How To Start A CLOTHING BRAND on a BUDGET ($50) With A.I.

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what's going on guys in this video we're diving into how to start a clothing brand with less than $50 and the beauty about this is that the majority of the budget is actually going to go into the making of your product because throughout this video we're going to be showing tools and resources that are free to lowc cost to start and the best part about this is that they're run with artificial intelligence that's right we're diving into AI tools that are going to help you launch and grow your business now regardless of whether you're just getting started or you're already experienced and are selling something online there are three things I've heard over the years that can continue to hold True to this day and I want to share it with you right now the first is that you need to be extremely clear about what it is that you want to accomplish and then you need to identify what you're missing that will help get you there you need to be able to bridge that gap between where you're at and where you want to go and it's okay that you don't have all this figured out yet because throughout this video we're going to be giving you guys a step-by-step guide to help you work through this but ultimately it's up to you to identify what skill sets relationships or things that you need to personally develop that will help get you closer to your goals which is why it's also important that you get into the habit of tracking your progress and reflecting regularly Now by reflecting it'll allow you to see how far you've come where you've made mistakes and the things that you need to improve on cuz with Clarity the rest of the pieces will start clicking together like the puzzle including the most common question we get on this channel and that's what should your brand name be now I want to start off by saying creating a brand is more than just slapping a logo and a name onto a T-shirt and calling it quits and in previous videos I've talked about how your brand name should be connected to you as a Creator to be authentic and this still holds true but I do have people coming up and saying hey just use your own name for the brand and they aren't wrong either because if Polo Ralph Lauren did it then so can you but I challenge you to just be a little more creative than that guys cuz even the man Ralph Lauren reinvented his entire image and you guess what the name on his birth certificate was Ralph lipshits which is not a very marketable name to put on a clothing line so if you're struggling with coming up with a name this is the first AI tool that I recommend recommend you use and that's chat GPT with chat GPT you'll be able to enter in your target market your Niche audience and then start asking questions about what names they would prefer for that market this tool will help you start narrowing your ideas and get you some Concepts But ultimately it's going to be up to you to figure out what the end goal is but before you go into the next step of the process which is trademarking the one name that you like in is catchy you should also know that the best name for a brand is the one that fits within that market in our example with Polo Ralph Lauren this was a name that was easy to understand and you immediately knew who this was for now you may not know this but at the time of the brand exception the Polo sport and lifestyle was gaining popularity again icons such as Walt Disney had been associated with the sport in the 30s and it was defined by elegance and luxury now Ralph Lauren capitalized on this movement and created a legacy with this brand that To This Day brings us back to simpler times I share this to say that you should attempt to position your brand name today for success but don't box yourself too much and give it room to grow and evolve over time now Chad GPT is going to be a great assistant but it won't be able to make the final decision that'll be completely up to you and once you finally decide on a name the next step is in trademarking it you want to legally verify if you can own that Mark and a trademark is essentially a mark That's issued by a country that you live in that gives you the right to use that name for your brand to look up the name on your own to see if it's available all you got to do is head on over to the head there to see if there's any active marks now through the USPTO you can actually attempt to register it yourself and the USPTO YouTube channel which I'm going to link in the description down below has a lot of details to help you do that but I want to disclaim that if you are planning to invest real money into this business I do recommend that you use a trademark attorney now the reason for this is that by reaching out to an attorney they can literally do a quick check and give you a green light or give you a cautious answer meaning if they say hey this you might run into problems chances are you may run into problems with the filing so you should proceed with caution now some of the most common issues that happen with the trademark process is that somebody may already own the name for a different product category say for example you want to register it for t-shirts and garments but you find that somebody might own it in underwear or in another product category it could be argued that they're planning to expand into that product category so you'll run into some legal battles there to own it another common issues that you may run across is people saying that hey that name sounds familiar to my name and if that comes up you have to defend the application and you have to go out of your way to do that having a lawyer on your application actually prevents a lot of these issues because they know that if they're going to dispute anything they actually have to go through a legal process and if you'd like us to do a future video on trademarks leave a comment down there