How to Design a Vtuber Model - 9 Tips For Brainstorming

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hello and welcome to clara dogford's v tuber design tips i've few notes before we get started number one i am not a trained character artist or designer um these are tips that i have sort of found or learned about or developed in my own process of designing v tubers for myself um so number one i am like not a professional and i want to make that very clear these are just steps that i have taken that have helped me um housekeeping number two you can ignore any of these i want to make this very clear these are just ideas and processes that have helped me but if if you don't if you don't want to follow these 10 steps i've made that's completely cool like i'm going to talk about in the future like oh simplicity is good but if you want a design that's not simple that's cool and that's okay so i want to make this very clear these are not hard and fast rules this is really a brainstorming session right this is not a tutorial about how to use v-ray studio or live 2d cubism this is the brainstorming phase right this is like how do you actually come up with a be tuber design that you like that's what this is all about um so as we get into these steps i'm going to talk a lot about like you can have multiple ideas and go back and and and change them um finally i so i've organized this into 10 steps because that was the way that made the most sense for me to teach these concepts but it's not like you have to do step one and then you have to do step two and then you have to do step three it's all very loosey-goosey so feel free to like jump between tips or um go back and revisit a concept so like you said meyer step one have fun yes that's the step zero have fun with this um the design that you're going for should be a design that you like and that you resonate with um so this is just really to help you sort of kind of narrow down your ideas because it's it's kind of intimidating to be like oh what kind of v tuber do i want to be that's a really hard question to answer so hopefully um this can assist so let's go um i have organized my personal vtuber design concept design into two phases i have a concept phase and then we're going to talk about the design phase so the concept phase is a little bit more amorphous and this is more just like generally what kind of v tuber do you want right um you can start grabbing references in this phase this stage if you want but you don't have to um yeah it's a cool barbarossa they're more guidelines than rules exactly these are all this is all very loosey-goosey please don't like feel free to ignore any of this at any time um but first we're gonna talk the concept phase of like what actually do you want your vtuber to look like i'm gonna apologize now i think this is like my ugliest slide by far but i had a lot of examples i wanted to put on it so first up i think a good place to start is asking what kind of species do you want your v tuber to be um commonly v tubers are humanoid like myself so they have some kind of human shape um but they may also have elf ears or horns or they might have be a horse girl they might be part human part animal they might be part mythological creature you can look to mythology for inspiration you can look to animals for inspiration you could also do something that's not humanoid in nature at all you could be a slime you could be an animal like a full animal not like an animal humanoid um a quick note please don't worry about being the first to do something as a v um because i can tell you right now like not that your ideas aren't interesting or unique but like everything's been done you know like every everything's been done so please don't stress yourself about having to have a super unique concept just go for a concept that you like go for a concept that you resonate with and it's okay if you have more than one when i was going through my rebrand i had a list of of options i thought maybe i'll be a horse girl maybe i'll be an angel maybe i'll be an alron or a plant girl so you can have more than one option sort of set aside but choose what you resonate with choose um designs or concepts that you really like or are inspired by um i would like to make a quick note i am not a lawyer this is not legal advice i truly don't know that much about law but i do want to make a note about being mindful of copyright trademarks and intellectual properties um it's one thing to be inspired by something for example i used to have v tuber design that was a slime and that was inspired by a lot of different slime media it was inspired by rimroo from slime tensei it was inspired by dragon quest but it wasn't i didn't brand myself around those properties it was my own design and my own lore right the thing is let's say you're a really big fan of lord of the rings and you say i'm gonna be a hobbit v tuber jrr tolkien's estate i believe has the word hobbit trademarked or copyrighted either way they like legally own the word hobbit um so if you're profiting off of something that uses the word hobbit and you don't have the right to do so that could potentially be really murky and that's actually happened before in the first edition of dungeons and dragons there was a playable race called hobbits and the token estate said no no no you don't own that and so ever since in d d there's a race called halflings so keep that in mind um please please be very mindful of that i'm not and i want to be real clear do not go attacking youtubers who might do something like that i have no problem if youtubers want to do that but if you plan on profiting off of being a v tuber you might land yourself in some hot water so i'd really recommend um inspiration's great but like don't brand yourself off of something you don't have the right to brand yourself with you know when in doubt avoid it if you're not sure if you're not sure just don't just just avoid it like as another as another example like if you're a really big fan of final fantasy that's great but calling yourself an raw v tuber could potentially be a problem but calling yourself a dragon v tuber you'll be fine um i have they have it trademarked yes yeah i don't want i like forget what each one means i should turn that off because i don't want to be blepping when i'm trying to be academic smart i might i forgot to turn off a bunch of channel points for this let me do that real quick not that i don't like doing them but i don't want to get distracted uh when i'm trying to get through a bunch of stuff today um yes academic blip you mean hawk the pig or the receptionist elf girl from picking up girls in the dungeon yeah these were just examples right i'm not saying copy these designs i just wanted to give you an idea of like all the different directions you can go with your youtuber i know that there's like a hamburger youtuber in japan like it's literally a hamburger that talks like you have a lot of idea you have a lot of options for your vtuber one other quick tip for species though um if you know you want to use v-ray studio just get started because it's so affordable please understand that v-ray studio as of right now really only works with humanoid models um i'm sure you could try and get creative i know using the bodysuit feature you can make kind of like furry anthropomorphic designs but and you can like add wings and accessories but you can't do a silhouette that's not humanoid um so keep that in mind too like if you know going into this that you want to go for v-roid you may have to start with the humanoid design um if you know you don't want to do that then you're probably going to be looking either at live 2d or commissioning a unique 3d model so just some other thoughts but again choose a few different species of of creature or mythology that you like you can always even make something for yourself and and make your own creature but just kind of like jot down some some concepts that you like personally i don't care if it's a pink cat girl if you like pink cat girls write it down that's okay we can come back to it yes png also a valid option absolutely png is frankly a little bit more freeing because you can do like whatever you want um and all you have to do is make it have like two different mouth movements and then you can always save up and commission a better model um i don't really want to talk too much about the differences between models um i will say for the purposes of this the purposes of this video in this stream i will be talking about v-tubing as though you are using a model that moves and i will be talking about it as though you're using a humanoid model only because that's where my experience is from um but please understand you can absolutely choose to do a png and png tubing is completely valid and anyone who says otherwise is lame pink cat girls you say i love pink cat girls uh yes you can also use gifts if you're using video tubes we have a lot of options um but for today i'm just gonna be talking about humanoid that's what i know to design for so concept phase get your get your species figured out okey-dokey next up um this is super simple in comparison but consider the age of your v tuber because age can inform a lot about design right so on the left we have boji from um osama ranking ranking of kings and he's a young child he's a prince and he's a very simple design but he has lots of round shapes um he's very small in stature and we can tell that he's young just by looking at his design right he has he's blush he's these big bright eyes he's a small little round face he's this little crown um so age can really inform a lot about a design whereas we have on the right we have domus who's like i think at least in his 20s he's like an adult knight so he has more angular features he's a longer face um his eyes are a little bit smaller he has a bigger nose because he's grown right he's like grown into his body so i know with v tubers it's often times like they look 20 and are a thousand years old and that's completely fine but it's still helpful for a design to consider like how old do you want your v tuber to look because if somebody's like gonna be if they're if your v tubers can be in their 50s right they might have some crow's feet they might have some peppered hair um if they've lived longer they might have some scars or stretch marks or or beauty marks um so shape can really help communicate a lot about a design so that's why i want you to think about what do you want the age of your design to communicate um what do you want it to look like and this also works even for non-humanoid v tubers right because like dogs even will get like little grays around their muzzle it's really cute so there's different ways you can communicate age i will be an elder ranking of kings was so good quite frankly i just wanted an excuse to talk about ranking of kings it's one of my favorite series this is quick unrelated sidebar i personally think ranking of kings is a great anime for people who don't like anime because it doesn't really fall into any anime tropes that i can think of um it's a really great story it's really cute animation it's crazy fight sequences watch it it's so good it's so good i love how everyone's like who cares about youtubers watching king of kings it's so good and i love it so much uh so i frankly just wanted an excuse to show off characters that i really love sorry i gotta make sure i hydrated a lot today because my voice is so dry okeydoke so try to have an idea of an age for your vtuber design it could also just be your age and that's fine you can just take inspiration from yourself that's totally cool too um so next up this is a bit more amorphous at first but i think it's important consider the interests of your v tuber design um so first up like their personality too you could also call this the personality phase right what is their temperament are they cool are they shy do they get excited easily are they really nervous are they really groomy are they are they gloomy or like do they get are they really hot-headed are they really easily brought to anger all of those different adjectives can really help inform what a design looks like right because like if i say gloomy you're already getting ideas about what a gloomy character looks like versus like a cool character a mature character um a shy character so consider what kind of adjectives you want to associate with your design um because you want to sort of have that being influenced that can be influenced by your clothes your hair your eyes right do they have eye bags are they like never sleeping are they an insomniac right stuff like that can really help um also this is just good character stuff regardless if you're doing a v tuber or a character design consider some flaws because flaws can add texture to a character right is this someone who gets a little arrogant when they win games are they a coward and they don't like they don't like having to deal with confrontation are they really shallow are they really proud um if you want to just be yourself as a youtuber you can have a moment of introspection and think about like what what flaws do i have that i think could be interesting and communicate in my design you can skip this part i do think it's good to consider just because it can help um again it can help sort of get the ball rolling for different designs right a bratty character versus a hottie character those are very different adjectives right and they have very you have very different ideas that come to mind when you hear those words so just some more stuff to consider and as well as personality i really recommend consider hobbies outside of streaming and outside of gaming this is generally this is advice i have for streamers regardless if you're a youtuber or not um like i'll see a lot of streamers on twitch who will have a bio that's just like this is my age um these are the games i play and that's it right give people an idea of what you do outside of streaming outside of gaming um so are you someone who likes to cook or sing do you have other um handy hobbies do you like cosplay do you like gunpla like think about all of the different things that inspire you also what real sugar daddy thank you for the follow and thank you for the three months subscription i really appreciate that welcome in also one demon hello thank you for the follow hello and goodbye alright goodbye considering a default expression can be helpful for getting