Why Your Clothing Brand Will Fail UNLESS You Do THIS (2024)

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if you're starting or growing a clothing brand  your designs and marketing is key to success   but with advancements in Ai and an influx of new  brands popping up every day through social media   the competition is getting harder every day  now some of the most common reasons I've seen   brands fail over the years is because no one  wants to buy what you made this leads to you   to not getting any results and just quitting and  often times this is really caused by not having   a long-term Vision or a game plan for your brand  because let's face it guys it was never authentic   to you to begin with so in this video I want to  help you build a foundation and peel back some of   the education you're going to need to succeed  and I'm actually in here I'm actually at Mike   studio so we're going to be diving into some of  the important things that you need so your brand   doesn't fail so get ready to take some notes  what's good I'm Mike Leisure I'm an artist and   I'm an art director I work with skate Street Wear  men's contemporary athletic wear shoes and film I   get to work with so many amazing brands that craft  their stories and create collect ctions that are   just mindblowing they are just so great because  they have great designers behind them they're   attentive to detail they have this passion for  the craft and storytelling what that's allowed me   to do is really watch how they work and that gave  me insight to what makes Brands great so PSA I am   not a fashion designer since we made this video  in 2020 a lot of people have this misconception   of what I do I don't design clothing what I do is  work in that phase where we take it from where it   was created and then into the marketing portion  where it goes out to the people what I do is   I work to bring these collections to life in the  marketing phase I'm going to be going over surface   level ideas and some deep rooted issues that  can help change the trajectory of your brand and   improve you as a designer don't just be another  person selling clothes okay so a real brand sells   you a feeling an experience not just an article of  clothing as a beginner most people will flock to   these tools and in the beginning it's just really  not a good idea for you because you're not ready   for it what are we talking about number one print  on demand God damn in demand it's very appealing   because you can just upload a design right what  print on demand does is it opens the door for   so many people to just start and that's great if  you know what you're doing but if you don't and   you have no Direction people just do whatever so  I have 30 designs that I want to upload now and   it's like I can have a store but what happens is  people show up and it just looks confusing like I   don't know what your brand is you just have a lot  of designs it's just the attention to what you're   trying to do and the intention that's going to  set you apart so yes the tool exists but just know   what you're doing before you're doing it and of  course there's so many reasons for why you can use   it but just be aware okay the other issue that I'm  looking at is people who are self-made in a lot of   ways that definition sounds amazing you can just  do things yourself but when the cost of printers   and uh heat presses have gone down it makes it so  much more accessible for everybody accessibility   is beautiful I love that you can just make clothes  from the comfort of your home just go out get some   blanks get your transfer sheets print your design  out and just go but the problem with that is that   if you're not as dedicated or persistent as you  need to be people's consistency goes off logos   are off by an inch or here or you don't understand  how long it needs to be pressed for And So It Goes   Through the wash one or two times and then Your  Design is falling off that's okay sometimes but   if you start Mass producing at this level what  do you do when you have hundreds of people who   are upset because your Design's gone right you  have to be consistent and pay attention to these   things and really test things before you really  go big you being able to do it yourself actually   pushes away the Professionals in the industry  who would actually tell you this isn't a good   idea maybe the design shouldn't be this big maybe  that graphic that you're putting on the hat at   home could be an inch or too smaller and that's  the difference between making you look like an   amateur or a professional so if you're going to  be making stuff at home just make sure things   are consistent you are very attentive to detail  your quality is up to par with what it should be   and you're not going to be having upset customers  once it gets shipped out the next tool I'm sure   you've seen it ai ai can do so many things it's  so powerful The Prompt can just take you anywhere   you want to go the words that you're using will  just boom materialize into a design the problem   with AI is that it's a baby right now and so are  you to me AI is able to take everything that it   has on the internet and turn it into something  that you're telling it to do they just happen   to be pretty good at what they're doing they  just don't understand why they're doing it and   you're the person who's supposed to understand  why without the right taste level you could go   from dope to corny really fast so what you need  to do is up your personal skill and know what   you're looking for to be able to turn that design  into something that's finished and actually works   with your brand instead of just something that  looks cool by itself all of this to say that   you need to figure out what your brand is and up  your skill level before you go out and utilize   these powerful tools imagine handing a toddler  a power drill and saying build me a house like   that just doesn't work right your brand is your  house the interior is the experience the exterior   is how you Market it and you have to be ready to  intake all of the responsibilities before owning   a home the second thing that I see being such  a huge problem is