that says trademark please maybe I'll bring a good trademark attorney to talk a little bit more about how this affects clothing brands because as a disclaimer anything I share legally here is not legal advice so if you do want legal advice we're going to link some resources in the description right down below which is located right below the that subscribe button so if you enjoyed it so far hit that subscribe and then open up those descriptions to find all the resources that we're going to share in this video and now that you have a name that you're happy with it's time to legitimize a business now in a recent video we actually did a detailed dive into the differences between all the legal structures we're going to discuss and just do a little quick recap on we'll link the video and the cards right up above because in this video I just want to help you visualize how so proprietorship partnership LLC and corporations work and the type of businesses that use these structures to help you decide what route you should start exploring again you should consult with the CPA on your personal finances to make the final route now the cheapest route is usually the sole proprietor route and in Nevada it costs you $20 to register as a business now this model is very similar to signing up to a door Dash or Uber Eats as a delivery driver you're essentially just registering with your state that hey I am going to start conducting business and the money that you generate can flow directly into your personal bank account now if you have no assets or things to be concerned of this is a great great way to start in order to prove things out and for the sake of this tutorial because in Most states you can get started with $20 we're going to put a $20 budget in order to start your business now the next legal structure is Partnerships and Partnerships are essentially like a sole proprietor except now there's two or more people involved now everything is still registered under your personal information and the liability is now split amongst the owners personally now businesses that usually do this type of structure are Mom and Pop shops where a lot of times family members will come in and front some money or maybe put a loan towards the business in order to help out which leads us into the next legal structure and that's llc's now llc's are completely different entities that are not attached to your personal credit or your assets so if you're planning on investing money into this business over the next 3 to 5 years then this is potentially a route that you should look into businesses that typically operate as an LLC include clothing brands got manufacturing businesses real estate and really any business where you may be giving Equity to people to help you actually start it or grow it and the reason why llc's are so popular is because they're super simple and straightforward to manage it's almost like running a partnership but it gives you some of the benefits of a corporation because corporations are formed in order to raise money a little bit easier due to how the legal structure set up in a corporation the owners can own shares they don't own actual equity and there's actually different classes of shares and each of those shares have rules about how much voting rights you have or how much say you have in the business now for this reason most corporations are usually tech companies and international businesses or businesses that are looking to go public or get bought out but what's important to note is that you do also need to get a registered agent in the business this is somebody that's going to be actually receiving a lot of the letters and corporate paperwork now you can sometimes do this through a registered mail forwarding address a lot of these mail forwarding addresses have this as a service so you should look into getting a mail forwarding address so you're not putting your personal address out for the world to see because anything that you submit through your state is public information so a mail forwarding address a registered agent you'll be able to start registering your business regardless of what entity type you're looking into and with your business structure set next up is in getting your EIN number which you can actually do through the just make sure you guys actually go to the real Government website and just fill out that survey and with that you can now get your wholesale license and doing business as certificate which leads us into selling online now in order to sell online you have two options either you're going to sell on a Marketplace or you're going to sell direct to your customer now if you're selling a niche product or custom designs for a niche market then you should consider selling on platforms such as Etsy that have a lot of Niche audiences as well as Tik Tok shop that have a whole different audience bace marketplaces are great as they have a pre-built audience that's looking to buy something unique but if you're actually starting up your own brand and you want to manage your entire sales Channel and you want to grow this to be the next multi-million dollar business then you need to launch your own e-commerce store now to launch this you will need a domain M name and a place to host your website now the best place to host your website is hands down going to be Shopify guys they have all the apps they have all the resources they have all the logistical backend to actually help you grow and some of the biggest brands and businesses are using them today now you can get started for free or even for a dollar for a 30-day trial we're going to link a special offer in the description down below I appreciate every single one of you guys who used that link as it helps us make more videos like this now in order to get a domain you have two options as well you can either buy it directly from Shopify or you could buy it from a domain host a domain hosting provider will essentially