How To Manage All Your Websites In 1 Dashboard FREE - MainWP Tutorial

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This video is super important for anyone that has more than one website in this tutorial want to show you how to consolidate control from a for of all your websites in one control panels you're going to be able to log into one control panel see all the updates that are available for all your websites you could click one button and they will all be updated plug-ins themes even WordPress itself there's also other options in this tool it's a completely free tool to walk you through everything in this tutorial and like this it is perfect for anyone that has more than one website especially if you're an agency new or managing multiple websites hi my name is Adam from where I teach non-techies how to use WordPress and this is actually very timely tutorial because just yesterday I was on Facebook and someone that I know of and when those Internet friends you know people you haven't met in person but you talk to them on Facebook or whatever I saw him close that his all his websites were hacked into and he didn't know what to do and since IEM Facebook friends with the guy I said you know what just message me I'm in a help you out and when I jumped into his web hosting account to try to see what the heck happened the reason all of his websites were hacked was because he was using an outdated version of a plug-in called ultimate shortcodes and so I went to ultimate shortcodes of words listed on and I saw there was a serious security problem and they patched it like three weeks ago and whoever hacked into his websites use that vulnerability and so I helped them cleaned it all out it took about two hours of time but it was no big deal because I wanted to just help this guy out and get him back in business that being said my advice was him to start using this he's not a web agency just has more than one website and this is a tool for anyone that has more than one website so you can keep tabs on it so the name of the tool is main WP is go to main WP but it's in the WordPress repository to show you how to install it and configure it I just wanted to go through their website they do have some extensions that you may want to consider down the line I was just looking through the list today and even though I've been using this tool for the last three years and I have access to all of the extensions you don't need the vast majority of them so I think the vast majority of people aren't you need any of these paid extensions but some of them you might want to know about for the future so this is what this control panels can allow us to do you can connect in unlimited WordPress websites you can manage unlimited WordPress websites through this one tool one thing I really like the most is yet one click admin access so right now if you want to log into one your website you have to type in that URL and then manually login but when it's connected and with this tool you just go to the dashboard and you click one button on the site that you want bam you're immediately logged in I really love that feature it's super convenient because I know about you but I tend to forget websites that I have been that's what ends up happening you forget you have a website it doesn't get updated in that's when things start to break loose centralized management multiple backup solutions all talk about that plug-in and theme management this is big user management content management I don't use it for that uptime monitoring that I use it for that and security and vulnerability checks so you can see the list of the features that it has now let me go here to show you the various extensions that are available and I'll just talk through them a couple of them that you will need their actually free so I'll show you those but I just want to talk through the various add-ons extensions that should you are available just you know that there there I think there's a couple that are really good if you're an agency but you can maybe purchase an downline once you're managing like 10 or so websites so here's an advance uptime monitor this is free and it integrates with uptime robot this is actually kinda cool but is a little duplicating because you still have to manually add the website into uptime robot but it is really cool you can see had 10 websites you can look at the uptime just by glancing article upload or I don't use this backup WordPress now some of these plug these extensions with her can add to it is the ability to use a third-party plug-ins on your website and you know for example updrafts it's a backup plug in and there are several settings you need to click what this will allow you to do is automatically configure all those settings in one click so you can have all you'd also you say you have 10 websites and they're all using up traps and you think I want to change a setting instead of manually going to each website and changing the setting you can just do it in Maine WP that will push that change out so there's some time-saving features so here's a free extension that works with a free plug-in called back up WordPress that's nice that it's actually free here's another one with that works with a different backup solution here's a free one that works with blog vault here's a boilerplate extension what this does is it I don't use this either it allows you to create commonly used pages on your sites like a privacy support policy term review stuff like that I don't necessarily use that branding this is actually for for people that have clients that are actually logging into the websites you may want to consider this will allow you to change the branding of the plug and you have to have installed on the