How To Solo Treasure Maps | FFXIV Blue Mage Guide

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you've gotten your blue Mage 2 max you've collected all the new spells and you've even gotten the new weapon so what should you do next well the obvious answer is farming content you could start doing fades for bi-colored Rewards or potentially begin filling out the blue Mage log but another option you may not have considered is treasure maps as not only can blue Mage do them solo but it's relatively easy with that being said let's go over how you actually do it as always when talking about blue Mage the first place you need to start is the Spells and actually the first one you will always need is etheric mimicry though this time around we'll be going with tanking rather than healing as the extra durability it provides will allow us to comfortably survive basically every attack we face after mimicry we have a couple more Staples in Mighty guard and Basic Instinct guard is obvious as it gives us survivability and since treasure dungeons or instances we'll be able to take advantage of instinct removing the guard penalty and increasing our damage now the support spells don't stop there as we'll also want to bring a few healing options like white wind which is quick but expensive rehydration which is slow but cheap and Devourer which heals while also increasing our Max HP you'll also want to bring some defensive spells like Dragon Force and or kyalonian gate which can also double as a powerful damage option the last support spell of note you'll always want to bring is bristle which will greatly enhance our damage output thinking of which we can now move on to our damage spell starting with the two new spells that have become instant Staples mortal flame and breath of magic both the purple dots that you'll want to use bristle to enhance which will ensure the enemy takes damage constantly even if you're not actively attacking them meaning as long as you stay alive the enemy will eventually die though you should try to get in as much damage as you can whether it be with Primal spells or the feeler of choice for any build with Mighty guard Goblin punch and with that we can move on to the last couple of our required spells Ram's voice and Ultra vibration this is a no-brainer even though most enemies inside dungeons are immune to it will greatly increase your clear speed for the enemies outside beyond that must add spawned by bosses are in fact susceptible to the combo removing one of the most annoying elements in many of these dungeon encounters now while that may be the last of the required spells you still have a lot of slots to fill and as a golden rule you'll want to do so with damage though I don't want to make a special mention of two spells in particular the first being Blood Ring as if you end up spamming white winds you'll quickly run into Mana so having blood drain may come in handy and the other spell of note is another new one dimensional shift this is essentially a more efficient and reliable version of launcher and as a result it will greatly increase your outside clear speed It Is by no means required but it is incredibly convenient now before we move on to the actual Maps one last thing to note is if you want you can change your spells before you enter the portal it may take some time however some spells are better outside than they are inside like dimensional shift so changing it to a damage option might be something you want to consider when it comes to doing map solo the first thing you'll have to deal with is the packs outside but before you even do that you'll want to start by summoning your Chocobo companion as extra help never hurts once you do actually open the chest you'll usually want to use Ram's Voice Plus Ultra vibration as not only will it just delete the pack but in some cases that's the only pack you'll have to fight meaning you can just go ahead and see if you get a portal however if you do have to fight more than one pack you'll usually deal with them by using a buffed breath of magic to hit all the enemies then Ram's voice to freeze them after that if you have dimensional shift you'll basically just Spam it until breath magic finishes them off but if you don't you'll just have to do whatever damage you have available and you just want to repeat this until there are no more enemies something else to note about these outside fights is if you start on the counter and only one enemy spawns the second pack will usually appear a moment later so you might want to save your Ultra vibration once you've finished off the packs you'll be able to open the chest and if you're lucky you'll get a portal now there are two different types of treasure dungeons that you can end up getting either the roulette or the paths however they don't really affect much outside the completion time the first thing you'll want to do upon entering the dungeon is make sure to activate both your Mighty guard and your Basic Instinct after that it's basically a walk in the park the path dungeon will have you killing packs of mobs with breath of magic while staying alive and the roulette will have you taking on a variety of different bosses where you'll basically be doing the same thing of course the bosses actually have mechanics so a little more attention is needed however none of the fights are really that difficult that being said I do still have some tips to offer first of which is focus on Survival no attack should one shot taught you however that doesn't mean you should be greedy as a general rule I recommend staying above half hell and make sure to keep devour active for extra durability speaking of which while you are able to survive most tank Busters you should try to mitigate them when able preferably with kylonian gate so you can get the bonus damage now when it comes to telling if an attack is a tank Buster it's actually pretty easy if the attack has a name that sounds like a single Target physical attack like Fang's end RAM straight punch or toy hammer it's probably a tank Buster and an extra little tip if you predict that a buster is coming you can use bristle to buff Divine cataract when your gate is triggered for massive damage moving on from tank Busters to another type of attack you need to be careful of are those that summon ads as if you're not careful you can very easily be overwhelmed but as I mentioned earlier most of these can be frozen meaning they can be shattered with vibration the one exception to this I've noticed is the mandragore boss so to deal with theirs you'll want to wait until they all group together then use a buff breath of magic and that should finish them off relatively quickly and while we're talking about the major Wars randomly or during certain fights where enemies are going to spawn that if you kill them we'll give bonus rewards such as Materia clusters or a good amount of Gill in most cases these enemies are harmless so you can either kill or ignore them however I would be careful of the keepers as they can potentially be very dangerous as one of their attacks pulls you to them which can lead to you getting pulled into aoes and this is the last piece of advice I really have to offer hopefully you found this helpful and ideally you enjoy doing it as much as I have either way I wish you the best of luck in your mapping Endeavors and if you're still here thanks for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: The Nasty Namazu
Views: 18,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ffxiv, ffxiv gameplay, final fantasy, final fantasy xiv, final fantasy xiv online, ff14, final fantasy 14, free company, the nasty namazu, mmo, mmorpg, rpg, gameplay, endwalker, a realm reborn, sprout, mentor, video game, ff, tips, tricks, ffxiv blue mage guide, ffxiv blue mage, ffxiv blue mage gil farm, ffxiv blue mage treasure maps, ffxiv treasure maps, ffxiv treasure maps guide, ffxiv solo maps
Id: RNTTLqv_f0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 26sec (326 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 25 2023
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