ARK SURVIVAL The Best Guide on Breeding Stat Mutations SeeShellGaming

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hey guys it's Michelle and I have put together a guide on breeding and how stacking stat mutations works in Ark survival evolved now this is going to be the long version of the video and this took me quite a while to actually get done so I have broken this down into simple easy steps so that you two can follow along I've also put timestamps down so that you can skip to different areas of the video to make it a little bit easier for you to follow so without further ado let's go ahead and get started so that you too can breed your very own super mutated dinos the first step is to ask yourself what dinosaur do you want to breed and I asked this question for two main reasons the first being is if you are on your own server then you have the ability to manipulate your settings to make both the egg-laying time and maturation faster which will be very useful for you the second reason if you are using a mammal to breed then it has a gestation period which will make it naturally longer you can choose to go with a dinosaur that lays eggs for this video I've decided to go with the t-rex as you guys can see here now the t-rex maturation in egg hatching speed is very slow so I have boosted the settings on my server to make this process a bit faster for step two you need to tame as many dinosaurs in the wild as possible that have a high level I would prefer for you guys to tame all level 150s now you're gonna need both male and female dinosaurs I went ahead and actually I spawned in 30 60 Rex's and I forced tame them all so as you guys can see their levels are all 225 which is something that you would not normally get in the wild they would be level 224 if they were level 150 s once you have done this step it is extremely important that all of you understand that you do not put any levels into your dinosaurs do not put any levels into them and I'll explain why in just a second so the first thing I want to show you is it if I go up to this t-rex here and I look you see points available it's ready to level up but I don't want to do this because this right here are all of the dinos original stats and this is going to be very very useful for you guys to understand how breeding and stacking the stat mutations together works so for example this t-rex here is a male and has 80 140 health 16:38 stamina and 343 on damage so these are the three stats that I'm gonna be looking at health stamina and melee damage because in my opinion these are most useful so if I go over to the next I know this one that I spawned in has 7700 health which is a lot lower than the previous one but this one has 1680 stamina which is a little bit higher so you need to go through all of your level 150 dinos that you've tamed in the wild and look at their stats so I actually already went through every single one of these stats on here and I found a few Rexes that actually have really good stats so for example I've already renamed them so over here is a male I called it M Oh which means male original and that's health because that it has the best health out of every single one of these T Rexes and again if I go up to it it has points I'm not gonna level this this one has eleven hundred two to zero this one here is a female and it has the best damage out of every single one of them which is three seventy eight and you can see that the health is really bad on this one so I want to put this melee damage with the other ones health and if I run way down here I have a male original stamina which has twenty two to six so what I want to do is I want to take this male and I'm gonna breed it with this female here and then I'm gonna have to take the offspring breed the mill to that so let me show you actually how this process works alright step three we need to breed for a base pair but first we need to establish some ground rules so you have a male and you have a female and you want to take the stats from this one and combine it with the stats on this one here but it's not just damaged and it's not just stamina that you need to worry about so for example I'm going to go up here to my mill and as you guys can look through and see the stats you're gonna notice that some of these stats are better than the females so for example the health on this one even though we're not going to specifically breed for the health off of this particular meal this one is still better than the female as is the stamina as is the oxygen now the female actually has better food but the male has better weight and then the female has better melee damage now we cannot see the movement speed because it's fixed at a hundred and at the torpidity is the exact same so what we need to do is we need to combine the best stats between these and the stats between these here so I've gone ahead and I have written down the best stats that are combined between each of the two parents-to-be so let's go ahead and let's start breeding them together so you go up to the dinosaur go to behavior and enable mating go up to the mill go to behavior enable mating now if you've done this correctly then above the heart you're gonna notice that there are a bunch of little hearts pumping and sometimes it takes it a second there we go so it took it just a second but as you can see the female is mating with this male here and again you can notice by the little heart icons that are beating above the trough or above that original heart because that original heart just means it's me mate boosted so what we need to do is we need to collect up as much eggs as possible so let's go ahead and wait until we get as many eggs as we can because you're not going to get it the first time and this is one thing that you guys need to be aware of is that this process does take quite a while alright so the female laid another egg so let's go ahead and grab that and if you look in my inventory I've collected a few eggs so what I want to do now is I want to take these eggs and I want to go incubate them so this is the area that I am incubating now I've kept these dinos away from the air cons because I don't want them to hatch if I walk away for a minute that would be very bad so I'm gonna come through here and I want to show you this first now these are tech ceilings I'm on and this is a tech foundation and I've colored it so that way I know what's what underneath of these ceilings there's actually air cons so that way the air cons are not in the way you can design yours however which way you want this just works best for me so I'm gonna drop these down one at a time and I'm gonna wait until I actually get the stat the stats that I want all right so this one has seven 484 health two two to six which is good 634 oxygen one three eight zero zero for food a 80 and then 378 this is perfect and it's also perfect because it's a female so let's go ahead and take this off of wondering behavior disabled wondering let's immediately give this some food so over here in the trough whoops it's all spoiled but luckily I have some in the fridge and let's go ahead and give it some food because I don't want this to die alright so this little girl here needs to grow up so what I'm gonna do first before it grows up is we need to name it so good a option change name right so I called it stem damn female original so that means stamina and damage so let's go ahead and let's wait for this to grow up while this is growing up this female right here it is very important that you do not put any kinds of imprints on it right now so it's in the baby stage so that means that it's not eating from a trough so you need to make sure that its inventory is full of food so right now its food is at 1974 and it's steadily going down and if it goes to zero its health will drop until zero and then it will die so you need to make sure that all of the babies have food until they become the juvenile stage when they can start eating out of a trough so what we need to do is we need to take this girl and we need to bring her out over here to let her grow up where she's near a trough and there's troughs out over here next to the rexes that I showed you and I'll show you why getting a female was really good for this in just a second let's put her over here all right so she's arguing that you've announced stage which is good she still needs to be closer to get to the trough but let me show you something so this is the stamina and damage female put together and as you guys can see over here I still need to get the stat mutation for health because this one is 11220 so I want to take the health off of that male I just showed you and bring it with this baby female here and also you need to check and make sure that this has no mutations whatsoever both on the mother side and the father side because what we're doing right now is making a base and the bases do not need a stat mutation just yet so let's wait for this little thing to grow up and then we'll be right back and we'll get to finishing with our base dyno all right so on the Left I have the female the baby I bred and remember this is the stamina and damage but the health isn't that great and it's at 74 80 now I do have an original male that has really good health and that's the one I showed you at the very beginning 11220 so what I want to do is I want to take the health off of this one and combine it with the stats on this so I need to make another baby and the baby that's going to come out that is the perfect blend between these two is going to be what's called your base pair and this is incredibly