allow you to store your domain name there and you can point it to Shopify and the benefits of using a domain host provider is that you could buy multiple domain names so let's say you're thinking about starting this brand maybe you're going to have another website an app a community whatever it is having a domain host comes in clutch because you can store all your domains there now to get started a really good domain hosting platform is actually name cheep name Che is in incredible because it actually has domain names for $2 you can literally start buying Dooms for just $2 each now you can get started to the links that we have down below now when it comes to pointing the link it's really easy when it comes to using a platform like name chep all you got to do is go into the DNS settings and actually just select Shopify as the platform that you want the domain to point to this means that whenever somebody types in your www.y your brand name it's actually going to be pulling up the Shopify website and through Shopify all you got to do is go into the settings tab and then just hit link a domain name and with those two things completed you now literally have a domain that's connected to Shopify and you're good to start selling online now when it comes to selling online you have two goals the first is to drive traffic and the second is to convert that traffic into paying customers now the challenge that most brand owners actually face is in getting sales online but ultimately it boils down into those two things so if you're just getting started you have to identify and start game plan planning how you'll be getting the right traffic to your site in order to give it a chance to convert now we'll cover a little bit more about what this means later on in this video but you have to keep this in mind because once you start getting traffic and if you're not seeing conversions it becomes more of a little science game that you have to figure out you have to quickly find out if you have the right product is your site designed correctly to make purchasing easy or maybe your offering isn't being communicated well enough for people to understand the value of what you're selling now this is where Ai and e-commerce come together beautifully because there's now tools being created to help you improve conversions and what this means is that it's saving you tons of hours and trying to figure out do you have the right product listing do you have the right product offering it actually gives you a lot of data and helps you advance and make a better e-commerce store today with an app such as help me choose AI you have a virtual assistant that will actually guide your customer just like a good retail store assistant does it asks only the right questions in order to build a detailed profile of each customer's needs and prefer references and the beauty about this program is that it connects directly to your Shopify store and it starts to make personalized recommendations for each customer which this essentially means guys is that you have a personal assistant selling and helping guide the purchasing decision now the beauty about this is that you can install this in just one click you can actually start helping improve your conversions of your traffic immediately now if everything I just mentioned went right over your head I want to show you what this all means right now now when it comes to shopping online you have to understand that most customers are confused by your product offering and often times these questions can't be answered on the FAQ or even the product listing so customers usually leave now this is where a tool such as help me choose AI comes into play now the example website that we're looking at right now actually has this tool installed on their site and now if I click on this quiz it actually helps me interact with a brand and the brand is asking me questions to help me filter what I may need because as you can see on their site they got hundreds if not thousands of different products and this can be an overwhelming amount of choices the AI quiz created questions to help me as a customer narrow down the style and fit according to my body type and it also shows me some options now what's really cool is that it also shared a discount code here that I can use at checkout now this is the power of using a tool such as help me choose AI as it helps you build a relationship with the customer and also lowers the barrier to purchase to accomplish something like this before your e-commerce business needed custom coding in a huge budget but with this being run by AI now it's super easy for anyone to access now help me choose AI comes with a 30-day free trial we're going to link in the description right down below and after you connect it to your Shopify store you can either do a one-click install which quickly creates a quiz or you can configure it to your liking to better assist the AI to take over now this app works great for brands that have a large selection of products to choose from or brands that have products with very unique features that may need some explanation or personal selling to help that customer make that final decision of purchase what's really cool about this service is that you can also help lead some of the responses to point customers to products that have higher margin and much more now the best part about all of this is that it's free to install so you can start testing it out immediately to see if it's going to work for your business we're including links in the description down below for you to start now another Major Tool that you need to consider adding to your e-commerce mix is email and SMS captures now this may sound super old school but trust me these are hugely underrated tools that provide some of the best Returns on your investment because if you think about it everyone and they masam has an email address I know my mom does and if you can capture them with a one-time