How-to Smoke Pork Butt on WSM (Hot & Fast)

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hey everybody welcome back to tea boy cooks I appreciate you joining me has been a long time since I've done any barbecue today's of the day I'm firing up my weber smokey mountain I'll show you how I set it up here in a minute but we're going to be doing a pork butt I felt like some pulled pork sandwiches it's a beautiful overcast day so it's not going to be super hot and I'm just gonna bring you all alone just to watch me do a pork butt so I hope you all enjoy the video and y'all stick around I'm gonna show you this Weber Smokey Mountain how to get it set up for cooking got my charcoals I'm gonna chimney right here really hot as you can see I've got three chunks of Hickory down in there just laying on the coals and I put the Hickory where the vents are on the web at Smoky Mountain base and I kind of put a little hole in the center that's where I'm gonna dump these charcoals just like so folks so again my wood is I got a vent here here and here vents are wide open right now and that's what we're going to do and man it's going to be fantastic I'm gonna put the rest of this together show you that real quick just like that got my lid here put my lid on that for you now I'm going to add some water in here to the water pan so I'm gonna get a pitcher of water and dump that in the water pan and I always cook with the water pan some kind of liquid in it anyway let me put some water in here and it's probably going to take a half hour or so for it to come up to temp I'm gonna try to cook 275 to 300 but this is close to an 8 pound pork button it usually takes a couple of hours per pound I don't want to sit around here and wait for 1415 hours for this name it cooks almost and at that two hours per pound is a 225 Fahrenheit so I'm on Jack the temp up on this 275 to 300 we're gonna try to cook in that range and hopefully we'll have this done in about ten hours or so so we'll see anyway I've never cooked pork about this fast we're going to do it together folks y'all stick around all right let's get this pork butt prepped up and I'm going to use some rub that I've been willing to try one of my subscribers sent me this it's from a local Texas company out of Allen Texas what is it that's simply unique as the name of it and the the company that makes it is Big Country barbecue com get you a nice close-up right there we're gonna check it out though and may not honestly I forget who sent this to me but I do appreciate it you know like on road this smells good let's get a little bit I smell the sweetness in there discuss some Damaris sugar in there looks like it's got some paprika or cayenne or something in there just give it a taste here got some salt in it the hook man yeah I get to sweet first of all and that's good it's sweet like a pork rub should be and then you get some heat riding in the back of your throat that's good folks mmm let's rub this down on the pork butt che we're working with and I checked the weight the weight on this pork butt is about seven uh I'm sorry eight and a half pounds and four pork butts I just generally like to put a little mustard so I got some French's yellow mustard here kind of coat it down don't need a ton of it but again just coat it on all sides I mean it sure does smell good out here with my we're by Smoky Mountain going got some hickory wood on there I think I mentioned that before oh yeah this is gonna be fantastic okay if I can put some of this on here I'm not sure how much to put on here we're just gonna kind of wing it folks yeah just coat each side as you normally would mix around so you can see what's going on here oh yeah well I love the color on this let's have quite a bit of pepper paprika in there yes indeed we definitely gonna do a taste test on this gorgeous I let that sit there for about another 10 15 minutes wama whoever smokey mountains still coming up to temp she's a 225 right now so it doesn't have very much longer to try to get up to 75 and that's another thing too didn't get you up here I can see that's another thing on this weber smokey mountain usually when he gets about 25 35 degrees from target i'll usually start closing some of the vents down on the bottom again depends on the weather and the wind and all that stuff but generally I'll close them about halfway and let that temperature start settling in where I want it and then when I get it where I want it like I'm trying to cook 275 to 300 so somewhere in that range I'll start making fine adjustments to the bottom vents to maintain that temp though the top vent is wide open all the time that's the way I cook with it so anyway bring you back here once I get up to about 275 to 300 which won't be very much longer as you'll stick around alright we're two hours in that's what the pork butts looking like flipping we're really really nice you notice I am cooking fat side up at these higher temps if that fats going to melt and drip down through the pork meat it's gonna be great well we are five hours in just wanted to show you what I've got here now internal temp is 167 and I'm holding 273 right now I've been cooking this the whole five hours at about 290 to 300 degrees it's starting to drop a little bit so I think what I'm gonna do is just kind of stir up the coals in the bottom a little bit I'll show that to you here let's check on that pork button see how it's doing let me get let me give me a look got me a little fireplace poker right here we're gonna stir it up a little bit hearing them in a minute okay okay I'll set it to the side oh man wish I could smell this it's really smelling good folks it's looking really nice fats rendering out real nice still got water in the water pan yeah let's see if we can stir up some of these coals just a little bit so we can kick that heat back up and I have also been opening the vents I mean I'd events on the bottom of wide open right now so I may have to close them down just a little bit I still do have plenty of hot coals in here so we're good with cold but you know if cooking at this higher temp were to Mexico's burn faster which it will all you would need to do all you would need to do is and I'll show you what I've got down here here I'll show you what I got in here you're gonna see down in there that's where I'm asked where I'm at right here that's the water pan so I can get down in there let's call the coals down in there so I got still got plenty of coals in there still got plenty of water in the water pan so that's what we're looking like now folks but uh yeah the cooking at this higher temp will definitely make the coals burn quicker but also on to note note for each of you that that are trying this quick you know hot cook method for a pork butt if you do have to stir the coals up leave the lid off for a second let the ashes get out