Creating a Compelling VTuber Character Concept

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[Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] are you surprised that we started on time today [Music] can you believe it I'm here on time for a YouTube stream ooh I actually have my shoes together [Music] foreign [Music] I'm actually here on time look I'm here on time I'm here on time be proud of me I am actually here on time for once in my life hi everybody how are you all doing today first stream well that's okay if it's your first Dream I'm glad you can make it nonetheless um [Music] Mari are you doing this thing because the engaging conversation in your serve about YouTuber concept I'm gonna be honest with you I haven't been on Discord in maybe over a week now I sometimes occasionally will uh you know I actually don't know who's been writing responses in Discord for me but I'll let go and check my Discord and see that like I've written something I was like huh that's kind of weird I don't remember writing that if all of you are talking about YouTuber Concepts in my Discord I'm sorry not my Discord R Discord uh if all of you are in there talking about vtipper concept that's great I'm actually really happy to know that I'm glad that somehow we're on the same wavelength without me actually being very active and I do apologize for not being that active in Discord lately a lot of it is just because I have been very busy on YouTube like I I have spent almost well I had my stomach problems that I was in the hospital for for a little bit and then I came back and then I had to eat like 40 Japanese snacks and then I upset my stomach again I didn't have to go to the hospital this time and then I actually planned like seven different YouTube videos and most of them are in like the recording stage for stuff right now and I've also planned like 10 different streams like thoroughly I actually took the time to plan things yes and there's a little bit of a reason for that which I'll get into in a little bit but yeah I haven't been very active on Discord because there's just a lot of things behind the scenes in the back rooms that are Brewing right now I got my little in I got my little pot of gold that I'm Keeping My Little Treasures to myself with I am feeling a lot better now [Music] um I have my Discord Linked In the description of this video it's Discord slash discord.dg it's Discord dot DD slash Mario May if you want to join the Discord uh shut up and play donkey Honky Donkey rail me Mommy uh aerith we are not playing honkai star rail on this YouTube stream okay we are going to be playing that later tonight on Twitch shortly after this stream today we are actually going to be focusing on making a compelling YouTuber concept and the reason why we're doing that is because I stumbled upon this very interesting video the other day when I was just kind of looking up YouTuber stuff I don't know my algorithm is really kind to me and it loves recommending me other videos about YouTubers so um why are you is I don't know why I keep thinking that every time I eat here shut up shut the [ __ ] up all of you shut up shut up what what you just want to look at big massive booba because I don't have any that's discriminatory anyways I was watching this video and I have come to realize that um for the past three years of me being a YouTuber I have completely messed everything up and it's no wonder why I have failed as a YouTuber for so many times I've tried to be successful I've done a lot of things to get clout as a YouTuber okay I got massive boobies I had caused a lot of drama on Twitter I harassed a bunch of people online I did a [ __ ] ton of reaction content I even like made sure I put no effort into editing any of my videos you know like what every other famous Indie YouTuber does and then I don't know it just it wasn't working for me so I was just kind of a little bit at a loss is like why am I not big huh why am I not popular and so grown and I discovered this video that chemo 11 days ago by yam komori and she finally gave me the clarity for the answer that I was looking for no one cares about your law this is literally me just talking about my experience wait that kind of is my Lord isn't it hold on well I want to share this video with you okay uh this is what we're gonna be doing today I wanna I want to watch this video with all of you by yam I think she deserves a lot more subscribers than what she currently has I think this video is really well put together and I have a little bit of commentary I want to give off of that and um the reason why I want to watch this video first is because she uploaded this PDF file on how to make a compelling YouTuber character concept and I want to fill that all out with you today but I kind of thought like you know I don't really feel right about taking her PDF and filling it out without you know at least like showing you all the video because I mean she has it linked in the PDF but I think for contextual reasons it's kind of important that we watch her videos so you kind of get an understanding of it she really made an amazing video so that this is what the plan is today we're gonna watch that video we're gonna fill out this PDF and um after that you're all gonna tell me if I have a compelling YouTuber concept or not because uh I have some things to say about this video and um feeling I don't know how I'm feeling all right [Music] so this is the video it's titled what many YouTubers are missing and like I said I've tried everything I could possibly do to get famous as a YouTuber alright I'm a controversial videos I tried to be lewd for a day and that didn't work chat yelled at me I understand why you all got mad at me and then let's see what was it what else did I do what else did I do I copied exactly everything that other YouTubers did okay and yet I still don't grow and I don't understand what I was missing this whole time and while I was trying to find answers to my question this video finally uploaded 11 days ago and now we have our answers so let's find out what it is that I'm missing to become a famous successful YouTuber I missed the looter you're too cute you know that you're adorable all right that's is that more centered [Music] what do you mean I'm totally lewd like I am like the lootest Creator I'm more lewd than shy Lily and Snuffy and Nana's and baby all jengling on top of each other naked that's how lewd I am I'm more lewd than that can't you tell by how lewd I'm being right now I'm so lewd I'm so lewd trying to figure out how to get this uploaded is this a good angle don't say the L word lore we don't talk about that L Word in here there's two l words we don't talk about in here lore and love you thought I was gonna say the lesbians were didn't you I really love Scott pilgrims Scott Pilgrim's hilarious [Music] anyways is this like a good angle I just want to make sure like you you can see this okay hmm or should I just full screen It screw it well just full screen it yeah yeah we're just gonna full screen fit yay okay now watch this with me we are going to learn what many other YouTubers including myself are missing and why we are not successful YouTubers I was going to make a part two to my vtuber lore video all about how to write excellent V tuber lore when I noticed something a team of artists and writers could produce a lore video for a v tuber that I enjoyed thoroughly and the next month the same team could produce a lore video can you hear it okay it was terribly boring how could this be I wondered and that's when it hit me making a video on Good Feet tuber lore is a pointless Endeavor because there is something else that dictates whether a v tuber's backstory will turn out interesting I would like to say one thing I really appreciate it when other YouTubers take the time to put actual subtitles and captions in their video I can see that yam is just like me and actually took the time to do it and you can tell how the something was capitalized I just want to put that out there like that takes time and effort to correct all of the AI translated like transcriptions in Adobe because for whatever reason adobe's AI transcription does not not understand the word YouTuber and always messes it up completely so yes this was all curated not and I'll even take that claim one step further that same thing also determines whether a v tuber themselves I haven't turned up a lot audience or not in everything they do yeah let me know if this sounds okay can you ask it's the idea of YouTuber content yeah and I believe YouTuber concepts are being sorely overlooked yeah they are I think I have a good YouTuber concept I think I see a lot of people talking about feedtuber designs models and lore but I don't see anyone talking about V tuber Concepts a video concept is the overall conceptualization stage that must happen before a v tuber is born it is the metaphorical seed you plant to make a v tuber Blossom you can think of a v i feel like the reason why a lot of people overlooked the whole idea of YouTuber Concepts is because people tend to kind of confuse you know character design lore personality like even down to your name that you choose as a YouTuber as part of the whole concept and well to be honest a lot of us are Indies and we don't have money to hire a professional for every single part of those aspects so yeah it kind of makes sense YouTuber concept as an elevator pitch of a v how does one know of your YouTuber concept is good well we're about to find out because I don't know describing of YouTuber's identity with no visually if it is multiple sentences long that isn't a v tuber's concept that's their lore it is the foundation for everything related to a v tuber it's the vtuber's identity a thesis statement of the core of a v tuber so to speak and despite being very rarely talked about a v tipper's concept can be the reason why a v tuber sinks or swims in an oversaturated Market that's very interesting I've never thought of it like that before where if you can't even describe your V Subaru Concept in like a sentence then it's not your concept it's your lore that's so very interesting I've always put it like this if you can't describe your vtuber in three words or less then you don't have a very good concept because I feel like when you see a v tuber you need to just immediately be able to recognize at least three characteristics of that YouTuber or more importantly whether a v tuber connects with their own Persona and Community they strive to build just to make sure we are on the same page I will give you some famous examples iron Mouse is a cheeky charismatic demon queen inugami coroni is a bubbly chaotic Bakery dog hoshimachi suise is a diamond in the rough star Idol Sonic is a fast and cocky head okay first of all Sonic is not Avid super oh no wait he is isn't he oh my God yeah