How To Start A Luxury Clothing Brand Using Print On Demand + A.I (With $0)

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today we made it out to downtown L.A to show you  how to make a luxury brand using print on demand   now look haters are going to say it can't  be done but in a previous video we showed   you how to design and Source it and in this  video we're going to show you how to make it   in launch it from the comfort of your home so  grab yourself a quick bite let's get started   luxury and print on demand are typically two words  that don't live together this is because print on   demand is typically associated with cheap and fast  products where luxury is actually something that's   in essential desirable and difficult to obtain  when it comes to print on demand oftentimes what's   associated with this is direct to garment printing  now when it comes to director garment printing it   definitely limits you on the ability of what type  of products you can make and that's the reason why   simple t-shirts are usually the only thing that's  provided there you could do a chest print maybe   a back print but it doesn't truly allow you  to build out a collection So today we're here   at a Fleek with Ian to talk about how transfer  printing is allowing you to build a premium brand   what's up guys pod keeps changing and evolving  this Beast does not sleep so as you guys probably   know like using direct to garment printing that's  not always the print quality that brand owners are   looking for a lot of brand owners have experience  using like screen printing so when they want to   move their production on demand they want a result  that more closely resemble Screen Printing and   transfer printing does that for you you can  also print on just about any type of clothing   item so if it's cloth you can print on anything  almost anything almost anything that's incredible   and then the last thing is you can print in  places that you can never print before unlike   with director garment printing where you have to  load the Garment into the printer with transfer   printing we're just using these heat presses to  transform over so we have a lot more flexibility   in terms of where we can place our artwork what  Ian just mentioned is how transfer printing can   take your branding collection to the next level it  allows for you as a brand owner to place designs   almost anywhere you can imagine and by combining  this with the power to print on demand we're   getting that much closer to being able to make a  luxury brand on demand but it's also important to   know the limitations of this printing method does  it resemble screen printing is a similar quality   to DTG let's find out so I would just use transfer  printing anytime you want to imitate screen   printing results so previously you could really  only use directed garment printing to do on-demand   manufacturing now that you can use transfer  printing I would think about using director   garment printing to imitate like water-based  screen print results and I would think about using   transfer printing to imitate like a pasta salt  type of finish for printing anytime you're looking   for something that's like very very vibrant super  high print opacity extreme durability like those   are all really strong characteristics for transfer  printing so what does this mean for entrepreneurs   starting a brand on a budget well if you've  ever used a print-on-demand company you may have   experienced the quality of printing that wasn't  what you expected because historically director   garment printing was the only method used by  print shops like a Pleak this meant you're at the   mercy of how well the blanks you selected from the  catalog absorb the ink as DTG is more water-based   in nature the ink was absorbed into the fabric  this resulted in a more natural look but it wasn't   as bright when you use certain blanks but now  with transfer printing it opens up the ability   for you to choose almost any kind of blank you  can think of and you'll also get vibrant prints   because the design lays on top of the fabric  and is not absorbed into it but since you're   starting with print on demand and limited to the  suppliers on the site it's crucial to understand   that perception of your brand is everything Brands  like stucy started as a serpent Skate brand with a   simple t-shirt and now they're known as luxury  streetwear brands starting a brand to position   it as perceived luxury is everything and a great  resource to assist is to elevate   you're able to get the best tools and resources  at great prices while giving your customers a   full experience marketing Wise from photography  to email marketing we'll be sharing more on how   this plays out into the making of your brand in  just a moment but for now just keep this in mind   now that you know the capabilities let's see how  this method Works to create a premium brand on   demand through the wig transfer printing works  is first your artwork is printed on this film   and then we use these heat presses to basically  heat up the transfer and place it onto a garment   so transfer printing sounds like it really  gives entrepreneurs and brand owners out there   the ability to hit multiple locations but when it  comes to building a premium brand a lot of times   they also want to do embroidery and embroidery