discount they're now show intent on purchasing either right now or in the near future so your goal as an entrepreneur is to create a nice welcome onboarding series that tells the story of your brand what you stand for and the transformation that they're going to experience by purchasing your products now to do this correctly I highly encourage that you check out some of the brands that inspired you to get started sign up to their email list see the examples of how they welcome you into their Community get inspired don't cop happy get inspired and recreate something that resonates with you and that could resonate with your audience but I do have to say guys emo will only work if you stay consistent in sending now to start working on email campaigns you can start using shopify's included email service honestly this is really easy and super inexpensive to use but once you are ready to scale I do recommend that you choose a platform that gives you more control and ability to segment your customers and also add automations now some of the top email platforms include clavio and MailChimp clavio really is designed for e-commerce MailChimp was almost a catchall but it is coming up with some tools that I find pretty impressive and if you'd like us to do a deep dive into email campaign and marketing I want you to comment send it to the internet down below now remember what I said about 1% better every day it's about compounding all your efforts and as you start to do this guys what ultimately is going to happen is you're going to get more traffic to your store and as you get more traffic and you start to get some sales the goal is to optimize every aspect of the experience to help convert that traffic into more sales so if a customer doesn't buy the first time they land can you get them to buy in the email that you have as a follow-up that you wrote one of the most overlooked sections of an e-commerce store is really the product listing which is what the customer will ultimately read before they check out and the key to writing effectively for this part is to think about what your ideal customer needs and write that in a way that appeals to them directly you have good imagery for the product but you don't sell it through with the description you're leaving a lot of money on the table but in order to write good copy it takes a lot of time especially as you start to grow your catalog which is where convert mate comes into play now this is another AI tool that comes into play to assist you in Saving Time and maximizing your results what convert mate actually does is that it optimizes and changes the copy the words on your website and tailor it to the potential customer it'll change title it'll swap out images and it'll write incredible product description now this tool really Powers e-commerce brands of any size and I want to show you guys really quickly how it works it's available as a Shopify app and after downloading you'll actually be greeted with the welcome screen where it's going to ask you what is your Brand's tone of voice as well as to describe your target market now it's going to take this information to write custom copy so it's important that you think about this it will then give you a snapshot of how it would rewrite a product that you currently have listed I was personally super impressed with the way that it approached this because for the product listing that it chose we actually didn't have a description so it literally wrote something from scratch and once you activate the account it's going to ask you what you need help with now you can ask it to take over the entire process from the SEO to the links or you can be more selective with how much you want to give it access to now once you hit start it's actually going to take a little bit guys this is crazy to think that it's actually upgrading every single listing on your store so if you have one product you got 500 products or you have thousands of products it's actually doing it one by one and upgrading every single listing now this is crazy to think that there's something like this running in the background of your store at any given time time of any given week because it doesn't just do it for the one time it continues to do this to improve your conversions now once it's completed it's actually going to give you a product score for every listing it's going to rank your product through something called a health score and it gives you an add to cart percentage that you can see at a snapshot at a glance you can also see the work that the software is doing and it also gives you suggestions on the improvements that you can make for each listing now convert mate is honestly a game-changing tool for brand owners out there that are thinking about Drop Shipping a library or product so say for instance you start a brand around a signature line that you personally design and maybe you make but then you want to Outsource some products from suppliers in a similar Niche that you may not need to make yourself but you can drop ship you can have convert made take over all of your product listings which will save you hundreds of hours a month depending on how many products that you're planning to offer on your store the beauty about this is that it doesn't just run the one time that you install it it also runs in the background to help improve the sales of your products because it also run run split test which help you decide the winning image and the copy in order to improve your conversions this is literally changing things out to help you improve your sales now this is one way that AI is truly changing the game for e-commerce entrepreneurs guys in Brands such as Don't Panic shoes as using convert mate it helped them grow their online sales without having to do any extra work this e-commerce business uploads hundreds of products every month and the AI actually created every listing and has helped them improve their sales now you