How to Smoke Ribs on the WSM

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hey everybody welcome the two or cooks I appreciate you joining man I hadn't fired up the weber smokey mountain in quite a while so we're gonna do that today alright I got the twenty two and a half inch version we've got oh I'm doing some baby back ribs and st. Louis ribs on it just so you know but I got some new rubs we're gonna try out and also got a new toy from our bure fabricating so we're gonna check that out see how it works on the weber smokey mountain as well should be pretty good y'all stick around [Music] do you run Jill in the backyard really showing you that you do [Music] hoes with the beer whiskey but he cooks responsibly all right folks I've seen this one before this is there are by fabricating stainless steel basket that you put the charcoal in love that thing and it holds a lot of charcoal folks I've actually gone I think 32 or 34 hours on a full load of charcoal in here so that's good stuff they just came out with this it's also stainless steel it's just a tube that they've welded together here but this goes right here and it's called a minion starter basket and you load your charcoal around you light you some charcoal in the chimney or in this thing and put your hot charcoal in the middle and it spreads out should be easy should work real good let me get this thing fired up we'll check it out all right guys this is what we're working with today I went ahead and remove the membrane off the back of the baby backs and kind of clean them up just a little bit because Karen's gonna eat these and this st. Louis rack is mine I'm not cutting this off I'm not taking the membrane off I did trim a little bit right here but all this fat that's gonna render out I ain't worried about all that the rub I was gonna show you let me going with some Worcestershire real quick but junk see him right here smiling Swan BBQ it's actually Ken he's a Ken Darnell he's one of my fans they'll probably just have seen him commenting in the comments on some videos but he's uh he's a veteran man and he's trying to start up his own business doing selling rubs so I just wanted to help him out he sent me some we're gonna check him out folks and smilin swine BBQ comm I'll put a link to his website down below let's check it out he's got Juke series got SPG he's got a stake in chop rub which really looks nice man I mean I don't have dogs see y'all see all the ingredients in that holy cow man that's some good looking stuff it's taking chops alright this is what we're using today man the rear brother okay let's give it a shot a real nice color I'm not sure how much salt he's got in here let me see what the first thing is listed then first ingredient is salt so I'm probably not gonna go too heavy with this just kind of want to give it a taste I'm use the same rub on both of these by the way I'll tell you what man I haven't had meaty ribs like these baby backs in quite some time Lisa really really meaty and really marbled too man you got some real nice marbling man come on now it's a brand-new bottle folks with me kind of hard getting some of it out of here just like that all right so I'm gonna let this set up on here for just a few minutes and we're gonna flip it do the same thing the other side I'll bring our back when we're about ready to put them on the web smoke them out alright let's go ahead and do our coal in and I'll let [Music] smashing me man mmm there you go that's just half of a bag of charcoal that I put around there and use in there so I'm thinking that'd be good enough for six our cook will go throw some hickory wood right here in the middle a couple of chunks probably work and let me get this thing put together and put some water in the work here hey guys Weber Smokey Mountains almost up to 200 I'm gonna go ahead and throw these ribs on oh yeah we got a lot of smoke lots of smoke look at the color on these ribs folks that rub is gorgeous oh man I'm liking that alright that one on that side like that this one on this side like that a nice squeeze make sure they're straight here we go and I'm gonna try to cook at about 250 275 on this so we'll bring our back after an hour to check on them see what they look like hey guys while I'm thinking about I just wanted to show this to you cuz I get a bunch of questions about this when somebody talks about thin blue smoke they're talking about cooking on an off set alright they're not talking about a wherever Smoky Mountain the pellet cooker or anything like that each cooker has its own characteristics on the weber smokey mountain you should be seeing smoke like this sell that nice puffy white smoke coming out of there if you got a lot of smoke and you don't have it sealed on the door on the lid sometimes you'll get smoked I got a little wisps of smoke coming by here but I don't worry about all that I don't mind if my smokers not air tight but you should see white smoke like this coming out of your where smokey mountain top there that's perfectly normal it's not hurting anything that's just the way the weber smokey mountain cooks if you're on an offset stick burner you should be getting a thin blue smoke make sure that you're not over smoking your meat anyway just a little helpful here we're gonna continue cooking well we'll be back and as you can see we're dead nailed on top 50 right here oh that's beefy I'm making a movie girl anyway this I