Speed Up Your WordPress Site - Best LiteSpeed Cache WordPress Settings

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today we're going to talk about the best light speed cache settings and before everything else why light speed right why not inject or apache now i've done some extensive research while trying to figure out which is the best the fastest and the cheapest wordpress web hosting if you're interested in that video you can check it out right here through that process i found that web hosting providers using lightspeed servers have an advantage over servers using injigs and apache servers like a2 qualo and dreamhost uses lightspeed web servers and they rank significantly higher than servers like siteground or wpx that uses in-jigs and apache this was supported by benchmark testing done by some independent research such as this article from cami cloud using the same server specifications it is found that response times from lightspeed is much faster the request per second which means how many requests can the server process in a second it shows that light speed is faster and light speed is faster in terms of the transfer rate as well so when it comes to site speed light speed server is the server you want to use for the best optimal side speed optimization plus if you used a light speed server it comes with a free caching plugin called lightspeed cache you're probably using it that's why you're checking out this video it works best with the lightspeed servers but it still works with injects and parche but not to the optimal anyway with the free lightspeed cache plugin you get basically everything you get from wp rockets for example the image optimization webp images js optimization css optimization database optimization and even a free cdn called quick cloud so this is a full solution as long as your sites are running on a livespeed server and the best part of it it is free now you know white light speed is superior let's talk about the settings [Music] hey this is jack if this is your first time watching a video from my channel i do a lot of wordpress and online business tutorials and my main focus is to help you get a 90 plus score on your call web vitals so that your content can rank better so if any of these topics align with your interest feel free to subscribe to the channel and hit the bell notification so you won't miss any of my content now the thing is with any of these caching plugins the best settings also have everything turned on literally that's the best setting but the next question is does it break your site that's why when you're doing side speed optimization with a caching plugin especially when you're turning on settings for javascript and css optimization you need to be very careful what i recommend is to turn on one setting one at a time and after that you want to clear your server cache and then you want to check if that setting breaks your site if it does then keep that setting turned off until you figure out how to counter that problem that is literally the best advice for beginners to get into size beat optimization anyway let me walk you through all the settings available in the lightspeed cache plugin and explain to you what they do so you know whether or not you need it on your site let's hop on over to my computer this is the site i'm optimizing and before everything else we need to do an inspection of the site let's do it with google php insights and this is the page we are going to optimize and test as you can see there is lots of content there is a video embedded on this page and there's lots of stuff here as you can see it's a long form content so let's copy this link and analyze and on the back end you can actually see that there is no speed optimization plug-in or caching plug-in installed and the score we are getting on mobile is 85. these are the data we need to work on the first contentful paint the largest contentful paint and the speed index and as for the desktop version we're getting a 95 which is not bad and the only thing we need to work on is the speed index now let's first install the lightspeed cache plugin and here we are let's go to the dashboard as you can see this is a summary of the plugin it will tell you how much usage you are using for image optimization for the page optimization and the cdn bandwidth these are the services provided by the lightspeed cache let's go to the first set of settings which is the general settings now as with any wordpress plugins if you're not comfortable with automatic updates you can keep this off and the important thing when using lightspeed cache is that it provides a free cdn called quick cloud if you don't know what cdn means it basically stores part of the content of your website across different locations in the world so it will serve content much faster for international users if you don't have a cdn or content delivery network for your website the content will be loaded from your web host directly and if the site visitor lives in another part of the world the loading time of the site will be much higher so this quick cloud cdn is built on top of the lightspeed servers so it works best with like speed if you visit their home page you can see that they are the first and only content delivery network with the ability to cache dynamic wordpress pages popular cdns like cloudflare can only cache static pages if your site is a simple website with little to no functionalities you can use cloudflare and they work perfectly for those sites but for sites like listing sites booking sites e-commerce sites or any websites that serves content based on the interactivity of the users in other words dynamic pages quick cloud is better for those sites anyway let's continue with this to utilize the quick cloud cdn you need to have a domain key which can be obtained by clicking on this button once you click on that you will see this message you need to wait for a while and refresh this page as you can see it will tell you how long more you have to wait and after that time let's refresh this again and you will see that the domain key is auto filled i recommend that you connect this domain key to your quick cloud account if you don't have an account you can click on this button and since i don't have a quick cloud account let's create one together let's add an email address put in a password click on this and register now you have to check your email and activate that account and once that is activated you can visit the dashboard over here as you can see my domain has been connected