can get started for free and they also have plans starting for as low as $15 a month which include up to 500 product listings this is perfect for anyone getting started or looking to grow now we link their special offer in the description down below so you can start converting from all angles because remember guys in order to sell online you need traffic and then you need to convert that traffic and every piece that you optimize by just 1% will be that compounding effect that'll literally increase your chances of growing your Revenue tenfold this is a crazy part about e-commerce guys is that once you start driving traffic it really becomes a numbers game and an optimization game now I want to take a moment to congratulate you for getting to this part of the video because we just laid the foundation for establishing and setting up your e-commerce store for Success now I know that this was a lot of detail thr at you guys but you can always reference back and you can also skip ahead to a section that you may want to visit right now before you exit this video but just keep in mind that I structured this content in a way where each part of it plays into each other so it's best to watch it from start to finish in order to connect everything so get ready to continue taking some notes and let's start off with designing your products there's a lot of options available and one of which is procreate and procreate is a powerful tool with all kinds of features but the main drawback is that you actually need a tablet in order to run it and we all know tablets right now will set you back about a rack in Price Right which is why Adobe has historically been really good tool for brand owners but to be honest right now there's subscription fees at almost $60 per month and it continues to be raised every single year is starting to come at that threshold where it's not really worth it especially because if you're not using it in heavy design every single day the value really isn't there which is the reason why tools such as canva are starting to come up in the market and I see a lot of brand owners using it now I personally really really appreciate canva easiness to use to create social media templates a lot of different Graphics that you just quickly want to mock up but one of the things that's the main drawback there is a production ready art because when it comes to designing for apparel the one thing that you need to know is that you need very specific type of Art in order to get the best quality results and what you're really looking for in a design program is something that allows you to export high resolution graphics with transparent backgrounds but that's not all you also are looking for something that allows you to do some vector-based art because a variety of your print methods are actually going to require this type of art which is where K comes into play and which really cool about KD is that you can actually get started with 0 so there's no budget added to this now KD is essentially a design program that you can access from any device but the main difference between KD and any of the competitors in the market is the ability to have highquality graphic templates which are actually designed for print on demand businesses and apparel Brands this means that any art that you create using KD's templates you actually have a license to use in print production which means that you can use their entire library and you can customize those designs and then quickly start building out your collection and kdo also has a built-in AI design feature that gets you some incredible results and for a limited time they're actually giving everyone that's watching this video a 30-day free trial of the Pro Plan which actually allows you to use the AI designer to customize your art I've linked the special offer in the descriptions right down below for you to get started again this is free and we're actually going to put a $0 price tag for you to get started with art because you have up to 30 days to prove your Concepts but remember remember guys you have to use AI wisely you should consider it as an assistant to help you create designs but you should Master it with your own unique perspective now if this is the first time you create a collection I want to show you the making of a product line and how to create line sheets in order to help you visualize what you're working towards for this example we're going to go with a font based collection here and the beauty is that KD actually allows you to import your own fonts all you got to do is Click import fonts and after you adjust the size and placement of it we're going to be knocking out the color in this design and we're actually just going to create a border around it and then we're going to add the tagline for Street crafter make more than money with this simple design now completed we're actually going to create a new project in order to create the line sheet we talked about we'll start by searching mockups as you can see it gives you a lot of different options you're going to want to select the garments that you want to design on and we will then change their color you could do that easily through just clicking a couple buttons next we're going to import our designs all we did is copied and paste it from the other project board and we're actually going to change it to to White since we're working with black products now we're actually just going to play around with a couple of the placement here that's the beauty about creating a line sheet is that you can verify your design Direction and get feedback from your customers and make any changes that you need before you actually go to production with this but if you want to take it one step further you can also create quality mockups using this feature that's located at the top here you can actually select a model wearing a garment you could change the color of the Garment and you can even export that image so