he is super isn't he oh no oh no oh no fast cocky Hedgehog hmm I don't know if cocky is the word I would use to describe Sonic I feel like he's more snarky but I could see the argument I had to sneak him in somewhere these shojo's caisson is a gunpla loving Yakuza delinquent Calliope Mori is a paternal reaping rapper notice how I didn't mention anything about their appearance in these concept descriptions yet you could probably already Envision an image of the character again when I use them oh God they have tails too don't they talking about designs two V tippers with the same idea behind their design can have completely different executions depending now this is where things get a little slippery in the v-tubing scene yes you can take the exact same concept and execute it differently that is very true however what I've often seen the vids who've been seen is that people just literally rip off each other's Concepts without changing it at all or being transformative in any way possible so it literally looks like a carbon copy and yes we have seen that numerous times throughout the years there is also the issue of some YouTubers heavily referencing their whole entire concept off of another Veep super where it's not exactly a carbon copy but it's really similar and then you have people like me who have their artists completely recycle your design for another client and then try to backpedal saying that your concept is too common to really be transformative with it so yeah we're all dream cats now yeah that's right oh there are tons of other YouTubers who have the same concept of me but are like this where it's completely transformative and very different very difference depending on the actual it's literally like the whole let me copy your homework and change some things yeah that's exactly what it is concept behind them just look at the major Vibe difference between gargura and artificial this is a great example they're both Shark Girl Designs but one was designed with a silly and Kawaii Concept in mind while the other was designed with a more mature and calm gamer Concept in mind the reason gargura and Artemis I mean I feel Fillion also copied the spin wheel of punishment okay now that's something completely different that is completely different and not what we're talking about at all you're talking about contents and yes there is an issue where YouTubers and streamers will copy content ideas from each other sure but that's okay because it's the type of entertainment you're providing that's not the same as literally making yourself look like an actual clone as another person it's like you know when some people become really obsessed over a anime character that they have to cosplay and look exactly like them well imagine that but it actually is them trying to be you it's weird and creepy is cosplay creepy no well sometimes it is it depends on what the cosplay is but this is very different if you see another content creator and you're like wow that was a really cool like video idea I should Inspire from it that's totally fine like there's nothing wrong with that as long as you're transformative enough and you're not like some YouTubers that we know who just literally copied the thumbnail down to the each and vital elements and then change just a few words of the title but I can't mention that YouTuber's name because they'll strike down this entire live stream and then try to take my YouTube channel away so but if you know you know are both able to coexist is because at their stream content is not V2 identity their personality Target demographics and content are all different too it's okay if you're still confused let me add a visually to break things down for you before a v tuber concept is born a few things should be taken into account those things are one's personality and life experiences their target audience and what content more important I make as a YouTuber very interesting the aspiring YouTuber clarifies those three things they can come up with a concept of Concepts and their content best this concept will be kept in mind for all future decisions a v tuber will make on The Branding side of YouTubers concept I love that she chose ninji Sanji as The Branding example considering nijizanji is in such a dumpster fire right now I'm really surprised she just didn't show like I don't know maybe Hollow live because whole life English had I don't know Hollow myth and then you know Hollow Council it's just very funny that she's choosing ninji Sanji as the example of good branding except will dictate their naming scheme she breaks it down really nicely and character quirks they may add on such as a funny laugh a catchphrase or a character voice and might Implement wait a minute okay so if like branding can be all the way down to like a funny voice well I wonder what my branding would be I wonder what kind of like brand I give off what do you think what kind of what kind of Brandy no I give off like what makes me memorable for all of you is it my quirky laugh is it you know well I haven't done any songs so you can't say that maybe some of my videos like I have I have I done that makes you feel more you know this is the if you were to see something and you're like oh that's the Mario brand once the lyrics and Sean who is this and what is happening with them what do you mean who is this and what is happening them you're an annoyance being annoying is not a brand that is a lifestyle and you're tired yeah actually that kind of adds up I have a brand oh I think that answers my question they release are merchandising hi Jack welcome in by the way we're reacting to stuff and then we're gonna do things they're stream overlays schedules alerts and of course the character design and future outfits that their model will have then finally once a YouTuber's concept has been decided they can make content that is inspired by their Concept in the form of streams or videos that match their theming and character don't worry if you I feel like for that last part with the content specific con reading's hard I feel like with that last part on the concept specific content this is kind of the luxury of v-tubing where yeah you can totally base content around like your character's concept and the thing that kind of makes me laugh is like this isn't any different than your traditional YouTuber or streamer root like I don't understand why IRL creators have this strong disliking jealousy over V subbers when it's really not that different than the stuff that they do the only difference is that we're just cute anime women and you're just an old ugly bastard so like I don't know don't be mad at me for being cute don't get this chart just yet we will revisit it more in depth later on in the video so why do V tubers need a specific Concept in mind the key word here is cohesion having a V2 talking about Boba being silly and dining that's good a YouTuber's concept can work as a vision statement to keep their content consistent I think the tutorials yeah having a clear concept I think my tutorials is probably what created my brand in the first place because I don't I think it's because what you all are not realizing is that it's not even so much about the tutorials in the general let me struck my ego in general I am very good at looking at something analyzing it and you know as I'm digesting it I regurgitate the same information in a very simplified manner I make very easily digestible content which is why I could never do videos like yam because hers are very analytical they go deep down into the nitty-gritty details and I applaud her for that there's other commentary and news and like drama YouTubers or YouTubers I should say who do the same thing they get really down into the details I take all of those details and filter out the unnecessary information and then I simplify everything to make it easier and beginner friendly stuff like this is more for people who are more intermediate or Advanced and want like Nitty Gritty stuff I make things very beginner friendly for people because you know my brain is a little smooth so sometimes I struggle understanding some of this stuff and I feel like other people probably also under don't understand this stuff either yay smooth brain what the [ __ ] is that is it a bug oh my God is there a bug in here it better not be a fly I don't like flies and you better not go in my mouth okay I'm being attacked Concept in mind gives a v tuber a compass that continually points them in the same direction for everything related to their Channel if they continue to refer back to their concept for everything they do if I'm just honestly honest not for example reason but what just your realization I feel like nothing is really outstanding about you like girl is the shark iron Mouse is the mouse actually didn't she say earlier in the video that Imo's is some kind of like demon oh wait did she not get to the iron Mouse in this one oh maybe she gets iron most later um so nothing nothing about me stands out at all but I'm a cat I have cat look see I'm cat look see I'm cat look look I'm cat I'm Kat and I have pajamas I'm sleepy cat I'm cat The Branding wait a minute demon queen um I see I see um uh so iron Mouse is a demon queen I see I see so there's nothing I use City you're telling me I'm not the main character and that there's nothing special about me I was always told I am the main character though and I'm not just some side character NPC loser that no one really wants to talk or hang out with and they only play the root when they're bored if completed every other route hmm theming design and content they make will all feel like they fit together cohesively now here's where the title of this video comes into play I believe a lot of the best YouTubers follow their own Concepts subconsciously but I never see anyone mention this as a major part of a YouTuber's success part of the reason VTO concept is overlooked is because it is such an easy step to miss in reality it's the invisible glue that holds the features what are you talking about yeah I'm not an emcee take that back I'm just soft and I'm and and I'm just a small cat I almost said a small boy I don't know why I am just a small cat okay I am just small and I'm sensitive and I simplify things because most stuff is too complicated for me to understand that doesn't mean that I'm an NBC wait a minute isn't that like what all the like the tutorial NPCs of every single game does uh entity together and couldn't be more important you think I'm just a jack of all trades now that we've established what the YouTuber concepts are and why they are important let's review the type of features for Concepts that tend to be successful unique now this is where I feel like all of you in here are saying that there's nothing special about me I think here when we decide this Define what type of Concepts there