How To SOLO ALL 3 Of Ark Survival Ascended Bosses!!! Dragon Megapithicus and Broodmother

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yo guys what is up it's teach here coming at you again with another video over on Arc survival ascended and in this video I am going to show you how to solo all three of the bosses and beat them insanely easy dragon on Alpha very easy the other two on gamma and beta solo for sure and then if you're playing on official it's probably doable on Alpha but yeah all three of them how to solo them and you only need basic resources it's pretty simple but uh yeah hopefully this video is something that helps you out and uh kind of like from start to finish each one of them and try to put them as close together as possible so if you don't mind smack that like button leave a comment below for that algorithm and consider subbing but let's get started so anyways all you need is a megal laseros and then everything that you see in my hot bar underneath right now so essentially what this means is that we are going to have a Melee character 745 points into melee and then some good Gilly but I mean obviously it's up to you I would highly encourage you to use Gilly because it helps prevent um what's it called the heat stroke going inside of the actual Arena medical Brews energy Brews Lazarus Chatters Enduro stew Ken stew and Shadow steak all of these in combination are going to Keep Us Alive in the boss battle while we're actually taking the damage and uh that's pretty much the hardest part is staying alive from not the boss itself from the actual um kind of dangers inside the Boss Arena so you'll also need a Megos this is a literal unleveled wild tamed megaloceros there's nothing special if you were to put points into one um and get a good saddle obviously you'd be much better off than I am right now but that I just the point of this is to show you how easy this strategy is so the point of everything underneath by the way is we are taking them number four I guess on this is the I think it's Enduro stew is what I said uh but that Enduro St is a 9 900 second uh countdown and it's going to increase your uh melee by an additional 35% plus a capped sword basically we're going to be doing approximately and this guy's insanely fast by the way on the Alpha version so just be aware of that um we're going to be doing an insane amount of damage per second to the boss now what you're going to want to do is wait for him to land and as soon as he lands you're going to get underneath his feet because of the hit box on the Alpha dragon it is unable or dragon in general it is unable to actually hit the megaloceros it can't hit any small team technically um so this is one of those risks so see how he just blew in all of his buddies here so what we're going to do is we're going to stick to to the wall and this is one of the dangerous sides of it so we're just going to sit here and we're going to swing and he's going to hit us with a fireball probably um yeah he's going to hit us with that one so what you want to do is you want to try and avoid those Fireballs to the best of your ability but obviously it's not always possible so what we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and kill these dimorphodons before he gets over to us because the dimorphodons are the ones that are going to do damage to you so what our goal is right now is we're going to get next to his foot so see how we're on a foot right now we are going to do 4,000 damage a second now 4,000 damage a swing so that's like 12,000 damage a second on him which is kind of crazy but this is all you have to do is just get underneath his foot and then when the dimorphodons and stuff come in you're actually going to insta kill them because they're going to try and bite you and then take damage via the head shot so notice how much damage we're doing yeah so he's already what almost 20% dead and this is on official settings by the way so just so you can see that but the better sword you have the better off you are you can I mean you might be able to do this with a primitive sword but I'm not going to recommend you try because you probably want I would say somewhere around a 300% cap sword in order to complete this if you're going to do this yourself especially cuz it's pretty expensive to do this boss but sometimes depending on how much damage you can do you can actually kill him before he ever takes off which is a super useful thing obviously and uh so yeah make sure you're hitting him with every swing and we're just going to keep aiming at the foot like I I am right now yes this is a very glitchy thing but that's kind of the point of this is we're just trying to stay alive in order to actually do the damage so see how I'm still doing those damage even though I can see him so he's almost down to half health and this is Alpha dragon by the way now what you're also going to do is you're going to go ahead and take your stems and everything like that and make sure your character is surviving right so keep an eye on all of your individual statistics stamina is going to knock you out if you let it so don't do that and then avoid his Fireballs from the sky so notice how that fireball is over there we're going to avoid it and then he's going to breathe his fire and as soon as he breathes his fire he's calling in his pteranodons and dimorphodons so we're going to go and break out our sword again and we're just going to swing right now the reason that we're going to swing is we don't want to get hit by that fireball and we also don't want to get hit by the any of the dimorphodons cuz the pteranodons can be tanked technically um but you don't really want to tank