with quick cloud so quick cloud is generally free to use we'll talk more about that in a while but for now let's continue with this once you have this domain key you'll be unlocked to more optimization options i'll show them to you in a while as well for this guest mode i will recommend turning this on because this is an optimization for first time users to your website what it will do is to serve a default version of your webpage before crawling the up-to-date version this in turn produces a super fast response time from your server but the problem with turning this on is that there is a short delay between the default cache page being served and the correct content loaded via ajax and this could mean the wrong language incorrect pricing or other problematic content may be displayed for just a short period of time so you have to decide if you want to accept this trade-off it is really up to your comfort level you can try this out with your site before deciding if you want to keep this turned on next i recommend you to turn this guess optimization on this will enhance the page optimization from the guest mode if you want to learn more about how this gets modes work you can click on this link right here next you can add your server ip address this will speed up the connection between your site visitors browser and your server and if you don't know what your server ip address is just click on this and your server ip will show let's copy this and paste it here for notifications you can turn it off if you don't want to receive promotions or marketing communications from lightspeed but if you want to keep yourself up to date feel free to keep this on let's save changes and next let's go to the cache settings now we are at the cache settings and if you don't know what caching means you have to understand it because it is the most fundamental when it comes to php optimization so let me take some time to explain this so the layman's term for caching is like pre-making something so that you can serve it much faster later on like how some restaurants will pre-make their food and store it at one place so that you can serve it much faster when there is an order we can never get that in golden ramsay's restaurant that's why their food is served much slower because they are made to order so it is exactly the same thing with caching your web hosting server will capture a version of your website and then store it at one place so that when the browser is requesting for the web page to load or to be displayed your server will serve that stored version to the browser if there is no caching it means that your server will have to work a lot harder because every time there is a request it has to load the entire website over and over again web pages and food aren't the same made to order for web pages doesn't mean better quality so that's the explanation for caching but now there is a caching policy in layman's term it means how long you are going to keep that frozen food before you discard it and make a new batch of it and in tacky terms how long are you going to store this version of your website on the server now that you understand what caching means it is important that you turn all these on so that it will free up your server resources by default these are turned on but the cache mobile is not just take note that caching is more efficient for the server but it does take up some server resources if you turn this cache mobile on it will store an additional version of your website on top of the current cache version which is the desktop version so the more versions of your website that is cached the more it eats up the server resources if you look at the documentation you can see that this is meant for non-responsive teams with mobile specific design there are other scenarios over here and because you have turned on the guest mode and yes optimization you should be turning this on now nyx the rest over here are quite technical and specific to some pages you do or do not want to cache these settings are site specific so i will not cover this the general idea is to not cache user specific data such as the account details or pages with credit card information any pages you see using that information you want to add the urls here and if you are using some tracking codes like the utm or these lightspeed cache will usually not cache those data by default let's save changes and let's move on to ttl which means time to life remember the analogy i mentioned about how long to store your food before you discard it away this is where you can control that information but these are specific to pages such as your front page or whatever pages you have defined earlier i'll just leave them as it is the default settings shouldn't go wrong let's go to the next now purge is basically to clear whatever that is stored on the cache and i think these default settings are fine for excludes there is nothing to do here for most sites if you have a reason to exclude certain pages or objects you can do them here for esi it controls how specific elements on dynamic pages are cached if you have included some urls and objects to be cached or not to be cached in the earlier settings you can control them here but generally i'll keep this turned off and i'll leave the rest as it is let's go to object cache object cache basically caches your database the hosting plan i'm using does not allow object caching and that's why you're seeing this connection test as fail but honestly if you are not building pages using php you don't need this but if your server allows for it then turn it on for the method there are memcache and redis personally i prefer redis because it offer richer functionalities and it is better for complex use cases and as for the rest i'll leave them as it is but i'll keep this turned off because when you're doing some back-end work we don't want to work with cash content sometimes it will serve outdated content which is going to be frustrating for administrators so i will keep this wp admin off let's save changes and let's go to browser caching i will turn this browser cache on this will store static content to your site visitors browser so that if they visit your website again the resources will be loaded from their browser instead of loading it from your server so this is much faster for repeat visitors for the browser cache ttl lightspeed recommends this so i will leave it as it is this should allow you to not get flagged from google pagespeed insights for not having an efficient caching policy