echo no change on compound roger i don't want to commit this to that number no change on encampment or checkpoint either software's get on line my left and right enemy has a bunch of concealment here unfortunately but i don't want to push us across this open area all right assault force is set we're going to go quiet here guys it's going to stay quiet fire suppress shots only machine guns without suppressors are cleared only if they witness that counter attack coming from the reinforcing checkpoint do you have good eyes on the half wall echo yep roger on you i want you to engage that half wall simultaneously we're looking for shots of opportunity on the encampment as soon as you're done with that guy at the halfway i want you to transition to the encampment call whenever you're ready and let us know when you're firing three two one mark second guy's moving we clear for lasers on roger you're good to go lasers on you're good to engage targets that are located in that campground guys if you see him i count roger and the camp in front of us on our list i count both down there roger maintain security on the compound we're going to clear through this camp and after that collapse to the compound i have someone getting in the vehicle at the checkpoint roger you're clear to engage if you sprint roger you're cleared hot on that vehicle you hear a truck approaching us from north understood roger we still might have a guy alive gone window second floor truck seems to be available target down understood stop force depending he's either down or incapacitated i'm holding left i've got thermals he's still up with you looks like this cap's clear roger camp's clear we're gonna establish it counter attack all right confirm that that counter attack is defeated down down down down roger we're moving to camp cover us from that counter attack we're moving to breach everyone prep frags stand by to move the bridge correction there's one target hangers and stand by the breach don't ignore me you want to kill lights yeah go ahead we're making the kind down dark i got a bang already all known tangos who are at the checkpoint are down roger clear cons from the overwatch position we need him down here just call it for an imminent danger roger give me a two-stack that's going to go right and clear the compound and then everyone behind me we're going to go deep i've got one mover here that's a civilian on my laser my front father you see him roger civilians moving back left guys back left he's right there on my lace we got one civilian back left corner of the compound all right uh left stack go ahead and enter and clear the compound i'm with you we got a salter's movement to breach we got you guys covered civilians civilian on my way got a city heading towards the bridge eyes on we got a rear door we're in now roger we have one square to part in the compound uh he's still pushing 190 roger i'm with you another one down here zeus this is sultan i'm high low with you don't stand two enemies down on the town uh on the building zeus this is sultan we have troops in contact at the first objective so far we've engaged and destroyed incoming vehicles six enemy combatants and we're about to engage a vehicle stay where that vehicle is coming from southeast of our position same location as previous let's head towards the uh freaking camp on my lane uh roger where we came from all right everyone get inside the compound get second level dismounted infantry on the hillside roger everyone getting the compound in the compound response police forces police forces all right folks we've just killed some local government officials we need to get the hell out of here go ahead and finish clearing it let's get these demo charges down and get off the x aside i'm out we're being engaged on the hill roger bring contact if you have to what's the enemy where are they coming from charges down guys southeast let's go i'm getting the building down get in the building building and the truck uh yeah and uh the means of production so all these materials is down let's get him treated if we can we'll be back up there very shortly mike alert on these guys he's got a gun on my legs on the hill i need a direction brother all my lays on the hill south so same direction as they all been coming i'm lassoing him right now i got one of my lays right there talk to me about that you see that right there there's two on the hill i'm dropping this guy yeah i've got multiple echo around your legs keep working demo let me know when you're done there might be some guy entering the campaign from southern side be careful on the ridgeline fighter let me know when you're done uh all right we need one more demo charge before we get off this objective guys i thought you had one right guys we're exhaling bearing two four zero there's an open breach at the back guys open reach at the back roger we're coming around the left side right here uh i got a car he's crawling right next to you heads up just well keep your eye on that guy he's he's going to touch you he's he's he's going through your pack right now he's going to steal all your [ __ ] just steal all your dip dude all right we're working our way up this goddamn mountain echo if you could slide to uh approximately you're i don't know down the hill we're gonna we're moving south from here so