the dimorphodons cuz those are going to be the ones that hurt you the most but with the speed of your tame you can actually kind of survive this entire thing and just back up and swing there we go all right so now he's land again we're going to go back underneath his feet and if you can get underneath him before he hits you with that first fire breath that's the goal it's not always possible but it's very it's much preferred obviously so we have some vegie cake on our megal laseros we have about 10 so that it can heal up it heals 500 per bite on that vegie so just be aware of that that's why we have that in here and then you're just going to keep swinging you're going to keep swinging at the foot that's all you got to do Swing Swing Swing Swing Swing Away now just so you know you could do this with any sword um it's going to take longer and it's going to be a little bit more you have to be more cautious but it is doable technically with any sword you would I mean I don't know if I would personally do it with a just a prim sword but I would go for at least 200 and 250% swords those are what you want to aim for for and because they swing faster than a pike that's our ability to actually do this damage insanely fast right so we're just swinging away and that's all we're doing right now if you have if you're paying attention to your energy make sure you pop a couple of those energy brues so you can keep swinging without knocking yourself out and then just keep make sure you're watching those Buffs in that bottom right and that's the hardest part of this boss fight right I mean we are almost killing an alpha dragon by ourself on official settings kind of crazy um and looks like we're almost torped ourselves but I think we might I'm just going to go for gold here because I want to keep swinging he's almost dead he's almost dead come on come on buddy there we go Alpha dragon killed and again this is on official settings by the way so yeah hopefully this is something that helps you out kind of crazy so I just beat Alpha drag including explaining to you what I'm doing so I'm not really paying attention in less than 7 minutes which is Wild by the way if you've never played Alpha dragon it's kind of difficult the only negative of this is sometimes just like you see me right now you get stuck inside of the actual boss and there's nothing you can do about that um which kind of sucks because yeah not not great obviously if you you're stuck inside cuz then you lose all the element and stuff but realistically speaking you don't care I mean it's 450 element but your big thing is getting those engrams because you can always get the ability to um get out of here and uh hopefully get all keep all the loot but uh yeah a super super awesome strategy now again if you haven't smacked that like button for this video please do so it helps out a ton if you want to I mean it would be awesome but that's up to you so yep and uh let's see what could go wrong with this boss fight so the things that could go wrong is that if you freak out like remain calm the dimorphodons and the pteranodons are your biggest enemy do not let them freak you out so just get to a corner and swing away with your sword and uh yeah that's kind of like the hardest part and then obviously make sure you get underneath his feet and make sure your megas AOS isn't taking damage and then just keep your Bru and stuff like that up kind of freaking easy way too easy but you know sometimes it's about the glitches and the fun part of Arc that make it entertaining so uh you can see that we've gone back to our Arena here and boom there we are and the one sucky thing again you can see we did not get to keep our stuff cuz it goes inside of that area but uh yeah not too freaking shabby yo guys after a break from the dragon this is how you beat The Brood mother solo all you're going to need access to is a procoptodon a good shot gun and that's it it's just knowing where to go inside of this one let's go ahead and just just to show you I'm going to go into gamma now you can get more than one person into this but uh basically this is going to show you how to beat this boss insanely easy you just have to jump up to a proper ledge using the procop on special ability this is how we're going to beat the um rud mother and mega p us so I'm just going to show you how to do both of them in quick seccession and you just jump on the top of the back and then have the shotgun shoot down because this is one of the rare dinos that you can actually pull out your shotgun and you can technically shoot through the procoptodon but that's uh not necessarily a major thing all right so as soon as you spawn in hop on the back of your procoptodon now there's a few things we're going to look out for so it's going to basically charge after you right now what you're looking for is pretty simple you're just going to move as quick as you can and do your best not to get hit by anything because as soon as you get hit by something you're in big trouble right so we want to jump on top of these bulb like looking things right over here so see those right up there we're going to jump up on top of these um sometimes it takes a few seconds and few tries to get up to it unfortunately but it works pretty much every time there we go so just like that and that's all You' got to do and then the spider cannot see you and you just shoot down on it now you want the obvious best shotgun that you can have then you're just going to sit up here you can can technically hit you by the way with your procoptodon but if you feel safer what you can do is as soon as it's beneath you it can no longer hit you so you can actually jump off and then prevent