your v tuber's personality across exactly that is such a good way of putting it star thank you so much that's exactly what i'm saying like think about their default expression are they smiling are they a little sad oh sorry my stuff's all hold on that's wrong my stuff's all wrong uh i'm breaking my things um but yeah expressions also show personality heavily regard and this this goes for all types of youtuber science png 2d 3d a youtuber's temperament will inform their expressions too um because you can make someone who looks really angry or kind of just disappointed right um so i really recommend come up with like a list of like five adjectives to describe your vtuber design um and those can be anything from flaws to um like positive traits negative traits neutral traits but just get a few words down that you resonate with that you think will be interesting um or that you think will work for your design when concepting a character do you think it's possible to go overboard and put too much into it we're gonna talk about that um simplicity and design i think is really important um don't get me wrong i've seen youtuber designs that are like very busy and it's done really well but personally as somebody who's like not a trained artist i prefer simplicity in my own designs because it keeps things from getting too complicated we'll get to that in a moment in a little bit um but the whole point of the brainstorming phase is you can go crazy right it's better to start big and then slowly work your way down that's my personal opinion that's what i did right when i was when i was doing my rebrand i had like all these different ideas i had pages and pages of like doodles and words and concepts um and once i had them all sort of down on paper that's when i was able to say okay i i like this i don't like that i want to take this piece i want to cut that piece away and then you sort of have an editing phase so in this concept phase go big have a lot of ideas get really creative with it because then you can sort of edit it down in the design phase that's how it works in graphic design that's how a lot of design works like start big and then i mean that's how a lot of art works right that goes for like writing essays right you'll just kind of like barf out you'll barf out a concept and then you sort of refine it and edit it and and pick at it a bit um so that's the thing the whole concept phase it can be messy it can you can throw every interest you could possibly have at it that's totally cool every single one of your hobbies and you can still have all of them associated with your v tuber um for my design i'm not wearing it right now but in my usual outfit i have a beret and glasses and a sweater and i wanted to communicate that it's a design it's a character who like likes to be fashionable but also likes to be comfortable it's a character who really likes reading who's a little bit nerdy a little bit shy a little bit awkward um because those clothes sort of have an association with them right um but yeah so get messy with the concept phase throw everything at the wall see what sticks that's totally cool um but definitely i would say choose like five adjectives if you're really struggling if you have a lot of ideas choose just five adjectives to describe your vtuber design and again you can always go back and change it none of this is set in stone yet i'm going backwards i'm sorry okay now another part of the concept phase this is kind of optional um but i would say consider if your v tuber has a career even if it's only for lower purposes even if you don't actually have that job um but occupations can inform both interests and skills um and then a lot of jobs also have clothes associated with them right the character directly next to me looking at him you can tell he's kind of refined um he is a butler um but even if you don't know that you can tell like he's somebody who's a little bit prideful um a little bit mysterious um he's very sort of clean cut very well dressed on the left we have nurse joy iconic design and keep in mind a simple design right it's just an apron a blouse a hat and her hair right like it's nothing crazy um but like looking at them you already get an idea of like oh this person has a job they have like a purpose um so just some job ideas to get your bla your get your juices flowing get the brain moving um you could haven't you could be a knight a librarian an athlete a nurse a butler um choose a job that you think interests you that you think will service your design and again this is an optional phase you could also have a character who's unemployed their entire design could be that they're in need and they're not in education or training or employment um but i find this can help really inform design like for example if someone's a doctor they might be wearing a big lab coat um if somebody is an athlete they might have like compression shorts or or um like a bandage from an injury you know space pirate yeah but think about it when you hear butler versus athlete versus space pirate you're getting ideas in your brain right you have sort of like images associated with that excuse me star makes a good point careers can also inform other aspects of vtuber design like your overlays your panels your remotes um again you don't need a job i don't have a canon job i'm just a streamer but absolutely consider having one if you want one um again it can be related to your interests but that can i find really help influence or at least guide your design again you don't have to stick with the job either early on when i was first becoming a youtuber i had a design phase where i made a harvest goddess who then became a librarian who then became a slime so things can always change oh so here's my two cents in design when it comes to character design there's nothing wrong with going overboard with your design once you do that yourself you yourself will notice the design feels overbearing and that's where you can start to subtract clutter in your design yeah i think that's a really good point so like i said concept phase get messy with it get busy with it because then we'll refine later and i'll help i'll help you explain i'll help explain the refining process as we keep going so right now it's really just words on a page you don't need to have a lot of references yet um just kind of pick and choose what you think you like um so now we're gonna move into the design phase so let's say you have a bunch of words on a page you have an idea of your species your character's age you have an idea of what you want their personality to look like you have an idea of what you want their job to look like um you have all that sort of refined down how do you actually design the dang thing though right um so let's sort of talk more about how to design ev tuber oh thank you kef um do you think it's easier to go png or 2d or 3d first so ultimately i think with v tubing the tragic part is a lot of it really just comes down to two things your current rig and your budget um because i love youtubing but it is a lot to put on a pc right not only do you need to have good internet you need to have a pc that can process a vtuber like for me i need a pc that can process lupit and can process my model moving in real time as well as running obs studio as well as running other games and other programs um so if you don't really i would say if you part one is do you have a pc that can run this software um as a quick side tip if you're not sure virid studio is free you can get it on steam my recommendation just make any kind of model even use one of their default models right just grab a default model from vroid studio plop it into vc face which is a free tracking software as long as you've a webcam you don't need the tracking i have yet um and then you can just sort of see how does your computer handle just running vc face um and if your pc is not really handling it well i'd say definitely start with a png because that's way lighter on a pc v8 v802 mini i think it's either free or like very inexpensive um and you can just literally make a model that has a mouth move and all you need are two two png assets um but the other part of v tubing is being able to afford a model right so let's say you have the best gaming rig in the world now you need a model and that can get expensive very quickly and i have no problem with that because artists should get paid their worth but um if you want to go for live 2d then you need to pay either make the art yourself or pay an artist to draw your model and then they need to rig your model with 3d either you can make a viroid and pay somebody to design it for you or you can rig it yourself that's what i've done um or if you want a unique model you'll have to commission somebody to design and model a 3d model so ultimately there's no i i think easier is really kind of down to interpretation ultimately i think what's best for you is your budget and your pc my personal advice is do not spend a lot of money to get started i really feel very firmly about that not because i don't think you're going to succeed or because i don't want you to succeed but sometimes people just realize they don't like v tubing but then they've spent like a thousand dollars uh and i can tell you right now people don't really want to buy used models they'd rather commission for their own um so instead of investing money in it i'd say start as cheap as you can see if you like it and if you do then you can start sort of investing money and if you don't then you haven't really wasted much um i think that's ultimately my advice so from my perspective cheapest way to get into v tubing is void studio or a png model and even then you can always commission an artist to make just two pngs for you and that's that can be relatively affordable depending on where you look that's true yeah vieto tube is free but you can give money to the dev which i've been meaning to do i really want to do that more often like obs too i really want to make sure i give the devs some money just because i wouldn't be here without it right so i hope that's helpful um i know it's maybe not an easy answer but sometimes there's more nuance to these things that's true yeah live 2d has a free trial but it's limited on what you can do if you're going to rig your own live 2d i'd probably buy two to three months worth of live cd because you'll likely be remaking and re-rigging your model yes and also what soul said it's also there's nothing wrong with starting small and starting cheap um i will tell you right now youtuber audiences are extremely forgiving with scuff like my very first model was a mess but people still showed up to my streams you know like here's the thing you could spend fifteen thousand dollars on a model you could you could absolutely spend fifteen thousand dollars on a model but your personality is what's gonna keep people around um please don't think by upgrading your model that you're gonna blow up because i can tell you unfortunately from her first hand experience model upgrades does not necessarily lead to growth it's your personality it's algorithms it's a lot of other things um so the youtubing community loves scuff um this is so you have a starting off point for a design but please don't feel like you have to then go commission a really nice model and commission all these assets you can start cheap if you're interested i have a little etsy shop where i sell affordable v tuber assets i have emotes i have panels i have overlays and i intentionally kept those prices low because i want v tubing and streaming to be accessible uh yeah what lime said you i when i first started youtubing i spent zero dollars on my model and then slowly i bought more assets on booth and i would commission artists um so like you really don't have to spend a lot to look good scout brings out personality from the streamer oh for sure for sure why do i upgrade my personality uh improv classes unironically i think that can actually be very helpful i really wish i could take them actually i think i think improv is a really useful skill set for streamers um being able to improvise like even like not even for comedy purposes like if something breaks being able to improvise on the fly like a new stream concept or like troubleshooting like it's a very useful skill set thank you for the follow by the way i've always wanted to try youtubing well this is the stream for you this isn't really touching the technical aspects this is more of the design aspect yes yes what star said canva quick sidebar canvas a great place to make completely free designs it's where i make all my thumbnails still um you can make overlays in canva you can make panels in canva there's there's tutorials on youtube for that too like just like literally google like canvas streamer or like put that into youtube you'll get videos i believe cat liente has done some tutorials that are really good um so again please don't feel like you need to spend money if you have a budget of zero dollars you can make it work it's gonna take more time but you can make it work oh yeah improv for dnd too for sure um okay but design face yes so you have your you have your concepts on the page how do you freaking actually make the design though right like you have words you have jobs you have ideas but how do you actually make a design so this is when you're going to want to start getting references and doing some research personally for me i find a good place to start with doing a youtuber design is to look at clothes um find an aesthetic right put together a mood board of a fashion aesthetic that you think will fit your youtubers vibe um so i just grabbed two different examples because these are two very different fashion styles right so cottage core is associated with lots of like um nature tones browns and greens and cream white colors lots of um flowers and mushrooms and like natural sort of textures right wool and and um like fibers really avoiding synthetic materials um that's one direction whereas like grunge is very sort of like punk there's lots of like leather and like studs and piercings and jewelry um lots of like black and darker tones so those are two totally different youtuber designs right there right if i was gonna give you a cottage core v tuber versus a grunge youtuber those are completely different designs um honestly i'd say go to pinterest and look up like whatever fashion aesthetic and then outfits or ideas right so just some