you can use it on your website or social media or you can also choose the flatl photography that you can use for the product listing on your e-commerce store and when it comes to starting a brand having your ideas front and center is the goal guys so make sure you maximize the use of design programs to not only create designs but to create your line sheets and actually use mockups to help you visualize the direction this is so important a lot of times you don't necessarily know if something's going to sell until you put it on paper and you see it in the world because chances are once you actually put it out there you hang it up in your room you might want to make some adjustments to it and by having it on your phone or having it up on your wall you also get an opportunity to get real-time feedback from people that are in your family or your friends or your co-workers getting input from others is a great way to improve your designs and increase the chances of your brand success and once you do get confirmation that your designs are heading in the right direction the next step is to start working with a supplier to make those designs now when it comes to making products you really have two choices the first is to purchase in bulk but you risk going broke this is the very first time that you're starting a brand by placing bulk orders with a print shop it does allow you to cut the cost down and also increase your profit margins as well as your customization options but if you haven't built a solid Community yet or you don't have a guarantee that you're going to sell through you risk losing all the money that you invest in your very first run and we see this time and time again throughout this community so I advise you that unless you have a solid sales channel that guarantees at least 90% of the products are going to sell through you should take an on demand approach because the OnDemand approach allows you to plug into a print shop operation and you can actually leverage all of their printers and software as it connects directly to your Shopify store now anytime that an order is placed on your website it gets routed to that print shots facility and then it gets printed and shipped directly to the End customer and the best part about this model is that the customer has no idea that this came from a print shop as these print on demand companies allow you to customize the shipping labels the clothing labels and a lot of other features that make it feel truly custom to your brand and the beauty about this is that they're doing it one at a time and you don't have to pay for anything until something is sold and when it comes to partnering with a print on demand platform there's two major things that you want to look for the first is in the speed of production now you want to work with a print facility that actually gets your orders out really quickly cuz the faster you can get to the customer the less complaints you're going to receive and the better reviews that your brand is going to get the second is the apparel option option that are available how many different options do they have to truly customize your brand now when it comes to print on demand companies I've linked a variety of them in the description right down below but I wanted to share one that I recently came across that I feel is doing something very special in the market and they're called print Melon now the strength that print melon has is that they have a variety of products for you to choose from with over 500 units and different skews available you're able to print on a variety of different Fabrics as well as accessories now a really cool feature they have is that the print melon connects directly to your Shopify store but instead of it sending you to an external platform where you're going to customize and manage your listings you're actually able to do everything right inside of your Shopify dashboard we'll start by selecting the products that we want to design on now I'm going to order the same design across three different fabric Blends and styles of t-shirts because you got to know something about DTG is that it actually varies based on the fabric that you select so I want to run a test and show you what this means in the moment next thing we'll do is we want to upload a designs on the garments that we selected this is where creating a line sheet comes in hand as you don't have to guess how your collection will look you simply just copy the design right onto the print platform and once you're happy with your selections you can hit save here or publish to your store but print melon also has an added feature where you can add neck labels as well as sleeve prints so what we're going to do is add our neck label design before we place our sample order you can also request to have the product bagged to give it an extra layer of protection and shipping now for this order I'm going to order the same design across three different shirts one of the shirts is going to be polyester the other one is cotton and the third is a tri blend because one of the things that they claim is that they can print directly onto cotton polyester shirts and tri Blends now this is something that most print on demand companies stay away from and the reason for this is that print on demand companies have a printing method called DTG or direct to garment printing think of DTG printer is like a big home printer that you have but instead of it printing on paper and spitting that image out it's actually printing right on top of the T-shirt now DTG printing works best on 100% cotton shirts and the reason for this is that cotton easily absorbs the ink now when it comes to polyester though or any Blends polyester is actually made out of plastic which you can imagine for an ink to stick to it's going to be a little difficult but since they claim that they're able to do this with really good quality I actually placed an order for these three types of