people overbranding without   having a real brand this is an issue that starts  because brands are launching and they're not fully   developed I'm not saying don't do it because you  don't have to be perfect but at least know where   you're going and have something what do I mean  by overbranding without having a real brand let's   take this for example you you just made your  logo you take it out and and then you need to   explain what your logo is you know there's meaning  behind uh uh every part that you had just done and   and it needs the explanation because your deep  ideas are so deep and they have meaning and you   know what I mean like you're doing too much to  explain what the thing is without having what it   really is inside of the design your logo does not  replace an entire collection your brand and your   collection is a conversation and if you're going  to say something say it through your design say   it through your pieces each part of it is a part  of a sentence a part of of a paragraph if you're   writing this story it needs to be cohesive and  it needs to be intentional if your brand is to   be a part of the conversation let the clothing  speak for itself stop explaining every single   piece because if you have to maybe the design is  not that good to avoid lack of depth and theme in   all of your collections explore your ideas find  the common spaces in between and then link them   together so stop making drops that look like  this this is just amateur it is not looking   good this just shows me that you don't know  what you're doing you might have just launched   congratulations to you but we really need to  tighten this up see I think a big issue is   overusing brand colors I come from a generation  that was raised on diamond or Supreme right we   see a lot of the Reds we see the uh Tiffany blue  and we think oh my God they have such a memorable   experience in their branding as soon as you see  it you think of that brand what are we seeing now   we're seeing Yeezy right we're seeing fear of God  and what has happened in the past 3 to 4 years is   we're seeing a lot of neutrals neutral tones you  got the Browns the taupe the Khaki and all these   nice easy on the eyes type colors and it's like as  soon as you see it you recognize what that brand   is how come they're allowed to do it and I'm not  well I'll tell you why you're not allowed to do   it it's because you don't know what you're doing  yet you're just like copying a thing and unless   you're really good at copying don't just copy  people the thing is until you figure figured out   what your story is you need to actually put your  ideas into a deck write it down put it somewhere   and use that as your Northstar reference that as  you build your brand reference that as you figure   out how to post on social or how you're going to  speak to people when you post about your brand   Mike just mentioned the power of building a brand  and if you're a first-time entrepreneur you may   be thinking that this is something that you do in  the future once you get established once you start   some sales but to be honest guys it begins as soon  as you secure the name for your brand and the next   best step you need to take is a securing a website  domain for it and huge shout outs to do store for   making this video possible do store is helping  sellers establish their brand through powerful   domain names and is the domain name for sellers  now a domain name is a link that customers click   on and go to your website and the website's ending  in store tells customer that your website is an   online store and instantly Associates it with  selling now e-commerce store using this domain   include Rihanna store and even Mr beast. store  which are both multi-million dollar businesses in   fact Mr Beast ditched the usual DOC for a store  because he thought it was a better fit for his   online store a website that ends in store tells  your customers right away that they're stumbled   upon an online store and helps you stand out  from those long and confusing website names   you should consider using a DOT store in order to  sell more because in a unique 12-month long study   data conclusively proved that a DOT store domain  allowed you to sell more now this study showed   that websites on a DOT store domain got 87% more  traffic because seeing a DOT store in a website   link instantly tells users that they can buy from  you which means more traffic more sales and leads   to more money in your bank account now an online  store on a do store domain also gets double the   visibility and if all this were not enough you  also get 12% lesser cper conversion when you're   running ads it's almost like it pays to be on a  store domain now you can grab your store domain   from Shopify name cheap GoDaddy or you can head  to the link in the description and use my coupon   code to snag your store domain name for just 0  cents for the first year now head on over to the   link in the description and use code J store at  checkout to get this offer and once you've got   a store domain I've worked with the team there to  cook up some amazing discounts for you that we put   together in a starter pack now anyone can access  the deals we put together for free but by owning   a store domain name you get higher more exclusive  discounts to ental services such as sunna melchin   Vista Print and many others and now that you know  about these discounts let's head back to the video   now Mike will be discussing the importance that  photography plays in branding later on in this   video but make sure you take advantage of all  the offers that we mentioned through the links   in the description down below the next point is  that you need to plan your collections carefully   if you launch with one design you don't look like  a real brand a lot of people say well I see other   designers do it the thing is without hype behind  you and the right marketing it doesn't work a lot   of these people might have something running  for them or they had one piece that ended up   on an artist or it just blew up on social media  and you can keep dropping that product over and   over and over you could switch it into something  