examples you could look up street where you could look up vaporwave you could look up dark or light academia kid core honestly like anything core will probably net some results um but remember lifestyle influences fashion so you might sit here and be like well i'm not fashionable you still wear clothes and you still have clothes that you like wearing so even just shorts and a tank top is a fashion choice right um i think normcore is actually like literally like very basic clothing you could have a norm core aesthetic and that's totally acceptable it's totally like valid um but think about like what does your v tuber wear now again coming back to jobs jobs can inform clothes if somebody is um for example if they're working in construction they might have really heavy steel-toed boots um or if there's some kind of labor they might have like safety goggles if they're a ninja they might be wearing like a headband you know like all those different all those different influences can definitely appear even if they're a knight off duty they might still have like a sword and they might have a buckler and they might have like some armor pieces maybe not all of them maybe they'll have light armor um so even if you don't know much about fashion just go to pinterest and grab some inspiration just to sort of get an idea of like what does my v tuber wear um what kind of clothing do they wear um that can really help you sort of start getting an idea of your design what if they're a ninja turtle big boots mood boards always make helpful references yes star that's something i wanted to mention too so i forgot to make this a slide so i'll just say it now what happens if you don't have the artistic skills to draw what you have in mind commission an artist to make you a reference but here's the thing it's a lot easier for an artist to make a reference if they themselves have references um so when i first commissioned ibby for an outfit a while back we were talking back and forth like what you wanted to look like and i said i think i would like a pinafore so we were both grabbing pictures of different types of pinafores to say like all right which one fits your design best what you have in mind what you want under it what kind of pattern do you want what kind of texture do you want so you don't have to draw anything you can just grab pictures um but having pictures is better than just writing things down because if an artist has a visual they can better um design what you have in mind basically mood board yes like a mood board it's basically essentially like imagine opening up um krita or like paint and just pasting a bunch of pictures in it um but like these are basically like little mood boards right they're giving you an idea of clothes to wear for a specific fashion aesthetic um and a mood board is basically that it's just finding things that sort of fit your design goblin core yes galvan core is great i found norm crore it's literally my fashion yeah no norm core is great i like legitimately like norm court it's just basics it's just rebranding the basics but i like it it's clean as an artist who takes commissions please do not give me a wall of text for your design or i will disintegrate on the spot no honestly i know many artists who don't allow that because it's going to take so much longer for them to to sort of realize your vision um so having images just cuts down on time it saves you money it saves the artist aggravation um so please definitely save some pictures for your artist because just describing things is gonna be hard especially because like i've noticed for example like when i mentioned the word sundress a lot of people define sundresses differently um and so like heck in gosh forbid you commission someone you pay them and then it's not what you want because there's a miscommunication if you just have a picture and you're like this is exactly the silhouette of the dress i want you just save everyone a lot of headache you know ryan hello i'm glad i had images yeah yeah three to five picks easily will help i will say um please don't i would recommend against using other v tubers as references um like it's it's fine to be inspired by a youtuber but like just saying like i want this jacket and i want this hair like that's not really what a reference is it's more like like for example with like if let's say i wanted to commission a grunge outfit i could say hey uh ibby i really want like big high platform boots kind of like this and i want low rates low low rise pants kind of like this right it's one thing to like take inspiration it's another thing to be like i just want to copy and paste like that's not really it's not the same so but to talk about clothes definitely think about what does your v tuber wear again if they're not humanoid maybe they don't wear anything but even then they might wear like a kerchief or something um another quick thought is if you're having trouble deciding clothes decide what climate they're from um you can also use culture to inform clothing um i know miss lacuna has a really cute outfit that's a hanbok which is a traditional dress from korea and it's so cute um so you can also look towards like cultural dress that you're familiar with like like like clothing from your culture you could look to um a lot of other places for clothing you don't have to go for like street wear or like modern clothes right you can go for something that's high fantasy too but you can't really be makers at least not on right next up this is another big one accessories this is particularly useful if you're going to have a v tuber that moves in like 2d or 3d um you want to have some objects that move on your model in my personal opinion one of the fun things about v tubing is that you're moving live right this is this is happening in real time and i'm tracking movement um and so having things that can move with your model can help make it a little bit more visually interesting this is just my opinion um and it doesn't have to be anything crazy or ostentatious right on this model the only thing that's moving our ears and hair right everything else is pretty much in place but i still have some movement i still have some variation of movement happening to keep things just visually interesting and there's all kinds of accessories you can go for you could go for scarves belts um glasses well bam glasses uh mobility aids can be super cute i've seen people who have designed and rigged um wheelchairs and canes and those are really really cute i love those um you can go for piercings also consider your nails especially if you're gonna have hand tracking even if you're not going even if you don't want nail polish um maybe just like a clear coat or something to make your nails interesting um you can also put stuff in the hair ribbons headbands hats um so i just pulled two different examples of designs that have a lot of accessories just to give you some ideas but both of these have a lot of movement on them you know um and i think that makes them really visually interesting um so this is where you can get crazy and then start cutting down um really i'd say just like one or two things is fine um and also like let's say you're gonna have really short hair to add some more movement you could have um a headband with a little ribbon on the side you could have a tie or a necklace or a kerchief um just something you know just just a little something to add movement um like for example if you think about saitama from one punch man he's bald and has like a skin-tight suit i think his design is great and i like that he's bald it's very fun but as a v tuber i would probably give him something on the shoulders that moves um as a quick quick pro tip nine times out of ten v tubers are seen from like the chest up or the neck up um so when you're doing a lot of your design process like i'm gonna go back to clothes for a second nope i'm going the wrong way ignore that ignore that um keep in mind when you're designing your vtuber the majority of the time your v2 was seen from the waist up so i'm not saying don't make the bottom of your v tuber interesting but personally i think if your most interesting visual elements are the waist down nine times out of ten they're not going to be seen um so this is especially important if you're budget conscious you can commission a model that's only a waist up because you very rarely see a youtuber's feet let's be real outside of outfit reveals you're really not looking at their feets um so i personally recommend keep the most most visually interesting aspects of your design waist up chest up even neck up um again you can't be makers on twitch but um if you want to have a really complex top and then pretty simple bottoms that's fine because like nine times out of ten it's not really gonna get seen you know um so just another thought for you there um before accessories i would say looking at your design ask yourself other than hair is anything moving and if not i would say got at least one thing earrings um even a single earring is fine and again like other things that move ears right um wings tails those can all have an add movement uh and again you have to go crazy if you want to go crazy go go for it but you can keep it simple too like baggy pants yeah like baggy pants are fine if you want baggy pants it's just like sometimes i'll see people who have these like really beautiful intricate i'm sorry really beautiful intricate um skirt designs and then like a tube top on top excuse me um they'll have a really intricate skirt and then a tube top and it's cute but like you don't get to see the skirt usually so like a webcam job interview yes in the most crazy way yes like that um so i would recommend really think about um like if you have a design that you really like just make sure that you're thinking about like what does the top look like um if you want to be shirtless right that's like as and still have something covering the nip knops that's fine but you're gonna need a little bit extra has there ever been a horror style of youtuber oh tons look no further than cabal cabal cabal has an excellent design also because cabal's design communicates cabal's brand which is that they are a horror v tuber who plays horror games primarily the ball is amazing also if you're just looking for tips on like v tubing and like growth and marketing cabal has really good videos highly recommend their videos trust me half the time when i add pants to the model it's the same pants texture no one's gonna know and see yeah no no one's gonna go no one's gonna see like i promise you like i spent so much time making myself a pair of overalls once i did all this cute little embroidery and you never saw it you saw it once only once um so i would say definitely go for um and that's not to say it has to be super plain but don't stress about the bottom half of the design because it's not really going to get looked at much um so i also want to talk about hair now again like i said if you want to be bald that is okay just make sure you have something else going for the design um but hair could be simple right like i think todoroki is a good example of simple hair that's still visually interesting it's just split dye but it's it's something right um consider your youtubers lifestyle and interests because that can inform their hairstyle too right if somebody's a really athletic tom girl for example or tomboy um they might keep their hair short because it's too much of a pain to have to constantly tie it up um do they cut their own hair maybe it's a little messy um or like asuna for example is a knight up top um so she has to like she likes to style her hair but she also has to keep it up she's like running around and fighting you know um so lifestyle can inform hairstyle uh keep in mind some hairstyles are also associated with certain um activities right like i chose braids very intentionally because i like braids and i think braids tend to be associated with the um sort of like shy bookish girl aesthetic you know like the mom hair quote unquote and anime where they wear all their hair to one side everyone says that's mom hair right so some hairstyles are associated with certain lifestyles or ages or habits um also consider your youtuber's hair type is it wavy is it coiled is it girly is it straight um how does it fall how do they wear it um but don't worry about it being super crazy you can have a lot of colors and a lot of things going for it or you can keep it pretty simple um tom boys with ponytails yeah or a ponytail but again personally for me if you want to have hair i think this is where you can get really fun with v tubing have some pieces that move you can change how much they move um but i think that hair deserves a lot of thought and if you're struggling with that again pull some references ask yourself what do you like about this design and why do you like it ask yourself um what does this hair communicate also what it be said yes please be mindful of cultural appropriation versus cultural appreciation um that counts for v2 being too um so please be mindful of that um but i would say hair um i think a lot of people get really stressed with the hair design and v tubing because that can be a really iconic part of a character design but don't don't stress about it too much you know because like i said todoroki i feel like has pretty iconic hair and it's literally just two colors and short um or like death the kid for example has like just like like the hair is like painted weird and that's it so hair doesn't have to be complicated it can't be if you wanted to doesn't have to though um but i do think it's worth kind of thinking about props are they possible oh that's a different question from from this scope because props are really down to what you're rigging with um in 3d props you will need unity and if you're making them from scratch you'll need blender or um uh what's the other one that starts with an m the the i forget now um but you would either have to commission those props or get them off booth but then you'd have to attach them to your model um but that's more of a rigging thing um maya thank you gosh maya my airblender um with live 2d that would be a toggle that you would have to pay extra for um but uh ultimately props like you're welcome to design a prop but you'll have to pay to have it rigged to your model and i'm gonna be honest props don't really get used that much well i guess it depends on the youtuber but i would