has  been kind of limited in size or options anything   happening that you guys are able to elevate for  people yeah absolutely we have some big news in   embroidery let's go check it out dude big news  because they have something to do with this oh   they got a print on demand facility yeah  no this is a big boy this one will do an   embroidery 12.75 by 12.75 so it's a it's a really  big hoop and uh yeah you could do like this whole   thing as embroidery now that's crazy yeah yeah big  embroideries are now available on demand as well   so like if you want to do like fleece or outerwear  products uh like hoodies crewneck sweatshirts   big embroidery like Primo quality incredible  incredible what's really cool is that we created   some files that were pretty big allowed us to  test this oh we're getting out of here today   we're gonna get it this is incredible man so it  just fits right into this oh yeah just snap right   in an embroidery hit like this can you give us a  range of what a simple text type of design might   cost yeah so with the larger embroideries it  all just comes down to the Stitch count and   it's super it depends on your artwork file um like  maybe an embroidery like that could be like 30 40   000 stitches and it's just priced out by Stitch  so so as you're uploading the design it'll tell   you what the price is yeah so when you upload your  file to the public website and choose embroidery   it'll estimate the Stitch count for you once the  team comes in and does like a final digitization   for you like all the files are digitized by  humans like by hand right you'll get a final   Stitch count got it can you tell us a little bit  about the people are watching they're like What's   the digitization what's the vectorization what's  a monetize you're using big languages how do we   how do we explain what happens in embroidery  because like can you spend the same embroidery   file to to a DTG or a DTF or a little different  what are the what are the sum of limitations so   from the brand owners standpoint all you really  need to know is PNG files you just upload a PNG   file to the website digitizations just a process  where we take that PNG file and we convert it into   a file that the embroidery machines can run so  we're going to go and like dictate hey this is   the type of Stitch that we're going to use this is  where you need a cup that stick you know cut the   thread here's where you have to jump to so it's  just like you're programming the machine it's   machine programming exactly you guys are machine  programmers we are incredible that's digitization   guys machine programming your design into this  thing that makes sense Stitch count means how many   stitches it's taken for this yeah and Stitch count  is just like a really good proxy to understand how   long the file will take to run if you're running  like 50 000 stitches that could be like a hundred   minute file so take 100 minutes for that design to  complete that makes sense yeah that's why it's a   little bit higher price it just takes longer to  make premium hoodies premium embroidery premium   printing let's start making some stuff let's do  it now if you're starting from home you don't   need to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to  purchase the equipment you see in this facility   guys by creating an account through a Pleak you're  able to access their entire catalog and printing   services that they offer from direct to garment  printing embroidery custom labels patches and much   more you can then connect it to your preferred  eCommerce platform which we'll cover in just   a moment now the designs we're submitting for  printing were created in part one of this video   where we showed you how to create a luxury brand  using artificial intelligence so if you missed   that I highly encourage you check it out in the  cards up above or in the description right down   below so we just uploaded the designs to a pleaks  website and now Ian just downloaded them into the   software so from the software it's going to go  into this printer and it's going to print out the   film that we need to create the products so I want  to show you guys how this process works and what   your potentially can do for your brand to really  elevate it but you just witnessed was the design   being printed onto the sheet and then it's going  to go down this this area to get the glue applied   and finally cure as you guys can see we have our  design on the film now we're gonna inspect it   but look guys an extra based art gives you that  clean look with the transfer sheets printed out   it then gets cut and the designs are compiled  and organized so they can be prepared for heat   pressing how are we doing [Music] this  is essentially all that's needed to start   placing your garment so what's going to happen  here is the back of this Rose has the glue the   front has the color so when you put it on  a heat press the glue melts onto the fabric   and the color stays on top this is the reason  why colors are a lot more vibrant when you're   using this type of print method because it stays  on top of the fabric versus like Ian mentioned   earlier DTG embeds into the fabric so with these  transfer prints you got a way brighter color   overall look and I'm excited to start putting  this on some garments so let's do that well   yeah this is our Center