important so let's go ahead and let's get these guys breeding up and I'll show you exactly what the base pair should look like in terms of stats there we go and there's an egg so let's go ahead and pick this up and we need a hatch the eggs that I got from those and here and like I said I'm gonna have to them one at a time and I'm gonna wait until I get the base pair that I'm looking for all right so this right here has all the stats it has eleven two two zero two two two six six thirty one thirty eight 883 78 and 100 now if I go to show ancestors there are no mutations on both sides and remember this is my base pair this is my base right now and this is actually a male so in order for this to work when you're actually starting mutations you need one male and you need as many females as possible so right now I have my base male so real quick I just want to get some food and put the food in the Rex and let's go ahead options change knee and this is now called base mill so I need to keep breeding the same eggs from these two Rex is here until I get my base female all right and this is my first base female so let's get away from its tail so we need to go ahead and rename it right now this is the base female okay so this is perfect so now that I have a base male and a base female I could actually begin to stat mutations but what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna keep going until I get at least six more base females and I'll explain why you need so many base B mils so let's wait for this one to mature up and then we're ready to go once of the next step all right on to step four step four is we need to now start trying for our first stat mutation now before we begin these are my original T Rex's and they're all out here so I have the male health and female damage the male stamina and remember this was the stamina and damage female that I had and when I combine those I got my base pair now I said I was going to go ahead and create some more base females so I repeated that process and as you guys can see I have many base females now you're gonna need a big base as well too to hold this many T Rexes or whatever creature it is that you plan on breeding so I have 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 base females that's a little bit overkill but because it is a t-rex the egg-laying time is a little bit longer still you doing with my boosted stats on the server so you guys can see that I put the base male I only need one and I put him in the center let's stand on him so we can get a better look all right so I've already turned on all of the females on enable breeding so let's go ahead to the male go to behavior and enable mating and if you look all around all of them have the little heart icons so what I need to do is because every single Dino here now has the same exact stats the offspring that these will have will all come out at 269 so let's wait until we get our first stat mutation so I can explain this a little bit better visually so I'm gonna wait for these two lay some eggs then I'm going to go hatch them and see if we actually get our first stat mutation and this is exactly why I have 14 base females so that way they lay eggs all at once so it's gonna make this process so much faster I just want to show you guys this real quick this is why you want so many now when all of these t-rex's hatch I need to be looking for a level that is higher than 269 for me to know whether or not I got my stat mutation so I went ahead into fly mode and what I'm looking for exactly is level 271 and we're gonna check the stats on this one and let's see oh this one actually has a health mutation and it's also a boy which is perfect so my first chain of my stat mutations is going to be on health so we're going to go ahead and name him but first let's take care of these other ones and get them out of the ways to make it easier for you guys to see right so I've cleared out all the other ones so this level you will see is 271 and this is a male whenever you get a male mutation it's actually perfect because this will replace the other one that is in there currently and the pile that I'm looking at so what we want to do is we need to rename this one so you go up to it you go to options and change name and I've called this one male health 1 out of 20 because this is the first health mutation out of 20 that you can get so let me show you real quick and aside here so when I go to the ancestors it's going to say on the right hand side random mutations now we have one mutation right now which is the health and it's 1 out of 20 right now so that is what we want to do so from here on out the only stat mutation that I need to look for when I breed these up now is going to be for health so I need to let this one grow up and then I can show you how to repeat this process again so that way we're only getting that's that stat mutation another important consideration when doing this is that you need to be keeping track of what it is that you're mutating in the exact mutations now remember guys you see how this wants me to cuddle it you do not want to do that what I do want to know though is the exact number on this for the health so it's 1 1 6 6 0 and if you remember the original stat was 1 1 2 2 0 so what I'm gonna do is I need to write this down somewhere so that I can remember so what I've done is inside here where I'm breeding them up I've put a little sign and this lets me know exactly what I'm doing so I'm on a health mutation and I'm on one out of twenty and the next health mutation needs to be greater than one one six six zero and that will let me know if I've done this correctly now we need to also talk about the eggs that are left over in here now yes I could take these and save them up because at the very end when I've reached all twenty mutations on health then I could use these eggs from the base to start the next chain which could be either stamina or melee damage so it's up to you decide whether or not you want to keep these eggs or not but it's very important that you understand that you will always keep your base female and your base male you never want to get rid of these dinos especially if you plan on doing stacking stat mutations like I am so I'm gonna wait for that little guy to grow up a little bit more and then we're gonna start breeding for the next chain now that my male has grown up remember this is the first stat mutation on health and these are my base emails you will always need your base females out but that being said sometimes you will actually need your base mail out so I'm keeping him to the side just as a backup so now the next step to get your second stat mutation on health is to breed the health one that you've just gotten and hopefully it's a male if it's a female I will show you what happens a little bit later when I get in mine and you go to over to behavior enable mating and now this one will breed with all of the base females in base right now now the level that we're going to be looking for when we get our next Health mutation should be 273 because as you guys can see the base female is 269 and if we get the proper one this is 271 it should be 273 all right so let's go ahead and wait and I will show you what happens when we breed these up alright guys and there we go there is the next health statment ation so we need to go ahead and rename this but first let's go ahead and unclaimed the other so that we don't get confused now this might seem a bit brutal to you guys but the reason why I have this theory here is so that I can kill the bad ones all right so now that those are out of the way I can go ahead and I can put them on passive put them on staff and this is the one so let's go ahead and cry oh this and if you guys don't have cryos I really recommend that you get them because they're dead useful [Music] you also need to get rid of the bodies as well too because when you hatch the babies if the newly hatched baby see the dead bodies they want to run immediately all right so let's go ahead and come over here and we need to turn him off immediately so go to options excuse me behavior disable mating now the rest of these eggs that are out these are no good anymore so we need to get rid of these eggs and we can actually eat them or we can toss them away or just let them raw but let's go ahead and pull this guy out all right so this is my male it's another male which is perfect I didn't get a female when you get a female it's very unlucky now again you do not want this to actually get any kind of imprint so we need to make sure that it's on disable wondering as well that's good we need to rename him so this is number 2 out of 20 as you guys can see here on the right hand side this is 2 out of 20 so we're going to go ahead and rename him so that tells me this is the male health stat meet a ssin two out of 20 all right now the stat on this is one two one zero zero one two one zero zero so we need to go over here and change our sign all right there we go now this is going to be important for you guys so this mail right here this one here we no longer need him anymore so he is done for good so what you want to do is you want to cry oh this up and if you guys don't have cryo pods I absolutely recommend that you use them and you can always go to extinction if you have that and you can get some cryo pods so I'm going to bring him over here to this cryo fridge and to make myself very organized because you do need to be organized you want to make a new folder and I just called it health so I'm going in here and I'm gonna go ahead and put this one here and this is the