say if you're if you're just starting out don't stress yourself with props um like hats for for 3d models like for viewers specifically hats or props glasses can be props um but like like weapons or like things that you're holding i don't really see them used regularly so i would say before you spring for that financially i'd say try v tubing first see how you like it kind of it's harder to make that is completely up to personal preference and skill set i think both have their challenges for different reasons i think 3d is like slightly more accessible because you can start with the v-ray model whereas with live 2d you would like make all of your psd files and then you have to rig them all um i don't think one's easier than the other i think a lot of it depends on like what clicks for you and how much money and time you have um because it's taken me a year and a half to learn 3d rigging and i've only ever done it with freeride studio i'm just starting to learn blender and it makes my brain cry so i hate like i'm sorry that it's not an easy answer like oh this was easier but the reality is it really depends on your current skill set and how much time you have to learn something and how much money you have to learn something because sometimes you have to pay extra for things um oh yeah so we're gonna talk about silhouettes next silhouettes are extremely important so the silhouette is if you don't know a silhouette is the outline of an object um it's often filled with black and then illuminated with light from behind so you can tell me who this character is right just by looking at the silhouette y'all can tell me who this character is i have never watched this anime i think i've maybe read like a chapter of the manga but we all know that sailor moon because her silhouette is so iconic and it's worth noting her her design is very simple right she has um she has her really big hair her little buns she has her little tiny skirt her little sailor top and her um below the knee boots ultimately it's a really simple design but it's really memorable because the silhouette is visually interesting um so a huge a huge tip i have is if you were to make your vtuber design a silhouette does it stand out is it recognizable is it visually interesting um that can really help you guide your design um so now the hair doesn't always have to be big right but you want to kind of think about shape and um proportion if you're not really short hair maybe you're gonna have a really long um skirt or uh maybe really long sleeves um a tip i've seen on twitter before this is not mine i really wish i could remember the account and i don't but a really good tip i've seen for character design is avoiding quote unquote ladders um so sometimes when you make a character um everything will be drawn proportionally right you'll have a t-shirt that ends at the waist and then you'll have pants that start right below the shirt and then those pants end at the knee and then you'll have boots that start at the bottom of the knee and everything's sort of very um evenly spaced so the design almost looks like a ladder right and everything's sort of like one on top of the other sailor moon avoids the latter by playing with length of clothing right so the boots are are long and go to the mid thigh the skirt's short the arm sleeves are are short uh and then she has little gloves that go to like the mid wrist um and then she has this really long hair right so another tip if you're struggling to make sure that you have an interesting silhouette start looking for ladders is everything in proportion or is everything sort of out of proportion we can use my other outfit if you've seen my main outfit before um i have like long sleeves but then a short skirt and that sort of plays up the silhouette a little bit and then i have long hair so silhouettes are really important i will also talk really briefly about shapes because shapes can also communicate a lot about a character design this is getting a little crunchy but like circles for example a lot of characters that are really youthful tend to be circular in shape um typically heroic characters are also presented using circles um so for example um uh i believe like mario has been used as an example of this he has lots of round shapes to him um fairy lots of round shapes pikachu lots of round shapes they're sort of cute they're youthful um prince bojie from earlier he has lots of circles in his shapes he's very very very circular very round very youthful and exciting and sort of like pure uh whereas like triangles are often used to depict villains sometimes in ways that are not okay but that's a different conversation um whereas like squares tend to denote strength right let wreck-it laugh is just like a bunch of squares so you can also consider how shapes could communicate something in a vtuber design that's getting a little um deeper into character design but i think it is worth considering like what shape do you associate with your v tuber design you know circles are friendships exactly um but i really think honestly silhouette is in my opinion one of the most important aspects of a v tuber design the reality is there's a lot of youtubers out there so you got to figure out how to make yourself stand out you don't have to be the first at anything you don't have to be the first of a certain design but i do think you want to try and be your best version of your design and silhouette can really help with that um so that's just my personal opinion make sure you're avoiding ladders keep your design interesting not everything needs to be short not everything needs to be long even if you're a character who's like from a really cold climate you can still play with um the length of fabrics or the thickness of fabrics um all right so this is gonna get really crunchy this is the crunchiest part of this bear with me um color palette is another really important aspect of youtuber designs in my personal opinion so first up on the left we're going to talk about color wheels far left okay what exactly is a color wheel it's it's basically just an abstract concept that shows us the relationships between colors all right so quick color theory stuff i'm not great at this i'm going to do my best there are three colors that are used to make all of the colors right these are called the primary colors these are yellow and red and blue if you mix red and blue you get purple if you get mixed blue and yellow you get green if you mix yellow and red you get orange so primary colors can make complementary colors right so we can see here on this wheel we have yellow up top we have um blue on the bottom left and right on the bottom right and then between them are the complementary colors and a lot of color palettes use primary and complementary colors to create a visually pleasing palette so i'm going to talk about a few different color palettes i'm gonna give you a tool that lets you make your own but i just want you to kind of understand the differences between them again i'm not great at color theory myself i'm trying to do my best here and if i get it wrong let me know but i do think it's worth considering um because the colors can communicate a lot of information so real quick we're gonna we're gonna make this this part's gonna go fast in the middle we have an analogous color palette this is a color palette that's primarily using three colors that are all positioned next to each other on a color wheel so in this case i have this sort of like golden rod yellow orange color right in that middle top and between it i have a few other colors so you could go for an analogous color palette if you really want to stick within a certain color family another option is to go for a triad color palette this is a palette that uses three colors that are spaced evenly across the color wheel so in this case we have um a sort of yellow bluish purplish color that are like offset primary colors almost some other options for color palettes you have complementary color palettes far left these are using two colors that sit opposite another one another on the color wheel so in this case um yellow and blue are sort of like opposite each other um you can do a split complementary or you'll have a primary color and then two colors that are complementing each other on a split that's in the middle with that yellow and then like bluish and purplish color um a third option is the double split complementary this gives you more colors this is what i started with when i was coming up with a color palette for my rebrand because it gives you just like a few more colors to work with um so this is a color palette that typically uses four colors this one has a fifth like guiding color um and there are two pairs of complementary colors right so on the bottom and the top those are the two pairs um so i know this might be like what the hell is all of this how am i supposed to know how this works clara you just gave me a bunch of information i don't know what it means that's okay i have a i have a resource for y'all okay so just to read to recap i'm going to give you a tool in a minute but first up color communicates a lot about feelings and emotions and my personal recommendation when doing a v2 design is choose two primary colors in this case i should have used a better word i didn't mean like primaries in like yellow blue or um uh red i meant like two like main colors and then one accent color just to keep things simple but your question might be like how the hell do i choose a color palette so i'm going to give you one real quick sorry i have to i have to i have a resource that i love to show people this is um [Music] this is adobe color colored adobe i think it's what creates color wheel all right this is an incredible resource because remember all those pictures i just showed you i grabbed them from here and what you can do let's say we want to do a complimentary color palette for youtuber um it will automatically show us colors that fit a complementary color palette wheel um and then it'll give us the hex codes of those colors and hex codes are really useful especially for artists um but this can help you sort of come up with a color palette that you like and it'll give you the hex codes then you can paste those colors into other art software or other programs um and i think it's really helpful and even if you don't fully understand color theory you can still kind of just play around in here like let's say your favorite color is red you could look around and say what kind of red color palette can i play with that has colors that i like right um maybe you want to go for a monochromatic color palette and you want just some different shades of red to choose from i do have something i want to caution you on though and that is color accessibility i think the statistic is roughly 10 of people in the united states are somewhere on the colorblindness spectrum um and i know i've had viewers myself who have heart [ __ ] on the colorblindness spectrum and they've told me as much so i know it's going to take a little bit more time but i extremely recommend taking the time to make sure your colors will work with different color blindness spectrums but now you might be wondering well how the hell do i do that an adobe color has an accessibility feature ready all right so we're currently in their color wheel we're going to go to accessibility tools right um so first up you can check contrast this is really useful for um overlay designs or even like graphics that you're making for like advertising your vtuber you can see um is this uh accessible and so far um for this preview um the text is too small for it to be considered accessible based on this algorithm um so let's say that's so this is a so this is basically a contrast checker and it's saying if you're using these two colors will people be able to read them accurately but they also have under this little tools drop down they have a color blind safe checker so remember how i was telling you you can grab hex codes this is where that's really useful you can see based under different forms of color blindness can people accurately see your color palette design um because sometimes colors like right now it says there's no conflicts found but some color palettes based on other colorblindness spectrums colors will be really close together and it'll be hard for somebody to see them um so i really recommend once you've found a color palette that you like please take the time to hop in here and say like does this all work do these colors match are they hard to see um are they easy to see is anyone gonna have any issues with this like here i've just threw some stuff together it'll even tell you specifically which colors are in conflict so right here it's saying row b and row c um for protanopia for example those colors look really similar they both look kind of grayish and it's going to be really hard for somebody to be able to see all those beautiful textures and accents if you're using those colors so you can just kind of finagle it and suddenly it'll look look how much easier it is to see so i really encourage you even if you choose not to use this color wheel specifically um because you can also quite frankly you can just google color palettes for ideas um if you're having trouble looking for ideas just choose your favorite colors um and and try and come up with colors that you like um personally i like using color wheels just because it ensures you have a design that is based in harmony um it'll be visually pleasing even if someone doesn't know much about um color theory so then let's say you have your color palette from somewhere else you can always show your little sliders this is how you can get those hex codes in and you can just paste in whatever hex codes you have to double check and then if you're finding that you have some conflict you can tweak your design um so personally i say take a lot of time in the color palette section um because colors communicate so much right like red can denote rage it can denote passion pink can really get like sort of like more into the romance and passion section sort of things um purples are often associated with royalty um but there's a lot of different concepts that colors can communicate right some shades of green can be viewed as envious other shades of green can be viewed as natural so again go back to that list you made in your concept phase of what adjectives you want to associate your design with and