slightly different and just drop that one t-shirt   and people would buy it there's hype if you have  no hype you have to build it and if you can't   build the hype then you need to build something  meaningful all right so you've probably been   designing for a while now you have so many designs  banked up maybe you got like 20 of them 30 of them   and you're like I'm just going to drop all of  this pull the trigger go for it but the thing   is you should put some thought into your stories  you should weave it maybe certain pieces that   you designed was a part of your life that meant  something to you or it was a dark time in your   life maybe another part of it you were designing  and those words really mean something about uh   transitioning into uh more adventurous something  for the you know what I'm saying it's like find   those pieces to glue your ideas together and the  cool thing is let's say you had 30 designs you can   split those into like 15 15 maybe it's 10 5 and  20 I don't know if I'm doing the math right but if   you're splitting these up you can actually tell a  story and you can do that and lead your consumers   or your customers into an adventure into a story  into an experience that you had and the thing is   you know that if you're telling a story from your  prism from your perspective and if you're telling   it authentically somebody in the world has that  same experience as you and when you find that   real story that authentic you and you put it  into your designs that's how you find the other   authentic people who are looking for that same  Connection by splitting Your Design into smaller   collections it gives you the ability to weave your  collections together and think ahead and thinking   ahead is so important because you can plan your  shoots ahead of time and literally transition   from certain ideas with colors or textures or uh  perspectives like you know maybe at a time when   you were doing bad the camera angles are all high  and looking down and then now you're switching   and then looking up at someone who's grown right  these are little ideas that you can switch into   your Marketing in your campaigns that would be  so meaningful on an artistic level and just from   a storytelling perspective if you want to add  depth to your story diversify your collection it   means you should not just have all one product or  two or three products unless unless you're doing   a very small collection and you want to keep it  tight if you want to be able to tell a story it   helps to have a different piece from each of the  Silhouettes maybe picking three or four that Mak   sense let's say you're doing something uh toward  winter time you want to have a long sleeve a   hoodie a jacket and then something like let's do  something random let's do hand warmers maybe you   want to do gloves instead but we're looking at  something wintry and then we want to direct it   towards snowboarding which is something I like to  do so I want to be able to be in that lifestyle   and find that experience that I like and then  pick out the little things that I was doing during   that adventure and be like I'm going to create  something for that because there wasn't something   that I liked so for me there's these little handw  warmers right and it's like Supreme will do that   which is the reason why there are crazy ass brand  Partnerships like you'll see them make espresso   cups or a lighter holder or like bubbles because  they'll just team up with the right companies that   are already doing these things but it's just like  I can be a part of that Adventure now in my own   way so if I was doing something for let's say  Noir Monday if yall know you know I might make   some hand warmers but instead of being um red  like they are I'm going to make them all black   and having that experience maybe um something  that's nice to the touch when my hands are cold   and understanding that it's harder to open certain  types of packaging I want that experience in the   morning when I show up to the mountains to be  very fun and comfortable for me and to be able   to do things like this you need mood boards you  need to figure out what your lifestyle is and to   do that collect photos collect things that add to  the idea you have to be able to show it visually   because if you speak on these things you need to  be able to translate that for someone to see I   could tell you right now that I want a photo of a  mountain but what does that mean to somebody else   they could be seeing a Green Mountain I could be  seeing a blue mountain and like they could be an   icy mountain right like what are you seeing what  are you feeling you need to be able to put those   into words and then visual representation so  that someone will look at something and know   what you want and not just say bet I got you and  then show up with the wrong thing everything that   you do needs to be able to be translated you need  to be able to translate that into something Visual   and easy to understand oh you know what I don't  understand is bad photography okay last time we   made a video we had a lot of people coming  out the Woodworks some people were mad some   people admitted to it we're talking about the  infamous train track photos we're talking about   the pretty girl in front of graffiti wall photos  we're talking about the beginner people who just   started making Brands and think I need to just  go shoot something I'm not going to lie we've   all done it I'm not mad at you we just do that I  don't actually don't even know what it is or how   we all ended up having that same experience maybe  none of us are special but I've connected with so   many people on that same exact topic but let's get  on to the positive things it doesn't matter what   you do as long as you have intention behind it now  social media has created a huge Rift in marketing   right we have all these things that areed to  supposed to be very raw and authentic Tik Tok   and Instagram have allowed you to bypass having  super high quality photography to be able to sell   your product in fact it is actually switched  to having low quality iPhone photos can sell   the product for you an iPhone app can