just every time it shoots at you you can just do exactly what I'm doing right now and kind of hide to the side so it's not a huge issue um you can see that this guy that I'm riding on he took about a quarter Health this is an unleveled uh primitive saddle by the way so you can technically do a lot better than this um but see how I'm kind of like hitting its r box now you can kind of pull your way around in Corners up here and prevent this guy from hitting you at all if you uh position yourself properly but you're looking for the bulbs just like I am showing you in the corner right now and you just rain down the most I've ever been able to do this strategy with is for people um but you can actually do it with as many as you want as many procoptodons that you want there is no limit if that makes sense because all you have to do is get up on top of these bulbs so one person can ride in the pouch the other person can uh sit on the top and that's how you do it really easily so as long as you can still see her you can actually shoot at her but if you can't see her like I am right now just wait a second and she will come back into your render range now it really is that easy um and then you just sit up here now what you can do is if your teame is about to die right let's say that I am risking my procoptodon dying um what you can do is you can hop off and then that will give you the ability to kind of hide and duck out of the way of her shots so she can't hit you but you can hit her so you're going to see that this thing takes quite a bit of damage so I'm getting a little nervous right so all I want to do is I just have to hop off to the side you can put your shotgun away and then hold e like that right there and then if you really want to whistle neutral because again the important part of this is nothing to do with the actual um angram and stuff like that not the angram but the um element because we just want to get the angram you will not take enough fall damage if you drop out of this but see how she's trying to get to me now your pro cop that I'm will sit and soak that damage he will go after her and see how it like shoots underneath me right there all I have to do is just stay in this exact spot and just not get hit that's it now she can't hit me here she will move again we're kind of using the render to our advantage you can't shoot her through this there is no way to do that so you will have to wait for her to move back out this way and she will it just takes some time um and as long as you're just continuing to wait and be patient like I am that is how you do this boss fight you just keep shooting and waiting now you can lay down the entire time if you want to it's entirely up to you but pretty simple and uh yeah so I have almost no health no stats no anything see how she does that scream sometimes she'll throw things at you just stand basically this is like your little guide right here see how I can't shoot her here if she can't hit you you can't hit her so you're completely safe but this is like that little line right there that we're looking at so keep shooting at her and uh you can sometimes come close to beating this on uh solo but it's very difficult man she got me with that one good for her um but uh it's very difficult to beat it on Alpha solo so just be aware of that so make sure you're using this thing to your advantage and we should be pretty close um but I would if you're going to do it solo on Alpha man you basically got to be on unofficial servers because you're not going to be able to get enough damage off on this uh uh brood mother so I would highly recommend oh that that hurts ow you caught me with a few of those uh for some reason the Nets sometimes get you but the the green things are the ones that are dangerous those are the ones that'll One Tap you so just be aware of that okay she is waiting for me to swing um but yeah you can I mean you can probably honestly fit five or six people up here pretty easily um you can just wait down low on like a stego or something like that and then transport people up here with a procoptodon making sure it's nice nice and safe but this is the best way to do this boss fight by far and this should be the last like three shots two there it goes and that's it that's all you have to do in order to beat her now let's move on to the uh MEAP picus yo guys we are now at the megap picus basic easy win guide if you want to call it that so basically all you're going to need same same strategy the only thing we're going to change out is our armor we're going to use Riot instead because that's going to give us more insulation because the uh Arena inside of this area is incredibly cold I only have 100 Health by the way so if I can do this on 100 Health you can do it for sure with regular stats um and you're just going to need again a procoptodon just so you can see this one has primitive and it's wild tame so it's got zero levels into it doesn't even need to be a good one um the hardest part is getting a good shotgun and it's got to be a pump action shotgun now this one not really doable on I mean it's is it doable on Alpha probably um but it's very difficult to achieve on Alpha because of the damage output you have to do enough damage but you can definitely do gamma and probably beta solo um and anyways if you wanted to this spot is what I'm about to show you you can fit 15 20 people up in this area it's absolutely broken um basically you just need to know how to jump up to it and that's it so we're just going to go ahead and get up to it real quick you just need to jump up in the air on the other side of this now if you if you made a mistake like I just made it's totally fine