start deciding what colors do i associate with these adjectives right if i'm going for a gloomy design they might have some more like darker blues or purples i didn't know there were so many kinds of colorblindness quite frankly i didn't i only knew of two i didn't know there were this many um and i saw i've seen people recommend this on twitter before and i always use it now because i find it so helpful um i just think it really helps make your streams more accessible like i said um there are people out there who may find your streams inaccessible if you're using certain colors so accessibility is really important for streamers and this doesn't take a lot of time this is totally free tool literally just google adobe color accessibility and this tool should pop up like i said um it may show the contrast checker first so you just go to the top left corner and make sure you're selecting color blind safe um yeah star we're talking about colors so i'm sorry for this long colors rant but it's something that i personally think is very important um and that is making sure that people can actually see your design green and purple often to know villains yes depending on the colors because again like hue and saturation um like let me let me go back to our color wheel um like so these are all sort of like pastel very light um colors these are sort of vaporwave these are sort of ethereal um and these are all sort of in that like bluish purple family but if i go um deeper into like the darker purple territory right um this is starting to communicate a kind of different design these are also harsh colors right i would also recommend like think about how it'll be to look at something like e on that very last color that's a very very bright color that's gonna be kind of hard on the eyes if you're using that as your like your main sort of color um let me grab real quick um because i was asked about my color palette so let me see if i have give me one second please [Music] uh let's go for this so i have look at me i'm so cute so this is my main um design sorry it's kind of hard to shove on screen um cause it's so big um so how did i choose this color palette is the question i'm getting so i knew that um there's two reasons i chose this color palette one quite frankly i like the color blue it's a color that i like two i wanted to honor my previous character design which was a slime who was blue and i wanted to sort of incorporate that color into my new design um so i knew i wanted to stick with blue and i knew i wanted to go for blonde because if we look at our color wheel um sorry let me get this open if we look at our color wheel oh sorry let me hide that we look at our color wheel yellow and blue are primary colors that are also they complement each other really nicely um so i knew i wanted to have um hair that would match the blue and that tends to be blonde that's not to say that's not to say you can't be a blue-eyed brunette right but i was just kind of thinking about color theory and stuff so and then i chose the brown and blacks because partially frankly because the beret i got had brown and blacks in them but also because i wanted to have a color palette that was leaning towards light academia the light academia aesthetic is like very um it's like very nerd core but make it fashion so light academia is lots of like lighter colors um neutrals beiges creams and it's a lot of like sweaters and skirts and pinafores you can look it up if you're interested so i knew i wanted to be inspired by light academia which is where i got the idea for the brown skirt um and then i wanted to have shoes that matched the sweater so my main color focus for my design is blue um my secondary color is blonde and then i have accents of like browns and blacks um so that was how i came about this color palette i knew i wanted and also i had to use colors that i had access to on booth but i wanted colors that were um not super saturated so like super bright like neon i wanted something that was a little bit more muted um because i wanted to communicate a design that's um cute um a little nerdy but also kind of soft so that's how i came up with this color palette but also this is color palette that works regardless of colorblindness spectrum i wish i had i should have grabbed my hex code so i could show y'all um but i also this was not the first color palette i had i really played with it until i was sure that all of my colors would work regardless of um colorblindness so that's how i came out with this oh god there's two of her now i love your hair thank you i did not design it myself this comes from cooper shop on booth um how many cars will be pulled into the universe keep in mind the character's own natural color is part of a design as well yes so the ninja turtles are green so other colors gotta work with it right so when i was a blue slime and my cut my my main color was blue i really had design around blue and that was a little tricky i'll be honest um so keep in mind that um color pilot can really communicate a lot because like let's say i had gone for really pink color palette um the clothes were the same but let's say i went for pinks right pink will denote like something a little bit more feminine almost like barbie core and there's nothing wrong with that right i love pink but it does have like a slightly different um emotional effect so that's why color theory can be really helpful in your v tuber design um you can just start with your favorite color like i said mine's blue you can start with your favorite color and start finding a palette that works around that color from there um so i hope that is helpful sorry that was like crunchy stuff i think it's the crunchiest part of this presentation okay so i want to do a summary of this whole process right um so first up the concept phase right ask yourself what your what your v tuber species is what kind of creature is your v tuber um be making sure you're not infringing on other people's intellectual property or copyrights or trademarks please be wary of that i'm not a lawyer but it would stink to like build up a v tuber and build up a brand and then have somebody smack you in the head with a lawsuit so just try try and be mindful of that also consider your youtubers h that'll inform a lot about their appearance and their clothes um their personality uh what is their temperament what are their flaws um what do they like what do they dislike their interests what hobbies do they have what skills do they have um which also feeds into their job what if if they have a career what is it keep in mind being a student can still count right like what what do they do even if it's not real even if it doesn't really inform your streams it can help just to make you stand out you know um although sometimes it can inform your streams like famously i think onigiri is a really good example right demon who cooks and so there's like aprons on on on those designs and stuff um and there's like a little onigiri um in her hair and what have you so career can influence design a ton um so when you're out of your concept phase design phase just in summary think about your clothes what kind of fashion does this youtuber wear um clothes can communicate their interests in their career and their hobbies what accessories are they wearing because you want to make sure you got some movement if you're gonna go for 2d or 3d you want to have something that moves it makes it interesting and accessories can include mobility aids and jewelry and gloves please use mobility aids if you use them if you don't maybe don't do that excuse me um hairstyles simplicity can be good but consider it if you're gonna have hair what are you gonna do with it how is it going to serve as your design um and those first three all feed into number four silhouette can your v tuber be identified by silhouette alone if you just post silhouette of your v tuber can people say i think i know who that is something to consider um color palette the chunk the crunchiest part of this whole thing colors communicate so much about a design so focus on like two main colors and then an accent color um oftentimes accent colors will be like metals like silver or gold so if you're wearing jewelry um consider which color jewelry are you using um do you wanna use silver jewelry or gold jewelry you could also use like rose gold or like onyx and get fancy with it but that's also a way of choosing an accent color uh my final tips one use references even if you're not an artist grab grab references of hairstyles of clothing of textures of accessories um and find it find inspiration from your interests make a v tuber design that you like if you try to make something you think other people will like i don't know how that's gonna go because everyone has their own interests and their own um opinions on fashion and their own opinions on um styles of dress and what have you so i think what's most important is design something that you like because ultimately you're using it it's a model you're using so you should feel like you have some kind of resonance with it um if you try to just make something you think people will like i don't know if you'll feel connected to it you know um so i hope these breakdowns help um i i hope that made sense i know i kind of went through it but i didn't want to be here for a year and a day so what questions do we have in regards to vtuber design did i do a did this make sense have you considered color symbol theory um oh yeah that's like its own thing i don't know it that well if you're going to commission an artist references are so good honestly i will say um please do not approach an artist until you have a reference if you do not have a reference commission an artist who makes references and give them references because it's real hard to design something without visual images without an idea of color um because if you just tell someone i want a red dog they're so like first of all what kind of dog is it big is it small does it have little ears does it have big ears are they pointed are they droopy is it a chihuahua is it a great dane what shade of red is it how red is it how much of it is red like there's there's so much nuance so instead of just telling someone i want to be a white wolf you gotta give them like i wanna have this jacket i'd like to have big fluffy ears i'd like to have fangs i'd like to have a horn here's what i want them to look like generally um i know that some um reference artists are also totally cool if you give them like a stick figure with like a basic idea of what you have in mind it doesn't need to be proportional it doesn't need to be good it just needs to be what you want it to look like oh gosh i have a question why are you so awesome that's not part of the scope of this exam i'm joking the only thing that's really tripping me up at the moment is picking more adjectives to describe personality so honestly google's your friend you can literally google um like character creation adjectives and you can or or even like google like positive adjectives or negative adjectives and you'll get like pages of words um are they melancholic are they joyful are they clumsy are they silly are they anxious right like there's so many different words you can choose uh and if you're struggling with words choose like bigger emotions and then you can kind of dilute them down like are they sad and then what kind of sad are they are they happy what kind of happy are they are they mean what kind of mean are they right so you can choose a general vibe and then start um refining down i have youtuber design specs i want a cool design see and like that if i had to do a reference art that would make me scream because like what does cool mean what do you think cool is you know i've had commissioners draw the most scuffed looking doodles to show me their idea and even that is better than text your artist doesn't care if you can't draw that's why you're commissioning them this exactly man i've and also if he's given me a really good tip if you're worried about anatomy um open veroid studio don't put any put undies on your model and nothing else and then just take a picture of the model t posed take that picture put it in art software or print it out and draw on top of it because then you'll at least have something that's proportional um i've used that before that was extremely helpful as a tip how much should a youtuber focus on the lore slash background it seems difficult to keep everything straight that's really a matter of personal preference um because some viewers really like lore and some viewers could not care less um [Music] so i think that's really up to you i don't think lore personally i don't think your lore should be more than a few sentences um because personally frankly no one wants to read more than a paragraph unless you're their oshi they really don't want to do a lot of reading um if you can refine your lore into like two sentences i think that's ideal for yourself is the hair and ears that cause your silhouette to tell us it's you um the glasses you don't see on a silhouette the beret i think also helps that's one of the reasons i wanted it i wanted something else on the head just to make it a little bit more um visually different this will be on youtube i'm going to try and edit it down too i i'll be honest i don't know when i'll get to it the the unedited vod will be on youtube in the next week or two um i would like to edit this down it's just that video editing takes a long time for me maybe i'll see how much it'll cost to ed pay someone to edit this for me but this will be on youtube yes um this will be on youtube i want this to be a resource people can come back to and re-watch um that's honestly why i made these where is it it's why i made these these so if people just want to open youtube and just look at these that's fine that's all they have to do you know um uh but i would say if you want to commission a model like because for me just opening vray studio can be really intimidating but if you open v-ray studio with a model in mind or like a design in mind it's so much easier even if you to change things like at least you'll have like some kind of guide you know this will be helpful i'm glad that was the whole idea of it i just want to make it accessible you know should you let your chat grow naturally or try to put them push them into a specific atmosphere what do you mean by a specific atmosphere um the thing about chat you