male one out of 20 I'm gonna keep this until the end so I can show you guys alright so my male health two out of 20 is in the middle and the base females are still out so again you're gonna still need your base females for this entire process as well as your base meal on the side so let's go ahead and breed this up and continue with the health mutations right so I'm looking for level 275 with over 12,000 one in health see if we get it this time and there we go it's a female so I get to show you guys what it's like to actually work with the female when you get the mutation on her so it's at twelve thousand five hundred forty all right so let's go ahead and let's get her on disable wondering passive and unfollow all right let me just get her out and then I can show you what we do with her next right so the health sign is set I have three out of 20 but I'm looking for more than 12 five four zero and what we need to do now is we really need to breed for a male and I'll explain this in just a second I'm gonna pull her to the center where my current male 2 out of 20 is now you have to think about it like this what we have here is a female and all of these are base females so when we have a male on every single one of these base females is going to lay an egg that could give us more of a chance to give us our stat mutation so what we have to do basically is if we breed a female stat mutated I know we have to breed it with a base regardless so this female health 3 out of 20 has to breed with this base meal to make the process easier what I'm going to do is breathe the female health 3 out of 20 with the base male until I get a male the same exact stats as this female here so I'm gonna look for a male so I can just replace this one and her out of the middle to breed with the rest so let me go ahead and let me cryo this up this male 2 out of 20 I no longer need him we're gonna immediately put him in the fridge in the cryo fridge over here and I'm gonna put him in health so you see we have 1 out of 20 now we have 2 out of 20 but both of those are males so let me bring my meal over next to this female we're gonna go ahead turn her on behavior enable mating and then I'm gonna turn my bass male on so remember you always have to have a base meal or just a base in general to breed with your stat mutated Dino so again I'm not necessarily going to breed for my 4 out of 20 I'm just going to breed these two so that I can get a male the exact same level as her so that way it makes the breeding process with the rest of these females easier so I'm gonna get a few eggs from this one female and I will see you guys back in a second to show you what that's like getting the mail now we are not looking for anything but 275 here so we have to we just need to make sure that one of these is a male so that's a female and that one's a male so we can go ahead and unclaimed the female because remember we are just looking for a level 275 male this will make the process so much faster and if done correctly this will have the exact same stats as that female 3 out of 20 the only thing that we have to do now is we need to rename this there we go male health 3 out of 20 so what we need to do is let this grow up and I will show you how we begin after he grows up so the male has grown up so we can go ahead and put him in the center but the first thing that we need to do is we need to take the female out the female he'll 3 out of 20 because we no longer need her I went ahead and put my base male back over here against the wall I took him off mating you need to always remember to take him off of mating so behavior see how it's all fright now because if you're accidentally breeding with these ones while you have your other male out here then you're going to get a jumble of eggs that are bred by different fathers and you don't want that so what we're gonna do now is take the mill let's get on top of him put him in the center and the way I've organized this is just perfect so the way I can get to all the females just make sure that I'm lined up well get off of him go to behavior and enable mating now when you guys are doing this if you get a bunch of females don't worry you can always breed back for the male like I've done here now from here on out it's pretty straightforward so what I'm going to do is I will still be recording my mutations as I get them but I think it's pretty self-explanatory so right here you see I'm at twelve five four zero my next stat mutation must be in health guys once you start the chain in one area you must finish it in that area you cannot deviate you cannot put one in stamina do not put one in oxygen nor you can put one in food don't put one in weight don't put one in damage etc you need to keep it in one area so as you guys can see I'm at 3 out of 20 if you were to have a heavy stamina mutation in with this then the numbers would go up much higher much quicker and what we're trying to do is maximize the stats that we get out of health don't worry about the other ones just yet because we've not even begun so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna get my mail to breed with my base females and I'm gonna continue this process so once I get some more eggs I will show you what it's like when I hatch those and I'm looking for over 1250 12500 on health there's a 277 it is female nope there's one and there we go there is another one and luckily it is a male so let's go ahead options change name and we're on our fourth mutation so again I'm gonna let him grow up and I'm gonna change him out for the three out of 20 that is in the middle over there and I'm gonna keep this process rolling with you guys let's cry oh the male 3 out of 20 out of the center because we are on 4 out of 20 at the moment let's go ahead and get the male 4 out of 20 put him in the middle with the base females back to my fit so he breaches them all behavior enable mating now remember guys he's on level 277 the next mutation will be 2 7 9 and you know this because every time you get a mutation it has to be higher than the highest level parent at this point so it's going to be 279 and above 12 9 8 0 so again just make sure you are repeating this process every single time so I'm going to go to my sign and change that as well health 4 out of 20 it has to be greater than 12 9 8 0 don't forget to put away your previous mutation so I'm gonna put away my 3 out of 20 mutation in the fridge and there's my 2 3 out of 20s remember female male and there we go and we're gonna keep going for all 20 mutations because remember if you guys look show ancestors we are on 4 out of 20 right now right so I'm looking for level 279 with health above 12 9 8 0 there's one and there it is and it's a female so we're gonna have to do the same process again so let's go ahead and rename her real quick options change name five out of twenty she's 13 420 13 for 20 so we're going to change the sign right so five out of twenty greater than 13 four to zero is what we're looking for next so we're gonna let her grow up and then we're gonna change her for a male right so the female 5 out of 20 has grown up she's level 2 789 let's go ahead and put her in the middle and remember we need to breed for a same level to 79 but male put her here he's no longer useful so we're gonna go ahead and cry out the 4 out of 20 all right so remember that always a stat muted I know has to breed with a base so because she's female she has to breed with the base male so we're gonna bring the base mill over put him on behavior enable mating and put her on behavior enable mating so I need to breed these two up and I need to get a level 279 nail which is the same exact stats as this female here to 79 and it's a male so we're going to go ahead and rename it options change name male health five out of 20 and we're gonna go ahead let him grow up and then we can continue the process for our six out of 20 the male 5 out of 20 has grown up and just to be clear when you guys check your stat mutations always make sure that you're correct so go to show ancestors and I am on 5 out of 20 right now as you guys can see over here so let's go ahead and trade the five twenty out in the center we can turn the female off over here behavior Oh charity is off okay go over here let's turn the male off behavior disabled mating because this is the base meal we're gonna put him back and we're gonna go up to the male health five out of twenty behavior enabled mating and he is going to be mating currently breeding with bass female if you guys can see on the right hand side on the box so let's go ahead and cryo the female up because she's no longer needed well put her away and we'll let him breed with all of the bass females that are out right now and we'll continue on with our six out of 20 alright so I'm looking for level two eight one with health higher than thirteen four to zero there's a white one and that's it right there guys and it's a male so let's go ahead and rename it options change name this is our 6 up 20 so let's go ahead and make it stay double check at stats 13 8 6 0 so let's change the sign 13 8 6 0 so we currently have a a health set 6 out of 20 with greater than 13 8 6 0 all right let's go ahead and let this little guy here grow up and then we can start 4 7 out of 20 right so the mill 6 out of 20 has grown up and really quick we're just going to go up to him show ancestors now sometimes this may happen you might have 5 out of 20 or whatever mutation you're on and then over on the left you'll have one random mutation vice versa as long as you were following your chain meaning your chain on health or