4 Easy Care Tips for Monstera Deliciosa | For the busy or lazy plant parent (seasoned refresher)

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happy monster on monday everyone welcome to  another plant video if it's your first time here   my name is james and i'm from sydney australia i  drop regular content on some plant care tips so if   you want to see some more content from me consider  subscribing it would really mean a lot to me   bash that bell notification so you don't  miss any updates today's video is going to   be about the monstera deliciosa no no no no you're  saying it all wrong it's deliciosa not deliciosa   what was that i'm going to be giving you four  simple care tips for the busy or lazy planned   parent note that these tips are still applicable  for anyone who owns a monstera so even if you're   seasoned or new just sit through as usual i'll  leave some time steps in the description box   if you want to jump through some different  topics up next we're going to go through some context today i'm going to be talking about  the monstera the monstera deliciosa   the swiss cheese plant the fruit salad plant the  mexican breadfruit the hurricane plant there are   so many names for this amazing plant but i'm just  going to be calling it monstera for today's video   in the botanical world monstera means monstrous  referring to the size that these things can grow   and deliciosa refers to the word delicious the  fruit that they can produce and i've actually   personally tried the fruit myself and it is  delicious tastes like a fruit salad actually it   is native to the tropical rainforest in southern  mexico and can grow gigantic of up to 20 meters   amazing you'll likely see the monstera print  plastered everywhere from murals to walls to   t-shirts to prints they're basically everywhere  and how could you deny this beauty they've got   heart-shaped glossy leaves with a little bit  of fenestration in them fenestration refers   to the actual holes that you can see they make a  statement piece for any single home and are super   super easy to care for first up let me show you  my monstera transformation quick shout out to my   friend alicia who actually gifted me this amazing  specimen as a housewarming gift about a year ago   she first gave it to me on the 10th of june 2020  and then on the second picture this is from the   10th of march 2021 so as you can see in about nine  months it already grew such a monstrous size after   12 months this is a picture of it on the 10th of  june to present day from what you see behind me   there are more leaves still popping up there you  can basically see that it's tripled or quadrupled   in size if you measure mine from the top to the  bottom it's about 1.2 meters in height already   wow so you've been gifted a monstera or actually  bought one but don't have the luxury of time to   take care of it well i've got good news for you  you don't need a lot of time to take care of these   guys i'm going to outline these in 4 easy care  tips if you want to know more about a specific   topic feel free to drop me a comment and i'll get  back to you as soon as i can the real good news is   i basically tell everyone that the monstera  thrives on neglect and when i say that it's   basically setting up the environment and giving  it the leave it and love it approach as long   as you set up the right environment i guarantee  that you'll be staring at your monstera forever   care tip number one location choosing the right  location for your monstera can be a one-time   thing only but it's super super important finding  a place where it is receiving an adequate amount   of light is really important because basically  they need light to photosynthesise plants need   light to photosynthesise which is the process in  which it makes food would you starve yourself no   so why would you starve your plant you might  want to consider putting it in bright indirect   light which is probably the most optimum  situation for your monstera however myself   i actually keep mine in medium light and you can  see it's quite monstrous already but the things   that i would absolutely avoid is direct sunlight  in the afternoon because the harsh sun rays can   cause it to burn its beautiful leaves as well as  low light because you are starving your monster   from photosynthesis also i strongly recommend that  you find a place that has decent ventilation only   because bacteria breeds in really moist conditions  otherwise you're going to create a breeding ground   for other pests fungi and mould and all those  sorts of problems and you want to be avoiding that care tip number two watering monster is a super  hardy plant so even if you're a little bit   heavy-handed in watering or the type of person  to forget to water they will be okay as long as   that when you're watering it that you're giving  a thorough drench and that's so that the water is   going all the way to the bottom and draining out  of that drainage hole just make sure that you're   tipping out that excess water because that excess  water will essentially suck back up if you don't   and then causing it to be overly moist and if you  get into the bad habit of doing that it will cause   root rot causing the plant to die i'm being  dramatic here it won't die if you did it once   but you do want to just make sure you're tipping  that out keeping that water there may cause some   additional issues such as pests and you don't  want to be creating a breeding ground for fungus   nuts because they do like moist conditions so  i'd recommend watering only when the soil is   dry and the way to check that is simply dipping  your finger into the soil and checking whether   it is moist or not it's really that simple you  don't need any funky moisture meters or that sort   grab your finger dip it in and just wash your  hands after just for reference my pot size is   about 30 centimetres in diameter and i water  it about 1.5 litres each time i find that i'm   watering mine only about 1.5 weeks to 3 weeks