don't freak out um you can just kind of move around and uh jump back up there again so he will he will hit you quickly so just be aware of that see this ledge that I'm landing on this is perfect this is where we're going and uh basically what's going to happen is they can't hit us but we can hit them and this is the entire point of this strategy so I don't know how he got up here actually that's kind of funny never seen someone like that land up here but you can see that he's still technically not able to hit us so we are now up on this ledge you can do the exact same thing that we did with the spider boss if you want to um and you can just shoot at this MEAP picus notice how he literally can't see us and that's kind of the entire point of this one uh you can drop nice and safely wherever you want I'm going to go right here um but you can see that I am technically inside of the zone so he can't actually do anything to us which is kind of super nice obviously um so let's go ahead and get out the shotgun and it's not shooting for some reason there it goes it was like lagging or something okay cool so we are now on the back side of this he can't hit us but we can hit him and he's going to continue to try and get to us he cannot by the way um so you don't need to really worry about it at all um if you go up a little bit higher you can kind of see that he's going to try and throw those rocks at you um but he cannot so just be aware of that um you can technically get like I am right there inside if you're inside of the mesh it won't let you shoot but you can easily adjust this just by going back up you can also land over here where I am and then go back up over the wall on this side so there's a lot of ways to do this boss fight actually um but you can do whatever you want there's another area you can land on this side you can go up here it's kind of crazy the number of areas that you can actually go for this one um but as long as you're able to hit him it doesn't really matter he can be a little bit of a pain in the butt and jump around like you see me doing um but this is the generic strategy uh if you really want to you can hop off your teame and that's totally fine and just make sure you keep an eye on your actual Health right I wasn't even paying attention but you can still shoot him around this corner so you're good to go so he will continue to stand there especially if you get a good one like this and you just rain shots down on him and that's all you have to do I probably shouldn't have faced him on Alpha um so I'm not going to make you guys sit here and watch me totally drain them up shots but um just so you can see you see how I've kind of like moved around on this ledge using the procoptodon uh the only big thing you want to be aware of is just watch out for your health if you want to bring in some of the chilies and stuff like that in order to actually to heal your character up that's one of the better ways to do this boss fight um just because you want to make sure see how he's throwing those rocks don't get hit by one of those um so the higher up you are the less likely you are to get hit by that but that's all you have to do so you just sit up on this ledge and shoot down on him you can see the amount of damage that he's taking isn't very much especially on uh if I'm doing this by myself but you can get 6 seven8 as many people as you want up here so you can totally fill this place with cocopod on some players and have them all shoot down at the gorilla and you will get the angram being up here just so you guys know it's uh it always works and uh because the element is going to spawn way over there on the other side that is all you have to do now on gamma you can definitely beat this solo un official beta probably because of the health pool on Alpha it's much more difficult just be aware of that um so just definitely be use use caution with that all right guys and what feels like it's been six years later shooting with this shotgun he is almost gone and there he goes so that is all you have to do in order to beat this and it's pretty much that easy there's nothing super Difficult about it um you just have to hop back on the procoptodon so you make sure you don't die from the fall and then you're going to go ahead and head over to your supply Crate that you've won and that is how you beat all three of the bosses solo um obviously the only one you can easily do on solo because you have to get inside of the range is the dragon with the with the with the elk sorry I couldn't think of the name of it real quick the other two you do with a procoptodon with a shotgun at distance Unfortunately they both apply knockbacks there's not really a creature that's going to be able to get inside of their render range and not take knockback and do damage to them but uh yeah that's it it's that easy so hopefully this video helps you out but other than that teach [Music] how [Music] uh
Channel: Teachers Game Too
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Keywords: lost island, monarky, ark survival evolved, lost island ark, pvp, pve, ark new update, ark dlc, ark lost island map, ark new creatures, ark lost island dlc, ark update, ark update ps4, ark update xbox, ark update today, ark update lost island, ark update new dinos, new dinos in ark, new dinosaur trailer, new dinosaur survival game, new map ark survival evolved, new map ark lost island, new map ark mobile, new map ark 2021, new map ark release date, new map ark fjordur
Id: RiMfJJCg8vs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 14sec (1214 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 20 2023
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