whatever area that you're focusing on and continuing with that and it's increasing then you know you're doing it right when I breed from my level 2 a 3 which will be my next level 4 7 out of 20 all of the mutations will be on the same side so let's go ahead and change him out here before the center we can put away the old nail a 5 out of 20 let's cry Oh him up put him more towards the center back them up a bit behavior enable mating now he will be breeding with all the others now you're gonna notice too that as you do these mutations for stats you're also gonna get mutations for color in my opinion color does not matter like I know that color is nice and pretty to look at and everything but again we're not breeding these for color because in the end colors pointless it doesn't mean anything what we're more concerned about are the stats themselves and how to boost them to a higher level so just keep that in mind as you guys are breeding as well too because again color doesn't mean anything by the time I get to 20 out of 20 it's no longer gonna be white it'll probably be something like blue or orange or heck even yellow might even be pink so again don't worry about color just worry about your chain and your stat mutations right so I'm looking for level 2 8 3 with health higher than 13 8 6 is 0-1 I sprint 1 nope of course it wouldn't be the red one there's another one over here in the corner it's got a blue belly and there we go 14300 so let's go ahead and rename this one it's got a blue belly which is different so again you got to be looking for actually numbers enough color again I'm not concerned about the color so changing alright there we are right so the male 7 out of 20 has grown up so the next level we're gonna be looking for is level 2 8 5 with health higher than 14300 so let's go ahead and get on this one let's put him in the middle we're gonna cry oh the white one because we no longer need this one ours is a male put a Martin Center and go ahead and behavior enable mating so remember mutated is breeding with basis so I'm looking for level two eight five ooh that's an ugly color and that's the stat mutation 1474 zero and it's male okay all right so it's eight out of 20 that's correct let's go ahead and name it options hit change name there we go and out of 2014 74 1474 I can get out of here there we go 1474 change the sign and there we go so we're gonna let that male there grow up and then we're going to continue the process so the male health 8 out of 20 mutation has grown up and let's go ahead and replace him in the middle we're gonna get rid of the 7 out of 20 so we're gonna cryo him up let's put this male in the center hopefully we can get rid of this color and behavior enable mating there we go and remember the mutation needs to braids with a face as always all right so we're going to get some eggs out of these females around the corner and we are going to go for our next mutation which will be level 2 8 7 and the health should be higher than 14 7 4 0 alright so I'm looking for level 2 8 7 with health higher than 14 7 4 0 there's one and that's it 15 1 8 0 [Music] head and we're gonna rename it so we're on currently it is a meal 20 and it has 15 one eight zero so we're going to go ahead and put this thing on passage from and stop it following also wondering fifteen one eight zero let's change the sign now it's still an ugly color one eight zero eight one zero either way it'll be a lot higher when it's on its next round yeah one eight zero all right so we're gonna let this little guy grow up and we're gonna replace it with a meal that is currently in the center of and I will see you guys in a second so the nine out of ten has grown up so let's go ahead and put him in the center now I didn't realize it until it was growing up but look it actually has an orange belly or a light orange belly so we can go ahead and actually cry up the 8 out of 10 male because we no longer need him put the 9 out of 10 one enable mating and then we're gonna go for our 10 out of 20 on the health mutation alright and I will see you when we get the 10 out of 20 so Bri these ones up collect the eggs and hatch them to get the 10 out of 20 and then level we're gonna be looking for is 2 8 9 with health higher than 15 1 8 0 2 8 9 and 15 to 15 6 to 0 that's it now it is female so we're gonna have to do the same processes before that I've shown you guys so let's go ahead and claim her and let's rename her as well right so she is the 10 out of 20 and 15 6 to 0 let's go ahead and change the sign 15 - 6 0 right so health 10 out of 20 and we need to look for a greater than 15 to 6 zero so she's falling us let's go ahead and put her on behavior disabled wandering unfollow and passive all right so let her grow up and then we can trade her for the mail now the color on her is way better plus she still has the orange belly which is quite nice it's like a light purple like that a lot actually so the female 10 up 20 has grown up so let's go ahead and take her and put her over to the side next to the base meal because if you guys remember the stat the step mutated Dino has to breed with a base Dino so because she's a female she cannot brave with the other base females so the female stat mutated 10 oh 20 health has to breed with the base meal so we're gonna go ahead and take her put her own behavior enable mating put the male on behavior enable mating and we can actually go ahead and cryo up this met this male health 9 out of 20 because we no longer need him so what we're gonna do is get a few eggs and what we need to do is we need to hatch a male level 2 8 9 the same as this stat mutated female we need a 2 8 9 male to replace to go in the center here and it is so let's go ahead and rename it now remember this is the same exact mutation as that female that is out there right now so it's still 10 out of 20 and not 11 so the male 10 out of 20 has grown up so we can go ahead and take him and put a male and center right there will do so the male health tena 20 is going to breed with the base female so let's go ahead and take him behavior enable mating and he's gonna breed with these ladies here now we don't need the female 10 out of 20 anymore because remember we want the male to breed with all of these base females so we can take her make sure that your base male 1 that we were just braiding her with is off as well so that he is not mating with any dinos I'm gonna go over here and I'm gonna put the female 10 out of 20 in the fridge with the rest of the other health mutations and so far we are coming along just nicely right let's go ahead and carry on and this male 10 out of 20 is going to Bri with all the base females so that we can go for our next health mutation which will be level 2 9 one with health higher than 15 6 to zero I think before I said 2 6 0 but either way above 15 6 to 0 there's a couple here triplets I think twins and you know two nine one there's another set of twins and there it is and that one's a female so let's check this one here sometimes if you get twins you get a female and a male yep and there we go 16:06 zero so there we go that is our mutation 11 out of 20 so we're going to go ahead and name him so option change name and that is what we want so the other one that was a twin was a female and this one was a male so that's perfect now you need to keep in mind that the twins are not always both males or both females they could be opposite sex as well they'll have just the same stats though so 1606 zero it's what we're looking for next so let's change the sign 16:06 zero right so we're going to be looking for our 12 out of 20 so let's go ahead and take them off of following and make them passive as well that's not the one I want he's over here alright so we're gonna let this meal 11 out of 20 grow up the male 11 out of 20 has grown up and it's kind of nice to see it a little bit bigger because you can see the color changes well too we've made quite a bit of a jump between the color so let's go ahead and take him and we're gonna put him in the center over here so we have our 11 out of 20 and then we have our 10 out of 20 we no longer need the 10 out of 20 so we're gonna go ahead and cryo him up and remember because this 11 out of 20 is our stat mutated Dino we need to breed the stat mutated Dino with a base Dino so 11 out of 20 male stat mutated is going to breed with all of these base females here that are surrounding it so let's go up to him behavior and Abel mating all of these females are gonna lay eggs which I will collect and then I will distribute over there to the heir cons so that we can get our next level which will be 11 out of 20 now the level we're going to be looking for for this round will be 2 9 3 and the health will be above 16 0 6 is 0 three there's one nope there's another nope there's one that's it 16500 and luckily it is a male so let's go ahead and rename it options change name we're on our twelfth out of 20 mutation and the number is 16500 so that's what we need to go for next mil 12 out of 20 has finally grown up let's just go ahead and look at his stats and as you can see we are we are on random mutation 12 out of 20 so we need to continue so let's take this male 12 out of 20 remember we're putting him in the center because he is a boy we are going to cryo female 11 out of 20 because he is no longer useful I still recommend that you do not get rid of your actual mutations any of them keep a keep a log of them just in case if somewhere down line you accidentally mess up on your mutations put him in the center all right so we're gonna put the 12 out of 20 on enable mating and this