Photoshop Tutorial - Make a Vintage Logo

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in today's video I'm going to be using Adobe Photoshop to create a logo for a made-up company called Southside vintage clothing and this is how it's going to look at once it's finished alright so to get started today we're going to go up to the file menu and make ourselves a new document document going to be 1280 pixels widths 720 pixels height because we want to print this logo later we want to set the resolution to high quality which is 300 pixels per inch and the color mode needs to be set to CMYK that's another setting we use for printed documents as well if we're only going to use this logo on the screen like a computer screen we'd stick with RGB color but we're gonna go with CMYK so we can print this later on the background contents of this document just need to be set to white and you can click on create so here's our empty blank canvas that we're going to start with today and the first thing we need to do is color this in a dark shade of grey okay so over in your little color boxes over here choose the top box which is the foreground color and I don't want you to select full-on black there's a graphic designer told me once there's nothing in this world is actually colored completely black so pitch black okay so it looks a little bit fake if we use that so let's go I really dark shade of Gray's I just click up a little bit from completely black there and click OK and then you need to grab your paint bucket tool from your toolbox usually hidden under your gradient tool here so hold your mouse down on it until you see the paint bucket tool once you've got that selected just click once on your canvas and it will color it in that dark shade of grey that you chose from here we want to draw a couple of circles on our page all right so you're gonna need to go over to where your rectangle tool is here and just go down and select the ellipse tool the ellipse tool selected you need to hit up the top to the properties and you just want to make sure that your fill color is set to no fill color that means it's the white box with a red line going through it we don't want to fill our circle in we do want to stroke though and the stroke needs to be white so just select white and we want to make the size 5 pixels so they use the slider or just type in the box 5 pixels and press Enter so once you've got a white stroke with five pixels come down onto your canvas now hold shift when you draw this circle that way it will draw a perfect circle for you hold shift and simply click and drag out a nice big circle that fills a good chunk of the page using the move tool now from the tool box pick that circle up and get it in the center of the page okay so use your guides the pink guides should help you out and will show you when you get to the center which is right there it should snap into position anyway all right so that's how our first circle is looking what we're going to do now is head over to our layers panel here we're going to double click on the word ellipse one and just rename it - we'll call it outer circle then we're going to right click on the outer circle and duplicate that layer and we're going to call it in a circle press ok you've now got two circles there one on top of the other with this some in a circle selected make sure you've got show transform controls checked at the top so you can see this bounding box and I want you to hold down alt and shift on your keyboard at the same time and just resize that circle okay we're gonna bring it in well I'll say about there okay and press a little tick at the top when you're done to apply those changes and you should now have two circles on your page looking like so alright from here we're gonna draw a rectangle on the page so back over to our shapes tool I'm going to select the rectangle tool this time for the fill color this time you can choose pure black because we're going to leave this color later anyways but just choose black for now and Stroke we're going to turn off so get the option with the red line running through it and I simply want you to draw a rectangle that runs through the center of your document okay we'll position it in the moment but it needs to look something like that use your move tool now to get it right in the center you should get your guides popping up showing you when you're in the center like that and just drop it into position all right so that's looking pretty good now the next thing I'm going to do is we're going to make a third circle that's going to go in the middle of these two other ones so I'm just going to go click on the we're over here and duplicate that layer and I'm gonna give it the name middle circle press Enter all right the middle circle layer selected and the show transform controls turned on hold down alt and shift again and just make this circle a little bit bigger so it sits in the middle of the inner and the outer circle press the ticket the top when you're done what we're gonna do with this middle circle is get some text to wrap around it all right so what we're gonna do is we're gonna grab the text tool the type tool sorry and up the top I want you to choose the font gatogo I okay if you haven't got that font downloaded on your computer just go to google search category font and you can download it for free from a website such as legion fonts com alright so back in Photoshop now let me choose get a guy for my font sometimes it comes with bold or regular you just want the regular ones so the skinnier version looks best size I might start with a bit size 24 see how that looks and the color needs to be a white click OK you can now click inside what doesn't matter we click actually on your page and when it's going to add the word Southside in capital letters okay you can use your move tool to move that around okay nice big gaps between each letter on mine again it's called the tracking I'm gonna need to adjust that you'll probably doesn't look like this just yet but I'm just playing the tracking earlier on today and Photoshop is remember those settings so we'll need to adjust that so using the type tool come back in and highlight all of your text at the top and your properties this little folder here with some lines inside it and that brings up your character properties where we can adjust the tracking which is this little icon with the letters VA and a horizontal set of arrows okay let's go choose 200 and that pushes the text back together okay when I go bigger than that I might double it to 400 press Enter that actually looks pretty good so many more just with work with 400 that's why I'm being I might be a little bit big still I'm gonna drop the size down a little bit to size 22 get that sex right in the center like so that actually looks pretty good so I'm pretty happy with how Southside looks the next thing that we need to do is add some text to this middle circle okay I'm gonna wrap some text around like I said I was going to do before so what I need to do is pop over to our layers and select the middle circle layer with the middle circle layer selected we're going to grab our type tool again ensure that we've got the gatogo font size let's bump it down to that size 8 stick with white for your color it makes as I said before make sure that middle circle layer is selected and what you can do is when you move your mouse cursor over the top of that middle circle it will change and it shows you that you can actually type on to that layer or under that circle the text will follow that path well I so I'm going to click on that path and I'm simply going to write the word vintage in capital letters alright it's