website you're managing it's cool and you can also I think with this you can also change other things in word press the kind of change the look of a little bit adds up to you if you're one of those people that really likes white label stuff but I find even when you give up a website over to client and your managing and form I find that they don't ever login so I don't necessarily see this is crucial but it's definitely up to you broken links check I'd never use that bulk settings manager this is actually really good to change settings in bulk across all of your websites clean and lock this is free this is one that you're gonna want essentially since main WP the main decentralized dashboard just gets installed on a WordPress website I like to have a dedicated WordPress install for it so what this will allow you to do is when someone if someone was to visit item I demonstrated was the visit that separate WordPress websites they wouldn't see anything it would just redirect them to the main one and I'm and explain that and in configure that in this video client reports as is when you're probably going to want if you are an agency and you have several clients what this will do is allow you to it'll automate generating reports and all do cool things like pulling analytics and changes and updates made in all that so and send an automated fashion that way your clients know you're actually doing something if you're charging them a monthly fee to manage the website and you are clone I don't actually use this this will allow you to clone a website that you have I had some problems with it I rather just manually do with updrafts or some or all in one migration code snippets this is nice I've actually never used it and this allows you to add little snippet codes snippets to the various websites that you're managing comments I don't use this you know I get an email notification from my WordPress website when there's a comment and then I log in and respond to it maybe if this is helpful if you're managing a lot of websites for clients and those notifications aren't coming to you and you just want to see the comments and maybe respond to them from the centralized control panel however I find most websites don't really get any comments Lester spam comments which you wouldn't get as long as you put some kind of spam blocking plug-in here is an extension for managing custom post types this would be creating and publishing content to custom post types never use that favorites this is actually kind of neat so you can have a favorite plug-ins that you want to install on the website so it makes it easier to install a bunch of plug-ins on a brand-new website you're adding to main WP to manage I've use that a couple times actually file upload or this is just the upload a file to a website analytics this is cool I just manually log in analytics you can see I'm saying showing you intentionally a lot of these extensions you probably don't need so iThemes Security I do like this one when I install iThemes Security on a new site that I'm adding to the network it'll configure just the way I like it so it saves me the manual hassle of manually configuring iThemes security I do like this and it is helpful if you want to change a setting you just change it in Maine W Pinot pushes that change out to all your sites if you have iThemes Security on links manager don't use that maintenance this is okay but I use maintenance from a different plug-in so I've never use the maintenance actually for this but if you don't have a plug in that's already providing these basic maintenance type of see processes it would be nice to have okay main body remained of everybody this is to manage backup buddy page speed I don't use this either because you have to have a plug-in installed on the site and this kinda pulls in that information P Wick it's like Google analytics poster for I don't use main WP to push content out I rather just go to these websites and put the content indirectly so post-stripper you can have it Post plus WP rocket that I do use and I do like because I use that caching plug-in I have that on all my websites if I want to change something or pushing configuration I can easily do that right here spinner don't use that I don't like spending Securi this is actually cool that it's here for free and it will do a like a malware scanning I don't use the free service anyway team control if you do have an agency and you want someone else to be able to login and manage it without given the whole king's keys to the kingdom you might want the team control that is pretty cool when you're on all your websites and if you have been paying attention is channel I recommend everyone use up dresses free backup plug and that's fantastic URL extractor never use that vulnerability checker that's probably cool in that's also free WooCommerce shortcuts WooCommerce status this might be cool if you're managing a lot of WooCommerce websites and you want to see snapshots of sales and things of that nature Wordfence I don't use Wordfence but that will control that's sorry guys WordPress SCO for same thing managing that and here's something for getting some help so sorry's videos get a little long ledges get into the meat and potatoes of it but I just wanted to show you this for a reason I wanted you to know that this tutorial and everything I'm showing you you it's all free there's no cost anything and later down the line if you wanted one or two these you can get it they also have a membership plan and you know I've been you I do have the lifetime membership was 400 bucks I think while it's pretty expensive but I've been using it for three years so I definitely think I've received my money's worth out of it okay so here there's