male stat mutated Dino is going to breed with the base females right so I'm looking for level 2 9 5 with health high higher than 16500 there's 295 and I think it's a twin 16:5 yep let's check this one 16:5 yes okay any more to 9/5 there's one over here that one looks like a twin as well I'll check you always check I reach you oh here's one here oh there it is okay that's amazing okay so we are on and it's male - that's good so 16 9 4 0 let's rename him options change name now this is our 13th out of 20 mutation go here 13 out of 20 right here if you are curious those are the parents all right so 16 9 4 0 hello 13 out of 20 has finally grown up so let's go ahead and get on him and we're gonna put him in the center because he is a male so that he can breed with all the base females off him now we need to cryo up the male that's in the middle 12 out of 20 because he is no longer useful so let's go ahead and get to the cryo there we go let's angle him a bit more towards the center forward back up so that he reaches all of the females go to behavior enable mating now the next level that we need to look for for our next health mutation will be 2 9 7 and the health will be greater than 16 9 4 0 there's a 297 wrong one and there it is and let's go ahead and rename it and it's a male as well so this will be our 14 yes so 17-3 at zero there we go check it one more time seventeen three eight zero so we need to go ahead and change the sign right about now seventeen three eight and there we go so we're gonna let that little guy over there grow up and then we're gonna replace the 14 out of 20 with that 13 out of 20 in the center over there so let's wait for him to go ahead and grow up 14 out of 20 has finally grown up so let's go ahead and get on him and let's take him to the center now we don't need the 13 out of 20 anymore because he's useless so let's go ahead and cryo him up there we are put this one towards the center behavior enable mating is this one breeding I think I need to move closer there we go so we're gonna let this guy right here this 14 out of 20 breed with all of the bases and then we will get our eggs and we will hatch for our 15th out of 20 looking for level 299 with health higher than 17 3 8 0 there's one that's it seventeen eight to zero right so let's go ahead and rename this one and it is a meal which is good it's an option change name we're on our 15th out of 20 so let's go ahead disable wondering and that was 17 a20 health 15 out of 20 has grown up he is level 299 so let's go ahead and get on him and we need to replace him in the center with the old stat mutation which is health 14 out of 20 and we are currently on 15 out of 20 so let's go ahead and go and cryo this one up now remember the stat mutated I know has to Bri with bases so I'm gonna take this one back him up behavior enable mating now the next stat mutation will be over seventeen eight to zero and health and the level will be three zero one any three zero ones you have to make sure you're looking very thoroughly they're all over my eyes you'll miss them there's triplets right there I know they're triplets because they're all in the same color one of them and that's it 18 2 6 0 there we go show ancestors 16 out of 20 that's amazing ok so 18 2 6 0 let's go ahead and put this off of following [Music] because we're on our sixteenth of 20 major it is male yes it is it is 69 2018 to 6-0 let's go ahead and put in in the center so he is our new mutation we need to get rid of the old one 15 out of 20 I will put him in the fridge later so we're gonna put the 16 out of 20 in the middle the one that we just bred put him in the dead center so he can breed with all the females there we go and remember guys don't worry about the other stats we're just working on health right now I will eventually get to stamina and I will get to melee damage because those are the other areas that I would like to work in so this one is level three zero one he is going to BRE with all the base females the next level that we need to look for is going to be level three zero three because remember it goes up in increments of two three zero three and the health must be higher than 18 two six zero blue one here and that's it that's perfect all right so let's go ahead and rename it so this will be stat mutations 17 out of 20 one of the mutations is over here that's a that does sometimes happen but just remember you need to be following and making sure that the mutation is going into health right so 18700 let's rename him 18 we're gonna go to behavior to save a wandering I'm on passive and disabled following and we need to change the sign immediately just in case we accidentally in print right so let's go ahead and let this little guy grow up it is male and we're done I'm going to go ahead and replace the 17 out of 20 with the 16 out of 20 that's in the center over there and let's go ahead and replace the 17 out of 20 with the old one over here so bring him over we can cry up this old one cuz we no longer need it and you saw that one was of a 301 this one is level 303 okay so let's go ahead and put this in the center and continue the process now this is getting extremely repetitive but I just want to show you guys the entire process of one entire 20 out of 20 stat mutation okay so the next level we are going to be looking for has to be 305 and the health must be greater on the baby 18700 so when I find the baby that's higher than 18700 and health I know I've gotten a stat mutation as long as it's also level 305 right so we're gonna let this little guy here breed up with all the females and then we're going to continue the process oh come on please be it day we ran around on a pink t-rex it's raining inside someone to the right here oh that's it it's female 19 won 4-0 okay I'm gonna check the other 305 over here because I really don't want to raise another female have to change it out well that's a female - yeah and that's look and that's the same exact one I think that one was actually a twin maybe it was a triplet yeah so cool - it was that teenth one oh there is another three or five I see it please be a male please be a male Wow three females that's okay all right so let's go ahead and rename her so she is 18 out of 20 and her health is 19 1 4 0 so we need to change the sign 19 1 & 4 0 all right I need to let her grow up remember this is a female so when you get a female you have to trade it out for a meal so I'm gonna let her grow up outside of here wait till she grows up and then I will show you the process one more time or maybe another time with how getting a stat mutated female works so the female 18 out of 20 has finally grown up so let's go ahead and take her and we are gonna put the female remember this is a female stat mutated Dino we're gonna put her close to the base male which we parked over to the side we need to go up to him behavior enable mating we need to go to her behavior enable mating we can cry oh this old one up this male health 17 out of 20 because we are on 18 out of 20 right so this female stat mutated Dino is going to braid with the base mil remember the stat mutated Dino regardless of its gender always has to breed with a base so what we're gonna do with her is we're gonna breed these two together until we get a couple eggs and then the egg we're gonna look for the baby we're gonna look for is going to be the same level as her 305 just a boy so that we can replace her in the center because if you think about it we're only going to get one egg from her each time and the process is going to be painfully slow and if you look all around I have all these base females here so it makes sense to have a male stagnated to breed with right so I'm looking for level 3 0 5 the same as the stat mutated female out there I'm just looking for a male to replace her with that's a female there's another 305 and that is a male so remember we're gonna call this the exact same thing except it's a male so we go to options change name it's still an 18 out of 20 because nothing has changed it's still 18 out of 20 all right and we're gonna let this little guy here grow up and then we're going to continue the process for our 19 out of 20 stat mutation right so the male health 18 out of 20 level 305 has finally grown up and remember this is the same exact number it's been same exact stat as the last email I got so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna Park him in the center where I've been parking the male's before I need to take her go-to behavior disabled mating this is the female 18 out of 20 I don't need her anymore so let's go ahead and cryo her up you also need to make sure that your base male is turned off as well when you're breeding with a female that is stat mutated so go up to him as well behavior disabled mating we do not want him breathing with any of the base females because that means we're gonna basically go back to where we started so he's off select up any eggs that may have been laid that are not the ones you need get rid of them go to the male all of my base females are turned on all my base females are turned on and what we need to do is breed this male stat mutated Rex 18 out of 20 with the base females so that way we're gonna get our 19 out of 20 it's getting much faster with all these base females as well now the next number we need to look for together is level three zero seven 307 and the health must be higher on the baby than 19-thousand 140 so when we get the baby if it's level 307 and it's higher than this number right here automatically then that is our staff mutation that we are looking for so let's breed