let's save changes and let's go to the advanced settings i'll leave the login cookie as it is this is only needed if you have multiple websites installed on the same domain and you need the cache to distinguish who is logged into which wordpress site complicated stuff but i think you'll hardly use this for this setting i will leave it as it is because you should only be using the https version of your site i would recommend that you force https if you haven't done so that way you will not have this problem so i'll keep this setting off now for this instant click it is quite straightforward if the site visitor hovers to a link before clicking it your server will start pre-loading that page hence making it faster for your visitors to visit the next page it makes sense to turn it on but just take note that it will eat up your server resources if you have a large website but limited server resources this will have adverse impact on the sites hosted on the same server so just to prevent that from happening i think your site visitors can wait a little bit for the next page to load so i'll keep this off let's save changes now if you have woocommerce installed on your site you will have this cache settings i will keep this esi for cut off for product update interval just remember less purging means faster websites and frequent purging consumes server resources and with that in mind just think about which suits your business i would prefer the second the rest i'll keep it as it is let's save changes and we are basically done with the cache settings next let's move on to the cdn settings now let's get on with the cdn settings we will set up the quick cloud cdn by turning this on and then next you want to go to the quick cloud dashboard click on your domain and then under cdn you will see this error if the quick cloud cdn is not enabled on the plugin itself which i did so maybe a refresh will work i think i forgot to save changes and let's refresh this and here we go now we are able to enable cdn you can choose either method for your domain to connect to quick cloud cdn i will use the cname method let's confirm choice you gotta go to the dns zone editor for your domain to add this information in so for me i'm using a2 and a2 user c panel so if you're using a server that uses cpanel as well it's going to be similar you need to click on this dns zone editor select the domain and over at the zone records select cname and you'll see this here this should be quite similar but if you don't have this cname record you can actually add it here but for me i'll just edit this and what i want to do is to go to quick cloud and copy this and paste it here let's save record and then because the www.jackchild.com version of the website is pointed to the cdn we need to go to the wordpress backend and under settings let's go to general and over here we want to put this as https and as well as www dots your domain name the same goes for this and we're done let's save changes let's go back to quick cloud and let's hit continue and we'll get this okay message if this is done correctly let's go back to my domains and select this let's select cdn and under cdn config the dynamic cache we want it on the static cache we want it on as well under enable quick backend we want to turn this on and then we're gonna wait about 24 hours for the dns to propagate then we'll probably see an okay status for the cdn this will show that your cdn is working so that's basically it for configuring the quick cloud cdn let's save changes and let's move on to the image optimization now as for image optimization let's go to the settings for this auto request chrome you want to turn this on so that uploaded images will be optimized automatically the auto pool chrome should be turned on as well now for this optimized original images normally when you optimize an image an additional image is created so there will be an optimized version and the original image if you turn this on it means that you want the original image to be optimized as well but most of the time what is displayed on a page is the optimized version of the image the original image serves as a backup but if you are confident that the quality of the optimized image is good enough you don't need the original image anymore you can remove the original backups by turning this on and if that is the case you don't need to turn this optimized original images on because you're gonna delete the original image anyway so it's really up to you to decide for me i usually optimize my images manually using kraken.io before i upload them to my site so the quality of the optimized version of my images will usually be close to the original image i've uploaded so this is the setting that i will use but if you want to rely on the lightspeed cache to optimize the image for you then i would recommend that you do this instead but just take note that having two of the same images on your website actually eats up the server resources that's why i usually optimize my images before i upload them and hence this is the setting i will use for this optimized losslessly you gotta understand that there are two types of image optimization there are lossy and lossless lossy will put more focus on reducing the size of the image but the image quality may be compromised and for lossless it puts the quality of the image as priority but the file size may be much bigger than lossy so by default if this is turned off the image optimization method is lossy but if you turn this on the method will be lossless so the quality will be much higher but the file size will be much bigger so depending on what your site does if it is a photography site where the image quality matters you may want to turn this on but if your site is an affiliate site for example and the quality of the images doesn't really matter as long as it is visible in that case you want to keep this off as for this basically if your image has embedded information such as keywords copyright and stuff turning this off means that all the information will be gone for the optimized version of your image this will reduce the file size of the image but the adverse impact is that you lose a little advantage in terms of the image seo personally i will keep this on to preserve that information now create webp version this is a must because it drastically reduces the file size of your image on the page and of course you want to turn this on as well so that the jpegs or the pngs on your website will be replaced with the webp version you have created