in  the winter so basically i only have to water it   once in a while once a month i recommend adding  a liquid fertiliser that has NPK in it and adding   that into your watering that will allow your  monstera to flourish over fertilising can also   cause issues so make sure that you're reading the  instructions on the label when applying liquid   fertiliser in your watering can make sure you give  it a little healthy splash of regular water first   before adding that fertiliser into the watering  mix it does introduce a little bit of risk if   you're pouring straight fertiliser and water on  your first watering due to sensitivity of the roots care tip number three is round maintenance  the maintenance plan that i recommend is something   easy for the busy or lazy plant parent wipe down  the leaves with lukewarm water whenever you can   in truth i probably wipe mine down about once  a month because i know it can be a very tedious   process but i want you to understand the  reason why you need to do this is because   dust accumulates normally in your home dust  accumulates on things such as your dining table   your coffee table and you're wiping those things  down so why not wipe your plant they need it   especially because the dust is inhibiting their  ability to soak up the sun rays so i strongly   recommend that you give it a wipe down feel free  to add some preventative pest control in the mix   as a proactive measure however sometimes you  may need to be reactive in the cases where you   do see pests on your plant strongly recommend you  are treating it asap this is because the longer   you leave pests around the faster they're going  to multiply then you're going to be fighting an   infestation for ages so if you do it really early  you're able to cut down that population faster   i'm not going to give you an extensive list right  now of all the pests that you could encounter   i've actually personally had every single one  known to the indoor plant world which i can give   you some advice on another video but google is  your friend in this instance and if you do have   any questions feel free to shoot them over to  the comments below just a funny example that i   found was i actually had mushrooms growing in my  pot ones look at this facebook group it's called   what the is this yellow mushroom growing in my  pot and there will be people online to help you care tip number four give it something to climb  my personal preference is giving your monster   a trellis to climb because personally when i've  used a garden stake or a coir totem i found that   it's become very unmanageable also i find that  a trellis gives you the flexibility to style it   as you like i prefer my monstera to be facing one  direction as you see here i basically use rubber   ties to tie it back in the position that i like  however these guys are known to be really unruly   so it is not uncommon for it to crash through  your trellis you have to give it a strong stable   support that's the only way it's going to climb  however if you want to use a koya steak or any   other sort of steak feel free to do so but i  personally found that they outgrew it so fast   as one and second it became really unruly to tie  them back to the stake they generally go to the   direction that they want and i find that they can  do it almost on a daily to weekly basis my pro hot   tip is actually i have the monstera facing towards  the light source so as you can see that the   monster is actually facing to the camera direction  right now my light source is actually coming from   over there as you can see the side profile can  look a little bit shocking so ideally you want   to move that pot back to the front i normally  keep my monstera face towards the light source   and then when i have guests over i actually just  rotate the pot back forward so then it looks nicer   in summary i'm going to give you a quick recap of  what we just talked about number one picking the   right location you only have to do that once  number two water only when it's dry and that   can be fortnightly or weekly depending on your  environment number three give it a good wipe down   when you can proactively or reactively when you're  trying to control those pests number four give it   something to climb i recommend a trellis for ease  however if you're more advanced you could use a   sphagnum moss pole if you can build that that will  take some time but i'm really going for easy care   tips here and finally keep it at the light source  and then rotate it back to the front when your   guests come over so they can enjoy the view from  the front good luck hopefully i've given you some   super simple care tips on the monstera you really  don't have to do much to keep these guys happy   i maybe only spend about 10 minutes each month  to dedicate my time to some plant care from the   monster because they're that hardy but essentially  leave them and love them and they'll be all right   if you liked today's video make sure you give  it a thumbs up i would really really appreciate   if you could support by subscribing so i can  keep delivering some cool content for you guys   and remember to press that bell notification if  you don't want to miss any updates until then as   always stay safe i hope you're doing super amazing  and i will see you in my next video bye for now
Channel: simpleplanty
Views: 329,799
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Monstera deliciosa, monstera plant care, monstera, monstera plant, monstera care, how to look after monstera plant indoors, how to look after monstera, monstera care tips, indoor plant care, indoor plant care tips, how to look after monstera deliciosa indoors, monstera care indoors, monstera deliciosa care, monstera deliciosa plant care, monstera care planterina, easy indoor plants for beginners, monstera indoor plant care, indoor plants, simple planty, simpleplanty
Id: -e099uWhlBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 04 2021
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