him up with the females and let's get a few eggs and let's go for our 19 out of 20 step mutated health Rex there's triplets nope just double-check make sure they actually aren't all triplets oh that one's not this is a stat mutated it's female but it'll do nineteen five eight zero all right so we got our female 19 out of 20 and again females are paying the butt so I'm just gonna double check and make sure but there's not anymore 307 but I will take that female if there are yeah there's no more okay so she is 19 five eight zero so what we have to do is change the sign and if you guys can see there we go 19 5 8 0 let's go change the sign and then we're gonna let her grow up and then we have to replace her as well for a male level 307 is grown-up remember because it's a female we need to change it for a male so let's hop on her we're going to immediately run to the back come on you can fit and what we have to do is we need to put her next to the mill and it is getting crowded up in here so I'm gonna put her over here go up to her do behavior enable mating go up to the base male remember because this is a stat mutated Dino it needs to breed with a base so because it's female it's got to breed with the base male so go up to the base male behavior enable mating we're gonna let them hatch up a few eggs and what we need from the baby is the same exact level as the mother to get the male so we're gonna be looking for a male health 19 out of 20 level 3:07 with the exact same stats so that away we can put the mill like normal right here in the center so that the breeding up with all of these females makes it faster right we don't need him anymore so let's cryo up him and remember I am looking for a male same exact stats as the mother here so that way I can put a boy in the center where I'm jumping up and down right now to breed with all of these base females perfect this one's a male now I'm gonna go ahead and disable following and put it on passive I have a cryopod on me and this is what I normally do I take it I cryo it up there we go put it out here and rename it options change name male health 19 out of 20 so this little guy here needs to grow up and I'm not going to imprint on him remember he is the same exact level and the same exact stats as the mother right here we're gonna put this male we're gonna put that little meal when he grows up in the center here to breed with all of these females so that the chances of laying eggs is much higher and faster than doing it off of one we need to take him and we need to put him in the center amongst all the base females because this is our stat mutated meal now before we turn him 1 we need to go over to these two that we had before we need to go to behavior disable mating behavior disable mating we don't need her anymore because this is a female and we need males for the stat mutations so we're gonna put her away she's got an egg there and now we can go up to him make sure he's off as well yes he is he's off okay good so the base male is off and what we need to do is we need to go to the stat mutated male behavior enable mating this stat mutated mil 19 out of 20 is going to breed with all of these base females now here's the thing guys what we are going for next is our last and final statistician which is 20 out of 20 and what I'm going to do is I need to look for 309 for our next level so what I'm going to do is make sure that this guy breeds with all these females lay a bunch of eggs and we need to look for this exactly level 3:09 for the baby because it's going to be too higher than than the parent here 309 with health that is greater than nineteen five eight zero so let's let this guy breed with all the females lay some eggs and then I'm gonna hatch up some babies I'm looking for level 309 with health higher than nineteen five eight zero this one here and there is the final stat mutation 20 out of 20 it is a female so let's go ahead and rename it all right and it is complete so go to show ancestors and if you look you will have four random mutations 20 out of 20 okay so what we need to do is let her grow up let's go ahead and put her on passive so behavior attack your target it automatically goes to attacker target passive and she's already following me that's good there's also another one here I'm just gonna check it real quick yeah that's something else entirely so let's get her out of here and the easiest way that I do that is I take a cryo pod and I cry over her up the reason why I have this theory here guys is to get rid of these excess babies like this we need to get rid of these because otherwise if you were to keep every single baby Rex or whatever that you're trying to mutate you're going to end up with thousands and I'm not joking when I say that one of a thousand so whoops she's got cryo sickness now so what I'm gonna let her do is go ahead and grow up and then this is pretty much done we do have another step in terms of stacking the stat mutations lets her have a little nap and when she gets up and she's ready I will show you guys onto the next step right so the female Rex 20 out of 20 has finally grown up and this is the final and last step mutation for health so you can see that it's 20 thousand right now so if I go to show ancestors you can see on the right up at the top that it's 20 out of 20 now here's the thing the stamina even though this is good for a 150 that was tamed I can still actually mutate this and I said I was going to mutate health stamina and melee damage the next area that I'm gonna go for is actually mutating melee damage but here's the thing this right here is a chain the female health that I've been working on all the way up to 20 out of 20 has been a chain for just health because you guys have known that I've not done anything with stamina nor have I done anything with melee damage as I've been mutating them so what you have to do is you have to have different chains so for example I did a health chain just now I'm gonna have to do a separate chain for stamina and a separate chain for melee damage the next one I'm gonna go for is a chain for melee damage and I just want to show you exactly what that looks like as a chain that is finally complete so as you guys can see I went ahead and I pulled out all of my Rexes that were stat mutated on health and this is the chain that I'm talking about and I want you to notice two things as I go by I want you to notice their level their gender as well so this is a male and I want you to notice their color because the color does not always stay the same and for those of you who are curious about actually going for color like I don't think that's such an important thing to be considering because as you guys can see the color changes drastically as you mutate and there seems to be a pattern as well with mine at least now you're also going to notice that the levels are going up by two so 91 93 95 97 99 etc all the way up to my final over there in the corner 309 now if your numbers are a little bit different that's fine as long as the stat mutation is correct so here's the thing we need to start a new chain and I said the next chain that I'm gonna go for is melee damage so in order to do this we have to start breeding a base with a base because basically we're going back to the first step over here with my 1 out of 20 except this time instead of it being health it is going to be melee damage I'm going to quickly turn him off so that he doesn't have the females lay too many eggs so let's just go over this one more time I'm only going to do 1 out of 20 for melee damage so that a way you guys can see it now from here on I am not going to be recording my stat mutations for melee damage nor am I going to be recording for the stamina mutation when I go for that but I want to show you that the process is still very much the same and I need to be clear with you that this is a completely separate chain than the one that's out there all that out there that I'm looking at now is health what we're going to start doing now is making a chain for damage so the first thing we need to do is we have a base meal that's why we kept him I had him on enable mating with the base females remember to 69 to 69 same exact stats and the melee damage on this one is 378 0.7 so to do the melee damage the one out of 20 for melee damage the level must be 271 and the melee damage must be higher than 378 so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go ahead and take these eggs and I'm gonna hatch them up to get my first melee chain mutation for this next set so I'm one 378 so I need to look for something higher than that so these eggs are from the male to 69 and the females to 69 and remember those are my base what I am looking for is a level 270 one that has melee damage that's higher than three seven eight and this will be for my first chain nope on this one there's another two seven one that I see nope anymore to seven ones right here nope here's another and there we go so that one was 370 and this one is now up to three nine zero and this is a female so this is our first start this is our first chain for melee damage so what we need to do to start this let's go ahead and rename her and it's a beautiful orange color as well option change name female damage 1 out of 20 and it is 390 what she currently has so I'm gonna go over to this new sign move please and there we go so if I can get out of the year we have started the first chain for melee damage so what I need to do is I need to let her grow up and again guys I'm not going to record this entire process it is the same exact step as the health but