we don't have to walk straight up this damn mountain if you could move uh southwest ish meet us in the saddle also if is gunber dead dead or can you treat him i think he's dead dead roger continue west right along the zero six nine gridline mm-hmm softwares as soon as you get into this low ground this little folded terrain will hold here for stem and let go move up if i could get guns up on that uh high ground pulling long security frack i appreciate it there's an armed contact on that trail that leads to the church vehicle understood hey vehicle guys vehicle getting veg seuss to sold weapons tight zeus sultan send it is now overhead it looks like the uh town is lit up like christmas tree right now got a lot of heat signatures moving around down there understood do you have eyes on my location roger current grid zero six zero zero six eight for reference that's northeastern portion about to make entry into the village what copy that i've got showing thermal i understood if you could just uh keep a uh do rap scans for us and just clean us as we try to move to that observation post that's previously planned in the mission products software's on the move folks let me know when you appeal past roger passed get picking up roger just want to get to the back side of this building over here and get out of the open guys echo you're good to break down move to us position is east roger east the second closest building to you on gps negative negative move it uh south into that next to the buildings hold the corner for me please copy i got it man this time is a really active nightlife [Laughter] i'd love to party here man come on hey firm they're just to the west of that marker right here all right hey guys since we've been hard compromised we're going to hard clear through that to our op occupy op killer people and get out of here as fast as we can so let's hold this corner we're going to press through that open wall that half wall to our front and start where we think that qrf is at roger all right we're on the we're on the corner we got two on the corner and a high lock and i have everyone else with me you three four yeah i know all right we're about to cross guys crossing crossing crossing hold security left and then cross coverage through the compound if you were holding the corner go ahead and collapse to us stand by to move through the half wall we're here holding left here push so they call last man for me i will i will call it flow all right collapse don't hug the wall tree zeus send it be advised you've got a few heat signatures on the opposite side of that building i understood is that the qrf you're talking about negative negative it's three individual not able to tell if there are south of the building a firm south of the building immediate outside of building europe roger all right stack left and right cross coverage prepare to slide copy i'm with you nick recommend lasers on right here slide slide move pushing watch fun i got you right i got you right i got you right come back up i got police on my lace us do you want me to drop him guys can you flip that i don't see that corner take it you want me to drop him nick go ahead and hit him yeah roger i got a fuel truck far nick hold what you got i'm holding i've got everyone else crossed copy moving okay crossing going to this position we've had to eliminate one of the individuals you called south of [ __ ] bush watching west continuing to move south through that enemy qrf break break be advised there's a dude in my telephone stop stop stop what civilian the civilian good cross coverage folks let me know when you said nicole i will push come up trade again unless you want to take point with a pistol let me uh yeah i'm good i'm up i gotta unarmed cop right side heads up with you zeus assault send it you've got multiple hostiles approaching the rear of your building which you're right roger you're gonna have civilian down on the ground center north east of your location i've got multiple right you're normal pushing northeast towards you i need someone to take my left corner if i flip right there ready all right ready on three one two three flipping noise right clear right all right folks we're collapsing south through the op collapse back south towards the op we don't need to get entangled in the giant gunfight here unless we absolutely have to we're pushing back to the center yep he just uh had a heart attack i guess there was civvies all over us oh we're [ __ ] went down you got him behind the van gun rear pushing looking at me need to reload i'll get myself i'll get myself keep your gun up i'm holding it i'm back i'm injured i need to fix myself i'm fine apparently okay hold up hi uh do you need do you need medical i got you yeah my leg is fractured i hope i'm stopping your bleeding right now yeah we need to move as soon as karma's good remember he's bleeding right now hold up i'm getting epoxy yeah it's good pocky is good all right i'm sliding i'm pushing i'm pushing i'm pushing keep going keep going keep going i'm holding the corner keep going yep keep pushing keep pushing you're going keep going keep going last man i got you i'm moving okay and watch it clear go uh [ __ ] last man whoever that is on the corner and get down last night it's a fuel truck [Applause] jesus christ okay same across what the this [ __ ] that was righteous nice man roger northwest this is a mess all right guys this is our spot we should have good eyes from here okay can i get you uh let's slide past you karma call me echo can i get you in the prone here looking straight down this long danger area everyone else left and right security spread out there and hvt hey give me other guns over here right now i'm on the corner to your left i'm watching stairwell here karma can i get you with me with your oh wait maybe it's back it's back that's good right here understood uh careful on that garage door wall guys if you're not if you don't have to be there don't be there who is that all right hey uh can i get karma over here as well to get eyes on this patrol coming down the road do you have eyes on arm packs there as well is coming down roger you are cleared hot on the hvi if you see him hp has left in the brush no ice he's left in the brush no wise he's behind the rock now on my laser i think can't tell no civ civvy who's that that's him that's him roger that match his description zeus this is sultan go ahead we've engaged and destroyed four combatants that were departing the church believe one of them to be the hvi can you confirm via isr that the enemy we eliminated is the one that we had earlier on is ours the hvi unarmed cop right did you also get the secondary target squared out with them roger we believe that we've engaged that entire patrol affirmative looks like i got one more move we're pretty close to you by the edge of the road looking for a direction also south unarmed police officers paw patrol came through roger looks like he's under copper and a great contact out of here before it gets too hot and moved to expo copy that break [ __ ] decks yeah go ahead and touch off those charges i think you're questioning from sultan we're touching off demo charges at the production facility right now i'm sliding in front of you funny one that's that's it right there okay i'm crossing karma puppy or are we pulling back oh no pairs what what which way we're going off the x let's go okay reverse it reverse it reverse it okay i got rear copy those are all secondaries all right we're crossing guys go ahead and click okay last man here cross cross cross we're moving straight north out of town south left zeus assault on my lace i'm watching right troops in contact one enemy kia i'll come back in a second sultan wait one all right go crouch hilo get across get across get across guys i got you guys right just keep pushing paris call last man you're lost last man let's go let's go good to push don't contact on the street don't get bogged down right we're running keep going keep going keep going call us call us call us suppressing let's keep going we're moving last man everyone crossed let's go all right someone call last man when they pass me let me call last name oh there you got him oh you guys are just coming across last man nick seuss assault and come in sultan's new sent it be advised you've got two victs approaching you from the north they're coming along the uh northern dirt road towards the town understood keep pushing north guys we're gonna be getting a lot of movement all over the island try to get up on that high ground if we can karma copy you want to commandeer any vehicles if we come across any or no just run it if we can take a vehicle i'll take it i just don't know if we have enough seats coffee assault will be advised liberty is deploying your swift boats vehicle on the road be prepared to engage keep pushing north keep pushing north this guy stopping get off the road recommend we take the van roger let's get in the van fodder's driving hello uh wick southwest same vic as this one coming in from the other side careful watch for dismount watch it oh i guess we're just gone it's fine it's fine it's fine jesus christ well wrong good yep yeah roger i think echo and i were the closest i need stumpy to break soon i'm red yeah i'm just trying to get us to the top of this hill before we take stamp i'll flip around and pull rear all right first man's top of the hill we'll take a stand break here i guess that was exciting watching it watching west i got another vic that was load i got guns guns guns on my legs i don't know if they see us yet that's a lot a lot a lot a lot roger drop the driver echo we need wrench oh nice nice hit okay i'm dropping two more on him roger right side security please i'm gonna back up and i'm gonna go around you guys to the left right on that rear we're good we're good we're oh yeah good good effect all right let's get the [ __ ] out of here keep moving north we gotta get away from these big boons we're moving let's get a head count karma up one two three four five six seven we got seven packs we're moving zeus from sultan we are out of the town moving north to exville we've engaged and destroyed three vehicles and approximately 17 packs in the process estimated arrival to our ex-fill hlz correction xville blz approximately one five mics all right stand break are you guys sucking on stammer is that just me uh no we're second notes damn uh we could uh nevermind send it you've got two trucks converging on your projected lz one coming from the west along the dirt road and one coming from the east roger all um are we able to make an alternate or is that untenable based