are you will realize I'm in one of these categories and I am the main character and there is special about me what's UPS unique concepts are typically made up of character Concepts that haven't been done often and character Concepts that have a unique combination of themes unique Concepts will ensure a YouTuber has an interesting brand intriguing lore and memorable design without a unique concept oftentimes the other aspects of a vtuber may come out this is my channel Eric regardless is a supporting character YouTuber performs some examples of Youtubers with unique concepts are goria neurosoma lasso Cassidy Kobo kaneru kakumantenbara Salome and friend Penrose anime Trope concept that's so interest wait a minute so like basically unique concepts are the weird looking YouTubers sorry to those who are listed on there being weird isn't necessarily a bad thing though Subs since V tubers are based on anime Aesthetics and appeal to anime fans some feature characters also have their Concepts based on anime tropes this is more common in early bee tubers in Japanese agencies such as halllife and Niti Sanji anime Trope YouTuber character Concepts serve the important role of converting anime fans into the earliest group of YouTuber fans by presenting them with something familiar from their faces this is early however this time alive fell out of style yeah that makes a lot of sense a v-tubing became more popular and mainstream mainly because there are that's why kizuna eye is so irrelevant now and it's like so sad and she literally was the Pioneer who coined the word YouTuber and unfortunately she did fall into this whole anime Trope which is why she also fell off it's unfortunate really only so many anime tropes for characters to be based on so anime Trope Concepts became immediately saturated contemporary YouTubers tend to use anime tropes as secondary characteristics but rarely surround their core concept around them to avoid being predictable and unmemorable that makes you are working on a bee tuber concept yourself I recommend avoiding basing an entire concept solely off an anime Trope for those reasons okay some examples of Youtubers with anime Trope character concepts are not to iromatsuri ozora Subaru tsukinomito kenmochi Toya and pretty much the majority of Japanese talents in whole life and niji sanji's yeah that makes a lot of sense okay so it's kind of like if you're gonna do something like this you need to if you are gonna go the anime Trope concept you need to combine it with like one of the other Concepts that are on here I wonder what anime Trope I fit into first Generations complementary Concepts complementary concepts are YouTuber Concepts that match the actor or actress's personality traits closely this doesn't necessarily have to include their real life physical appearance but it can as is the case for Lily Pichu and it came on more importantly a complementary YouTuber concept will fit an actor or actress's voice I honestly feel like the new caissons like concept really does fit her personality I have been watching her for the longest time all the way back and through the years of just how much he has changed with her content I can definitely say that this version of her is like the best that I have seen it really does matches who she is systems and personality complementary concepts are successful because they immerse the audience in consistency and provide the audience with a sense of familiarity some examples of Youtubers with complementary concepts are Fox Acumen cell and tatsuki tokino Sora gargura Noir Vesper and Nina kosaka contrasting Concepts serving as the antithesis of complementary Concepts contrasting Concepts can be equally as effective we're complicated Concepts match and reactors natural personality and voice a contrasting concept will serve to do the exact opposite a contrasting concept oh yeah the natural traits of an actor or actress and select the theme and design that is the direct opposite thus bringing attention to the gap between the actor and the Avatar some members that's kind of cool brought up the term commonly used a lot myself but when I think of content like this is kind of interesting because there is this whole abstract concept of like something that is super cute and adorable but like their voice is super serious or mature are maybe like their design is super scary and intimidating but they have like the sweetest softest voice like it's super interesting of a um character design I guess or like a character concept it's very cool oh so Mario is a contrasting what do you mean I'm a contract what do you mean I am contrasting concept you think I'm a contrast what about me is contrasting I don't understand wait you really think I'm a contrast concept my appearance and personality or contrast we really you think my way how wait oh so wait a minute what about my personality is contrasting with my concept are you saying that I am not is a sassy cat girl that wants to hang out and sleep all day nunners I almost baby they all got struck by a real life disease wait really I thought it was just iron Mouse I mean neanders [Music] um I don't think she's ever mentioned her to see I haven't really watched Narrows in a really long time and I never knew Vive was sick that's interesting I'm scary I'm not scary I think I'm I'm a very not scary Viet super unless if you mess with me I try to be scary oh I I don't try to be scary I'm just a little abrasive at least that's what people describe me as so I don't know untrusting Concepts I think of Alphonse elrics sleepy looking outfit but you're a hyper high-end you really think I'm a high energy streamer really really that's crazy I've never had someone describe me as high energy before I've never had someone describe me as that you really think I'm high energy that's so interesting I just think it's because I'm loud and Loud equals funny am I right am I right an anime Fullmetal Alchemist visually Alphonse Elric is large and intimidating but the cold suit of armor and bright red eyes however you literally lock a part of you in the basement so that makes me unhinge I would just like to inform you that if that makes me unhinge all of you watching this are unhinged I firmly believe that when you're on the internet you lock a little part of you away a part that you don't want other people to see that's the beauty of a nominee they say that word right so if I'm the one that's unhinged for doing that then you need to take a good look in the mirror and tell yourself that you are an adorable Neko cat in the end and you give yourself some kisses later okay because everyone unlocks a little bit of themselves in there the one that I just lock is just a menace to society that you don't need to see personality wise and voice-wise [Music] Alphonse Elric is a sweet naive young boy who loves cats and The Simple Pleasures in life the contrast of these two aspects of his character concept is part of what makes it so compelling to the audience and so I say if you have a love for a certainness okay you can't match the visuals you have in mind for a v tuber concept don't I think I'm just loud instead lean into that gap between yourself and your concept some examples of Youtubers with contrasting concepts are porcelain oh that's a great example Luca kanashiro thank you yeah and mysterious yeah those are great examples YouTuber belongs to an agency often it's a good idea to have their concept match the rest of the group or generation so that they all know each other thematically oh no no no no don't show this one oh my Yoshi I don't think this video aged very well everybody I don't think this video aged very well how do we tell her how do we tell her stupid fly can I kill it no wait it's still here [ __ ] over here you piece of [ __ ] where are you don't make me get the electric hammer I don't know where it is but I swear if this thing flies into my mouth I am literally going to delete my YouTube channel overall theme so that people can immediately recognize the larger brand that they are attached to nijisanji and Hall live also have she might have been editing this for a really long time something you gotta understand is that analytical videos like this take a really long time to crab so she might have been editing this for a very long time more in depth in my video on agency V tuber lore however there are some other YouTuber groups to note here too some of my favorite V Tipper groups with matching Concepts include Farms projects YouTubers say voms does such a great job for groups and agencies often adhere to group Concepts and theming that means that the majority of the time I mean it's weird seeing yam giving all this good advice while her own avatar looks curse you really think her Avatar looks cursed I mean is it the white hair what is wrong with all of you you're all here to like chill out iron mouse or vape and yanners and all this other stupid YouTubers [ __ ] but you're gonna sit here and dunk on me and yam because why is it because we have white hair we have white silverish light hair well guess what they also has light hair too the only reason why you all want to talk about this because she has massive titties all right there's nothing wrong with light hair characters they are they are just as they're just as awesome okay some of my favorite anime characters have white hair all right they're usually the mostly unstable ones agency of YouTubers cannot choose their own concept if you audition for an agency you have to be ready to play a character that the agency gives you that doesn't mean you can't I don't think my hair is very beautiful I think it's just more great examples of bee tubers who are given one concept but slowly molded their character Concepts to make sure I don't think you're a character concept is ugly that's really mean to say don't say things like that it's just because it is it's not appealing to you doesn't mean it's not appealing to other people and not only that but like when I first debuted this model that you see here do you know how many people shot on this concept like there's a reason why we are watching this and filling out this sheet after I for the past year and a half have gotten shat on for how terrible this concept was does nobody remember long neck Mari it was bad really bad and I come to realize that Sometimes some Concepts just aren't for everybody but that doesn't mean that you don't have an audience now are there things I yam probably could improve butter concept probably yeah there's things I can improve about my other concept but that doesn't mean it's ugly I just think it's because you don't like bats that's all she's like a fruit bat or something like that I can't remember she I think she says it in this video of what kind of YouTuber she is she's like a bat though personality agencies also seem to be shifting in the direction