actually  cut off uh or clip out your photos to be able to   put that into your feed and just sell that shirt  and that is actually amazing but what I want to   talk about is the issue that that presents is it's  not a substitute to what goes onto your website if   you're on social media your whole thing is about  transparency and talking about you as a Creator   and that's why your brand is something that should  be bought and should be loved and adored and it's   not about the quality right on your website  banners and lookbooks are the space for you   to sell the image quality increases trust that's  where all the fun happens and having an iPhone   photo there is not going to be the same as it is  on social so these two things are separate don't   get that confused that's what I'm talking about  not that you can't have low quality photos it's   just a time and place for everything and honestly  that's a problem that you can attack later on it   doesn't have to be now right because if you're  not going to be going big and doing Billboards   and all this yet it doesn't matter you should just  be working with what you have and being creative   and having fun I think that's what it's all about  but just be intentional that's what I'm talking   about for example it's content day we're going  out we're going to shoot but what you need to   do is not skip on what you're trying to do you do  but you have to try and what does that mean one of   two things your apparel is going to be the main  focus so you're going to take a photo where the   clothing looks good or you're going to be selling  the lifestyle in which the surrounding of it needs   to look good let's say for instance I'm doing my  brand and I'm selling an article of clothing the   mountains everything there the lift needs to look  cool I need to not have a bunch of extra people my   thing that I'm doing should be the vibe it should  feel good it should feel like I want to be there I   should feel like I want to be that person maybe  and if I'm selling the clothes I shouldn't be   seeing too much of that sometimes you can but if  I don't know that your clothes is the main focus   you're not going to be able to sell the clothing  right and just having that intention whether I'm   selling the clothes today or selling the lifestyle  and if you're going to do a bit of both understand   that's what you're doing and set a TI time for  both having intention is so key storytelling   is everything so the story I'm trying to tell you  is that a lot of Brands will launch and then they   have bad marketing and this will slow your growth  or even worse it's going to kill your brand at my   agency proper worldwide what we like to preach is  connection over promotion nobody wants to be sold   to nobody wants to be talked at right we want  to feel like we're a part of something and so   it's about the story and the connection posting  your shirt every day and telling people to buy   it is not connecting with people there should  be something behind your caption or something   behind the clothing that really speaks to people  knowing what your brand is can help you skip all   that what do I mean by that let's be honest if  you're a trendy cash Gra brand like I don't know   we were talking about money boys in the last  thing and also if you have a brand called money   boys I don't mean no shade by this that was just  first thing I thought of uh stop lying to yourself   just understand that's what you're trying to do  you're trying to make money really fast there's   not a lot of depth and meaning to your brand but  there is a lifestyle there is a need for it so do   that be Fearless do whatever you want to do that  feels like that because people who are at money   boys we live fast Die Young right that should  be the motto if that's your brand you're moving   forward you're going to do exactly what you need  to do take all the photos you want who cares if   somebody says that's not high quality or whatever  be you be Fearless understand that it's about the   feeling right but on the opposite side if you got  a brand that you want to last for decades you're   not going to be moving the same way so don't lie  to yourself don't lie to your consumers and you   got to be intentional and what that means is you  have to be cautious with how you present yourself   okay but don't let that stop you from doing things  remember there's a difference between cautious   ious and being scared when you're scared it can  kind of lead you into doing nothing it can freeze   you in fear but you can't let the fear control  you so don't let this video discourage you from   doing what you want to do or what you actually  love to do you came on YouTube cuz you're looking   for answers and there's this guy who's just on  everything I do have some solutions but it's up   to you to look at the information and intake what  you can and then filter through what you need and   what you don't need if somebody's setting you back  set theide if somebody's putting you up put it on   the board let's do this right what I'm saying  is that there are exceptions to every case and   every rule as an artist you have to trust your  own intuition and if things don't work out down   the road you have to be open to change and trying  new things test double down on what's working and   keep telling your story powerful words of wisdom  from the man Mike right now and if you're watching   this you're going to be better off than 99% of the  brands in the market guys I can guarantee you that   because this guy really knows what he's talking  about but one of the key reasons why brands fail   is because they fail to get results and see  progress and psychologists recommend that you   need to be able to visually see the progress  that you're making cuz let's face it guys   it's not going to be the monetary success right  out the gate starting a clothing brand is going   to be a process it's something that you need to  continually do day after day and if you're making   the right progress to getting to your goals then  you're going to start seeing that bank account   start to grow grow and compound just like interest  does and in order to keep your interest in