love WCW Sims man we're smoking melons there are a rock-solid man didn't forget it that's what they're looking like two hours in looking really really nice this one's kind of drying out a little bit I've got some pooling right here what's he [ __ ] took that get that juice out of there here we go I think we need to go ahead and spritz it I'm gonna let it ride another hour I just got some a white grape juice here is what I'm using she's your favorite kind of juice there we go we're gonna let it rock and roll like that and I noticed it stopped smoking so I'm going to add another chunk of wood that'll help with the bark a little bit and I'm a wrap these baby backs I'm not not real sure yet and really decided we'll see if I wrapped him we're not here in another hour so y'all stay tuned we'll be right back all right guys I was thinking about wrapping these baby backs but I think the color of them looks gorgeous I'm just gonna let them ride like they are and and I wasn't gonna wrap these anyway I've been spritzing about every half hour someone go ahead and spritz these again you can see we starting to get a little bit of pull back on these bones here on the end get a little bit on this one down here on this end yeah man I'm liking the way those are looking which is gonna keep letting them develop some bark let them keep cooking I'm still holding 250 on the weber smokey mountain we'll check on I hear another hour two hours in you see what's still 250 there you go that's what we're looking like folks and again I've been spritzing every half hour 20 minutes or so 30 minutes now I think it's time for some of this fake butter we're gonna put that on here on both of them cuz I should be getting pretty close let this fake butter get on there and then we're gonna put some barbecue sauce on there I'm I'm trying to keep the ingredients I put on the ribs kind of simple so I could taste the rub so that's my reasoning you know you're usually I put me all kind of stuff on here I may throw me some I may throw me some rib candy on here in a minute but you know I usually add targer sauce I usually put some Cola on here usually you know put all kind of good goodness on here but I haven't tried this rub yet so I just want to kind of get a feel for it and see what it tastes like right out of the gate oh yeah babe how the hell is good and again you can see the pull back on the bones as we mentioned earlier when baby backs are looking real good y'all I mean real good yeah baby all right we're gonna cover them back up let them go about a half hour we'll come back and throw some sauce on there all right guys we're coming up on six hours in give it a nice little spritz real quick and the real real nice man I'm telling you but I need to check these baby backs see just how close they are to being done they pretty doggone close are they real close maybe another half hour so we'll see in the meantime I need to put some barbecue sauce on them and this is a local Texas company for escobar's this is a spicy addition Karen likes this barbecue sauce so go ahead and put some on hers and Karen likes her her ribs kind of fall off the bone so I'm gonna see if I can overcook these a little bit so I'm just gonna let the st. Louis ribs just kind of hang out there a little bit but I am gonna start putting some stuff on these baby backs oh yeah babe that's looking good man all right let that sauce set up on there for you know 15 20 minutes and we'll be right back we'll add some other stuff all right guys we're at about six hours in you notice I'm down to 225 now that means I'm losing heat I just opened up the bottom vents try to keep some of that heat going and look at those ribs my oh my don't they look good holy moly all right let's check on these baby backs they should be real close yeah another half hour or so oh yeah babe all right I'll tell you what we're gonna do let me check on these real quick yep maybe another maybe another hour old knees I'm gonna hit these with a little bit more juice there we go now for the baby backs I'm gonna go ahead and put me a little bit of this Texas rib candy this is from Texas pepper jelly link will be down below y'all know I like the mango habanero that's what we got well pour some of that on there oh yeah you know that's good that's some good stuff right there baby yes indeed give it a little brush pardon my reach now I'm not really brushing it I'm just kind of kind of patting it on there that's good stuff y'all and even though it's mango habanero it's not really really spicy okay this is it's a nice sweet with just a touch of heat so don't let that happen there for you I don't let it go another half hour so I think these will be probably ready and another half hour so we're gonna start adding some stuff to the Saint Louis ribs we'll catch y'all right back all right guys with seven hours in still holding 220 these ribs are looking mighty fine I'm gonna go ahead pull them off I think they done usually baby backs just take you know five and a half hours he's been on seven hours so I'm sure they are really really tender which my wife will love but we're gonna treat these the same and we'll check back here in a little bit and we'll cut some of these up for you and we'll give him a taste all right guys these are those baby back ribs I had to cut me some some ribs for Karen she was hungry but you got a nice smoke ring on that and now I'll tell you what they look gorgeous