shirts and the package just came in earlier this week and I want to see for myself in real time how these came out so I'm going to grab that right now show you guys came in all right moment of truth I placed the three different t-shirts three different fabric Blends which is a challenge for any print on demand company the very first time I actually see them in real life okay this one's interesting the quality of the shirt is really really makes a big difference so I mentioned it in the video I talked about the importance of a blank but what you guys are going to see right now is how that what that translates to now in this first first t-shirt what we have is this is a lower priced tea so this is a little bit cheaper blank the cotton isn't the look at that little detail tiny detail here print melon did an incredible job with actually getting a really good quality print but if you come over to this other shirt what you're going to see is essentially that that print that graphic really Pops in color and the reason for that is the type of cotton that's being used on this shirt versus this shirt this is the Bella canvas one as you can see the colors are more vibrant this one is the Comfort colors it's a good t-shirt it's a lower price but same print method different t-shirt different quality of print this Tri blend also has a really good texture the blends of the fabric are also going to also going to change the graphic of the actual design a little bit this is a tri blend which is 50% polyester cotton and rayon so if you have 100% cotton then and you move it to 100% polyester it's going to have a little bit of a difference I was really surprised with how the polyester 100% polyester Sports shirt came out because this here absolutely knocked it out of the park incredible detail I'm honestly surprised with this polyester shirt print melon definitely exceeded my expectations because I was like you know what let's send the production in let's see what they can do and they honestly killed this one so I highly encourage that you guys check them out especially when it comes to apparel offering because there's a lot of different print on demand companies out there that essentially offer you all kinds of different products but you need to have a core offering of of t-shirts t-shirts and hoodies are something that's that that are needed everywhere so if you can work with a supplier like print melon to just have your core products they have really good price point they have really good turnaround and their print method here absolutely solid and we link the print melon app in the description right down below and I encourage that you guys give their platform a try as I was actually super impressed with the speed of the time that the product got here and their ability to actually print on multiple fabrics and with the samples on hand it's now time to photograph to start your promotion and this is honestly where AI artificial intelligence has changed the game again because in a previous video on the channel we mentioned the importance of having friends people would actually help you create your product photography and your lifestyle shoots if you don't have any make some if you can't make any I guess find some but I'm here to tell you guys that you no longer need friends because a member of our community recently put us onto an AI app called on model that is replacing your friends with professionall look models now on model Works directly on Shopify and you can connect it to your Shopify store and it works in two ways the first way is that it allows you to actually take that product sample that you have put it on the ground just lay it out and then take a photo on your phone then you can upload it onto the site and you can replace that that blank photo that blank t-shirt on the ground with a real model wearing it but the second way which I believe is really going to change the way that product photography and lifestyle photography is done is called Model swap now the way model swap works is that it actually is going to replace whoever is in front of the camera wearing your clothes in this example it's me I put on the t-shirt and I'm actually setting up with some poses here now the cool part is you can take your photos on a backdrop or you can actually create a lifestyle shoot and just take photos anywhere as the AI program actually replaces your face and your features with a whole new model this means that you don't need to get ready with hair or makeup all you need is the outfits and your brand ready to photograph now personally guys I thought this was crazy because it definitely empowers everyone to have professional quality photo shoots using just a phone now everything that we talked about is going to be linked in the description down below I just thought you should know about this really cool app now when it comes to marketing this is really where Clarity in your business and what your brand is about comes full circle you see your marketing activities should resonate with your target audience from the products that you design where you place them how you promote them at the price of which the items sell should all connect to the person that is the ideal customer of your brand now a perfect illustration for marketing for really good marketing to help sell products is Polo ra Floren now we talked about him earlier in the video but his initial strategy to enter the market was not at launching an entire fashion collection in fact it really just started with a simple tie that tie came in various colors it switched out different Fabrics but it essentially had the same manufacturing process and it was also something that couldn't be purchased anywhere else at the time that he launched the ties were actually dle in color all the competitors had just standard colors so his offering stood out in the market and it was something that was fashionable and caught somebody's attention but by selling those