two ways to install this essentially that the control panel is just a plug-in now you could put it on your main website if you want I don't like doing then I like to maybe keep it separate but it's your choice okay so there's a couple things you can do you can install it on your main website if you wanted to number two if you have you heard me talk about local by fly Willits this app right here let me pull it up local by fly will and it installs WordPress on your local machine you can actually use this for reaching out and managing your websites out on the Internet if you want and I actually did this for some of the time that I all that I've used main WP or the third option was something to show you in this video is to create what's called the subdomain install WordPress there and install main WP there and that's how I use it so I would do dashboard that you are a would be dashboard.the name of the and that's where I would go to manage everything so I'm logged into a web hosting account that I have with InMotion and this is where I'm in a do something to jump into cPanel and so any hosting account you probably Artie know how to install WordPress but I want to show you how to I add a subdomain and then install WordPress so essentially all BC panels remote the same so you just want to scroll down to where it says subdomains it right here and so I'm in a create a subdomain know what happens is first we enter what we want the first part of that domain to be and then right here we have the second part of that domain which is your domain name now if you have more than one domain name on your hosting account this will show you a list of them so I'm to go ahead and enter dashboard okay now when I enter that and I click away it's can show me what it's gonna look like the demo and all I have to do is go ahead and click on create and it's gonna go ahead and create this subdomain for me and then I'll be able to install WordPress on it so here it is success the has been created some and click on go back and actually I don't need to do that I want to click on home I'm sorry I want to get back into my cPanel okay so now you can install WordPress the way you like to do it I like to do it with soft calculus and it is right here soft tactless moment click on WordPress it takes me right in the soft calculus on the go ahead click on install now for here what I would suggest if your Webhost provides free SSL certificates and InMotion is one of those website hosting companies that does provide free SSL certificates I would go ahead and installing on HTTP so for me I think I can go to go back here to see panel actually was right here I'm sorry so I go here and I can go to manage free SSL basic like this and I can actually enable the free SSL certificate right right here actually it's automatically going to install it sorry because I had this enabled souls automatically to put that free SSL certificate in for me okay sorry for getting sidetracked there I'm just wanted to show you that is probably good idea to use the SSL certificate if your Webhost provides a free one you can visit order new to see a list of them okay click on install now HTTPS is perfect so now many choose the domain but I need to choose that subdomain that I just created so it's dashboard showed a demo and so I'm in a scroll down here I'm a go ahead and fill this out I just need to put a username and a password in and then I'll go ahead and click on that install button okay I've filled that out my admin account right there and subtitle is depending on what host you have might try to install an additional plug-in or so and so this was trying to install WP forms light, and uncheck that because I don't want to install anything I go ahead and click on install it just can it take a moment or two and it's going to install that for me I will say sometimes when you add a new SSL certificate it might take a little bit of time to propagate or go into effect soreness if it's working for me if not I might get some warnings temporarily okay so looks like my installation is done and so I want to go ahead and click where it says administrative URL and hopefully this works yes my SSL certificate is not working just yet but I can click on advanced and I can click on proceed which is totally fine and it's can it take me right in so here we go now I'm in a go ahead the plug-ins click on add new and let's do a search for main WP okay when you do the search working to see the various plug-ins that are available so main WP dashboard is what we want to install here now on each of the sites that were going to manage through main WP we want to install this main WP child so's I'm on the dashboard and venues in Maine at the BP dashboard now as I scroll down we have these two additional plug-ins that are freely available here those free ones that I showed you roaming to his website except to get an account on their website in order to install those okay so we have made a VP child reports I actually do not know this is I think I know what it is this will track the changes that actually happen from a settings lot level like auditing everything on the child websites and then we have this thing called main WP key maker surprise actually offer this for free this is more advanced I'm knocking to go over in this video and that's because I haven't even really used it myself but the concept behind it is with this and it's a little complicated to use you can actually automate the settings configuring the settings of any plug-in you use in WordPress using this free plug in right here it looks like that's it somehow to go ahead and install this dashboard and give you a quick look around on that it's just gonna take a moment to install and then I'm in a go ahead