How to speak FAST American English and understand natives

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just when I think my American accent is very very good people ask me hey where are you from I love your accent and it drives me crazy remember you could be so close to the American accent if you mispronounce just one little word that's automatically going to tell other Americans that hey you're not from here well in this video we're going to fix that to help you sound fluid and get to that speed level like Native American speakers do hey there Gabriel Brado from GB voice Academy your accent reduction instructor to help you get that much closer to mastering the American accent if you haven't yet subscribed to our YouTube channel so you can get access to all of these helpful practice videos also check out my festar bestselling a of reduction course you could also check out the link to my other communication courses to help get your communication to the next level I have clients who have studied with me for a while and their American accent is perfect but they miss one little word and I'm not talking a big word all that work goes down the tube Americans ears are very sensitive they could tell instantly if you're not from here and when I I show you these words you're going to be blown away of how simple it is to fix and it's these pesky words that get away from us that stop us from being able to flow through these American sounds and get to the speed level of other Americans we are forced to slow things down when we speak because we don't know how to maneuver through these reductions that's why Americans speak so fast that's why they're able to sail through everything because they reduce they take shortcuts to be able to jump from one sound to the next well I'm going to teach you those reduction tricks and how to speak faster and clearer and get to the level of a Native American speaker so let's look at these pesty words that get away from us all the time let's look at this word here how would you pronounce that exactly two but when we put that into the context in an American conversation that too becomes a t yeah t confusing isn't it I'll show you what I mean I asked her to go if I were to do it correctly I asked her to go there's something off about that it comes across like I'm trying too hard and Americans will pick up on that you're doing great stick around cuz at the end of this video I'm going to quiz you to see if you're able to maneuver through these reductions I'm going to mix them all up throw them into productive sentences to make sure you've retained the information I'm teaching you let's look at this word here normally we would say tonight but in the context of an American conversation that turns into toight tonight we are going tonight it would sound off if I say we are going tonight so what I want to do is I want to put you into the seat of the American listener I want you to say yeah you're right that does sound off so then you could start self-correcting yourself that's the whole purpose of these videos we are going tonight it sounds so much more American doesn't it so get used to that sound TT TTA let's look at this word and normally tomorrow comes across says I'm trying too hard let's add that t tomorrow t tomorrow something inside you should click and say yeah you're right I do remember hearing tomorrow in movies and TV shows that I've seen let's put it in a sentence let's go tomorrow t t t hear that get used to that I want that to be your new normal let's move on to another one of those pesty words that always get away from us now how would you pronounce this word four right four but what happens if we put that correct way into a structure of an American sentence in a conversation table 42 please sounds weird right four four that gets reduced to fur try that with me fur so that F goes right into that R sound fur that vowel is destroyed it's not there anymore so let's try that table for two please now it kind of sounds funny when I say it's slow like that but if I speed it up table for two please it sounds so much more conversational that's what we want let's try another one will you answer the door for me please for me f f f versus will you answer the door for me please again it comes across as we're trying too hard for or fur we answer the door for me please and the more relaxed we are the more we deliver that with ease the easier it is to sail through that sound here's another one what's for lunch fur for what's for lunch it would sound awkward if I say what's for lunch good let's go to this next one here how would you pronounce this properly right your but this gets reduced to your your try that the secret to this is to clench your teeth and have that sound go right back into that tight R sound y hear that you're the best versus you know what you're the best it sounds like I'm sarcastic versus a nice relaxed American you're the best comes across cross is more genuine because we are creating these reduced genuine sounds that Americans use is this your ball is this your ball versus is this your ball that is also correct don't get me wrong I'm not trying to your bag away put your bag away versus put your bag away excellent this is a sound a lot of my clients always forget the proper way can right can can but this one gets reduced to it sounds like another language who says but listen carefully and you're going to realize oh wow that really is there which sides can I order can can versus which size can I order again that's okay too but if you want to get native which sides can I order can get used to that can I get some help can can can I get some help versus can I get some help that comes across as rude in a way doesn't it like sarcastic can I get some help please you see what I mean by our intentions being good we want to be proper but that delivery could be misinterpreted sometime can I help you can can I help you vers is can I help you can excellent now here is the quiz I'm going to be combining all of these sounds that we learned throw them in a jar mix them up and create these productive sentences I'm going to say it properly and I want you to give me the proper reductions pay very close attention here we go can I ask you to order a table for to now that obviously came across like I was trying too hard and a bit sarcastic how are we going to reduce that what's that first one that's right can can I ask you can I ask you what's that second one that's right T to order can I ask you to order see when you put it together like that it sounds very native what's that third one that's right F two F two let's put it together artificially slower and then we'll speed it up can I ask you to order a table for two when we slow it down like that it sounds off because these reductions are not meant to be said Slow they're meant to be said in real time that's why they're called reductions they're shortcuts so we could be able to speed through these sounds let's do it in real time can I ask you to order a table for two see how smooth that is see how legado remember that term I use in my other videos connected that sounds there are no sounds that stop the flow cuz that's the key let's look at this one you're definitely the best man for the job something sounds a bit off doesn't it if somebody came to you and said you're definitely the best man for the job you would think there's something up going on here is it am I being tricked let's reduce that that's right you're you're definitely the best man for the job you're definitely the best man for the job again it sounds kind of funky and weird when we say it's slow let's bring it to real time you're definitely the best man for the job smooth liquid it allows us to sail through these sounds with no stoppages last one this is a big one how can I expect you to put your best foot forward without asking for help all right we know this one don't we what's our first one that's right how can how can I expect you to put your best foot forward without asking for help good let's do that again slow it's going to sound weird slow but reduced how can I expect you to put your best foot forward without asking for help all right let's do it in real time how can I expect you to put your best foot forward without asking for help there that ladies and gentlemen is a secret ingredient you need to trick people in thinking that you are truly a Native American speaker good job expect more videos like this coming to you cuz remember this YouTube channel is a series of practice videos that I've created for you for your daily exercises and you can create your own curriculum to get you that much closer to mastering your American accent
Channel: GB Voice Academy
Views: 7,073
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to speak fast english like americans, how to speak fast english with reduction, how to speak fast english in hindi, how to speak fast english for spanish, how to speak english for spanish speakers, how to learn english for chinese speakers, how to learn english for russian speakers, american english reductions and contractions, american english reductions, common deductions in american english, fast english speaking conversation, fast american english speaking videos, americans
Id: O0A2JIr9ejI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 40sec (700 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 13 2023
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