not sitting pretty at the moment that's okay we'll fix that in in a sec using the actually won't use the move so we'll just go back with our type tool and just highlight it and we're gonna turn this tracking up a bits at 400 at the moment I bumped up about 750 and see how that looks gonna put some more space between each of those letters then I'm gonna click back at the start there just press tab a few times till my text comes around he's roughly in the center thinks I'm about there looks good and then I'll press the little tick at the top to apply those changes that looks pretty good for now what I want to do just hide that middle circle and just see how that's actually looking not bad you can use the Move tool to select your text and just nudge it down the arrow keys if you'd like get a little bit more in the center of those two circles something like that looks pretty good if you want you can grab your type tool again and click inside of this text and just press space if you want to push it around a little nudges get it as close to the center as possible looks like it's wrapping it around that circle nicely okay I think that looks pretty good well next thing gonna do is we're gonna put a little icon just here which is going to be a little crown and the way we're going to get that crown is by using a custom shape so over here in our rectangle tool we've actually got a custom shape tool okay and what you can do is you got the top here and you can see all these different shapes that you can work with what I'll get you to do is hit the little cog on the right hand side there and just load in some shapes and in the accounts I've given you some crown shapes and when you double click on them go to the bottom of the page and you'll see some crayons have been loaded in I want you to select this crown here actually doesn't matter what crayon you selected I'm gonna select that one just there you can choose any of those ones there if you like the looks of one over the other and again you don't have to use crayons you can go through and have a look at some of these other shapes and choose one of them it's up to you but I'm gonna go with this crown shape so with that crown shape selected I'm just going to simply oh sorry I'll make sure what my fill color is white first of all we do want to color it in white no stroke again hold shift simply draw a little crown onto the page want that right in the center there that looks pretty good you can use your move tool to move it around if you'd like okay that looks pretty sweet for now coming down on the other side of sauer slide down here it's going to put some more text in that says 2018 so text tool again let's click on my page and write 2018 size eights fine for now we can make it bigger a small little bit later on just get that sent it as well so something like that looks good I'm happy to do that and the next thing we might do is you might chop off these outer parts of these circles okay where this rectangle is we're gonna make the rectangle disappear and we're going to cut out those little bits of the circles but it's covering up as well okay so the first thing I want to do is go over to my layers panel here and select the inner circle layer and the outer circle layer so I'll hold down control and select both of them at once I'm gonna right click on those circle layers and simply rasterize the layers and what this does is it will allow us to edit those circles actually cut bits out of them righty so the way we're going to cut these bits out of them is we're gonna go and select this rectangle layer here rectangle one that's that black rectangle and our page I want you to hold the control key on your keyboard and select that little rectangle next to the name rectangle 1 and what that's going to do it's going to bring up marching ants around your black rectangle just to show you that you've selected that shape all right after that I want you to go down and click on the inner circle layer you'll see that there's little marching ants are still there so what we have got now is that selection on the inner circle layer and if I simply go up to edit and cut that cuts away those in a circle bit see if I just hide the rectangle you'll see now I've cut away part of that inner circle okay we want to do the same now for the outer circle so I'll just show my rectangle again so on the rectangle one layer hold ctrl and just click on this little rectangle shape and that will make a selection around the rectangle and go down and click on the outer circle layer on the outer circle layer you should still see those marching ants go to edit and cut and that's cut away some of the outer circle now so what I can do with my rectangle one layer now is trash it we don't need it anymore so I'm just going to hit the trashcan and delete it ok and you can see now parts of those circles have been cut away so this is starting to look really good like it's the last thing that we really need to do is just get some text that comes down through here okay and it's simply gonna say clothing so what we need to do is grab the text tool sorry the type tool from our tool box and we need to select that middle circle layer again so I'm gonna go back over to my layers panel and select the middle circle layer I'm also gonna hit a little eye to show it again so it comes back up and I hover over this middle circle and click on it and I'm going to type in the word clothing oops I mean capitals all right now it's coming upside down so what I'm going to do below the top tool here is a little black arrow called the path selection tool you can actually click on this text and flip it over okay you can also move it around a little bit but lots of things so let's move it into the center and you should have something looking like that simply click on it and just drag it up and that flipped it on to the other side of the line that's all done with that little path selection tool using my move tool now I can move it around if I need to it I think it's looking pretty good where it is I'll just hide this middle circle layer for a moment again in my layers panel so hit that little eye next to the middle circle and you can click on clothing there and just nudge it around using your arrow keys I might live it down a little bit just till it's in the center and I think that's looking pretty good okay I'll just hide that box so I think our logos finished now I might actually want to move this crown down a little bit might even make it a little bit bigger so I'll hold shift and alt just make it a bit bit bigger move it around a little hit the ticket the top and I'm done might notice that 2018 up a bit as well there we go so that looks pretty good I'm happy with that logo so what you can do now to save it is just go to file save as and since we want to print this later on there's probably better file types to save it as but for the purpose of this tutorial I'm just going to save it as a JPEG image alright I probably save it as a PDF if I was gonna be printing later on but we're gonna save as a JPEG just for the sake of this tutorial just give it the name logo or Southside logo what do you want to call it click Save little box will come up asking you what quality you want to savor that is anything above 10 is good press ok you're all done
Channel: Geek Tutorials
Views: 296,657
Rating: 4.9163938 out of 5
Keywords: adobe, photoshop, logo, design, tutorial, how to, make, create, vintage, retro, modern, cool, circle, beginner, easy, hipster
Id: 84yj7600MQo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 24sec (924 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 02 2018
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