Line so we're going  to center it for sure we have a pillow behind   it so what we're doing here now guys is we're  actually going to apply this Rose onto the sleeve   Teflon sheet over the top now the key part about  heat pressing like this is to make sure that the   Garment that the Garment is actually flat on the  Press I want to get that consistent pressure time   temperature and pressure determine the final  outcome and quality for transfer printing   incredible guys check this out so we printed  out the sheet look at the details on this thing   now if you were doing this with direct to garment  printing you wouldn't be able to do this because   the trick is to make sure that you can get the  product flat and DTG machines have a big platen   that cover more of the front or more of the back  so this right here solid now since this is more   of a heavyweight hoodie we're going to be playing  with some embroidery as well we're going to hit a   couple different applications to show you how  a collection can truly be elevated before we   start embroidery on the next garment let's wrap  up some of the other products that were designed   with transfer printing in mind as you can see  the vibrancy of these designs are Next Level   to achieve this vibrancy before you had to go  with screen printing which required you to place   a minimum order quantity and have costs such as  color separation fees and per color fees and many   more additions added to the final build transfer  printing is helping new brand owners get creative   while maintaining quality now it's important that  you note that to do this correctly you do need to   keep your design and your garment in mind because  you don't want to lay a full Square image onto   a garment think of this like you would a screen  print the best designs separate their colors and   allow for the Garment color to also play into the  design in this example I kept it very simple with   a bright white and Rose which laid up nice against  the black fabric now when it comes to creating a   premium brand adding texture to your garment makes  a huge difference this is where embroidery comes   into play what we're doing right now guys is  we're loading up this huge embroidery to show   you guys how you can elevate your brand something  this size now Ian's loading this thing up he's a   he's a professional embroiderer how many years he  got like maybe 30. dude I've been doing embroidery   since I was I'm not even gonna answer that super  heavyweight hoodies yeah like adjust the hoop size with the hoop loaded Ian truly is a professional  yeah show them your finger show them your finger   look at that he puts in work that's a that's  a needle Stitch okay so now he's aligning this   thing that's pretty cool he's got to get our file  it's just it's his exact finger look [Music] s um so that's called underlay right after that  Stitch right there is called underway it creates   like structure in the Garment so then you like  usually you lay underlay one way and then you'll   do your Stitch across the underlay like that so  it's like doing that fill in there so Ian when   it came to this file we just we just uploaded it  you just programmed it into the machine what's   important to know about cost and embroidery  are the size yeah so we touched on a little   bit before but basically like the number  of stitches in your file will determine uh   the overall price or the cost for the embroidery  it's like this file came at it like just under 15   000 stitches and all of our on-demand embroidery  pricing includes 15 000 stitches in it so even   though we're doing like a giant embroidery like  a 12 inch embroidery it's just simple text right   that you're not using that many stitches so this  would be like incredible ten dollar embroidery on   a hoodie that's a premium hoodie you can resell  it 90 100 yeah yeah man on the map on demand man   seeing your design come to life through embroidery  definitely is mesmerizing and because of this most   brand owners want to put it everywhere but it  does have its limitations here are three things   you need to know before you start the first is to  limit the colors in your embroidery design as you   can see real threat is being stitched and unlike  key there's only so many stitches that can go into   an area the second thing to know is that your art  should be Vector based you want to make sure that   the elements of your design are clearly separated  embroidery doesn't work with gradients so make   sure you keep this in mind finally you also want  to make sure to keep the print location in mind   since you're using wholesale garments there's  going to be a limit to where the embroidery   can be stitched into since it needs to fit into  these platens this is where other print options   like transfer sheets and even patches can help  Fresh Off The Plan look at this guys incredible   12 inch design on it guys embroidery like this  mixed with a premium heavyweight hoodie starts to   elevate your pricing something that a lot of print  on demand platforms are thinking about so when   it comes to premium and perceived luxury these  other guys are here there you go right on demand   guys this right here incredible check that  out there's never been a better time to start   a premium brand on a budget by combining both  embroidery and transfer printing you have