check that out folks absolutely gorgeous nice and sticky like I like I'm gonna flip them over and cut me a couple of them mm-hmm there we go just like that folks there we go how about that still got some juice in them I probably overcooked these a little bit but I like I said Karen likes them to be fall-off-the-bone in this over there you go see little juiciness but man I'll tell you where that that bark that bark is excellent y'all really really nice all right let me get this reset up and we'll cut some of the st. Louis ribs all right these are the st. Louis ribs again gorgeous and I'll tell you what man these are still hot I just pulled them off total cook time on the st. Louis was about seven hours so I think that's right I could be wrong I'm gonna cut it in the middle here folks let's see if I can just cut one of these right down the middle let's see where we go just like that spin that around let y'all see what it looks like on the inside there you go and again a pretty nice smoke ring for Weber Smokey Mountain you don't usually get much smoke ring so I'm I'm liking that juicy oh heck yeah man check that out real juicy of course not on that size so much but yeah over here oh yeah and again folks check out that bar all right let's see if we can slice some of these up Oh dog it in hot dad go right think about here should be better right a couple of these should work for me come on get off there there we go that's what we're looking like folks let's give them a try see what the taste light check out that rub all right guys before we taste those ribs I'm still holding 250 but all my vents on the bottom of wide open the tops been wide open the entire cook like I usually cook but I wanted to show you what's left of the charcoal since we're using the arbor fabricating the charcoal basket and the minion starter basket we'll just pull off this myth so I'm gonna get this off here add a lot of weight right there watch out beefy tea boards coming in all right take the midsection off so we can see what's going on with the charcoal there you go folks that's what we got as you can see we've got just a little bit left but again this is this is a half of a bag of charcoal folks so I've got about a quarter over here left that are still going the rest of it I've got a little bit here a little bit there about where the vents are but that's that's excellent man this is uh it's probably eight hours in right now half a bag of charcoal eight hours in and I'm still holding 250 folks that's something that's something you need that's something you need to check out Harbor fabricating link will be down below let's take check out these ribs all right guys Suns already set it's getting dark I need to hurt him finish this so let's check out those baby backs there you go nice baby back rib let's give it a bite this literally fall off the bone but I got a good bite off of it but just pulls away real tinder hmm still juicy with all the may have dried it out that's good real good that's really good I like that rub let's check out the st. Louis River here we go folks and guys I know what I'm looking at yeah you can see it on that side let me turn this around for you it looks better on this side most of the time on the weber smokey mountain you don't get a real nice smoke ring y'all check that out I don't know if it's because of the hickory wood I used or maybe because of the rub I don't know ain't no telling I know what we're gonna check this out the st. Louis rib mmm mmm we shout we're here mmm check that out nice bite - oh man hmm folks that's Jim that's really good really good nice job on that rub kin folks I'll tell you what Ken he's an army vet he's a marine vet he served in Iraq he's trying to get away from doing contract work overseas so he's starting up his own rub company y'all go check him out I hope you do show him some love you know I like supporting all of my vets all the people in the middle military and Arbour fabricating - y'all saw how well off of a half a bag of charcoal does our before fabricating accessories did your go check them out so it's a Ken's link for his barbecue rubs and arbor fabricating will be down below and I think I got a promo code for Arbor fabricating so you save it a little a little bit of money I think I'll put it down below just hit show more beneath the video sell kind of info down there I'll include my merchandise if you interested in getting you some tea Roy cooks hats shirts stuff like that and I got some coming soon some new ones different designs hope you enjoy this my dogs going crazy you give me some thumbs up hope share the video and when you do please tell all your friends I got hiccups hey hope tell all your friends at erode cooks responsibly cheers everybody
Channel: T-ROY COOKS
Views: 168,309
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Troy cooks, t-roy cooks, wsm, pork ribs, baby back ribs, st louis ribs, how to, how-to, smoke, smoking, hickory, bbq, barbecue, food, cooking, meat, ribs, smoker, weber smokey mountain, bbq ribs, pork, texas, smoked, weber, arbor fabricating, smiling swine bbq, Rib Candy, Texas Pepper Jelly, recipes, recipe, barbeque, how to make, how to cook, youtube, tutorial, eating, g30, spare ribs, barbecue ribs
Id: nnndlN7DRU8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 22sec (1222 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 25 2019
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