of allowing individuals to choose their own character Concepts agencies like face connect Idol Amber glow listen multimedia real Corp and Kawa entertainment allow their talents and freedom to choose or keep their own YouTuber Concepts I believe that concept Freedom will be the way of the future because having a concept that matches of YouTubers personality and aesthetic taste actually improves the quality of content they are able to make for that agency which leads me to the question what happens if a YouTuber doesn't feel any connection with their YouTuber character concept well when you don't feel any connection to your YouTuber character concept I have a very simple solution you lock them in your basement for nobody to ever see in the living daylight ever again and then you continue on with your New Concept YouTuber isn't feeling connected to their concept they can lose motivation to continue their activities audiences may also notice a disconnect between the vtubers concept and their actual personality over time this disconnect can lead to a lower audience turnout and the V tuber to feel uncomfortable in their own virtual skin if the V2 this is a good video to make the character their own they may even feel too unmotivated to continue activities under that Persona that actually happened to me I didn't start my YouTuber Journey as the adore him I bet you see today before I was young okay I'm understanding now why all of you have an issue it's it's the background the background is blending into her hair and it makes it really hard to see her hair in the front to be honest I think that's why honestly when I was watching this video earlier too I was like man this background is not doing her justice I think this is something that I have an issue with as well whenever I'm editing my thumbnails and stuff I have such a difficult time finding a good background because there's not really a lot of editors and designers who understand like silver white hair characters and I've come to realize that there's a very few amount of colors I can use in my thumbnails which is why I use literally the same background from the majority of my videos because none of them look good when I try to use anything else literally today I kid you not today I was in a group chat conversation with somebody and I actually had a group of people sit down and talk to me saying Mari your background's [ __ ] suck and they actually sat there and took time to sit with me and help me understand color theory on what kind of backgrounds actually go with my character and now I'm hoping with the next couple of videos I will publish on this channel hopefully you'll see a difference in the thumbnails and they'll look better because you know some of you didn't watch my new video and I got really upset by it so yeah I had to go to like a group therapy session and then we realized it's just because I made a really terrible thumbnail so yeah I was a forest nymph named Lorelei I streamed us Lorelei on Twitch for an interview I think it's the art style realizing I wasn't connecting to my video so this used to be her old concept which I mean I'm a little sad that she got rid of this one because this one is super cute there's not that many green haired V tubers and not only that there's not that many like nymph types of characters as well I so originally I was gonna have a very similar concept to like my little sister shimo who's like a fairy cat princess except I was uh originally thinking of being like you know what I'll say for what I was gonna say we'll do it for the worksheet the PDF worksheet I will I will hold a pin on that we I'll tell you after as an aspiring character designer I assumed that the problem was the visual design of my character so I think the design on this one looks really nice designs for Lorelei still after designing all of these oh that's so sexy what that is so it is so beautiful straight up that is so beautiful I love like anything that's like Fae inspired like I have a whole tarot collection I like my whole Altar and stuff and I love just anything that's like mythical or Forest type of things like I know this isn't a fairy per se but like this could this could have been like a fairy um inspired like type of feature pecan stuff like this is beautiful I can't believe she didn't like this all of these I didn't feel any connection to them that's when I realized the problem wasn't just the design of my YouTuber I'm so sad I didn't connect to my character that's so sad lorelei's concept is an adventurous and optimistic forest nymph personally I admire adventurous people but I myself am more of a calm homebody as for the optimistic part it was hard to always be 100 positive in front of my audience without being able to be real with them on occasion lastly forests and water nymphs I don't know I I feel like as a forest nymph you could definitely play the character that's more real I I kind of disagree on that like I don't think you would have to force yourself to be 100 positive when I think of I'm very cultured into mystical creatures right so I mean look at that butt cheek so I would definitely argue that you don't have to be 100 positive as that kind of character concept because these types of creatures are usually meant to be more like playing a fantasy and sometimes fantasy is being more honest and emotional that's part of the charm for some people so I would argue against that but I do understand that she didn't feel any connections to her previous model and that's respectable it really is and I think that happens to a lot of YouTubers actually which is why after three years since most people became YouTubers a lot of them either graduated and redwed as a new model or they rebranded that's fine with natural beauty nudity and learning men to their Doom which gave my audience the wrong impression of me that makes a lot of sense no matter how many times I changed up my design they're very sexy the core concept at its heart yeah they're very sexy boy's design was going to make her concept work for me once I've realized that makes a lot of sense you know it was time to Rebrand into a concept that fit me better so how does one know if they have a good YouTuber concept on alright everybody right here is how we're going to find out if I have a suitable concept now their hands that is suitable for their own personality that's what I set out to find out in this video I can't give any hard and fast rules but here are some ideas on how to think through a v tuber concept step by step if you're an aspiring YouTuber who's looking to come up with your first feature concept or if you're an established YouTuber who thinks they might want to solidify that that's a concept after watching this video I will have a printable worksheet linked Down Below in the comments for you to fill out as you follow along and even if you aren't a YouTuber I still think you may be curious to know why your Oshi works so well as a YouTuber character so stick around okay okay now that you have your printouts let's go back to the flowchart I mentioned so like I said she did make a little PDF here and I did download that so we will be filling that out after this video at the beginning of the video personal traits planned content genre and target audience all come before making a v Tipper concept so let's go over those first section 8 personal traits what personality traits do you want to carry over into your V tuber are there any aspects of yourself you want to emphasize in your vtuber character for me as yam komori I decided to focus on my low energy and comfortable nature because that is what my audience has told me they like about my personality if you're struggling to pin down your own personality I would recommend using some personality oh we should do some of those after this personality tests and even just character quizzes from your favorite media yeah get inspired section B Plant content genre what type of content do you want to create as a YouTuber your mom no no video games I don't know where that came from ignore that it's Gundam on stream do you want to stream for hours at a time or make videos all right I knew somebody in this stream was gonna bring up Iris I freaking knew it I was waiting I was waiting to throw some hands and somebody was going to mention Iris all right you want to talk about bad feed super Concepts laughs Iris I love you please don't ban me um yeah her concept was amazing actually the problem was the art style like Iris actually has an amazing vtuber concept and that's why she was able to still stay relevant and she had a wonderful personality too the problem was that they chose an art style that looks really [ __ ] creepy and uncanny it basically looked like a moving painting and it was just really really creepy and it sucks because the artist that Drew her is an amazing artist just some stuff this is kind of the problem with like a lot of artists right who drive YouTuber models and I feel bad for saying this but um you could be an amazing artist but that doesn't mean your art is amazing for V tubing like every artist is skilled in some kind of aspect right some artists are really amazing at making background art some artists are really great at animation some artists are like designers and while there are other artists who are amazing at drawing YouTuber art and I'm sorry but a lot of you who want to make YouTuber models you're only doing it because you want to jump on the cash cow Trend without realizing that your art is not suitable for v-tubing your art is more suitable for illustrations and Fan Art and like alert panels or something or graphic design and that's okay but you're gonna have to accept that your art style is not really good for v-tubing and yeah I think a lot of artists tried way too hard to jump in on this cash Trend right now and I think it's really important to understand your strengths and weaknesses for this kind of stuff instead of just bandwagoning because I mean yeah Iris was a classic example of they should never have made YouTuber art they should just stick with illustrations I mean it's why I don't do karaoke streams I can't sing but you don't see me like pretending like I'm an idol I mean I'm pretty good at pairing you want to hear it you want to hear me purr looksie see I'm really good at Paradise can't you tell totally not nightmare fuel at all yeah I stick with what I'm good at and what I'm good at is being annoying on the internet I want to host live concerts all of your content creation goals should be kept in mind what defines artists suitable literally if your art looks uncanny when it's being animated that's unsuitable iris is a classic example if it looks uncanny now I'm not saying that if your art looks bad because that's subjective right if it feels uncanny uncanny valley means it feels this weird in-between mixture of