ties he got his brand name out he was able to position himself in the market that allowed him to be picked up by retailers across the country and once he had those distribution channels and he had that audience and that customer that already was aware of his brand he started to expand into different categories from women's wear to Athletics to even perfume and cologne you name it Polo Ralph Lauren has done it he had the right product selling at the right places with the right promotion at the price his target audience was willing to pay and as entrepreneurs it's important that you keep this marketing mix in mind you need to know what are you selling who are you selling to and how do you reach the person that's supposed to buy it at the price that they're willing to pay because once you map that out and you have a really good understanding about that you start to see opportunities in your Market your promotional calendar that we talked about working on is going to be flooded with ideas influencers that you should collaborate will start popping up on your feed because you know what to look for and the opportunities to attend the right events to meet your customers or even retail customers are going to start pouring in often times entrepreneurs on this channel are looking for the magic pill when it comes comes to marketing but it all starts with identifying who is your customer and then creating a place for them to gather and connect hopefully that places your brand social Channel your website your Discord group and your chats that you have now the goal with marketing is to get in front of your customers every single day the more you can connect to your audience the higher the chance they're going to be dropping money on your brand and spreading your message to let others hear about it and to increase the free Word of Mouth promotions you can get I highly recommend you start looking into affiliate marketing programs to encourage your audience to share your site and your products now affiliate marketing works by rewarding the customer every time they share a link to your site with a platform such as up promote it connects directly to your Shopify store all you got to do is send them the link to sign up and once they're there they can actually start choosing products that they want to promote and talk about and anytime somebody clicks on the link that they include in that story or on that website you're actually able to reward them with a commission of sales with the percentage of that sale now all the resources that we mentioned in this video are going to be Linked In the description right down below as well as all the chapter marks so you guys could always reference back to a different topic that you may not have connected with you this time that can help you in the future now if you enjoyed this video we appreciate you hitting that subscribe button and turning on that post notification Bell to be alerted a future video drops and before we leave I just want to reconnect exactly what we started with here and that is in finding Clarity in what it is that you want to do because as you're getting started on this journey into entrepreneurship you need to have Clarity in what you want to accomplish then you need to identify exactly where you're at right now the gap between where you want to be and where you are right now is the gap that you need to work on so what skill sets do you need to develop which people do you need to connect with what resources do you need to have you need to identify these things because if you don't identify and start working on that this goal will only be a dream but as soon as you start to connect the pieces every single step that you take gets you closer to your goals and I congratulate you for taking this first step and starting to educate yourself on the process throughout our Channel Channel we have all kinds of information guys you guys can literally browse this library and start connecting the rest of the pieces and if you are interested in starting up a clothing branding you're interested in taking this journey seriously I encourage that you actually check out the free membership group we're going to link right here in this membership group we're going to be doing live streamings q&as as well as free modules and access to education that isn't shared on YouTube and you can access it all from a phone which is really cool now I want to leave this off in saying that entrepreneurship is definitely a spiritual journey so for me I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for God calling me to turn on the camera share this message and continue spreading this word I think entrepreneurship has the opportunity to change millions of people around the world and if you feel the same way I appreciate you if you could share this video with somebody that needs to hear it somebody that needs to see it to help them on their journey and I appreciate every single one of you guys who watched and stuck to the end and if you're interested in starting a luxury clothing brand we actually linked a video right here where we show you how you can make it from home and remember make sure you download the app and start accessing our community right here
Channel: John Santos
Views: 23,744
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to start a clothing line with $0 dollars, how to start a clothing brand, how to start a clothing line, starting a clothing brand, clothing brand, print on demand, dtg, direct to garment, t shirt printing, t shirt business, artificial intelligence, a.i, designing with a.i, starting a luxury brand, luxury clothing brand, print on demand t-shirt business, how to start a clothing brand on a budget $50, how to start a clothing brand with 50 dollars
Id: OhYs3CvgIk4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 0sec (2340 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 04 2023
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