My Massive Monstera deliciosa Gets a Makeover!

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[Music] hey guys it's Amanda from Planet arena and I have this very large monstera deliciosa that's starting to take up so much room up here that I have decided that I need to cut it back and I never really wanted to do it because it looks so pretty it's just so big and gorgeous but it is taking up a large portion of this large room and I don't know what I don't know where to put it I really wanted to put it against this wall but it doesn't go up against the wall because there's like four feet between the base and the foliage I don't know what to do so I do want to do one thing though I want to tame it I want to bring it back to a manageable size and that means I'm gonna I'm going to cut it I'm going to actually cut it below the node and take some cuttings and cut them up and also try to maintain a shape that still is aesthetically pleasing something that I want to look at I don't want to butcher it I have a lot of experience pruning just from my gardening and landscaping days but still when it's one specimen you have to think about where you're cutting so I'm gonna just start doing it and I might not cut as much as I am intending to so I just wanted to film this because I know a lot of you have some anxiety about cutting larger plants like this so I want to show you that I also I too have anxiety and I might not go through with it completely but I'm gonna I am going to cut some of it so let's just get started okay that's that's this is get the pruners and start cutting oh hi so you know I have a few places that I can start but before I start cutting I want to show you guys that some of these leaves have new growth coming from them so I'm gonna resist cutting back the ones that are going to push out new growth because I see there's one here and there's one on the other side and this is just gonna kind of grow up and not out so I'm going to encourage the plant to grow like more laterally vertically rather than horizontal so that's my goal so I'm thinking like uggs gonna come in here and cut this section off because I if I do want to put it up against a wall I'll have like a flat side because I don't really have this space to have a sculpture like a three-dimensional sculpture that you can walk around and appreciate so it's going to have to be kind of a one-sided plant either is facing a window or its back is up against a wall that's kind of my goal some of these leaves don't have fenestrations and these are the older leaves the ones that kinda when the plant is young and it's looking for light you usually have leaves like this is just simple leaves and then as they get a little bit older and more mature they start forming fenestrations so if you don't like the these kind of leaves you can just cut them off I never really cared that much about it so I just leave it but I'll cut this one off cuz he's not looking so great that's the first cut that's a good start and then I'm going to going to think about this if I cut this whole section off that's gonna remove this whole back area and I feel like that adds a lot of dimension so I don't really want to do that so I'm just I'm gonna have to do this I'm just gonna have to cut this one off and you know what I think I still have enough of a node that I could probably propagate it so this is what I'm gonna have to make decision just have to make a decision and stick with it don't touch that so we're taking this leaf off look the aerial the aerial root is growing through the fenestrations so that's one down no this put you over here imagine all I just did was couple and leap off and I made a video about it still not enough to go up against the wall so man half this is a pretty leaf it's a pretty leaf can you even see what's going on probably not so I've managed to cut one off I could probably cut this one off too um and you know I'm gonna show you something I'm gonna show you something I'm gonna cut this guy here is a pasta this swollen area on this leaf stem that will probably produce roots so if you can get a little bit of that swell in there you're probably going to be able to propagate this it's a nice leaf right it's a nice leaf so that's number two we're not done nothing so I still have a little bit of volume here I like these leaves I like this leaf I think I might just have to take that back section off which I'm not not happy about but I had to pick up the camera up so you see so that these 1 2 3 leaves are just kind of in the way for me and as much as they're quite beautiful you know they've got amazing fenestrations um I ideally would really like to have an aerial and aerial route but if I cut down here I'm gonna lose this top beautiful leaf which I don't want to do so the only thing I really can do is cut it right here I'm just gonna have to do that and I'm gonna do it ready guys I did it I did it I did it and then I've got one more and what I'm trying to do is trying to cut as close as I can to the stem so I have a chance of growing roots from the node from the swollen part so here it goes it's not gonna beat hold on I need another hand this is a double cutter and I can't film and cut at the same time maybe I can using my shoulder haha not easy okay I got it I got it I got it and I got it so I'm going to show you got this leaf that has a bit of an swollen section see it can you see it it's swollen and I have a feeling I'm going to be able to get roots out of here right River then they've got bye-bye guys are you bored the anxiety level too high for you and I got this beautiful leaf I mean that's a stunning leaf and I'm kind of heartbroken but so those two we're gonna go I'm gonna put them in water I'm gonna put these in water and see what happens okay same with same with this guy it's got a nice big swollen node looks a little bit like a hoof doesn't it dad's gonna go in water and then this one see swollen swollen swollen then stuck I forgot to put the mic on and this is what it looks like so far it doesn't really look like I took a lot off it just fits a little bit more snug in that space and I don't know what do you think I think I should stop maybe I'll take out a few more leaves in the center just and maybe cut off some of the aerial roots that are crunchy that