realism and then cartoon if your art feels like it's in The Uncanny Valley range it's not suitable for youtubing sure when rebranding to yam komori I knew that I wanted to switch from trying to be a music Idol and variety streamer into making some more analytical long-form videos I still wanted to release music and stream on occasion but videos were mainly what I was keeping in mind section c target audience who's your target audience what is you oh that one's easy graphic interested in do you have a specific gender or yes I do my target audience is people who have money I'm just kidding well I mean that's part of it but listen listen my target audience is you right now the person watching this you that's right you if you're here right now watching this you are my target audience and I love everything about you strange in mind for me my target audience is people who are interested in becoming YouTubers and fans of existing YouTubers that means my target audience is mainly adult anime fans and artists I don't have a specific gender in mind for my content since my aspiring YouTuber audience excuse more female but my YouTuber fan audience skews more male so they balance each other out in my demographics now that we have the first row of the flowchart filled out we can move on to the real deal let's talk about coming up with a vtuber concept I unfortunately can't tell you exactly how to come up with your YouTuber concept but here are some pointers I'm just kidding about the money thing I'm just kidding one always keep yourself in mind how do you want to represent yourself on the internet do you want to play a character with tons of deep lore or do you want to use Bay tipping as a way to be yourself anonymously behind an avatar what are some of your favorite animals professions in Aesthetics come up with multi-layer Concepts multi-layered concepts are a way to make a generic concept more unique single layer Concepts would be something like an angel a cat or a gamer in order to make these Concepts multi-layered we can add other Aesthetics professions or personality traits to these Concepts so now we have a futuristic Angel with a Shotgun wait a minute didn't she just graduate recently hold on so now we have a futuristic angel with didn't she graduate recently or am I tripping the shotgun a Maine [ __ ] cowboy and a gamer who's secretly a Demon Slayer the extra layers you add to a concept will Aid in setting your brand apart from the saturated YouTuber Market well I thank you guys listen it's okay if you don't have money as long as you like And subscribe and share my stuff that's also fine but I'm glad that many of you in here are genuinely saying like it's okay for me to ask money because for like the past three years I have been so self-conscious about asking for financial support because like one time I asked what one time I said I was opening up a patreon and I got shot on by like 10 of my viewers and I only had like 15 viewers at the time and ever since then I've always had just a really hard time asking for money so I'm very happy to know that I have reached a point in my B2B career where it's okay for me to like ask for financial support thank you also allowing for a more interesting YouTuber design down the line three experiment a lot I would recommend coming oh she's on Hiatus oh she's so beautiful things and Design Elements for each of these Concepts use Pinterest and create mood boards for them list out the pros and cons of each concept four do your research so you have to do your research the next thing to do is to research each aspect of your concept this was the step I regretted skipping the most with my first beat Super character had I done my research about nimson how they are typically portrayed in storytelling I would have never chosen that concept for myself in the first place make sure you know the connotations and cultural tropes that surround each aspect of your character concept that way you won't be surprised about new viewers first impressions of you crime five take your time on the final selection if you still can't decide you can even use some free to use models and privately stream as each character concept yeah see how you feel that's true yeah people should really try streaming with like a pre-made model just try to avoid going forward blue hair we could have gotten a blue hair I love blue hair I love blue hair women let's go that would have been crazy oh that would have been so crazy yeah I really do believe that people need to try streaming with like a pre-made model it really gets under my skin when people will spend thousands of dollars on a model and then realize I don't even like V tubing like I started with a ten dollar no not even I started with a vroid model that I made with a bunch of free presets from Booth then I bought a 10 pre-made lie to D model to see if I like 2D better than 3D and then I moved on from there you know like I just it really gets under my skin like please stop spending so much money on V tubing if you don't even like streaming oh stop stop doing it model only to change your mind when you realize the concept doesn't suit you or your car I literally have nine dollars in my bank account and you're sitting here spending like thousands of dollars just for something that you're gonna put on a shelf and forget about in years to come and that stuff just ugh it's so annoying intense once you have a YouTuber character concept you are confident in congratulations you can finally move forward to the fun Parts like choosing Graphics writing lore and of course designing your feet tuber character that's something celebrating epilogue long term and don't feel bad if you can't stick around the stream like this this VOD will be up don't worry the concept as a YouTuber may change or refine itself over time your chat may also add their own head cannons and interpretations of your character that you may want to adopt for instance I may get loud on stream sometimes and my audience has dubbed that my echolocation oh that's so that suit they dubbed her screaming and laughing as echolocation for like the bad things see this is why I love all of you in here watching this a lot of the concept and ideas that I had from my own V tuber have come from things that all of you have said there have been numerous just unhinged like Rants and conspiracies about my YouTuber concept that I have totally made Canon because it was so ridiculous and out there that I just liked it ah Malcolm thank you so much for that Super Chat yay I have a you know what that means I can afford a chicken burger later oh my gosh I didn't know what I was gonna have did E for dinner after stream today but now I can go get a chicken burger let's go thank you you have now provided me dinner for tonight like literally after this stream I'm gonna get a chicken burger and I'm gonna come back and stream on Twitch to show you some other cool videos and then play uh honkai badonkadonker big mommy milky gacha game later my character concept is a bat you may also see a natural shift in your concept over time as you grow as a content creator in person that doesn't necessarily mean you need to Rebrand every few years yeah your audience will be happy to see how you've grown and changed over the years even if you look the same on the outside fans get used to your appearance and personality so I wouldn't recommend changing them too often embrace the changes that happen now I get paid tomorrow just don't overthink it so so did I convince I'll have money what are your favorite features so it's okay let me know in the comments down below see this was just a really great video and this is the sheet that we're about to go print out and like well not print out we're gonna go work on now because I feel like I could use a lot more help on my concept oh my gosh how do I say your gray box thank you thank you so much for the Super Chat as well yay now I have I have a 11 plus 20 uh that's like 31. that is literally like a chicken burger and let's see I could get a combo meal now holy cow I can get a combo meal now yo I normally don't get combo meals now oh my gosh how what am I gonna well I don't like soda Bob no I don't have time to get bubbles I get the chicken burger I will I will save that money for chicken burger today and then I'll get and then I'll get a chicken burger tomorrow why won't you chicken burgers all the time yeah let's let's go Swift start and kazana thank you also for the super chats as well wow I can't believe I'm actually gonna have dinner tonight like I am you want to know what I ate yesterday like it was okay now a lot of you are probably like Mari why do you only have nine dollars in your bank account well remember how I said I was in the hospital for like a couple of days because of my stomach I had to miss work I wasn't able to um work for a couple of days and I didn't realize that um not working for a couple of days really affects your income am I right you don't work you don't earn money so I um didn't really get a lot of a paycheck so I get paid every two weeks and I get paid tomorrow but all of my bills come out like the first week of every month so I had like no money at all and I was really stressed out because like uh yeah I literally ate what was it I ate angel hair pasta and like butter that's all I had yesterday so today I finally can go food shopping well actually no because the the super chats um they don't go into your account for like um I think until next week but but I have enough money to buy a chicken burger today I will get paid tomorrow and IOP I will buy you groceries and then thanks to all of yours holy [ __ ] I bet I have not been oh my God what happened yo fania thank you so much a drink let's go rocks thank you also for the Super Chat thank you everybody get promote yourself more Saucy but I am terrible at promoting my like I said for the past like several years I always got shut down on asking for financial support like I was always told that if I ask people for money I'm like a terrible person so that's why I was like oh okay I guess I'll just you have no idea how many days I've just gone just eating like just butter pasta or something like I just don't talk about it that much because it's like I always felt bad I don't want to like worry everybody you know and now I've kind of come to an understanding that eating butter pasta all the time um isn't really good for your stomach but yeah thank you so much as well as a zoltar as angelian and Jack thank you everybody so much for the the super chats I appreciate I am gonna buy myself some groceries I haven't been grocery shopping in a hot minute because I usually just cut it cheap out like I buy like you know like the frozen pizzas are like pasta because that stuff lasts for a really long time right so like you know I just want to make sure I don't run out