this   business and be able to continue to sustain it  day after day week after week month after month   you need to be able to visually track the progress  that you're making because a checklist is just one   thing that was like okay cool I got that done I  got this done that doesn't necessarily keep you   motivated so in order to stay motivated you need  to keep track of the right metrics metrics such as   how many website visitors are you getting per day  has this been growing is this stay the same is it   declining and if it is growing what is getting you  that traffic is it the Instagram reals that you're   producing is it the blog blog post is it some of  the influencers you're working with wherever that   traffic's coming you need to identify it and  then you need to be able to double down on it   because once you start doubling down on what works  it's essentially going to be compounding and that   success and that money will soon follow but often  times entrepreneurs are too busy or they're too   scattered and they don't necessarily put together  the key metrics that your business needs to have   which includes traffic and includes conversions  now in order to get traffic you need to create   promotions but in order to get conversions you  need to have the right tools implemented and this   is really where email marketing comes into play  now email marketing to be honest guys is one of   the most underrated Tools in e-commerce right now  I think a lot of times people are just thinking   about you know running paid ads and social media  influencers and all that that they completely   forget that email marketing is free to use and  it actually pays you dividends what I mean by   this is that by establishing the correct email  flow you can capture leads from the traffic that   you're sending to your store once those leads are  captured you're able to sell to them consistently   literally they sign up for something they get a  little discount some of those people will redeem   it some won't but at the end of the day it's  about you being able to put your brand in front   of them daily the more emails you can send out the  higher the frequency of your purchases are going   to be which essentially translates to higher  conversion better conversion and more money in   your bank account now the reason I'm mentioning  this guys is because it's definitely the most   overlooked part of e-commerce so I want to show  you guys a tool in my opinion is really changing   the game and they o made this video possible but  the reason I decided to work with them is because   they started with a popup optin form that was  super interesting to me and it's something that   we've implemented on our stores but that pop-up  form essentially allows you to start converting   the traffic that you're getting to your store  into leads that you can Market to on autopilot   so let's set up this flow real quickly so you  guys can see the power of this through get site   control you're able to quickly capture emails  and start sending campaigns to be in touch with   your customers so to get started we're going to  head on over to the Shopify app store get site   control works perfect perfectly with Shopify and  they also have some other Integrations so you can   use them on all kinds of different platforms  but for the purpose of this video Shopify is   the easiest place for you to really get started  now once you install it to the store it's going   to ask you for some permissions and then you're  going to uh essentially pick a plan now you could   do a yearly or you could do a monthly now once  you're in the plan what's essentially is going to   ask you is that it's going to give you a onetime  discount for emails now this is really where the   difference between the other platforms and gu  sign control comes into play and it could be a   little confusing to be honest but the main thing  is that you're essentially going to be paying   for the emails that you're going to send now the  reason why this has some value here this is the   confusing part with email marketing is that if you  were to have let's say 10,000 people right if you   had 10,000 people that you wanted to email um you  would automatically be paying a certain tier with   the other platforms which means that it's more  expensive to host 10,000 emails that's really the   difference that get site control is that they're  not charging you to host any emails so so if you   just want to have your emails here periodically  send them to certain lists you're able to do that   and you don't have to pay a monthly fee that's  like crazy to send emails you have a monthly   hosting fee that's pretty low cost that we just  showed it starts at $7 but then as you start to   grow your list you can pay for the emails that  you need to send so that's a big difference   between all the other platforms so if you're just  getting started is a great deal the dashboard is   essentially broken up into widgets into broadcast  and into automation and it's going to be a lot up   front so let me walk you guys through it if you're  just starting your store the very first thing you   need to create is essentially a form or you need  to integrate um get site control into a form that   comes up on your website so then you can capture  the email like we mentioned so what we're going   to do here is we're going to start with setting  up the widget now once you select set setting up   the widget it's essentially going to take you to  you can start one for scratch you could pre-make   one or you can uh Go full control with whatever  you need they give you a lot of different options   here a lot of different layouts of however you  want to display it on your website pretty much   gives you the options to do that now what's really  cool is I once you pick one it's a simple click   and edit so they do have a lot of drag and drop  type of edits here making it seamless for you to   get started make sure you're very selective with  which images are going to be populating here so   if you don't have good images leave it text based  leave it very font based design if you have some   images you can drop them in here like in this  example I'm dropping