now as for this webp for extra saw set let me try to explain what this is this deals a lot with the resizing of images in different devices by default wordpress will use one image that you upload and it will be displayed across different devices so sometimes it may look out of proportion this sourceset element allows wordpress users to have multiple images to be used in the same place holder on desktop it may use image 1 on laptop it may use image 2 and on mobile it may use image 3. so by default if you keep this off some of your images using the source set element may not be converted to webp so you want to turn this on next i'll leave this as it is let's save changes and move on to page optimization let's start with the css settings we definitely want to turn the css minify on because this will remove any unnecessary characters from the css files now for the next four settings over here they work closely with each other ticket that css combined is the parent and the rest like the generate ucss which basically means unique css this ucss inline and the css combined external and inline are child of the css combined if you turn the css combined on all these should be turned on as well for the best possible result but if the css combined is turned off there is really no use in turning either of these settings on basically if you look at google php insights without combining css or javascripts you'll see a lot of css files listed separately but i know this is for javascript it is exactly the same with css and if you combine them by switching this on you will see only one css file this is just for example this website is using the auto optimize plugin to optimize the css files and when you optimize them you'll only see one css files they'll combine every single thing into one file now sometimes turning this on might cause your site to break so it's best for you to try this setting out before keeping this setting and then we have to generate ucss which relies on a quick cloud to create a streamlined css file for each page of your site by streamline i mean it will only include the css that is needed to load a specific page hence reducing unused css but take note that if you have a large website you need to ensure that you have enough web storage to keep the generated ucss if you have the cache mobile turned on this setting will also create an additional generated ucss file specifically for the mobile so just take note of that but no doubt it will be beneficial in terms of site speed next we have to use css inline which elevates the generated ucss as it stores the generated ucss in line with the html rather than as a separate css file hence reducing extra css file loading if you have turned the above two settings on it makes sense that you turn this on as well for this by default only combines the local css files with this turned on the external css files and those css that are in line with the html created by this will be combined together which minimizes the potential errors caused by the css combined as i mentioned this might break your website when done individually and hence this might help so if all the above are turned on this will give your site a much better performance in terms of speed and stability but of course it is always down to trial and error when it comes to optimization load css asynchronously i will recommend turning this on as it will load css and html at the same time for this ccss per url if turned on it would generate critical css per post types for example if you have a unique post type like reviews or listing it will generate critical css for the entire post types instead of individual pages this saves your disk space and quota but if you are using a page builder you might experience incorrect css styling because some page builders have a separate set of css for each page so you might want to test this out to see if it works if you are using a page builder as for this this will avoid render blocking as defined here so i'll turn this on for font display optimization especially when you are using google phones on your site you should switch this to swap this basically means if the google phones are not loaded in time the browser will display a web saved phone first so when a google phone is loaded the web saved form will be swapped out by the google font it will help to avoid this issue on google page b insights let's save changes and let's go to js settings similar to minify css this will remove all unnecessary characters from the javascript code without altering its functionality it makes sense to turn this on for js combined it is a little more complicated than combining css some javascripts need to load first before the rest of the page loads so by combining javascripts it might cause conflicts in terms of the low priority of the script so i would recommend keeping this off however if you want to combine javascript then you will also want to turn the combine external and inline js as it helps maintain the priority of js execution so these two settings work hand in hand if you keep the js combined off there is no point in keeping this on and if you want to keep this tool setting on it's best that you test it to see if it breaks your site for me this is my recommended setting as for low js deferred i would prefer to have it as different as it improves the performance of your site but it may break your website so again please test it out to see if it works on your site and if it improves your site performance if you don't understand what jsdiffer or delay means check out the video on the top right let's save this and let's go to the html settings same thing as css and javascript minify this setting does exactly the same so turn this on as for this dns prefetch it loads third-party requests before it is requested a good example would be google fonts google tags analytics and if you are displaying ads you will probably have the doubleclick url from adsense so to utilize the dns prefetch on google php insights under reduce the impact of third-party code you will have a list of external domains that are loading on your site so if you prefetch the resources from those third parties beforehand it will make your site load a lot faster for the dns prefetch control i will turn this on to prefetch assets from any third-party sites your site is connected to so if you don't want to manually enter all these onto this section you can just turn this on i think this makes more sense for this you can lazy load any html content by an id or class remove query