can't control who finds your streams if that makes sense like you can put all of your content out into the world and just kind of essentially hope people show up right but you can't control who shows up or what kind of viewer shows up but through moderation and vibe checks you can determine who sticks around i hope that makes sense like my streams um we're pretty laid back here but we don't really tolerate um being mean for lack of a better phrase right if someone's just mean and i don't know them we're just gonna kind of time them out be like hey that's not the vibe here that's we don't i don't know you why like don't be wrong like oh clara that was a dingus move that's fine but if someone's like you're ugly and stupid it's like i don't know if that's a quality of the viewer that i want in my community you know like for me if my community doesn't have basic respect for me then it's not really a healthy community yes what kev said you can't control who finds your channel but you can control who sticks around yes no mean bullying only friendly bullying well that's the thing and also like a lot of it a lot of like chat stuff that's like just communication with your community right like communicating your boundaries and sometimes you'll have to redraw boundaries and that's okay you just have to communicate it you know communicate like i think some people think that streamers have rules so that they can ban someone and have a reason for it but for me you have rules so people know what the expectations are i think setting expectations is really important um for both your community and your mod team like whenever i've had a mod join the team i'll tell them like here are my expectations for you here's what i don't think you have to do you let me know what your expectations of me are um because it's important to communicate that like i told my mods like you don't have to be at any stream ever like you have a life if you can stop by that's great and if you can't that's also okay you know a little bopple usually determines yeah and then like for me also having rules is important because i understand sometimes you don't understand social cues or you'll people will struggle to understand like what the social cues are or what the social rules are so if i can provide a list of guidelines i want to give people a chance you know i know a newer youtuber who's struggling to grow and seems disappointed that the chat's a little more spicy um it seemed like a weird take because they kept asking younger viewers to leave hurting their growth so every streamer is going to be different and i don't feel comfortable like weighing on what you should quote-unquote should do because it's up to like what community you want when i first got started i knew i wanted a community that was 13 plus um because i wanted a place where people could hang out um like i felt like you know the internet didn't have a lot of spaces um where people could do that so i wanted a space that was like chill um and not super sexualized but i realized there's this habit in v tubing where viewers tend to peg a youtuber as hyper say so or hyper lewd right so say so being like wholesome um to the point where they're so like wholesome that they're almost an asexual being and like any sex jokes are like a shock and i realized i wasn't really comfortable being pegged as like this completely wholesome like innocent being um because i was like i'm still an adult i i might make a pickle joke now and then right um so part of my rebrand was also making my audience 16 plus um sort of like peggy 16 right so like the occasional loot joke is fine by me sexualizing me i'm not super comfortable with because i don't know you but like a little har har pun is fine you know um but a lot of that's just like communicating that to your community right that's why i always have 16 plus in my titles now because i want people to know you have to be at least 16 to be here um because of the content because of the context and because i don't think it'll be appropriate for young children and also frankly a lot of younger viewers are still learning how to socialize and it is draining to have to kind of teach them how to interact with me all the time um and don't be wrong i'm not mad about it because we all have to learn at some point but it is kind of tiresome to have to like beg someone to treat me with respect i just don't have the patience for it anymore you know if you can't you're not gonna come in respecting me i don't want you here i'm sorry i don't have the patience for it you know the first time we were gonna see the f word oh yeah it was months in it was the freaking goat fight freaking freaking undertale fight should you treat being a youtuber like running a business in which the avatar such character is the main object i think it's gonna depend a lot on your goals as a youtuber if you're v tubing as a hobby that's totally cool if you're v-tubing as a career to make money that's a very different goal and there's nothing wrong with doing it but how you approach it's going to be different um i don't treat v-tubing as like an object right clara lasts off real quick clara is a character right for me i have super anxiety and having a character to perform makes streaming a lot more comfortable for me i like performing i don't know how to be a person without masking so clara is a mask that i perform and that's not to say that clara is a disingenuous character right because a lot of clara's like memories and ideas and feelings are my own but i like having a character to perform i don't feel clara as an object though in my mind clara is very much a realized three-dimensional being um but i do treat v2 being um i don't know if i could say as a business but i do view it as like every week i will spend some time looking at analytics for example and i will make sure i'm keeping up with algorithms and trends um because the harsh reality is you could stream the best freaking content on twitch but if people don't know to find you you're never going to get found because the discovery on this platform is not great so you have to be working with algorithms on other platforms in order to be seen someone disrespecting and mostly mostly in uh youtube shorts comments and they're just like straight up children and i get it they're modeling behavior they've seen and they don't fully understand that yes this is a model but there's a person behind the model um so i don't take it personally like to be clear i'm not like upset about it it's just like i don't sympathy is not it's free empathy is free you know i'm a newer youtuber myself i'm worried about being perceived in a sexual way my character is very personal for me i can't ever imagine her being perceived lewdly any tips for that anxiety i totally understand you i had that anxiety going into it um i think a lot of it just comes down to communicating regularly with your audience you know um like make it a rule of chat like hey like please respect me please do not sexualize me um if somebody does just time them out and like i would tell people because you know a lot of youtubing does have um like a lot of other v2 communities have sexual tones and i have no problem with that and so sometimes people don't realize a different community will have a different vibe so you just have to help them understand that um so yeah exactly what zane did said set boundaries and uphold them so for me like i'm very rarely will i be bothered by like an infraction it's just a quick little like five second timeout like hey that's not the vibe here and i'm gonna tell you right now nine times out of ten people like oh i'm so sorry i didn't realize and if they don't respect it that's when you just give them the vote um this is my personal opinion it's better to have no viewers than to have viewers who disrespect you i don't get me wrong i know that i'm privileged and i like having a community and having viewership it's really easy for me to sit here and be like yeah you can pick and choose i understand when you have zero viewers or two viewers or three viewers it can be really like you want every view you get so you're really scared to like time people out or get rid of people but i'm gonna tell you right now what arya said the unironically most fundamental metric unit is the vibe if someone's not passing your vibe check just ban them also personally i don't have band requests turned on um because i just don't have the mental capacity for it i i promise you if someone's banned in this community there's a good reason for it um i'm all about giving people a few chances uh but if they're just they're just not listening to myself or my mod team then it's just goodbye you know it's because i promise you um even if you don't grow the way others are growing if you feel comfortable in your community it it makes a difference like and i've had people tell me they love my community because we have a lot of vibe checks here and they know coming into this community like yeah we'll make silly jokes and it's all good fun and i never feel like attacked or anything but at the end of it everyone feels welcome and everyone feels safe and that's extremely important to me i live on band because of this yeah it's just yes okay coin yes you don't need any reason to ban someone other than i don't want you here um i know especially for people who are socialized to be very forgiving especially like afab people you're so socialized to like let people go or or like let people push your buttons don't do it and i'm don't be wrong i've had people uh i've had oh gosh i had a situation where i banned someone on every social media account i could think of just because they were being very very not nice and the one place i forgot was youtube so they start spamming all my youtube videos like how dare you do this remember if someone's going to go that far right it's one thing to say i don't know why i was banned it's another thing to attack i don't want that energy i don't have time for that energy afab assigned female at birth youtubing is about having fun exactly if you are getting anxiety showing up to your own streams that's not that's not okay that's not good um and i know making changes can be intimidating um but i promise you setting boundaries works uh and it feels so much better and someone paying you subs bits that does not give someone the right to be abusive oh my god yes i want to screen that from this at the top of the world um regardless of how many sub somebody gifts how much money they tip um if somebody's disrespecting you you can cut them off don't put up with it it's not worth it um um it's just it's just not worth your mental health you know um regardless if you view view keeping as a hobby or business it's still your community you're running the show and if you're not enjoying it that's not good so you got to take you got to take the steps to um make it a comfortable space so some tips i have if you're worried about moderation is have rules that are clear and actionable they don't have to be detailed right just like we don't do hate speech you know um you have to be a certain age to be here listen to and respect the mods right but also if someone's just giving you bad vibes if they're just saying icky stuff you can just quietly ban them um also if you didn't know this you can share banned lists with other streamers um so if you have friends who you know they have a very similar vibe to your community you can share your list of banned um viewers so basically what will happen is let's say um let's say somebody named um grillsmypickle shows up this is an old stream reference someone named grill's my pickle shows up to my stream i might get an alert saying hey this person's been banned in so and so stream i see that alert no one else sees it i think the mods will see it too um but like no one else will see that alert but i will see it so i can know okay this person got banned i wonder why and that's not to say i'm gonna immediately ban them but it'll sort of be like all right i'm gonna keep an eye on you because maybe it was a mistake or maybe they're just not passing the vibe check um so definitely reach out to streamer friends if you have them like please feel free to ask them like hey do you mind sharing ban lists yeah it puts it as monitored thank you yeah you can see the notes um it's extremely useful um but i will say i i totally empathize with wanting viewers and wanting to grow your community but if you just let every single person hang out not all of them are gonna respect you and it's not gonna be fun you know is it a good idea to create a network with other youtubers do you mean like an official like um what's it called like streamer network if you're interested partners are able to make a streamer network i think it is something only twitch partners can do i can't speak on that i don't feel like yeah truthfully i don't know if i'm like experienced enough to speak on whether or not networks work um i think having streamers you vibe with and like to collab with is always good um mods will see it can confirm cool yeah i i have i have my my mod my band list with a few other streamers whose communities i like and respect and i know we have the same um general vibes i mean i'm gonna tell you right now most streamers genuinely have the same rules because it's like i don't want to be treated like dirt in my own community you know but if i can summarize i would say it's better to ban someone than to get a view from somebody who doesn't respect you um will it take longer to grow maybe will your mental health be better probably you know um community moderation is very tricky um i think a really good question to ask yourself is what is my ideal community as a viewer right what is my ideal community to hang out and as a viewer and how do i cultivate that as a streamer and a lot of that just comes down to vipe checked you know if someone's not respecting you then they probably you probably don't want them there it sounds like me when i deleted snapchat i will say just as a quick sidebar suggestion for new streamers i personally really recommend turning dms off turn off whispers on twitch turn off discord dms unless it's from a friend because something i noticed when i first started streaming i didn't know to do that and so the moment i would pop up as online on discord i would have a few people who would immediately start dming me constantly um and they would immediately stop if i was not online and it started