and install the child plug-in on a website and automate some backups okay I just activated it while this is actually new that glad what more plug-ins are doing this having some kind of an onboarding process never gone through the main WP because I installed it three years ago so looks like it's going to take us through all of these steps so let's just go through it together I go ahead and click on let's go and it's asking me all this is very good where I'm installing this so I'm actually installing it on the Webhost but I told you could also do it on a localhost so go ahead and click on continue now what it's doing is it's checking certain things on your web hosting account and it's basically saying what is the PHP version is there SSL all this kind of stuff it's all there checking all your versions I've got a pass on all of them sweet let's click on continue now there's little tweaks it'll make based upon your hosting account so by default you would choose the type of hosting you have so I am on a shared hosting and this is where you tell it how many child sites you're going you're planning on managing Stephanie less than 50 a click on continue and so now were going to optimization know what this is seeing is asking is if I want to hide it from Google or a bot that I'm using it main WP I actually do have this enabled on my where I use it so many click on yes but you would want to read this and make that decision for yourself now what this is is asking and this is one of things I really like about Maine WP and why I wanted on the Internet is it can automatically do these updates for you you don't have to log into it and click on update it'll manually scan these websites daily and I will manually add these updates and what you can do is you can say I don't want you can mark plug-ins as do not update which means you're considering it one of those things you don't want to automatically update is maybe you've had problems with it in the past so what this is saying is for the main WP child plug and you want this to be a trusted update meaning you're saying this update you're free to update this automatically without me so let's leave that to yes of course notifications this your definitely going to want to turn on essentially what happens is when it maned a VP automatically scans all your child websites to find updates to let you know if there's update you'll get an email I like that so put on yes and put in your best contact email where you know you're going to see it sometimes I don't like you getting automatic emails I'll tell you that I can get a little annoying but something is important is this I think it's really good so right now it's actually asking you if you're going to use main WP for backups and it's giving you the option of one of these free extensions to manage these backup plug-ins little back story main WP used to do its own backups and over time is not an easy task to have a backup plug-in because there's so many different hosting environments so what ends up happening is it was problematic and so they instead decided to allow you to use these free plug-ins and then just control the settings remain WP so here are the various plug-ins I recommend updrafts on a leave that enabled and it's a free extension I'm assuming it's automatically can add it for me so let's go ahead and click on continue now right here is what I was saying when I was showing you those free extensions on main WP's website that you actually need an account there that you would put in here in order to download those free extensions and if you bought something in the future those as well so because I said yes we want to make backups and I chose the updrafts right here it's essentially saying you just gotta make a free account in order to download these kids are not in the repo for whatever reason and that's okay so you just want to click on this green button and it says it's going to take you over to their website so when I click on it it opens in a new tab so you're still here at this step and right here if you didn't want to you can click here to well actually didn't really read this is as if you put it prefer to register later I can click here to automatically download and install the extension that's pretty cool let's just do that for sake of time although there's no problem with using the plus the set up an account with them in getting the plug in that way and it's good because kind help and it doesn't look like it actually worked that's okay, click on continue will will get will circle around back to this now on the step where it's talking about the WP crime this is a technical thing that all kind of web apps have it's called the Cron now what a crime does is it basically it automates processes and so one of the automated processes and here is to go to the child sites and to see what updates need to be done are available and to do it and so that's called the Krohn now crimes need triggers and so right here the way WordPress triggers crayons is WordPress as soon as it gets a some traffic on the website that's when a crime gets triggered this is saying let's instead since is again to be separate sites you're knocking to get any traffic on it that Krohn might trigger at irregular times so what this is saying is why don't you set up and uptime robot accounts went up to uptime robot does is it it checks your website every five minutes to see if it's online that would be the traffic that would trigger the Cron I would actually skip this step I would recommend that you set up uptime robot in fact I have a video if you search my videos or my website for how to monitor uptime or just search for monitor uptime I have a full tutorial video on how to set up a time right robot and I strongly