strings won't have much impact on site speed as this is rather outdated so i'll keep this off load google fonts asynchronously i will turn this on if you are using google phones on your site it pre-connects to google hence making your site load a little faster i would say it wouldn't make much difference because generally google phones load exceptionally fast so turning this on or off it really doesn't matter remove google phones i will keep this off especially when you're using google phones you can turn this on if you are hosting your phones locally next as for this remove wordpress emoji it is a must to turn this on because this is the critical course of site speed especially when your site allows for user generated content like a forum or comments for this turning it on will result in a smaller page size but some functions will be lost when your site visitors are using older browsers for me i will keep this off-locator for everybody let's save changes and let's move on to the media settings lazy load images i will turn this on and for this basic image placeholder it will display a gray background on your images before it is loaded for example this before the image is loaded you have this grey placeholder this is done by default so you don't need to do anything about it for this responsive placeholder i want to turn this on so that the images will have a specific placeholder on different devices before it is loaded this will help to reduce the cumulative layout shift the responsive placeholder svg i will keep this as it is this is self-explanatory you can determine the background color of the placeholder for this i will keep this off if your site is not visually dependent like an affiliate site but if it is for example a photography site where the file size of your image is large i will turn this on so that the lower quality of the original image will be displayed first when the higher quality image is loaded it will replace the lower quality image for this you can control the quality of the low quality image doesn't make sense to make it more than 10. i think 4 is a good spot as for this you do not want to make the dimensions too big as any images smaller than this dimension will not get a lower quality image served first it makes sense to keep this dimension as small as possible and for this i would turn this on if you are using this cloud generator but because i am not i would turn this off lazy load iframes i will turn this on this will help with side performance especially when you embed videos from third-party sources like youtube or vimeo and for these missing sizes i will turn this on some images may not have explicit width and height and will usually be flagged by google php inside turning this on will solve that issue for this i will turn this on especially when your lazy load images is turned on basically lazy loading will require some javascripts to be loaded and when you turn this on the javascript will be in line with the html of your page hence reducing the number of requests and hence making your site load faster let's save changes and let's move on to the media excludes now for this section this is in case you do not want any particular assets to be lazy loaded then you can add them here there's nothing much to discuss about let's go to localization for gravata cash i will turn this on especially when you allow comments on your site generally when you allow comments these profile pics will be taken from the wordpress graphata which is an external resource so if you turn this on it will store those profile images locally allowing your site to load a little faster you want to turn this on as well and this is the cache lifespan of your gravatar it will refresh automatically after a week i think this is fine to keep as it is let's save changes and over at tuning i think there is nothing much to discuss here unless you want to customize those settings previously made so let's go to database now the key here is to make your site as slick as possible which means you gotta keep your database clean i highly recommend that you backup your site before you clean up your database here as you can see there are several stuff that you can clear like the post revisions every edit you made to your live articles they will be kept in the database until you clear it the auto drives are basically the article drops that were automatically saved spam commands expired transients which are basically the cache files that were expired and all these stuff over here so clearing them would generally help with your site performance if we go to the database optimization settings you can set the maximum number of revisions to keep for example if you constantly make revisions to your published article your database will only store the most recent revisions up to the number you specified making this 0 means the database will store as many revisions as you make you can also set how long you want to keep a revision now i can't give you a number here but i prefer to keep all these at 0. and i make a habit to clear the database once every month and that's basically it for the optimization now let's test the same page as you can see i've created this tutorial over a couple of days and such big change has been made to google pagespeed insights and here we go we have a performance of 100 for mobile and for desktop we have 100 performance as well so that's basically it for the best light speed cache setting i hope this video helped and if it does please do me a favor and smash that thumbs up button it will really help this video reach out to others who need this information and don't forget to subscribe to the channel and hit the bell notification for more wordpress tutorials and online business content my name is jack i'll see you in the next video [Music] you
Channel: Jack Cao
Views: 3,632
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to speed up wordpress website, litespeed cache, litespeed cache wordpress, best litespeed cache settings, wordpress speed optimization, litespeed cache image optimization, litespeed cache plugin wordpress, litespeed cache plugin tutorial, speed up wordpress website, speed up wordpress, litespeed cache settings, litespeed cache wordpress settings, litespeed cache plugin settings, litespeed cache tutorial, litespeed cache setup, litespeed cache best settings
Id: AIZrqq-aiWE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 22sec (1882 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 22 2021
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