remember when you start a chain for damage you need to continue the chain for damage now then I've gone ahead and I finished all three of the chains that I mentioned I was going to do I finished health with you all in the video now off-camera i went ahead and i completed my damage chain which i had started and then i went ahead and i finished up my stamina chain all the way to 20 out of 20 now the first thing that i want to show you is my health chain and this is the same health chain that I did with you all but what I want to do is I want to show you the actual stats and make sure that you have done this correctly as well so this is my first mutation and it wasn't health so the health is actually a little bit higher than the base now once you get that health mutation or whatever stat that you are mutating first you must continue with that actual stat so for example this one I started in health it's 11 6 6 0 so I must continue with health when I breed this one I must get health again this one you guys can see is 12100 and as you continue down the line from 2 out of 20 to 3 out of 20 the health mutation is going to be higher the health stat will be higher and as long as you follow along with this it will continue to grow and be higher now these two are the same because remember I got a female and I had to switch it over to a male in the breeding process you can also notice that the actual level of the Dino is changing so it's growing in increments of 2 and as you guys go you can actually see that the color changes is well - I'm not particularly fond of like any kind of colors and I don't really care for colors I'm more concerned about breeding a dino that can be tanky and can do a lot of damage and is just a versatile creature now I want to go up to female 10 out of 20 15,000 in health there's my male 10 out of 20 and as you keep going down the levels gonna get higher and sometimes your colors change now my 20 out of 20 is missing here because I went ahead and put it to the side so all the way up to 90 now 20 over here I want to go ahead and show you guys this this is what I did after my health mutation this is the damage mutation that I started with you now remember when I got this damaged mutation I had to take the base meal and I had to take the base female breed those together until I got the damage mutation and once I got it I had to keep breeding for the damage so let me just show you what the mutation looks like 390 and then once I got this male I bred it with the base female and I kept breeding until I got another damage mutation on top of this one and again the numbers are growing in increments of 2 so you can see 402 4:14 the damage is going to keep getting higher except this one because this is both the female in a male for 25 etc and it keeps going all the way up and I will go quickly down the line so I can show you that the level of the Dino increases by 2 plus I'd like to show you some of the color mutations that I got because some of them were actually quite pretty that one that was down there that red and white one I was quite fond of and keep going and there's my 19 out of 20 and as long as your damage is increasing the stat that you are working on then you're doing this correctly there should be a definite pattern to your levels as well as when you go up to it and you say show ancestors there should be a definite pattern so just make sure that yours is the same now this is my stamina mutation and I'm going to do this in Reverse because I'm over here and again notice the levels you can notice the colors but the stamina on this one is all the way at 3/8 and this is only 19 out of 20 that's that's incredibly high for t-rex I'm gonna go down the line to show you my colors as well as show you the levels I actually did not get a lot of interesting colors in my mutations this one here I don't know if you guys can see it has a green back to it get on top of it so you can see keep going and there was my first stamina mutation so remember the last one was 3/8 and this one is 2/3 quite a bit of a jump nice orange color there it's a shame that didn't make it to the end right now over here this is what I wanted to show you this is where my 20 out of 20 stamina damage and health mutations have gone so as you can see I have my female health 20 out of 20 let's go ahead and look at her and her health is at 20,000 and that is the base level that's without putting any points in to help that is what her health is starting which is actually very very good and again this one is female now this is the damage and this is the stamina mutation that I did off camera now there's one thing that I noticed with these two the stamina and the damage that I did not get with the health and I'm going to show you real quick on my health when I go to show ancestors over on the right random mutations I have 20 out of 20 that's good you want all of them on the same side however when I go to my damaged and I look at show ancestors at the bottom on the right it says 19 out of 20 and then on the left it says 1 out of 20 and this is incorrect this should all be on the same side now I know I've done mine correctly and this can happen one of your mutations as you go along will jump on the other side not entirely sure why this happens I think it has something to do with the color that you get mutated as well I could be wrong on that but I away we need to correct this this is a male and this is my damage and that's what I came up with from my damage now the problem is is that we want to take all three of these because these have awesome stats and we want to combine them together so for example we want to put 20,000 health with better damage we want to put that 20,000 health with this 613 damage because this only has 11 and then we want to put that with stamina as well because if you look at my stamina stamina came out final at 33,000 906 which is really good I want to put all three of these stats together which we will but first we need to correct this problem that both the damage and the stamina have which is the 19 out of 20 and in order to do that what we need to do is we're going to breed this male damaged 20 out of 20 with a base female right here and as you can see I've already put them line enabled mating they've laid a bunch of eggs so what we need to do is collect these up patch them and what we're looking for is the same exact level as this right here plus we would like to get a male because if you look I have a female a male and a female so you remember you need at least one male and at least one female for this step and again I'm gonna look at it real quick 19-21 out of 26:13 okay so again we're gonna look for the same exact stats and the baby it needs to be the exact same level in the exact same stats and it must be a male so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to collect up these eggs I'm gonna go to my air cons and I'm gonna hatch these up until I get the same stats as my male damaged 20 out of 20 exact same right and again I am looking for a level 309 male so there are plenty of 309 there's actually a couple of three 11s there but what I'm looking for is the 309 now once female so I don't need that let's grab this brown reddish one female gun female again and our mail there we go so we're gonna rename him options change name mail damage 20 out of 20 now remember do not imprint upon this because we need it completely pure so I'm gonna go up to its stats and I'm gonna show you guys go to show ancestors now here we go on the right hand side you can see that it is properly 20 out of 20 so we've gone ahead and corrected the problem what we need to do now is we need to let this little guy grow up so that we can replace that mail that's out there that has the 19 out of 20 on one side and then the one out of 20 on the other so we're gonna let him grow up right so that mail damaged 20 out of 20 that I was breeding for grew up and if I go up to it now just like I showed you before if I go to show ancestors 20 out of 20 is now on the right hand side which is good so we do not need that mail damaged right there 20 out of 20 because remember this has the stat mutations 19 on one side and one on the other but before we can actually breed all three of them together we need to correct the female stamina as well so when you go up to her and you go to show ancestors on the right hand side you see 19 out of 20 and then on the left you see 1 out of 20 so we're gonna do the exact same thing that we did for that male damage there now because this one's a female I've got a behavior enable mating we need to go to the base mail here bring him a little bit closer behavior enable mating and we're gonna breed the female stamina 20 out of 20 with the base mail and we are going to look for to the exact same level as the speed mail stamina 20 out of 20 and I'm also going to be going for a female so the baby must have the exact same stats but when we get it the ancestors will be 20 out of 20 perfect like this on the right hand side so I've got the eggs I'm incubating them now and they're ready to hatch I am looking for in Level 309 and it must be female there we go so we're going to go ahead and double check her ancestors 20 out of 20 so we're going to go ahead and go to options change name 20 out of 20 to save a following we'll cry out her off and we'll let this one grow up as well until she is fully match rated to begin the last and next step right so now the female stamina 20 out of 20 has finally grown up as well so now all three of these have 20 out of 20 on one side now we have two females female for health female