15 English Idioms you MUST know for a fluent American English accent!

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hi there my name is Gabriel burafado your voice coach from GB voice Academy now if you're a follower of my videos on this YouTube channel you know my mission is to help you sound more like an American Native mastering the American phrases sounds pronunciation and rhythm [Music] I want to add something now to your learning process to help you give you that edge to make you sound that much more native with the American accents they're a common American expressions or idioms used in any given American conversation now knowing the most popular American idioms will give you that edge in sounding more native but here's the problem there are so many and some of them are outdated I mean you can go anywhere right now and just look it up a common American idioms and there'll be hundreds but the majority of those idioms are dated here's an example of one that's not used anymore no pain no gain I'm sure we heard of that phrase in a lot of 1980s action movies so what I've done for you on this video is I've gone through hundreds of American idioms and expressions and I've condensed it down to the most popular also what I'm going to do in this video is not only tell you what they are because you can look that up anywhere we're also going to master the expression how to say it what Rhythm will you be using because you could look something up online but it's the Rhythm and the tonality of how we say these American Expressions that again is going to give you the edge making you sound more like a Native American speaker so stick with me because throughout this video we're going to be going through 15 of the most popular American idioms or expressions and at the end of this video we're going to do a little fun quiz to see how well you were able to retain that information because remember like I say in all of my videos in order to master the American accent it takes practice think of me as your personal trainer and you're at the gym and together we are going to work to master the American accents and if you want to learn more about my five-star best-selling action reduction course I'll leave the link here I never know where they are it's going to show you reviews from people all over the world and how it's changed the lives of thousands with my unique Target map system and if you're new to the channel subscribe to my YouTube channel and hit the notification Bell because I have content like this coming out all the time so the first expression that I want to work on is what's up I'm sure you hear this a lot what's up it's a very casual and relaxed way of a greeting if you know the person a little more or if he's like a friend or a colleague at work and you want to sound just a little more more casual then you would say what's up let's use it an example hey Dave what's up I'm great thanks for asking very casual very relaxed very welcoming now did you pay attention of how I said that do you notice that there's sort of an upward swing to it what's up versus what's up that comes across as negative and it has the opposite effect of what we want to sound like more casual more relaxed pay attention to these idioms and other ones because they're going to be included in that fun quiz I have at the end let's go on to the next one my bad my bad this is when we're admitting to something that we did wrong for example yeah sorry I didn't get a chance to end in the report my bad now again do you notice how I delivered that my bad when it's negative it has a tendency to go down in tone versus my bad if we use the same tonality for what's up with my bad my bad sounds off doesn't it versus my bad you're starting to hear the pattern going on here this is the stuff that I want you to pay attention to in this video and all the other videos I have on this channel listen to the patterns and if your brain is able to pick up on these patterns it's going to make the retention process that much easier good job moving on same here same here is a casual way of agreeing with something for example oh man I'm a huge fan of action movies same here and again do you notice is that a positive delivery or a negative if it's positive if you're agreeing to an awesome movie that you also love now same here it goes up now if it's negative for example man all the wars in the world it's really having an effect on me same here same here so the tonality of how we say things really depends on you what state of mind you're in and what your intention of delivery is if it's negative as with the other words we're talking about it goes down but if it's positive it goes up I can't tell you how many students of mine when I first meet them sure they got all these phrases down but the delivery aspect of it throws it all off remember not only do we have to master the sound of these American idioms and phrases and all these other things that I'm teaching you on this YouTube channel but also the delivery the Rhythm what is the appropriate Rhythm and delivery in order to truly Express how you feel moving on you bet this is a sort of fun way of saying you're welcome it's another non-formal way of saying you're welcome and you'll know what I mean when I use this as an example for example hey I want to thank you for taking the time to teaching me how to use this product you're welcome formal it kind of sounds like we're separated I'm not that close to you but if you want to sound a little more friendly more approachable hey I want to really thank you for helping me out with this project you bet it comes across as more intimate more fun more relaxed like your guard is down like you're more friendly and again is it a negative delivery or a positive delivery how did I say it you bet you hear that you bet good job moving on no worries this is a very warm and Casual way of saying you don't need to worry about it it's okay hey I'm so sorry I can't make it to the meeting tomorrow I just had a bad fever and I just couldn't get out of bed no worries do you see how it has a warm nurturing quality to it like don't worry about it you rest have some chicken soup it's okay no worries there's a warmthness to it now it did go down it doesn't necessarily mean it's negative now if you deliver it no worries then it's negative but if there's a warmth to it even a smile close your eyes listen to this no worries no worries you could hear me smile can't you versus close your eyes no worries no worries you see how there's a negative connotation to that while smiling no worries it brightens up that delivery it makes it sound positive warm inviting again it's on the deliveries going on bummer this is a sort of casual relaxed way of saying ah I'm sorry I didn't go our way sort of like expressing a disappointment that it didn't turn out the way you wanted it right a bummer for example hey man listen I can't make it to your uh anniversary party tomorrow I'm so sorry ah bummer I mean it's negative