of food because here's the thing I have to buy dog food and cat food right and I would much rather feed them than feed myself so it's like I just buy really cheap things that will like last me a really long time and then I make sure I have enough of their food because you know animal food's really expensive right so yeah I appreciate that so much like thank you so much as well I'm Janice thank you so glad to finally made a live stream if I could only lurk that's okay if you can only lurk like you know time steps on this VOD will be up and like I appreciate lurkers so much because that tells me that I'm good background noise and that's awesome like I love being background noise I love in your ear in the background what would you suggest for someone who's already commissioned an artist and had a concept may have seconds you know this is actually going to lead me to my next part of this stream um all right why don't we transition screens while we talk about that so what do you do when you commission an artist and are having second thoughts oh man that's tough because that's kind of what happened to me with this model I wanted to watch this video with all of you because deep down I was really starting to have second thoughts about this character it's been three years now and as much as I was really excited when I first got this model from my Waco I recently for like the past several months I've had a lot of doubts about this concept and yeah it like this sucks I've spent like I what's it called um I work two jobs for like the past uh year and a half to be able to afford this model that you see here because not only do I have to pay for this model but I had to pay for the rigging and then Momo my dog passed away and I had to pay for all of her medical bills and surgery costs like I was working so much to the point where you didn't see me stream a lot you saw on here I wasn't streaming I wasn't uploading anything because I was working I worked so much to the point that now I have to go to the hospital because apparently I've discovered I've overworked myself and having poor nutrition and not enough sleep the doctors told me that if I don't stop I'm gonna go down a very bad path and for my health so I had to leave my second job and now that Momo is gone and I don't have to pay for like any more medical bills um I'm left here with my model that I quite frankly am not too happy with I'm actually going to be uploading a video talking about this more later but that's why I wanted to like have this dream today to work on Concepts because I kind of wanted to work a bit more on my concept with all of you because yeah I definitely understand and it sucks I'm sorry you had to spend so much money on a design that you don't end up loving in the end I'm really sorry to hear that I feel for you holy holy [ __ ] happened oh my God why am I not looking at chat more I really need to don't I I'm so bad at this no you're not a terrible person or you provide entertainment people thank you I'm glad that you think my rants are entertaining oh thank you model the best starving is kind of it really is um like I said I did like the Japanese snacks right but I only bought those snacks because of all of your donations like I just I I did that for like your entertainment and stuff and don't worry sorry I gotta take off my jacket it's getting a little hot in here give me a second okay Jack it's off um I do a lot of this stuff for like all of you like I put a lot of money back into my channel but I do make sure my bills are paid first like I make sure bills are paid I make sure animals are taken care of and then I work on my channel anything else that's left is for me after and there's usually not that much but thank you so much for the Super Chat and as well as oh my gosh how are you what you're crazy treat yourself okay I will what should I get I will say less literally say less I won't say no I am the dream cloudy do you think I'm cloudy like bong water cloudy like what do you mean in Swift star thank you as well holy cow I'm so bad at reading chat I'm so so sorry thank you I'm definitely gonna get you know what I'll do to treat myself I will get bubble tea I haven't had bubble tea in a while so I'm gonna treat myself with bubbles do you thank you I appreciate that a lot like thank you it's it's weird to like um what's it called to talk about this kind of stuff because you know I told you all in the beginning of the year I'm kind of tired of like not really talking about what's going on and so I'm trying really hard to be more honest about things and like not letting other creators pressure me to be quiet all the time so I really appreciate the kind words that all of you give me even if you're like you know earlier when um you were saying that like you know there really isn't anything special or standing out on my character you're right you're 100 correct and that's part of why I'm not happy with my design is because I've realized that there is nothing remotely outstanding about my YouTuber concept and yeah that's kind of why I was like really bummed by it not by you saying it but I've already known that you know so like it's fine if people want to like be um like critical and stuff like that's fine because I agree and that's why I wanted to do this little worksheet with all of you now to kind of see like I don't know maybe there's maybe there's a different mariame out there that we might like you know hmm I think a lot of people are always kind of what's it called I think a lot of people are always really afraid to be more honest and stuff you know you know at least that's kind of how I feel um and hey we got happy birthdays well happy birthday start awesome here it's your birthday let's go I'm glad to hear that although where were you when it was my birthday hmm where when it was my birthday huh you weren't around for my birthday but at least I can be around for yours and thank you so much he told me Yuki I really appreciate that thank you so much for the Super Chat you say you we're your target audience I'm a two dwarfs in a Woman costume no thoughts head empty but good times hey well that means there's two of you so that means that I have two more friends to hang out with and I'm glad let me get this PDF up for all of you happy birthday Mark thank you and it's okay if you go back to look I really appreciate the super Jazz thank you I'm gonna go food shopping that's gonna be amazing I haven't gone in a hot minute let me see here um I let me put this back up here [Music] this is the concept sheet now you understand why we're gonna be doing this because I wanted to make sure you all understood the context of this so now we're gonna fill out this PDF together everybody we're gonna find out what my YouTuber concept is going to be and you can fill it out too for your own V tubing Adventures as well so the very first thing that we're going to start with is personality traits what personality traits do you want to carry over into your V tuber any aspects of yourself you want to emphasize in your YouTuber character imma need your help with this chat what personality traits do you think I have you can be honest how do I edit these again I think I have to like put this here yeah yeah all right someone earlier said I'm annoying [Music] okay I'm annoying wait can I choose what kind of text just use your basic just just use literally the just where is where is my font where is my basic fonts Comic Sans there we go I was told that I'm annoying what else what else is cat a personality trait I am cat okay cringe cringe is a personality trick cringe okay soon today I'm not soon today wait [Music] dream I'm you know what maybe dreamy isn't the right word maybe we'll put Spacey I'm definitely Spacey unhinged okay fine I'll put somebody down because so many of you are saying Sunday [Music] hey that is not a personality trait we're not talking about flaws let's see I'm glad that I you think I'm well spoken sometimes I feel like I I don't express myself correctly it gets me into trouble a lot hmm cheery I think this is cheery no that's cherry cheerful easily startled oh that's true easily starts startled okay okay okay um [Music] sometimes I can I can be sad maybe maybe we'll put this emotional damage because I'm very emotional I think ah um now remember these are things that we're gonna emphasize in my YouTuber character right so hmm warm and welcoming oh that's yeah I like that warm and welcome I think these are good oh [Music] yes now hmm why do I want to bring into these ass oh you know what I'm very this organized chubby chubby oh you know why you're right I should put chubby down here because I have mega fat titties you're right that's chubby right I got some chubby booba you know little I am not the little sister I will bite not little sister I think I'm comfy even when I even when I purr it's the purring I oh I am very smart you're right I am very smart analytical I think the um analytic that's too hard of a word for me to spell how about I put this judgy I'm very judgy hmm is this a personality trait foreign I'm not crazy yet I'm not crazy I am a little chaotic neutral malnourished how about we put down picky picky eater and Finn nothing thin thin I'm thin NPC NPC is not a personality trait okay this is good enough we will move on plan content genre no I already know what kind of content I want to make a type of content I want to make is nothing I'm just kidding complain on Twitter all and I'm just kidding I'm kidding I'm kidding I'm kidding how about how about I am smart teacher how about we do okay there do you use our [Music] um I want to create YouTube videos and videos about vtubers I want to do um I like I like ranking things I like like watching I like watching stuff and judging the things I watch um eating wait no wait that's Chinese that's content I gotta make not stuff I like to do maybe like what are YouTuber content genres what an xmlink question so there's another video that I watched We're not gonna watch the entire video for it but there was another video I watched of this artist her name is Lavender Town and she makes a lot of amazing art videos and she made a video where she tried being a YouTuber and in her video she talked about how she did everything that all the other popular YouTubers do which were all of these categories it was karaoke streams and singing reaction content tier list making playing the most popular and newest game out there art streams and is there anything else I think that was it yeah she streamed for like an entire week every single day doing a different very popular typical video activity and those were all the things there right hold on there was playing the most popular game or a lot of gaming streams I should say art drawing reaction content tier listing singing and karaoke there was like two other things that she did too