giving me anxiety because i was like i can't be giving you one-on-one attention i have like a million other things to be doing um and so what i noticed is i eventually turned off private dms and every single one of those people stopped showing up to stream and i'm not saying that they're a bad person or i have any beef with them but it's basically what i noticed is once they no longer had the ability to have my undivided attention at their beck and call they were no longer interested in my community um and that's not necessarily the type of community member i want in my community does that make sense um just i just don't just don't have random dms open is my personal recommendation especially now at my size i'll just get random dms all the time and i don't have time for it i'm sorry i'm one v tuber i just i just don't have time for it um if you're going to dm someone please just get to the point please please please just saying hi with like five emojis i don't know what you want i don't know what that means um saying hi um loved your stream would you be interested in doing xyz that's at least letting me know what this is about right but just saying hello doesn't tell me anything and just makes me a little anxious being you don't want to have your chat talking taunting talking with you but also each other yes can i ask a question yes what is your question oh oh sorry i see what you're saying zane yeah please don't just dm someone can i ask a question this also goes for chat please just ask it if you don't think you should then don't trust your judgment um but it's it's so much faster to say hey do you mind if i ask blank question like for example um do you mind if i ask about your commission prices or i will say the only exception to this world please don't ask about collabs in a live stream unless like they unless they are the one to bring it up like if a streamer is the one to say hey you dm me for a collab please don't just like walk into a stream asking for a clap it's very uncomfortable um because you're like put on the spot right because now i'm live and have to like it's just not it's very uncomfy um it's cool if you want to collab with someone please do it off stream please as a side note it's fine to bop people over the use of certain twitch extension emotes also yeah what kev said yeah if there's certain emotes you don't like like in my discord i personally don't allow outside emotes in my server or stickers mostly because i can't control what people are using then um so it's not that i want people to not show off their stuff it's like i can't control if it's like bad you know what i mean ein hello that sounds rude for clubs yeah please please um as another quick side note please don't ask for a collab until you've started streaming i've had a few people reach out to me be like oh would you be interested i'm like you don't even have a twitch channel yet and that's not because i'm trying to be hot and be like oh you don't have followers you are beneath me it's more that i'm not gonna collab with someone until i know their vibe right because if i'm doing a collab i'm introducing my community to someone else's community and i've heard a lot of horror stories about people doing a collab and then halfway through their collab partner says something extremely upsetting and they didn't know um so please make sure you have streams that are available to watch because i've had situations where like i was genuinely interested in collabing with someone and they didn't have any vods or clips so i'm like i don't know your vibe i don't i don't know what i'm signing up for here i remember the one collab i was asked about after i did all the work the guy vanished like a ghost personally i do not collab with someone unless i think i know them well i don't think i did a collab for the first like three or four months of streaming um and personally i'd recommend don't do collabs for your first month or two um not because i don't want you to make friends but because you want your community to have an idea of who you are and i've seen some youtubers who were just immediately doing collab after collab after collab and that's fun but like their community didn't really know them as an individual streamer so i would say worry about collabs later get to know your own vibe get to know your own community and then start doing collabs had someone ask me to collab on their second stream oh i've been there and it's it's it told me wrong it's so flattering it's so nice like when people want to collab with me i do think it's very flattering and it's very nice but it's also very uncomfortable when it's alive it's very uncomfortable please don't do that um we can keep talking about this but i also want to model um because i have the time for it i want to model all of those design tips i just gave y'all um i want to show you how to then make that i want to show you how to basically come up with a quick youtuber design using the steps i made um i don't want to forget to do that so i'm going to just bring up clip studio paint and we're just going to come up with a youtuber design on the fly real quick a collab should be like a job interview you have to prove it's a good idea the thing is i would say if you want to collab please also bring an idea of what you want to do also sorry thank you for all the hydrates please show up with an idea of what you want to do for a collab because it's it's kind of awkward it's like you want to collab and it's like oh sure what did you have in mind like i don't know i've made that mistake before it's very uncomfortable bring ideas specifically ideas that you think your collab partner would like right um for example i love comfy catboy as a streamer he's phenomenal he's so sweet um he has excellent vibes he doesn't really play fps games i would not recommend that we do a valerie collab unless it was specifically to be like watch two non-fps players fail right um but we played spasmophobia together as a halloween collab because we're like we're all a bunch of babies this will be really fun may i ask a slightly off-topic question yeah go for it i know it sounds stupid i feel very self-conscious hearing my own voice so this is something everyone deals with my recommendation is exposure therapy basically just record yourself even if it's just your voice even if it's just on your phone force yourself to hear yourself to get over that hurdle because you're gonna have to listen to yourself you just you gotta do it i will remind you how you hear yourself is different from other limited how you hear yourself is different from how other people hear you i hated my voice for a long time and whenever i assume everyone's like oh you're so cute and i'm like ah then you so just you just kind of gotta you gotta if you start that now then you can just edit your videos and be like i sound weird whatever you know i love your background thank you i did not make it credits are on twitch i did not make this it's very pretty it was dial i forget their name i'm so sorry i'm really bad at names but it's credited because i can't do i can't do art not like that i'm getting ready to start streaming just the other day did some recording tests my voice was not as bad as i thought it'd be that's the thing we always view our voices as worse than they are i can nearly guarantee you that you are wrong when these are they're cute thank you i think the embarrassing thing is i didn't realize how much i like talked to myself until i started streaming because you just can't avoid it and i was so embarrassed by that i didn't realize how much i'm like but it's something i do my voice in my head and my ears are different yep and it's weird isn't it at the moment average three to twelve viewers that's great wow when i check the vods it goes to 80 to 130 plus okay so um first of all quick just quick ego boost i think the statistic is that roughly 89 of twitch streamers are not affiliated and are not partnered right um and now sometimes it's just because like friends want to stream to their friends or they're not committed um but if you're hitting the three to twelve range you're already in the top ten percent of streamers so i want you to be proud of that i know it doesn't feel like a lot but it is a lot that's amazing and that's awesome um i will say vod views are weird and i don't personally completely understand them but i don't recommend using vod views as a metric um because there's like a million different reasons you'll get vod views um the bigger way to handle growth the best advice i've heard is most of your growth on twitch happens off twitch and i know that sounds really confusing but the reality is twitch does not have the best algorithm for streamers who are starting out um by far most of my viewers have found me from tiktok i've been found from etsy from twit uh from sorry from twitter um but i have once you start hitting 10 average viewers you might start showing up in the recommended bar and some people have found me from there but first you got to get to that point and that's also my personal observation i've noticed as small as as few as 10 average viewers can get you and recommended up to you know 100 200 5 000 um but i would say the best way to focus on getting more people to find you is to learn another algorithm just twitter is fine just tic talk is fine just youtube is fine start small don't you don't have to start with every single social media platform i'm glad i did that personally um i started with just twitter and i would just post consistently quick twit quick twitter twitter tips um try and post at least once a day um they like active accounts twice a day if you can help it um generally speaking i've found an eastern time best times post early in the morning and later in the evening because people aren't really looking on twitter as much during the work day don't use more than two hashtags three if you want to push it but more than that twitter just views you as spam and also keep things different don't just always do text tweets you can if you want but once in a while tweeting a picture um tweeting a video can help differentiate your own feed um you have any tools for learning about algorithms honestly so some social media platforms will tell you um twitter business will straight up give you tips on like how to make a twitter account that they don't think it's about like literally like look up twitter algorithm business and i'm pretty sure that should be one of the first things what the heck sylvia thank you for the tearwind i'm really glad that this is helpful and and reassuring thank you so much it's so sweet i appreciate it um i will say tic toc's algorithm is an absolute mess and no one understands it so please don't stress because literally no one understands it but like you uh facebook and instagram i'm pretty sure meta like tells people what to publish and what not to publish um but there's some really good youtube videos out there literally i'm telling you tutorials exist for everything um but cabal the v tuber and pumpkin potion of youtuber they've both done really good videos on these topics and they've like actually worked in marketing so i'd say look up them on youtube because they like know what they're talking about they have really good videos on this um i've made it this far without making a twitter account i won't break now and also don't feel like you need one um it can help um but also don't get a social media platform if you don't like it because if you don't like it you're not gonna use it and that's a waste of your time twitch and youtube have king maker algorithms uh that's what makes the most money a lot of your growth is going to come from platforms that want viewers to see a lot of different content that is extremely well said yes um [Music] i think that's a really good point um so that's why you need to find other places because like once you start getting views then you start getting pushed more i'm glad this is helpful i like i said i haven't like worked in marketing or anything these are just what i've learned and i just want to share it because like this stuff is confusing if i can make it accessible i want to do that um we're going to move back over here so to circle back to those tips i was giving those steps i was giving we're going to really quick just come up with a youtuber design this is a design i've made before um so i'm just gonna go to it because i know it um so the first stage of this is our concept phase right so okay sorry zane i will be working on your your uh uh uh png i promise it's on my to-do list i'm on tv y'all so um no i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry concept face concept phase first right i'm gonna make this bigger for you all to read it that's better uh so um [Music] species i'm going to do a um sorry not a wolf i'm going to do a husky be tuber i like huskies they're cute there's a lot of cool design aesthetics i'm a dog let me do this um age um also you can also do like gender identity stuff in here uh we're gonna do a he him husky man um i'm gonna have him at like i'm gonna say he's gonna be like 22 uh young adults ish but like moving into his mid-20s what have you right um husky isn't a husky dog um for his personality i'm gonna just throw out some adjectives i want him to be cool like sort of cool-headed demeanor um i want him to be mature i want him to be a little reserved and i think i want him to be um punk adjacent punk-ish right like kind of grunge but not fully committed um and then for his job i'm gonna say that he is a snowboard instructor i just came up with this on the spot okay but we're already kind of getting ideas from this right so he's he likes the cold weather um he works in the cold weather he's kind of a cool guy um he's kind of he's kind of punkish and cool mature so how do we now take these ideas and distill them into a design so um original oc please do not steal so i'm horrible at anatomy um so don't judge me for what's about to happen next um usually i like to start with just the head and then i can add a body once i've like figured out their design but for today i'll do everything so first we're gonna get a noggin i just start with a circle cut that circle in half um because he i want him to look a little bit more mature i'm not gonna give him a really round face i'm gonna give him um a face that's a little bit more angular and a little bit on the longer side he's gonna have higher cheekbones um i'm gonna move this down