the   ability to add different textures and looks  to a single product in these examples we have   the hoodie with embroidery and our Rose as a  transfer print in addition to these printing   services oblique also allows brand owners to  insert custom private label tags onto their   garments starting at just 99 Cents this option  allows you to legally Rebrand any wholesale blank   with your brand name so your customers won't know  that you printed it on a Bella canvas or a gilded   is definitely the reason why a Pleak is such  a unique print on demand supplier they may not   be able to do posters mugs for other accessories  but they truly focus on what's needed to build a   premium brand on demand guys check that out the  level of details that you can create through a   Fleek is incredible this is really where your  brand can set the bar just a little bit higher   than any other print on the membrane Ian this  has been incredible bro dude thanks for coming   out man so much appreciate you seeing this come  to life I know the designing some execution guys   if you haven't watched video one make sure you  watch that as we show you how we designed this   with artificial intelligence now in this video we  just showed you how to make it and we're about to   dive into how to launch it online so let's head  on over to a computer and show you how all that   works with the samples now on hand it's time to  launch these online now in order to sell these on   demand through a supplier like a Pleak you'll need  a website name and a Shopify account and when it   comes to a website name we discuss the importance  of a name that could demand premium prices because   you can't have a domain name that reads Monday expect people to pay a premium for   anything sold there and that's where a Dodge store  domain provides the opportunity to find a unique   short and memorable name and the bonus is that the  extension will make your brand sound exclusive a   DOT store domain tells people your website is a  store instantly associated with selling it's no   surprise in that over 1 million sellers have  already chosen a DOT store including some of   the biggest names like Emirate Airlines which  epitome of the luxury in the airline industry   Mr Beast who recently switched his website from to a DOT store because the dot store allows   you to sell more you can secure your dad store  domain directly to Shopify which will link the   free trial of in the description down below or  you can purchase it through get that store and   by using our code John store at checkout you get  the domain name for just 99 Cents for the first   year an interesting fact is that a DOT store  domain helps you sell more by using a DOT store   domain it gives you 1.7 times more clicks in a 12  lower customer acquisition cost compared to   name it's really a no-brainer that if you're a  store you've got to be on a Dodge store domain   and once you have your dot store domain here's how  to launch your brand from the comfort of home you   want to begin by creating a Shopify account and  if you use the links in our description you can   start your account for just one dollar and receive  a 50 app credit with your account now activated   you'll head on over to the App Store and install a  Pleak it'll prompt you to create an account where   you will manage all your designs from from this a  Fleek dashboard you're able to Source from various   products and build a collection on demand possible  selecting the wholesale blank styles that you like   you're able to choose the printing options that  you prefer now if you want to do the styles that   we showed throughout this video you want to choose  transfer printing now the beauty about a Pleak is   that you can print on the front back and sides and  by selecting the side or sleeve option it expands   the ability for you to print on the sleeves just  like we did in this video now you can leave a note   for the graphic team to better help you with the  placement of it you can add this information here   and once you hit publish to store it's going to be  sent to your Shopify account where you can manage   all the descriptions and product image details but  if you're wanting to sell a brand that's perceived   as luxury these stock images that come from a  print on the map platform guys are not going   to cut it as you can see they're a good starting  point but to entice your customers to want to buy   from you you'll need to elevate your photography  game alright you guys with our product samples in   it's time for photography now you can use a camera  like this a DSLR or an iPhone works perfectly well   because the secret is in post-production now if  you're thinking about setting something up like   this at home I want to show you guys what basic  things and Equipment you might need now I like   to have one of these racks always good to have  something like this if you want to take that   Standalone product photography you see on some  sites but the most important part is this paper   having a clean paper like this as well as these  these racks these poles here so this pole here   is called a verapul and this variable allows you  to go right up to the ceiling so you can see that   top of that ceiling you'll see that we literally  just put it up on the wall it's it's really easy   what's really cool about this is that you can  