urge you have uptime robot on all of your websites so that you can know immediately if there's any downtime also get to know how well your web hosting company is doing so I'm going to just click on continue let's see if it lets me move forward now I really like this step so what this is saying is since I'm using this plug-in on a dedicated web of WordPress installation I'm not getting use posts and pages in media and appearance in all those normal WordPress settings so if you're doing it like I am I can actually just have it automatically hide these unused portions of WordPress that I'm not to use so I don't need to see the dashboard the posts the media Pages appearance the comments users are tools because I'm just using this WordPress install for main WP this is going to clean it all up for me and then there's this separate sidebar navigation just for main WP this is how I use it you can actually change this later in the settings if you want but you wouldn't want to do this if you're putting main WP like on your main website is the now you're in an not see those options in the sidebar summit click on continue I do think it's best to use it main to BP on its own WordPress installation though okay so were at the end here and it's is at a new site so let's click that and here we are so this is now what this WordPress installation looks like and it's taking you into her tour so essentially what we need to do as we need to put the URL here of the site were adding we need to put the username right here for it right here you would put a friendly name so this is when you're looking a list of websites this can be the name that you actually see there and this is good if you have tons of websites you can group your websites right here but we need this child unique security I the right here I'm actually going to end this tour and I'm going to go ahead and add this first website actually you know what I'm in a show you how to do it from from scratch so here is what your main WP dashboard now looks like it's pretty slick if you ask me let's go ahead and get rid of some of these notices so right here and saying do we want to allow auto updates of Maine to BP child let's just turn that on and try to get rid of this notice right here it is oops let's go up here and here's the last one is basically saying it's funny that saying it now basically say my advice of install this on its own WordPress installation so I'm just going to go ahead and click there so now we kind of have a free clean website so I can click on overview and see an overview of my websites and right here let you know when the last sink was done this is sinking is when it checks the website your child websites for you for updates and things like that and here's some snapshots of it I don't have any websites in here so when I'm in a dues him to go right here it says sites and I'm in a click on add new and this is the process of adding a new website so I'm to go ahead and start filling this out but I'm not can have this unique security ID because I need to get that from the child site number to show you what I mean okay so I just put in my URL and I put in my username and my friendly site name which is auto generated that that's fine okay Sonoma to show you how to add the main WP client plug-in so here I am on the website and get a add show the been using this for a lot of demos using the website need some updates to so many go to plug-ins add new and I'm in its type in Maine WP now this time I need to install the child plug-in this is what you're going to install on all the website you want to manage a go ahead and click on install now and then when activated it's going to give me a unique code that I need to copy and paste in to the dashboard plug-in app or whatever were calling it so here it is Edson giving you this warning now as soon as you activated and that's because now anyone that has that unique ID which no one would even have it anyway they can like now connect into your websites you don't want to activate the child plug-in and and then not do the other part which is actually finish connecting it to the dashboard okay so it's giving you that warning so EA use actually show the ID I needed to copy and paste right here but it's actually not doing that summer to go to settings mean a child and see if that's words can you give me my ID oh I see I could actually connect it without the unique security ID that's what this is saying so I forgot that the unique security ID was actually an optional thing but I would actually think you would want that by default so I'm assuming I can click add new site and it will connect but I rather use that unique ID so I think I want to go ahead and click here require unique security ID click on save changes and I'm assuming it's there it is is going to give it to me and then when I take this code I can go ahead and paste it right here like this and then click on add new site now what it's going to do is right here it will let you it's checking the website and it will let you know if it's connected properly now it's not connecting properly for me because I actually put an email address for the administrator username I didn't actually use the username and that is because I don't remember what the username is which is a big problem so let me go here and get the username real quick and it's this right here some to go ahead and copy and I'm at a pace that username and you should know what your usernames are I just use that for test things I'm been a bad example here right now when I click on add new site it's saying adding the site to main WP and there it is so now I have my site here and so what can happen is your idiocy right here a list of your websites and right here will be the name