are not alive so that's what I'm gonna do right now okay so this looks good this looks good down here that it's time for this month to go so well not even I'm not even gonna propagate that I can't really look here this aerial route like this is dead like that's dead but there's life in there so if you want to clean up your area routes the other thing you can do you just cut them off if you don't like the way they look I love the way they look I don't want to remove them but some people find it offensive looking and you can cut it back it's not gonna damage the plant another thing you can do too is you can start training your monstera to be a little bit more tape and that's what I was doing here with this speaking so I have to like actually get inside the plant it's hard and if I want this to be up a little bit higher I can I could just speak it that way all right I'm gonna go find another steak cuz that crutch is not helping me at all okay so I found a cedar steak I didn't actually gonna attach it to the basket with the zip ties because I don't think I'm gonna get put this through the soil and damage the roots that's what I'm gonna do I have to take that I have to take out the crotch break by crunch I might need you because I threw my back out sounds good hold on to that I'm gonna put this in the middle cuz I need to pull this ebony to pull this up so it's gonna go in the middle back here if it'll fit in between the pot and the basket like I said I'm not putting it in the dirt I'm not putting it in the soil so it's not that it's definitely better looking in the crotch right zipping it tight super tight you see can you see that - the handle and where my pruners I lost my pruners here they are just take your pad off that is not going anywhere and now I can go and shake it up and what this is gonna do it's going to encourage encourage the plant maybe to catch itself on to the cedar steak but more importantly it's going to give me more room in my room because I'm lacking a room in my room all right I have more twine wasn't that far away I think I have twine in like every room okay twine you carefully carefully do it and I like to do it like in a criss cross and grab both ends and pull it as tight as I can without breaking it that's pretty tight I've already saved a lot of space and I didn't have to cut this precious stems I have the new growth coming from it and I was happy about that I did not want to lose that cuz I still in his early spring I mean it's almost early spring and these things are just gonna explode they do every year so I'm very excited that that's it you tie it nice and tight cut the excess off and so that's one side and then I'm gonna do it to this guy this one is it actually wants to kind of dangle down but I wanted to go up no dangling not in this spot with danglers okay so now I'm going to gently oh think I'll start here first I'll start here I don't think I even oh yeah oh yeah don't want to hear that snap ever no snapping I'm gonna tie it see I really didn't have to cut that much off because I can control it with the staking so try to speak at first before you you've cut unless you really want to make cuttings and propagations in do I have I think even do the other side and turn it so you can see hurry up now I've got one more oh look good okay I don't know what you can see here what you can't see but at this point I'm lost in the monstera and you might be too and then I've got this side that I think I need a long I didn't need a long string so the idea is to pull this one off and it really starts becoming more of a three an upright tree then something that want to take over your house so I'm going to step up here pull it around the stake a little high crisscross it and then find find my cutting to my cutting by a nice mic stand not that easy especially with long hair yeah they are they and make sure you put it that you put the string in an area that won't slide up so eat there we go so it's under a node let make it a little bit tighter I think you I can't see what it looks like to push you guys can tell me I'm gonna use my shoulder pull it up a little bit more and I think that's pretty darn good so far no snapping sounds you tie it let's see what is that look like oh oh it looks so much better super good wow that looks pretty amazing to me when I can turn it huh I think that's nice I think that looks good oh that is great so now this monstera is a little bit more compact I only took off four leaves then I'm gonna Twitter in water so let's go do that and let this guy just let it beat I think I saved a little bit of room I don't know I didn't cut off as much as I thought I would okay so now I have my four cuttings and I am assuming I have enough noted to grow roots so I'm just really not gonna stress that out about it I'm gonna treat them like they're like cut flowers I'm gonna put him in here there's water in here put them someplace where I can appreciate how beautiful they are and then check periodically after I change the water once a week and see if there's any roots so that will be another follow-up video to see what happens with these anyway so I'll just say I'll just say listen it's not easy to cut something that you love so much even though it might be taking over your life you kind of have to do it you have to contain the beast you've got to figure out how to make it work in your space and that's kind of it's a hard thing to do but don't be afraid to cut don't be afraid to stake up and push it together a little bit so it fits into your life okay it's kind of it just wanted to show you that process it was a little little um scary for me but and thanks for being there with me appreciate it thanks see you guys later
Views: 363,602
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: houseplants, indoor plants, monstera, monstera deliciosa, propagating monstera, pruning houseplants, plants, plants for beginners, low maintenance houseplants, easy care indoor plants, office plants, bathroom plants, best indoor plants, best houseplants, low light houseplants, how to propagate monstera, how to stake monstera
Id: lO-GZOxEqiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 1sec (1021 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 17 2020
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