in its delivery but it still has a positive Flair to it versus oh my God why not how dare you do that to me it's a sort of like a relaxed way of expressing disappointment without making your listener feel so bad about not being able to be at the anniversary party oh bummer great job moving on it sucked basically saying that you dislike something pretty badly for example that new romantic comedy we saw that released yesterday it sucked again do you see that delivery it sucked how weird would it be if we went it sucked doesn't work got him out to delivery with what you're saying it sucked here's another one hang out this is a way of saying let's get together socially for example hey um I'm free tomorrow night did you want to hang out again positive you want to hang out versus you want to hang out I don't want to hang out with anybody that delivers it like that hang out hey you want to hang out let's hang out we'll have some beers it'll be fun again positive light uplifting next one I'm down this is agreeing to do something for example hey we're gonna get together and climb that big mountain over there you want to come I'm down it's agreeing with it sure I'm up for it I'm down and you notice that Papa I'm down versus I'm down whoa okay chill out we'll get there so what you're noticing is that there's an opposite flow it's never it's never One Tone it's two tones again all depending on what your intention is a blast this is when you when you're expressing that you had a really great time with a particular event how was it party last night oh my God it was a blast we drank so much I forgot my name and again positive it was a blast pay attention to everything that I'm teaching you here because we're gonna have a fun quiz at the end of this video and Implement everything I've taught you seeing how well you could think in your feet and come up with these expressions or idioms we're almost done stick around crash crash this is when you're tired of something and you kind of just want to go to bed yeah I had a long day today I worked 12 hours straight I think I'm just gonna crash meaning I'm gonna go take a nap I'm gonna go sleep is it negative no not necessarily but again it still has that I'm gonna crash I'm gonna crash versus I'm gonna crash there's always next one screw up this is when you're admitting that you didn't deliver that you did something bad ah man I'm so sorry I I really screwed up that meeting last night I just wasn't prepared again negative screwed up versus oh man I really screwed up what are you happy about doing a bad job versus oh man I screwed up you're admitting to something you did wrong it's a humble way of saying hey man you know what guys I'm so sorry I screwed up hopefully we don't have to use that phrase a lot big time I'm sure you heard of this one right big time it's a very positive way of trying to describe somebody really going over the top really improving on something big time now this could be negative or positive hey things are going to change around here big time that could be negative like I'm not taking this anymore they're going to be some big changes happening here big time you see that negative delivery big time versus oh man he did really well in this test last night he changed big time Papa next one rip off this is when you feel that you didn't get the value you paid for rip off a what 25 for a movie ticket that's a ripoff again negative ripoff versus 25 for a movie ticket that's a rip-off doesn't work it's negative it's something we're not pleased about rip off that's a rip-off last one wrap up wrap up kind of like we're doing here we're finishing off with something whether it's a presentation or a zoom call meeting whatever it is we're going to wrap things up it could be positive or negative depending on how you deliver it listen I've had enough we need to wrap this up negative all right well thanks so much for coming guys uh before we wrap up I just want to invite you all for coffee and cookies in the other room wrap up positive so now that wraps up this portion of the video but don't go anywhere let's do a fun quiz it just takes just a couple more minutes I'm gonna say a sentence but keep the expression blank to see if you could plug in one of the American Expressions we discussed here today I'm going to give you three options a b or c here we go my friends and I are going to the bar after work did you wanna which one is it did you want to hang out did you want to crash did you want to wrap up which one do you think it is if you said hang out you're absolutely right one point for you and it's got a positive delivery you want to hang out beautiful next one 120 dollars for a glass of wine I'm sorry man but that's a screw up rip off bummer that's right ripoff is it positive or negative I'm sorry but that's a rip-off negative 125 dollars for a glass of wine I'm sorry that's a ripoff couple more you can't come to the wedding oh what a is it what uh bummer what a blast what a rip off bummer that's right oh what a bummer it's negative it's going down it wouldn't work if I say what a bummer unless you really didn't want this person to come to your wedding here's another one we saw the movie last night and it blank it crashed it big time it sucked that's right the last one it sucked negative connotation it sucked last one here we go oh I'm so tired I could barely keep my eyes open I'm just gonna go to my room and blank I'm gonna go to my room and no worries what's up crash crash I'm just gonna go to my room and crash good work today here's a challenge for you moving forward take one of these idioms take it with you out in the real world and try to find a place where you could plug it in there one at a time so you don't get overwhelmed until it doesn't feel so strange for you to go out and deliver these Expressions because remember you're not used to these Expressions so take one at a time until it does remember to subscribe to my YouTube channel so you can get content like this on a regular basis to help you master the American accent also don't forget to check out my five star best-selling action reduction course like subscribe and leave any comments down there too I'm always open for feedback on how to make my channel better for you [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: GB Voice Academy
Views: 8,632
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: american accent training, American accent, american accent training for indian speakers, american accent for indians, learn american accent, how to learn american accent, how to learn american accent for Indians, learn american accent for indians, GB Voice Academy, how to speak in american accent for Indians, How to speak american accent, english idioms and phrases, english idioms and phrases with meaning and example, american english idioms, american english idioms and phrases
Id: Qaf1CMCbYig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 20 2022
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