off of zwick already being 500 meters off the coast all right what the [ __ ] is that right here so mark 19. okay we've got finally mark 19 to our front positive copy you're good to go roger all right we're moving to connect link up with swic understand they're engaging those two vehicles you just identified on the road i don't feel like i'm about to get hypoxia from these swicks [Laughter] these ricochets has been dreaming about this moment for his whole life uh paris needs another stand break just strip down and go in your undies ready to carry you you carrying anything in there you got some war souvenirs you got some ak's in there what are you carrying shot in the [ __ ] head earlier got all the all that cocaine in there yeah not everything was destroyed uh are those friendly or i don't think so those look like hostels got guns got guns north i'm engaging zeus from sultan we're troops in contact near our ex-fill zone engaging right now trying to clean it before we move to link up the switch out roger that's running far he's got a paper do it again he's down i got him nice of the truck still up or is he down uh just double tap him for sure you know left left wheel left wheel driver's side driver's side left wheel he's still up he's now he's dead we get one more 40. more vehicles approaching from the west understood from the west eyes on the headlights from the west 320. to your left to your left they're on the secondary road that's below the ridge heads up roger is that a boat [ __ ] was that swift that just got destroyed zeus they just blew up on the [ __ ] uh vans on the road however it does look like some of the swift personnel have disembarked to try to secure the area in front looks like they have casualties is hey i'm low on mags anyone got a and we got a spare mag i'm i'm black on primary guys i'm on my secondary all right we're hurting on ammo trying to get to these boats man oh [ __ ] swift's engaging us looks like we got two three down pick up and pull them back swix engaging uh the enemies near here grab a boo jesus christ that's bad pid there okay i'm working on boo can we just get to the freaking boat i'm throwing my strobe on so i'll get [ __ ] lit up again you got him uh he needs a lot of help i'm gonna pack him in a good way he's got a pair of pairs he's dead down as as well all right this is karma taking lead zeus this is [ __ ] zeus is lead we got three friendly k we're moving to the shore now on me copy that yeah for whatever reason i cannot interact with you i got him i got him just trying to get the limbs bandaged my freaking body don't have a [ __ ] tourniquet oh [ __ ] i'm getting your right arm oh no that's not what i want to do almost injected you with morphine you got your torso who is this boxia let's get let's get ready to move here i'm out of primary we gotta roll all right let's go let's go let's go let's go move around so much is the problem i can't use h menu jesus christ zeus this is a new lead do you have eyes on us and visit in relation to the swift bus hey firm swift boats are northwest to your location parked on the beach roger we're moving now here uh hypoxia take point i've got a pistol so yeah i got you media bag karma um it's fine we're almost here i'd rather just send it and get the [ __ ] off this island you shoot too much honestly yeah control steel if i'm saying we can all control c [ __ ] how far is this boat do you have eyes i have eyes on the boat just slow walking 100 meters yeah i'm gonna hold back with echo if you guys want to go make contact with the boat we're we're we're we're like 10 meters off of it oh okay what's that guy i think it's friendly where's that friendly i think it's friendly it's friendly it's sweet crew all right mount up in this swick on the right mount up in the first mount up in the first week the second swing is crewless yeah we got a lot of friendly k down here do you have any chargers we could blow it with or let's just get out we made a lot of noise i just hit it with the mini kind of bunch i've got a charge don't worry about it i'm not sure there's a driver in this one there is unless he's dead is he dead must be if i can go driver's seat here that's the navigator back there so no i saw someone up there we all in hey firm zeus this is lead we're leaving now we're gonna detonate this swift behind us all right echo you're good whenever i hope you guys enjoyed today's video and as always a special thank you to my channel members if you want to get priority access to special gaming events and sessions make sure you check out that blue john button down below also guys just a reminder that you can buy any of the games i play and our merch at while supporting the channel directly and just a reminder if you are looking for people to buddy up with and play with make sure you find your friends at karma cut but that's all i've got for you guys today i do hope you enjoyed today's video don't forget to like comment and subscribe for more content and until next time good hunting out there
Channel: Karmakut
Views: 82,849
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: karmakut, arma 3, REALISTIC COVERT CARTEL TAKEDOWN
Id: vnICMCIy-T8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 57sec (3057 seconds)
Published: Tue May 25 2021
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