leave those there permanently break them down   it's a lot cleaner and then all you need is those  hook type of engagements for the paper roll you   guys can find all this on Amazon so if you're  thinking about setting up your own home-based   operation that's the basic of what you need one  of the most important parts is the lighting so   if you're shooting in an interior type of Studio  then I highly recommend you bring some lighting   let me grab this light here so check this out this  is just a simple godox light incredible powerful   so make sure you guys consider using some good  lighting the trick really is in lighting when   it comes to product photography guys because  product photography is stylized so as long as   you have a good light source to your product the  way that you're artistically thinking about it   you're pretty much good to go now if you're  going to be taking flat lay photos you want   to put the light over the product so it doesn't  cast that much shadows and it's a lot easier to   edit in post-production and that's the basics of  what you're going to need to actually start doing   product photography at home now another option  that you have if you don't want to invest into   all this yourself is to rent out studio studio  time can range anywhere between fifty dollars   to upwards of 100 plus per hour on top of the  models that you're going to be paying so this   means that your budget might be somewhere between  500 to upwards of a thousand dollars for a product   shoe but if you're looking to truly elevate your  look without breaking the bank this is where Suna   can help as soon as a service that allows you  to ship your products and pay a flat rate for   photography and edits to make it easy to grab  professional studio gray photo shoots for a   flat transparent fee and by owning a store domain  you save some extra money on sooner Services store   runs an amazing program called  which offers discounts on tools such as tuna   canva Pro MailChimp Vistaprint and many more  thank you site is completely free to use and   it's open to everyone regardless of the domain  you use with additional discounts for anybody   that has a DOT store domain in fact I've worked  with a team there to cook up some amazing deals   for you that I put together in a starter  pack you can get the starter pack for free   to go on this pack you'll find soon over you can  get 39 off for a photo shoot for your brand and   if you got a store domain just discount as soon it  jumps to 93 dollars using not just   that you can also find discounts on QuickBooks for  accounting referral candy for customer referrals   and many more on my starter pack and you save up  to 500 when you're just getting up signing up is   super simple all you gotta do is visit the link in  the description right down below create an account   and the free deals get saved free to use whenever  you need them so make sure you head on over to John to the link in the description  down below to start saving money because store is   truly the domain for online sellers which helps  you sell more and save more now if you're starting   a luxury brand it typically means buying in bulk  but risking going broke so by using this print   on demand method you're able to position yourself  as a premium brand for some of the features that   are included through there like the labeling the  embroidery the different types of printing and   sleeve hits could really do almost anything to the  athlete platform so regardless of what next step   you decide to take it's important that you just  leave your you off with this key lesson and that   lesson is whatever you're going to do Luxury truly  is the definition of something that's difficult to   make difficult to buy difficult to source so of  course a print on demand platform is easy for you   to store but there's certain things on there that  you can do which make it A Cut Above the Rest of   the competitors you're not just going to print a  simple front hit guys you're going to elevate your   brand to different types of printing embroidery  a combination of the two and you're going to put   your best efforts towards the marketing and the  positioning of your brand from that you can start   to build an audience and then you can invest into  luxury products that you buy at a premium price   point and you truly now are set to start a luxury  brand on demand so if you enjoyed this video make   sure you hit that subscribe button right down  below if you miss video number one where we show   you how to design things we're going to link  it right here we'll see you guys in that one
Channel: John Santos
Views: 88,444
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to start a luxury clothing brand using print on demand + A.I (with $0), how to start a clothing line with $0 dollars, how to start a clothing brand, how to start a clothing line, starting a clothing brand, clothing brand, print on demand, dtg, dtf, direct to film printing, embroidery, direct to garment, t shirt printing, t shirt business, artificial intelligence, a.i, designing with a.i, starting a luxury brand, luxury clothing brand, print on demand t-shirt business
Id: BdBcWuMU66A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 5sec (1325 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 19 2023
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