for stamina and a male for damage so what we have to do first is we must breed two of them together so that we can get a baby that has both of these stats mutated once we do that then we need to stack that baby with this female here so we're gonna breed first the damage and the stamina together and then once we get a male baby that has both of the stats we're gonna breed that with the female health and then we will get our final result so let's go up to the male damage go to behavior enable mating then we will go over to the female stamina behavior enable mating now these two are going to lay eggs well just the female will and once I've collected several eggs I'm going to take these eggs and then I'm going to hatch them and I will show you the results of what comes out of the egg once I get about five eggs now then I'm gonna be looking for the stats of a male that is combined both damage and the stamina so first thing I want to do is I want to look at the levels and I see a lot of three four nines three oh nine is the old number two six nine is a very very old number so thirty four nine is a new number I'm gonna go up to one and I'm going to claim it I'm gonna check it stats immediately and this one here happens to be a male health is the same there is my stamina oxygen is the same food is the same the weight is the same and there is my damaged six 13.9 movement speed same torpidity is the same as well if I go to show ancestors I have 20 random mutations here 20 random here so I'm going to go ahead and take this male and I'm gonna cry oh of this mail and I'm gonna go ahead and let this mature and I'm gonna take this male 349 I'm gonna take this mil 349 and I am going to breed it over here with this female health 309 so let's go ahead and put out this little guy we're gonna let this grow up and we need to rename him as well so remember this is the damage and stamina and this is a male so we're gonna go to it options change name male final damage and stamina and we're gonna let this like the little guy grow up and we're going to breed him with the female health 20 out of 20 the damage and stamina 349 has finally matured and remember this is male and we need to breed it with the health stat so go over here it has the stamina and it has the melee damage so what we're going to do now let's go up to this one go to behavior enable mating and go up to this one here and we're going to go to behavior and Abel mating so we're going to take the health stat off of this one here 20,000 and we're going to combine that with what we have here which is stamina and damage combined to make our final baby this will be the final step and getting all of the stats on the same Dino now we will need just like how we have a base pair a base male and female we are also going to need a male and a female when you look at the numbers below you're gonna notice that there's only one that stands out in terms of number right now and that one should be obvious it is the three eight nine over here so when I go up to this one and click imprint and I go to its inventory and I look it has the health it has the stamina and it also has the damage now this one here is a male when I go to show ancestors you're gonna notice that there's 40 out of 20 on one side and there's 20 out of 20 on this side here and when you total that up that's 60 so 40 plus 20 over there is 60 so this one has all three of the stats what we need to do now is hatch more until we get a female until then what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take this male here and I'm going to let him grow up and I'm going to keep breeding the same dinos out there the same two to get my female so let's go ahead and get him cry with him not to let him grow up so I have the male 389 and what I'm looking for now is a female 389 let's go up to this claim it and it's female so we're going to go to option change name we are calling this the female final because it is the female final we're gonna go ahead and cry oh this up now I'm going to go ahead and put this female out here and this was the male that I just got that is level 389 so we're gonna drop her here next to the male right so when we go up to the male over here and you look at the stats it has the health it has the stamina and it has the damage when you go over to the female it has the health and has the stamina and it also has the damage and again 40 plus 20 is 60 because we went through three chains so that is 60 mutations in total this was a lot of Rex's to actually go through now there is one last thing I want to show you guys before I call it quits so essentially this is the final step now what you would do with these two the reason why I went for both a male and a female was because I wanted to take these and now I can breed up as many of these fully mutated T Rex's as I want so when I breed these two together I'm only going to be looking for level 3 8 9 if I do happen to get a mutation it will probably be in like health or excuse me it'll help it'll be in oxygen or weight or something like that now it is very important that you understand just like the faces these are considered a base as well for future breeding so you probably want to write down the stats of what your final creature is I will never imprint upon these two and I will never Lovell these two because these are meant for breeding so that I can just continue breeding the super babies so what I'm gonna do is let this female here grow up I'm gonna make some eggs between these two to get three more of the same exact stats because I want to show you what loveling those looks like this guy's is the base level now three eight nine compared to what it originally was at the very beginning two to five it is very it is very very high compared to what it originally was and to give you perspective remember this is the original this is the base female from the from the first eleven to two six three seven eight and if we compare that to what is now the final base male those stats are incredibly higher we're gonna go ahead let this little girl here grow up and we're going to breed the final male with the final female because both of these have the same stats these three eggs here are coming from my final male and my final female so the level should be about three eight nine yep all of them are three eight nine so I'm gonna go up to each one and claim them and this is my last test to show you a little bit something so now every time I breed my final male in my final female these two right here remember that's my final meal that is my final female they're bringing up right now to make even more the babies will always have now the health mutated stat the stamina stat and the melee damage stat so these three over here let's go ahead and look at them this one's male yep there's the hell there's the stamina and there's the melee damage all three of these have the mutated stats guess what I can actually level up all three of those areas even further if I want by actually adding levels to the Dino what I'm gonna do is I'm going to go ahead and let beast 3 here level up grow up and then I'm gonna show you a little something extra with these all three of the baby Rex's have finally grown up so I'm going to go ahead and show you their levels they are 3 8 9 now I went ahead up to each one of these Rex's and I gave it experience and I gave it all the experience that it could so it can gain 61 levels and that's for each of them what I want to show you the reason why I have three of them is because I want to show you exactly how this is going to work with leveling what I'm going to do is I'm going to show you a little test real quick I'm gonna pump nothing but health into this one because I want to show you what the actual stats look like if you were to just put all levels into one area even with it mutated so with all points all of your 61 points put into your health it will go up to 85,000 health which is quite ridiculous now if we go up to this one here I'm going to put nothing but stamina so it's at 3 906 now I'm not sure why you would want 27,000 and stamina but again that's really interesting to know and then I'm gonna go up to damage and this is the one that I am most interested in and I'm going to put all my levels into damage with all the levels put in a damage it's at 1250 now I cannot imagine what this would be like if you were on official servers trying to go for mutations I know people have done it on official but kudos to you guys for sticking with it and doing that because that would be an absolute nightmare like I said I've had my server settings boosted a bit a lot actually alright and this is the completion of the mutations for this video a shout-out goes to twisted Knight and Sam for teaching me actually how to breed because without them I wouldn't know exactly what I was doing so thank you guys very much and for the rest of you thank you very much for watching and I shall see you next time you
Channel: SeeShell Gaming
Views: 970,091
Rating: 4.8651495 out of 5
Keywords: Ark mutations, Ark breeding mutations, ark mutations guide, ark how to get mutations, ark how mutations work, Ark mutations how they work, Ark breeding mutations tip, Ark mutations colors, Ark breeding stat mutations, Ark random mutations, ark dino mutation, ark stat mutations, Ark survival evolved mutations, pc game, xbox one, xbox one ark, ps4, ps4 ark, ark consoles, seeshellgaming
Id: wL4fDTRg4Ig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 47sec (7067 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 08 2019
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