of the sites and the URL if I wanted to jump right into the admin I can do that right here and what this for means is this so if I'm here on the WordPress website you see right there I have four updates that need to happen here now actually if I do a refresher to see this attention go away because it knows it's now connected two main WP all of it done I now have connected this website to mean WP so here I am on main WP I can click on overview again and check this out when I click on overview right here it says there's four updates available and so if I had this connected to 10 websites and there's 30 updates available that's what it would show me says there's three plug-in updates and one theme update and when I click on this I can see what the plug-ins are and so here's the three plug-ins that need an update and the same goes for theme updates right here also if I had any WordPress updates it would show that right here now it's nice as I can just click on update everything went when I do that all click on update everything and then I'm in a click on okay and what it's going to do is it's now going to go into my child websites that have updates that are needed and it's going to go ahead and do those updates all automatically for me I love that and so in the beginning of this video I told you about that situation where I help someone whose websites were hacked wolf he was using main WP he had known about it was using main WP then he would've easily been able to's you have an easier way to keep tabs on all of his websites one click update everything like you just saw me do and here it is it says you've just updated one site for total updates and 22 seconds so here I am if I do a refresh we should see this go away let's do that and that's because main WP just updated everything on this website for me so I close out that tab and close out this tab here's one of the convenience features that I like a main WP I can click on sites right here and I can click on it manager sites will it automatically takes me there and I can see my list of websites what I can do right here's click on open WP area and it just takes me straight on into the website so if I have 20 websites is kind of a pain in the butt to have to type in the unit URL for your further website want to go and then type your username and type your password when you haven't done this way you one click and you're right on in there to the website so there it is so here is all of the various settings that we get with that main WP let me just go through some of them really quick if you want to add a new website you go to sites add new and you saw how I connected it you basically fill out the information then you install the client plug-in on the website you want to control generate that security key copy and pasted and connections done you now have a centralized place to stay on top of everything okay you can group them if you want posts and pages I don't actually use this to create a post or page and push it out to the child websites you can do that if you wanted to and that's what this is you can manage themes so I just clicked on themes so you can manage the themes on these websites you can install you can do so many things with it I think the plug-ins one I want to take a look at because that is a bit more practical so it's click on manage plug-ins so right here I can do a search for a plug in and I can manage it on these websites so I can disable or delete plug-ins plug-ins on all of my websites on my neck network if I wanted to I like this install tab right here what this is going to allow me to do is literally install a new plug in on all of the websites I select so right here on the rights I was so sure the left I would choose the plug-in here on the right I would choose the websites that I wanted and if I had 10 websites I could just click all and it will install this plug-in automatically on all of these websites for me so if you have 10 websites in here they don't have backup you can you can enter updrafts right here where it says search plug-ins so I entered updraft I can go ahead right here click on install this plug-in and then I can should click on this checkbox and then right here I can click on complete installation and it's going to go ahead and install it on all the websites that I checked the box on and also if we had the main WP updrafts plug and I could configure them all at the same time as well alright so I think there's a way to their it is this is really cool and I've use this so not only can you mass install a plug-in from the WordPress repository you can also mass install a plug-in where you have the zip file downloaded so you just click right here it's his upload zip drag and drop it drop here and you can push it out this is good if you are wanting to update a plug-in manually what you can do is you would do the same thing you would upload it but there's this box right here that's is overwrite existing plug-in if already installed so what that means is so you have an old version of a plug-in on all these websites a new version is out you don't have auto updates you can automatically update them all through this it will just update them all for you with the version that you upload here that I think is a huge huge time saver okay so there's some other tabs here for that I really love it user settings assist take a quick look the settings and kinda wrapped this video up I think you're seeing the power of using this the simplicity of it it's really simple you're just installing the dashboard and installing one plug in on the websites and now you can manage them all and it's worth your time so we can have lots of options here that you can tweak now a lot of these options we actually set and configured