I think I guess they just weren't important enough for me to remember they must have sucked or something I don't know ah but yeah mukbang hey muckabing I I don't know if there's a lot of YouTubers who do that kind of stuff to be honest that's actually kind of unique um let's see I want to make videos about YouTubers watching stuff and judging things I watch also I want to make videos um I want to make videos comforting chats and calling them a sassy baka ASMR you think you know I get a lot of people who request me to do ASM I've always wanted to try it I did do a collab video with Straub on her Channel um for an ASMR so I do technically have an ASMR video ASMR oh [Music] commentary oh commentary is a good idea [Music] some more okay I think we have the content here we have lots of content my target audience my target audience my target audience are people who like anime waifus cat girls and [Music] V tubers specifically specifically people who are either in college or have jobs because v-tubing is expensive and high schoolers shouldn't be spending 2K Plus on a 2d character is that a hot take to say that high schoolers shouldn't be spending two plus K dollars on a 2d character I kind of have an issue with how many miners are in the V2 being seen I think it's very weird because um where are you getting the money to become a YouTuber you know like that whole joke of like oh I stole my Mom's credit card to like I gotcha women or something I genuinely am very concerned on how many miners are entering the V2 being seen when they are still in high school and they talk about how they spend all this money on like skeb and models like that's a huge yikes it's really yikes College people don't have money either that's true they don't but at least they're old enough to get a job you know at least they're old enough to get a job and like earn proper income like I don't know how would you feel if you realized that you were donating to a 16 year old you don't think that's weird am I the only one who thinks that's weird mari's target audience should be rich old men and women have monies but hey why do they have to be old well I mean I don't have any issues with older people okay I don't mind I'm not saying you have to have a lot of money okay there's tons of stuff you can do for free and on your own I just think it's weird when you see a minor become a YouTuber and they promote themselves in a very lewd space and enter very lewd like scabs and art Raffles and then you have these older men spending a lot of money on them I think that's a little weird I don't know that's really weird it's kind of weird I don't know it's a little weird so yeah I think if you are a teenager and you want to become a vet super that's wonderful and I personally think that you should take time to really think about that and when you're older and you become 18 and you still want to become a YouTuber then definitely go for it but you have plenty of years to spend on planning your V tubing like you can learn to draw you can make all your assets and stuff like you can like really take the time to you know make your vtuber model right and that's totally cool I just don't think you should be spending that kind of money on this because like college people are broke people who have jobs are broke I'm broke for crying out loud you know and we still work really hard to earn this kind of money to have these characters you're still in high school okay you don't really understand how hard it is in the real world I still don't fully understand that and I'm still learning really really hard okay just focus on your homework okay just focus on your homework and plan your lead super when you turn 18 you'll be a lot better and safer everyone is broke listen like I said I got a second job okay because I had to afford all this stuff and it worked just you know what did it cost everything now that we have this all filled out now that we have sections a B and C filled out we can go into the real deal let's talk about coming up the video concept I want to play a character I want to be myself somewhere between I want to be somewhere in between so I should look into unique Concepts and contrast hey did someone earlier say that contrasting concept is what I should do hey multi-layered V super Concepts formula personality trait plus profession aesthetic plus species well I'm a professional anime girl and my personality is that I am I'm comfy I'm very comfy and cozy I have the softest personality ever and I'm a cat only include personality if you want to play a character out of character Quirk to your video Persona if your species human okay okay brainstorming concept for the using the formula of come up with three potential of YouTuber concepts for yourself don't worry about perfection yet just yet I want to be oh I know what the perfect okay based off of everything you all told me about myself about all these you know I'm annoying cringe and smart and chaotic and then you know I'm scuffed and and ASMR and commentary and waifus and money and old men I think I know what type of concept I should come up with for myself you ready I think I know I will be a big titty dummy Mommy with high heels stilettos and Gothic attire what do you think or an edgy 18 year old what do you think you think that's good what do you think you're stuck on con you know target audience is actually a really difficult thing to think about I've been doing this for a couple years and I still fully don't grasp the whole idea behind it but I have a really good Baseline of it maybe I'll make a video talking about target audience and just dedicated to understanding target audience because it's actually like I literally wrote down a simplified version of it but I do have a like three page document just on target audience alone and the people who I am targeting so yeah if you would like me to make a video kind of explaining target audience then I definitely will because it's a lot more convoluted than you realize and yeah I think a lot of people a lot of YouTubers don't understand this because they don't understand YouTube you know so I don't mind explaining that people with money that's the only thing you need to know people with money mm-hmm oh my gosh wait what's wrong with this huh you don't think you don't think that this is a good cause okay I'll stop trolling I'll stop trolling all right come up with three to five potential YouTuber concepts for yourself um okay don't judge for the things I'm about to write here I'm literally just gonna write the first three things that came into my head just now so please don't judge please don't judge and the formula for this is its personality trait plus profession aesthetic plush species okay what would my profession be what would my profession be oh I see I think I know oh okay okay okay using the formula above these are the three things that popped in my head [Music] and then the LA I'm trying to think of how I spell this word I only spell it as spell it as [Music] very good okay all right what do you think what do you think Hmm what do you think what do you think of these these are the three things that popped in my head I couldn't remember the word sarcastic what do you think what do you think [Music] you know what let's let's add the goth chick in there let's let's just add her in there just for you just for you okay let's add her in there I order personality B is mommy a personality trait soothing maybe soothing big titty goth girlfriend Plus I don't know vampire yeah let's go with the Vampire I like vampires they're cool what do you think oh what do you think what do you think a goth old man succubus teacher for a monster classroom is there anything that I should what is is there anything that I should change or fix what do you think do you like these what is manhatta um it's a word I've seen on the internet a few times so manhara um it's a Japanese slang term for sickly and uh mental health type of people who may either have a mental health or illness and the term got coined into be more derogatory for a little while to insult people who are like unstable or like emotionally unstable or crazy but then recently the word has become a movement in Japan to promote mental health awareness for people who do have like disabilities or who are sick because Japan like many other countries don't really have a proper like mental health care and system in place so menhara has now recently become a fashion movement to promote mental health awareness and I think for westerners manhatta has become a at least for the v-tubing culture that I've seen over the past couple years menhara has uh become a term for people who are very unhinged and psychotic or little yandere so to say it's the I like my emotionally unstable cat that rants about stuff on the internet and goes crazy on Twitter and stuff so the word has changed a bit in the youtubing culture but that is kind of the words in it as a hunter's cat I'm not very good at hunting to be honest I like the teacher One S but add cat so instead of succubus you said cats bubbly teacher lady cats okay okay okay okay I'm I'm okay okay okay all right now narrow down and choose your topic Concepts you came up with the same thing refine them finally take the time picking those three concepts you want to go with the most why don't we have both both for what a mythical teacher oh oh I like cat I like cat a lot okay so why don't we come maybe we could combine these two concepts here you know what I mean okay concept one sakib is a cat ears then I feel like I'd be too similar to my my sibling chemo although imagine if I had a succubus form now it um that would that would be interesting wouldn't it could always be and let's see let's see let's see let's see well the first one is bubbly but also men are uh tea oh you know what maybe instead of like a teacher maybe tutor maybe tutor or like you know student council Maybe I feel like like you know teacher is a little old and I'm not old so I feel like I need a student council member remember cat girl who's also a part of wow no I don't want to make it too complicated right um the pros the pros are am cat girl the cons are emotional damage emotional damage what's your definition of old nuds well I just always feel like you know I mean you know like when you're in in school you always just kind of assume like your teacher's older than you and then like when the teacher's like around the same age as you it's kind of weird you know it's like I feel like I feel like teachers are like usually you know in their you know because they had to go to school right so they're usually like in their 30s and up so I feel like you know that's not old like it doesn't make you an old you know person it's just you're older you know and there's nothing wrong with that I don't mind older people that's fine I like older people it's