in one of the uh Street   Crafter on here and once we change uh to a mobile  format what you're going to see is that it's going   to change so you got to update your imagery there  too once you have that form you're able to choose   your brand colors again this is why it's important  to kind of have some of these details down because   these details will then get embedded throughout  your website which will essentially create your   overall branding now once you have this form set  up essentially what's going to happen is uh it   gives you the options to display the widget based  on actions people are taking or not taking on your   site and that's what's really cool about get site  control is that they're giving you control of your   site so if you want to display the widget when  somebody is has something in their cart let's   say they have something at checkout and they're  hesitant on checking out you can display a widget   that then tells them like hey use this code  to get x% off or buy this and get this free   you can like you can start to like really create  these very timed action based results um they you   a lot of different things here a lot of different  features now once you're done with your targeting   and how your widget's going to be set up you're  essentially just going to map some Fields here   hit save and now your widget is ready to go and  once it's live you'll see that it pop ups on the   form whenever somebody lands on your site once you  got your form set up and customers are starting   to register you're able to send broadcast and  broadcast is how you're going to get your message   out whether it's a promotion or an update on your  status so let's head on over here and create one   really quickly now now the way that this works is  they call it broadcast every other email platform   calls it different things personally this all bird  ones went a little bit better with our website   that we have right now so we're going to choose  this Alberts template and then we're going to   start customizing it now again this is a simple  click and edit type of format so you can update   text you can update fonts you can really make this  yours and that's the important part about email   marketing is about just getting started don't  put more barriers in front of you use a template   design it out your own choose some brand colors  with it choose your imagery that you thought so   much about and now that we have our design and  this one is not the best I got to admit it myself   not the best email that we created but it's  done and that's the important part about email   campaigns is that is you're getting something  you're putting your best foot forward but you're   also putting yourself a deadline to get it done  so once you have your email done you can select   which subscribers are going to receive it now in a  video that I'm going to link up above I mentioned   about segmentation and why that's important  in email marketing so I definitely encourage   that you check that video out we go into detail  there uh towards the end of that video as well   or you can just send it to everybody and that's  the beauty about what they do is that they make   it really easy for you to just start segmenting  and start sending things out now as you can see   here you start with 1,000 email balance for free  but then if you want to uh essentially since we   have 225 emails if we send this email we're going  to eat up 225 of those credits so that's how it   transfers from 101 we're just sending emails when  we need to send them guys get S side control makes   it super easy to get started started and they're  definitely a company to look out for because one   of the things that they're also doing is interest  forms and through these interest forms customers   can essentially submit that they're interested  in the product that you're designing so you can   start to build out that newsletter community and  you can start essentially building out a magazine   of your brand that you're emailing to them to give  them updates on where the product Journey's at now   in case you don't know data is the new oil of this  economy before we used to mine for oil in order to   produce an economy and now everybody is mining  for data so the sooner you can start building   a customer list with certain interest and a niche  the sooner you can start making money now I highly   encourage that you check out getsy control through  the links in the description right down below   as we linked a very special offer for everybody  watching and if you enjoyed this video guys make   sure you follow Mike and proper worldwide we link  their YouTube channel in the links down below as   well as their Instagram and some of their websites  I definitely encourage that you guys check these   guys out they're super knowledgeable in the game  and they're always willing to share their advice   and tips now if you want more of this if you  if this was a little taste and you're like wait   now what do I do we actually created a 2hour  master class now this is something that we've   been working on over the last year and a half  and we link that video right here where we're   actually brought in some interviews and guest  speakers that have brands that sell millions of   dollars on e-commerce and are building Brands  and custom products check out that powerful   exclusive interview here and make sure you  subscribe to the channel and we'll see you there
Channel: John Santos
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Keywords: why your clothing brand will fail unless you do this, why clothing brands fail, why apparel brands fail, why your clothing brand will fail, clothing brand fail, clothing brand, starting a clothing line, tips for starting a clothing brand, starting a clothing brand, clothing brand tips, how to build a clothing brand, clothing brand startup, starting your own clothing line, how to start a brand, streetwear, proper worldwide, mike leisure, johnxsantos, from the ground up
Id: vpvwQt_FABk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 52sec (1852 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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