he's also gonna have big husky ears where are you no he's gonna have big husky ears also normally i'd have like a husky dog reference here i forgot to grab one i'm sorry um but he's gonna have big dog ears on the top of his head that are gonna be nice and fluffy excuse me um and because i want him to be a little bit older and more mature i'm also going to give him eyes that are a little bit smaller right because if i gave him eyes like this that communicates a very different character so i want him to have eyes that are a little bit smaller a little bit more narrow a little bit more mature um he's somebody who [Music] uh doesn't really smile because he's kind of reserved so his mouth's a little downturned um yes uh he's gonna have a long nose um because he's an athlete i might give him like a scar or a scrape on his face i think i'll just give him a little a little something like that maybe he like fell into a branch or something i don't know i don't know how that works but for now we're just gonna throw something down on his face um now i want to think about movement for him right so i'm going to give him um bangs but he's pulled some of them up into like a little loose um almost like ponytail situation right so he's got his bangs all pulled up so he doesn't get his hair in his eyes his hairline's gonna be down here sorry hold on i have to think about your hairline yeah so he's gonna have some bangs that are pulled up so he'll have this little piece that moves around when he's talking um i'm actually gonna resize that to be a little bit bigger but he's gonna have some hair uh and then he's gonna have some pieces that are like he's gonna have a little piece here that fell out of his bun because it was too short uh and then the challenge when you're doing characters like me where they have ears on the head so human faces we're used to ears on the sides um but i don't want to do that personally for this design so i'm going to give him some bangs that fall down on the side like this so like these aren't in his face while he's he's he's snowboarding but he still has these pieces framing his face also i'm gonna make them a little asymmetrical i'm gonna make one longer than the other um like he cut his own hair and then didn't cut it evenly and just didn't care enough to fix it so we're gonna give him a little little bit of pieces like that um and then these pieces are like pulled back and maybe he has some hair clips to keep his hair out of his face um and then we have a neck and i know his face is weird and i know his head is like kind of awkward but that's you know i'm actually gonna purposely like make this not very good um because the point is you don't have to be like an incredible artist for this to work right like i personally don't think this is my best work at all and that's fine because what matters is that people have an idea of what i'm communicating i am gonna make him smaller to fit on my canvas so i'm gonna just go wow um i'm also gonna give him um that's not what i want i'm also gonna give him longer hair on the sides right he has he has hair falling and you know what i actually just thought of to better communicate that he's kind of athletic instead of giving him hair clips instead of giving him bangs like that i'm gonna give him goggles to communicate that he is a snowboarder i don't know what goggles look like so i have to get a reference for that but assume these are goggles right whatever the hell that looks like those are those are goggles um and now i know he he lives in a colder in climate because he's like a snowboard instructor so we're gonna just throw down a body real quick because he's a snowboarder he's gonna be someone who's kind of fit um kind of being the operative word i need a bigger eraser hold on my anatomy is bad and i don't care it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine neep knobs go there yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes hips legs honestly i don't really care what's down there because it's not as important um as the upper body because the upper body is what gets seen the most by viewers arms arms arms arms there's hands somewhere they're not even who cares i don't it doesn't matter i should have prepared this beforehand i'm sorry i didn't have time um so i want him to have a coat um yeah it's like classic digimon thing i guess but whatever snowboarding goggles look like um i'm going to give him a coat i want to be a little inspired by streetwear though because he's like cool um so i think i'm going to give him a coat that has a high collar and then it's unzipped because he's like off the mountain right now right so his coat's open um there can be a zipper here zippers are a great source of movement for a design especially in live 2d uh sweetly a zipper there is his coat um his coat can be you know what we're gonna make his coat kind of long because it's gonna keep him warm i guess um so he can have pants and he can have maybe uh uh just some kind of undershirt um maybe he has some kind of patch to denote that he's an instructor or like snow patrol or something like that um and that's already like a design right and you can even like if you're looking to give a reference to an artist you can say like here's a zipper um these are snowboarding [Music] goggles um uh you could say that this is like a winter coat and then you could provide some reference images of like like heavy winter street wear coats um we could show off his abs and have him be completely shirtless because maybe he's like a cool [ __ ] boy like right you can really you can really kind of get experimental with it but again remembering silhouettes um remembering to avoid ladders that's why i wanted the coat to be kind of longer oh yes he has a big big fluffy tail big fluffy tail oo woo um to sell the fact that he is a husky what i think i would do is for his eyes um first of all i would give him like big ol bean brows because if you look at husky patterns right they'll have like those little like eyebrows almost um and then some huskies also have um uh monaco what's the word i forget the word for it but they'll have two different colored eyes so i might make one of his eyes um a light blue and then i might make his other eye um brown just to give some some interesting um heterochromia thank you right so i might do something like that for his eyes um and then huskies come in a few different colors there's like whites and grays and stuff so i would probably choose a color palette where browns and um grays are maybe the main colors and then i'll give him a blue accent color right so like his coat might be gray and his hair might be a sort of brownish gray color and his eyebrows might be a brownish gray color um and then that blue will sort of be the accent um or maybe the undershirt would be blue or maybe his patch would be blue um but right there i've already just like kind of thrown together a color palette you know um typically when i think of like quote-unquote cool characters i'm thinking of like darker purples and and darker blues so we could also throw in like a a darkish purple blue color maybe make that this color and then maybe use that eye color as an accent somewhere else so i'm sorry he looks like the hokage running the leaf village oh my god i just wanted to i just wanted to throw together an example all right fine i'll come up with a different example you know what we'll do example number two fine so i was concept number one y'all bullied me being bullied all right so that's one but he turned into the hokage and y'all are clowning on me for it so concept number two this is another design i've done before because i think it'd be fun um concept number two um species i'm gonna make a ghost girl i want her to be kind of spooky um i'm gonna have her be um 19 uh she's a college student who died uh so job student um personality uh she's gonna be gloomy and mysterious um and uh serious uh maybe a little shy right how did she die that's a fun lord tidbit um she uh liked reading and got suffocated in a pile of books let's let's say that let's say that um i do think ghosts are really fun because you have to answer that question it's like how do they die um so we're gonna get but so she's gonna be a little bit younger so i'm gonna make her face a little bit rounder um so we're gonna just real quick and again you don't have to be an artist for this so making her face a little bit smaller a little bit rounder um here let's hold on a bit bit here um because she's gloomy i'm gonna give her i still want to give her bigger eyes hold on i'm gonna get this right she's sort of got this like serious look to her but they're big i want them to be like a bigger feature of her design um she's sort of frowning she doesn't really love that she died without getting a boyfriend or a girlfriend um she's kind of serious uh and so to make the ghost thing fun and to give her an interesting silhouette what i'm gonna do is i'm going to give her hair that sort of defies gravity a bit and gets all gets all um what's the word uh just kind of like floats around her head right so her hair is just kind of like floating all around her this is an effect you can do in vroid studio too um it's possible to make hair like defy gravity like this i'm gonna give her a big ol aha to keep things interesting um we'll give her straight across bangs she was kind of a serious student in life so she's got bangs and then she'll have little side pieces and hairs that are all just kind of like floating around so she has hair that sort of has this like kind of effect around her face um for outfit um since she was a student she'll be wearing a student uniform but it's gonna be all kind of sad and ragged right so we'll give her since i also said she was like a student who was reading and then presumably passed in the stacks uh we'll give her like a little vest and maybe some of the vest is like tattered um and like frayed a bit and maybe it's got some like dirt on it uh she'll have her little button-down shirt maybe one of her sleeves is like completely torn off and then the other one's sort of all the way down and then rolled up right and then again you'll add like phrase and like cuts and tears uh and so that also like asymmetry can really play with um asymmetry can really play with a design too um she'll have a i'll just give her like a long pleated skirt almost like 80s style uh she'll just have like a skirt and then her shirt it's like maybe a little loose and tucked out from underneath it uh yes and that's a really rough sketch and it's not very good and i don't care um four colors so purple and gold if you look on this color wheel you can kind of see purple and gold um can look really nice together so i think i'm going to give her lots of purples um i know ghosts tend to get like white hair um but i think i'm gonna have purples be in her color palette i think we'll give her maybe silvery purple hair i'm gonna give her maybe orange eyes all right so her eyes are like that um if we wanted to we could give her some blood accents but yes if it goes some side of a talisman of some sort yes um depending on culture too that can really inform what a ghost looks like but already we have a color palette um and because her eyes are gold we could also use that color for her vest and make it sort of cream colored cream colored vest right um the skirt could be a darker color um but right like so already taking those design concepts we're thinking about movement her hair she doesn't really have any accessories so i could give her um i could give her a scarf uh where's my i could give her a big ol scarf here right um maybe she peers her ears i give her an earring uh maybe i give her glasses those don't add movement but they do add character um maybe she's wearing a coat but like only half of it um yeah you could add little like fire motes around her and those can have movement um if she was japanese we could give her that um blinking on what it's called but around the head um non-binary colors nb ghost um but yeah it was the scarf oh that's good the scarf that her senpai gave her before she died um we could give her maybe a necklace that was from a relative that she really loved um but already we're giving her movement we're giving her a character you look at her and you have sort of an idea of who she is so i have a feeling she was murdered and she was just telling chad she was dying in the library and that's also fun lore but again like am i a great artist frankly not with this no but this already is communicating a lot of ideas this is already giving your reference artist way more to work with um and again you can find reference images for eyes if you're not really good at them um you can definitely look for some but like even just saying like i want big eyes and maybe they're like a little tired because she's like man death is tiresome and i'm over it um that's already so much right so i just wanted to show y'all like using these tips can give you some ideas it can give you something to work with we're thinking about the shape of a design and the silhouette of a design and and making it feel visually distinct um is this like the best thing i've ever drawn definitely not um it would also have been a lot easier if i was giving myself references but it's already an idea so my whole point is like you don't need to make the most amazing art ever you just need to have an idea of what you want your youtuber to look like so you can then give it to another artist or use it another piece of software to refine it so i hope that this helped um i hope this sort of like mad dash sketch was useful uh mini art stream yes with our stuffed tokage which was not at all my intent but you know it's gonna be what it's gonna be i guess um movement but i hope this was helpful um i really did my best to make this like make sense um please feel free if you are an artist let us know below what tips you have for uh designing a vtuber especially if you work on the rigging side of things what do you wish people would know about designing a vtuber when they have to be rigged for movement but thank you for watching i appreciate it [Music]
Channel: Clara Dogford Ch.
Views: 6,630
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to design a vtuber, how to vtuber model
Id: 3lYp9JCXckM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 23sec (7343 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 10 2022
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