in that onboarding process where we went through all the various steps okay so there's nothing really new here there is something that I want to find and that is the option to automatically perform the updates for you so let me just spend a minute click around find that setting for you okay I found it sorry this is where was and I'm assuming the same setting would be available in themes to go to plug-ins and then you would go words as auto updates obviously and here's the tab on auto updates and give you some information on how you want the auto updating to work so right here it says we have this option tell the dashboard what to do we trust the plug is okay plug-in automatically daily updates installed trusted updates or do you not wanted to automatically install the updates you want to instead to email you a notification or do you want it to automatically not exit that makes no sense you wanted to not automatically install updates and some of you might want that fine control to have it not automatically install updates and this is where you would go ahead and set that I have been using the automatic updates and I actually like it a lot so looks like right here it's automatically good new update trusted updates and so I don't realize if you have to mark one trusted or not I think they're all trusted and less you market as on trusted you actually have to use it to see how that works for you actually if I would just read a little further it's right here decide which of your plug-ins to markets trusted so this is actually interesting so I want to click on show plug-ins in this progenies this will show you all the plug-ins you have installed across your network of websites and you can choose what would be trusted in automatically updated automatically for you so if you wanted them all you can just check here in all of these will be automatically updated for you so say you wanted to remove one of these you don't want it automatically updated say Elementor you check this box and now Elementor will not be automatically updated your typically maybe if you wanted you would be not automatically updating a plug-in that might is have had some issues updating in the past where there is an update and something breaks maybe it's a plug-in you're dependent upon but sometimes the developer doesn't release reliable updates than you might in those scenarios you might not want it to automatically update and this is what you'd want to do to choose what gets automatically update I love the flexibility in the power there so okay this videos already way longer than I wanted it to be will go ahead and wrap it up right now I really want you to consider using this if you have more than one website it's going to be a lot easier don't be like my friend my poor friend on Facebook who didn't he had like 1010 or 15 websites and he didn't have a centralized way of managing itself a certain uplink dates did not happen and because of that all his websites got hacked into because of the vulnerability that was there and it took a lot of time to clean it up but worse off his websites were down for two days because the Webhost has to take those websites down I don't want that to happen to you I want you to control all your websites in one location I want to use updrafts and have a backup I want to use iThemes Security and you have all your websites have that extra layer of security and the best best thing is all those three things I listed they don't cost you a penny is just gonna take a little bit of time to implement it but you're in a be set up right it's the stack that I've been using for years so since I didn't say the beginning of the video if you're new here and you like valuable tutorials like this consider clicking on the subscribe button if you don't want to miss a thing click on the bell off to the right and you too will let you know when I upload new tutorials like this so if you have any questions about main WP or you want to suggest an alternative solution go ahead and leave that in the comments section down below I do want to say there are alternatives I made a video on all the alternatives before and I I said why I chose to use main WP and I've used other solutions but I think maned a VP I really like it and I've been using it for years and I've used other solutions you can check out the video if you want it's how to manage more than one website with WordPress and the centralized dashboard something along those lines anyways this video is Artie been too long thank you for watching sticking with me for this long and I will see you in the next tutorial video drip feed outposts to your websites at that size are needed up drafts plus I do like this so I didn't actually realize it's free so this is actually good and be really good I didn't know it was free that is sweet so essentially this can allow you to configure updrafts an emotion does go daddy doesn't there's so many that don't but there's good ones out there that do all the holes that I recommend I will only recommend the Jos\'e9 gives you free SSL certificates
Channel: WordPress For Non-Techies
Views: 29,266
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mainwp tutorial, mainwp, wordpress management tool, easy wordpress administration, free wordpress management, manage wordpress websites, update all wordpress sites at once, post to multiple wordpress sites at once, create user on wordpress sites at once, mainwp review, mainwp vs managewp, mainwp vs managewp 2017, mainwp child, mainwp coupon, mainwp extensions, wpcrafter, adampreiser
Id: fQx0lTb0jCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 10sec (2590 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 05 2017
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