just I feel like you know if I'm a teacher then I have to at least be 30 and I and I am not 30 so [Music] that's a little you know oh manners could be a teacher maybe maybe that could be her New Concept you know she could be a teacher I think she's in that age range now so yeah that works I taught at 23. how on Earth did you get he must have gotten an associate's degree didn't you um okay so the next one is going to be sarcastic prison guard sarcastic small titty prison guard dog degenerates sadistic Behavior [Music] cons [Music] degenerate sadistic Behavior and then let's see the last one would be soothing big titty goth girlfriend plus vampire okay okay big titty goth older sister with older sister with with soothing voice that's also a succubus consuming your soul the pros are big booba the cons are the cons are honestly I have nothing I can't see a single problem with having massive booba like what is the con from that I think I found my new concept everybody I think this is it I think constant 3 is the one wait there's one thing missing [Music] and also a cat girl cons are bad bad back pain really oh back pain back pain due to Big booba that is a con boba boba no all right oh yeah you're right I'm chubby from that right chubby from massive badonkadonka badonkadonka be down kadanka all right and then from here you can actually go on to like your presenter's content genre target audience and you make the concept big booba you know what you're right wow silly me I don't really know a lot about succubuses right gigantic booba gigantic booba you're right [Music] a girl can dream right a girl can dream you know thanks to all of you I was going to I was going to like sit here and like actually kind of draw and sketch some stuff but unfortunately I don't have a lot of time because I gotta go get dinner as you can all tell I haven't eaten we're in the most part of the day so I need to get my chicken burger and then we're gonna stream on Twitch and stuff but here's one thing I do want to show you I have kind of like taken some of this stuff in mind for all of you I didn't plan all this ahead I kind of had like a vague idea of why I wanted to fill out so I want to show you something now I want to show you something okay [Music] give me a second I'll show you in a second hold on hold on [Music] foreign I'm grabbing the stuff I'm grabbing the things to show you I'm just a little slow done [Music] done done [Music] you're not ready to see this I wish I had taken the time to uh put these already in here for all of you but it's okay it's okay it is okay with the Hop off I have one last thing to show all of you and yeah I have seen flavor actually that was a really cool um a Peppa's dream okay let's see here I have this almost set up oh [Music] [Music] you know [Music] oh my gosh I'm so embarrassed to show you this oh gosh I'm so embarrassed to show you this but it's gonna be really cool when you see it oh God if you like the one I'm about to show you I am nervous I'm so nervous okay okay I think okay do I have all of this can I show it now I don't know [Music] okay [Music] so I know we filled all of this out and I would love to inform you that I actually have had some of these Concepts kind of in mind because like I said I wasn't a huge fan of like my current concept now and I have put a lot of thought into maybe changing and adding certain stuff to my concept right so [Music] [Music] [Music] here is concept number three the succubus concept and these are actual concept Arts that have been made by sweetheart and Ewing two different artists who I've been working with on concept art for this foreign there has been thoughts about a succubus form these are um these are concept Arts that yes the artist and I have come up with together but we're the carrier well these this one is still work in progress this one is the other concept concept number one the school girl slash teacher slash you know tutor thing and I kind of wanted to do like 90s inspired for this ah some weird guy that's a funny name I like that thank you so much for the Super Chat you slept in today and you stumbled late into with all the grace of the drunken oh really you sounded back to class and happy beer I'm happy to have you here too look at them look at my school outfit isn't it you like it do you like it and there are cat ears on this one mm-hmm and then the final idea I like the idea of succubus a cat features um it's definitely something I I am considering it is definitely something or at least at the very least having a succubus form kind of like what shimo has it's just not the Fairy Princess Part now the final concept that we talked about the The Goth girlfriend with big milkers um so I would like to inform you that um that's a Canon right here see this is me this is me it's Mario man dark mode [Music] and you want to know the best part about this I have booba okay I can't show that on screen too much but I have it it's there and I told you all I was gonna go bra shopping and finally buy a bra that I thought would support my massive a donkey donker milky but and guess what I finally found the perfect bra for it and it's right here okay you can see I clearly and have always had booba like I've told you all I've had and no that has not been forcibly pushed in it is not a push-up bra but I've always had buba just the outfit I'm wearing right now does not give them any justice because the type of outfit it is because I'm wearing a nightgown and it doesn't really show it very well I have come to realize that maybe my original concept wasn't the best I guess it's not that it was it's not good I just kind of feel like you know it's like what some of you were saying earlier there's nothing about it that really stands out you know I don't know those are stuff Bros it's not a stuffed bra they're real okay trust me they're real they're real no they're not Victoria's Secret oh well the Victoria's Secret does have really nice bras but they're not they're they're not real I mean they are real they are real they they are real trust me bro they're real I don't know I kind of feel like uh what's it called I was kind of toying around with the idea of maybe dying my hair darker I don't know I really like my silver like white hair you know like I really like this I really like my silver white hair but I don't know I was contemplating about maybe dyeing my hair or something that might be kind of cool but you know for cosplay purposes I can put a little wig on and stuff you know um someone told me it's making a v Trooper sign turn to silhouette and see if it's recognizable that is a really good like advice but yeah these were some of the concepts that we had um come up with and yeah who knows maybe some of these Concepts you will see in the future and they'll get you know you're on the channel only time will tell right but I will say if I could have started all over again you know maybe there would have been a different Mari you made that all of you would have seen instead of this adorable face right here I think goodness that's not the world that we live in and this is the world we live in instead right thank goodness oh a Silver Strike oh [Music] that's a pretty cool idea actually I'm glad I thought of it I'm just kidding yeah I suggest you all join the Discord if you want to talk more about this but with that being said everybody that is all the time I have today okay I need to go get chicken burger I'm hungry thank you all so freaking much for the super chats and for hanging out and vibing and talking with me I had a really fun YouTube stream with all of you today I had a lot of fun I had a great time I hope you did too and yeah that's all for today I need to go get some dinner and stream on Twitch for a little bit next stream on here maybe we'll be drawing some of these character Concepts a bit more you know like I kind of had like the rough idea but I don't know maybe the whole silver hair and like the thing like maybe that'd be cool I don't know we'll see we'll see maybe we'll toy around with the idea more I don't know or we'll do something else that's more fun just whatever but I'm gonna take an hour break before I stream on Twitch because I need to go get my chicken burger so this is the waiting room if you would like to wait for me because I need like an hour to eat Noms and stuff and whatnot so yeah I'm gonna go get some dinner and then yeah we're gonna go I have another really cool video to show you on Twitch and then we're gonna play headank or badonker Giga Chad gotcha games because I love my women yeah have a good night everyone if you're all teaming off I'll see you all here again on the next YouTube stream thank you all so much for hanging out with me today and again thank you everybody so much for being so kind about like the financial support like I do really appreciate that a lot and even if you can't financially support because again I understand being broke I really do just having you here with me and talking and just vibing even if like you're lurking right I really appreciate that a lot and I always have like honestly all of you in here you're people who I go to sleep every night and think about and I often wonder how you know what you smell like what you like what kind of games you play like I like I like thinking about that kind of stuff I think a lot about you all actually more than I think any of you realize and yeah your support means everything to me um it does so who knows what kind of Mario Yumi you will see again next time in your dreams who knows only time will tell right maybe you know October when it's my three year anniversary we'll see we'll see and the PDF is already available in yam's Channel I am going to link her video in the description so that way you can all watch it yourself and give her lots of support you guys she really deserves it she made an amazing video and I think she deserves a lot more support um all right everyone uh yeah Sumi I will see you all again next time okay bye everybody I'll see you all on Twitch okay and if you're leaving have a good night I'll miss you and I hope you miss me am I purring
Channel: Mari Yume
Views: 7,379
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mari yume, vtuber, mari yume png, mari yume twitch, avatar, be a vtuber, envtuber, how to be a vtuber, how to draw a anime character, how to make a model like pokimane, how to vtube, pinterest, pixiv, pokimane vtuber, streamer, virtual streamer, virtual youtuber, vrchat, vrchat avatar, vrchat avatar tutorial, vrchat avatars, vrm, vroid, vroid hair tutorial, vroid model, vroid studio, vroid tutorial, vstreamer, vtuber avatar, vtuber model, vtuber quick hacks, vtubers, vshojo, hololive
Id: JQ7wOrmjD5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 39sec (7419 seconds)
Published: Fri May 12 2023
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