How to project your speaking voice | Techniques to speak from diaphragm & Vocal Projection

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you spent weeks months maybe even years preparing for this huge presentation you have all your powerpoints ready to go you've collaborated with your colleagues it's all on you to land that information but guess what if you don't have the tools you need to project your sound and to have all that information land to the listeners it goes all down the tubes hey there gabriel berfado from gb voice academy and on this video i want to teach you how to project your voice so you could effectively land all of your information and stick around to the end of the video because i'm going to teach you game changing exercise that will reconnect your voice and make it resonate with power so you can command that audience and deliver your information with ease leaving your audience is wanting more now i've taught a lot of heavy hitters in the industry people working for google jpl facebook lawyers even who have to do big presentations in front of a large audience it could be intimidating and there are a lot of factors working against you making your voice weaker and more disconnected and you're not as projected and you lose your voice and that all that hard work and preparing for it goes down the tube and this is particularly true for people whose english is not their first language it's not their mother tongue so they tend to hold back and not have the confidence to deliver what they want to say they know what they want to say they have it in their head but they're not able to spit it out or communicate it properly so what they do is they tend to speak a little more back disconnected not as confidence well that's not going to work that's going to make you come across as like you don't know your information but i know you do you have all that information there i know exactly what i want to say but you need the tools to say it we're going to cover that in this video so i'm going to share with you a few simple tricks to make that possible i want you to imagine this is your mouth here so this is going to sound a bit corny for now but bear with me this is your mouth blah blah blah hello hello hello hello i want you to literally grab your mouth hold your mouth in your hand and i want you to connect it here into this power source i want you to imagine there's a sphere of power and energy right here your voice here so from now on when you speak you speak from here hi how are you as you can tell my voice has dropped it has more resonance and power versus when i speak from up here it tends to be weaker i have no foundation ah and the more i speak from here the louder i get the more strain i'm going to put in my chords and eventually i'll lose my voice so simple exercise i want you to do is put your hands here in this sphere of energy i was telling about where your mouth now exists and just basically talk hello hi how are you so you notice that all of a sudden your voice has dropped it resonates more in this area and no matter how high you go or how low you go this is the foundation think of this as your mother ship you always want to be connected to your mothership when talking when we disconnect that's how we sound weaker and more vulnerable lighter disconnected and unsure so read out loud whatever presentation you're doing rehearse it read the text from here and if you find yourself disconnecting again put your hands here as a reminder that your hands need to vibrate this is where the power comes from so when you're doing a presentation whenever you feel fatigued and you feel disconnected oh my god just a simple bam and that's gonna realign your whole voice to a centralized location i always use the guitar theory look at a guitar where's the whole of the guitar it's right here it's in the middle of the body of the guitar because that's where the power is that's where the resonance comes from and in your day-to-day lives when you're talking to people when you're talking to your children or whatever always have awareness of this area of your body where your voice comes from making sure whenever you feel fatigued or whatever double check am i speaking from a deeper place a more rooted place it's the root of your voice look at a tree the bigger the tree the deeper the roots so now let's go into some exercises here in this zone why don't we start off with some lip trills [Music] what this is going to do is it's going to relax your soft palate because remember this is all about combating stress and tension because when we're up there we feel tense we start sweating we start worrying oh my god did i prepare enough why are they looking at me funny they didn't laugh here where i thought they would oh my god and then we start sort of self-talking yourself into this frenzied states so we're constantly trying to find triggers to relax to be completely relaxed so a good waste lip trills now if you can't do try and if you can't go try so from your source i like to call the source put your hands here and go as high and low as you can with lip trills if not that if you can't do that let's hum now no matter how high you go or low we want to make sure that we're still connected because i can speak high disconnected hi how are you same note connected hi how are you big difference right disconnected based on our pie chart it looks like we're ahead by 40 percent connected based on our pie chart it looks like we're ahead by 40 percent connected disconnected connected disconnected you see that difference now along with that let's now vocalize our sound from our source going up and down doesn't have to be perfect we don't want to sing high c opera sounds this is just to connect all ranges of your voice to your source making sure we're not connecting it disconnected connected and on top of that reading out loud whether it's a fictional book that you read at night whether it's content from your work or a presentation read in your source make sure your hand vibrates okay you want to feel that vibration another thing i want you to start doing now is to reconnect with your support system because what we forget is that our body has a natural mechanism to support the voice it does it naturally that's why if you put your hands here right here you see where this the your rib cage and your lower uh waist where that mushy part if you put your hand right here and pretend there's a child crossing the street and go hey hey stop what happens you see that engagement that engagement i have here that is our body supporting your voice we forget that we have this natural mechanism to help us propel our voice forward so i want you to reconnect with this support system and your speaking voice so let's put our hands here in the mushy part i was telling you about and just simply speak hi hello how are you you see how engaged my arms are see that associate making sound with this engagement from your diaphragm now throw another layer on top making sure we're connected so now it doesn't mean i want you walking around the city going all day it's gonna look weird but this is for you to do at home to make sure you're reconnected with your sound so hand in your mushy part here on the side making sure we are resonating from the from a deeper place and from here read your presentation hello my name is gabriel berfado from gb voice academy i want to thank you all for being here today i want to express my gratitude for all my viewers and subscribers and assure you that i will continually be providing more and more content engagement resonation these are the two things that go hand in hand to really anchor your voice give it strength and the more you practice this out loud start with five minutes a day 10 minutes a day and all of a sudden you're gonna start noticing that your voice will drop a bit i don't want you to sound fake and deep like an anchorman but your voice will naturally want to drop just a tad till it finds its natural sound when you're engaged here and supported this is your voice what you were born with and this is the voice that's going to carry you forward and present all that information that you worked so hard for effectively landing everything you want to land everything you rehearse for because what we rehearse for in our rooms or offices is one thing but what we're able to actually land when we're there is another this will give you the confidence you need making you communicate clearly and confidently make sure to subscribe to my youtube channel and click the notification bell because i will be putting up this content on a regular basis also check out the link below to my five-star best-selling communications course that is taking the world by storm and really changing the lives of people and how they communicate thanks so much for tuning in
Channel: GB Voice Academy
Views: 22,030
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to project voice, how to project voice when speaking, how to project your voice when speaking, how to speak from, how to speak from diaphragm, diaphragmatic breathing, diaphragmatic breathing exercises, diaphragmatic breathing exercises for speech, public speaking tips and techniques, public speaking tips and techniques full training videos, public speaking training for beginners, how to not lose your voice, how to not lose your voice when talking, GB Voice Academy
Id: VAB6Mf8Ls_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 22 2021
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