because you don't want to get the ashes on your meat so I think we're good if I do need to put some more coals or anything on there make those some lump charcoal or something on if it drops down below say 260 I'll probably add a little bit more just to crank up the heat a little bit we'll see how it goes though and when the internal temp where we're at right now we're at 167 internal and I really didn't notice any kind of stall at cooking at this higher temp put the lid back on don't want all that heat escaping but up when when you cook them at the higher temps I've heard it described as like a train going up a hill a long train going up a hill if the higher temps it's got a lot of momentum and it's going to be a lot faster to get over the top of the hill which is the stall okay in a lower temp like 225 to 25 height it takes a longer to get up to that the crest of the hill and then it'll it'll carry on the temp so I really didn't notice any kind of stall if it was it went through it so quick so we're clicking right along folks this trains moving it spoke about looking fine smelling terrific to miss I miss cooking all my Weber Smokey Mountain miss cooking on my Yoder miss cooking on my quemado Joe life is gonna be great this summer folks and anyway we'll check back here in a little bit oh I know what I was gonna mention when the tip of the pork butt gets to about 180 somewhere in that range I'm gonna start putting some stuff on it you know the spritzing it and stuff I'm not I haven't spritzed it or done anything to it right now so we'll bring you back and we start doing the spritzing and putting some other stuff on and I'll see what I've got in the pantry or in the fridge to put on it you know just give it a little layers of flavor we'll be back all right everybody it's been six hours it's time to spritz on some juice you can use apple juice or whatever kind of juice you want apple cider would work just spritz it up a little bit and this is six hours in this one looks like six hours the internal temp is 178 Fahrenheit right now we're just gonna let it keep going and we'll be back to show you some more here in a little bit hey everybody that's been about an hour now since you last saw this so it's seven hours in and I did spritz it a half hour ago so spritzed it when y'all saw me last and I stressed the half hour ago and now stressing it again so this is the third time spritzing it and I'm also gonna put on some Sorachi a little sriracha we're just gonna try and get this open here gum come on sriracha it don't want to cooperate sometimes there we go now solo sriracha and just put whatever you have in your fridge or your pantry you know I like tiger sauce on this but since I'm currently having a tiger soft well actually I do I just don't open it I'm just going with some of this sriracha it's gonna give it a nice flavor again just use whatever you have on hand now gonna hurt anything at all in fact you may even discover then all these flavors add a lot of unique flavor to something that you've tasted all your life and you say huh I like it with this layers of flavor man players play that's what I love that's what we got right there and also wanted to let you know see if I can get this in the shot oh I'm going a different camera angle because my son is changing out here and let's see what I got here my widen the shot here for you see kind of see this I hope the top temperature I've got a set for 198 but it's 180 now and it has been 180 for the past hour so I'm thinking that I misspoke earlier when I said it it went through the stall is definitely stalled right now and I guess it's stalled at a higher tempo cuz I'm cooking it a higher temp but we're going to get through it each pork butts different you know some up in stall at 150 some stall at 160 you know 170 I I had a stubborn one that made it to me probably 16 15 16 hours to cook is like a seven pounder anyway each one is different when you hit the stall and the temperature stops rising just let it go don't worry about it don't don't do anything to it just let it go it will eventually start climbing again and again mine's at 180 internal Fahrenheit I'll bring you back here the stall quits it's been what seven hours now I think so I'll bring you back here we'll let you know how long that stall last it has been lasting an hour already all right everybody we've been nine hours now I had to add some more charcoal I didn't have any regular brisk briquettes so I added some lump charcoal this is forest lumps WWF RS mums calm this is their lump charcoal I'll tell you this stuff burns really hot but it's really really good I love the smell of it and I have to thank my buddy David who he has his own YouTube channel grill warrior I'll put a link down below and also his website we can buy some of this and other barbecue related items you can buy some of his stuff from his website it is a grill grilling I'll put a link down below I'm going to use some of this Texas rib candy this is mango habanero I'll put a little bit of this on there again we're nine hours now and my pork butt is finally passed the stall man it took like three hours but we're finally past the stall here and this is the fat side some I'm not really super going crazy on it but uh I mainly want to get this down here on the sides well look at the way this rib candy just makes make that shine check that out folks some over here on the other side oh yeah this is some wonderful stuff right here and later on I want to make those pulled pork sandwiches I'm thinking I can show you a picture of it I'm going to use my buddy David's he's got a vinegar-based sauce barbecue sauce so I'm gonna use some of that I'll show you that here in a little bit too but again nine hours let's see where we're at here we're at 183 and of course temps 160 inside on the grill because it's lids off but that that forest parse lumps me that's good stuff let me use that in the future thanks to David I appreciate you sending it to me y'all go check out David grill warrior real worry on YouTube again I put a link down below if y'all need it and his website grilling everybody I'm finally reading 198 on my probe here so let's check it and let's see it's always a good idea to double check make sure oh yeah yes indeed it's like going through like butter let's see what this actually reads here reading 195 right there tell you what man I think that's doing alright we'll take it inside we'll wrap it with some four kind of tin tin let it cool off a little bit and we'll pull it here in a second all right everybody this is what we got right here we got pork butts rested here for probably about thirty minutes I'm just peeling the fat cap away because that's what was on top just like so and that's alright if you take a little bit of the bark with it as the best night don't have anything what you want to do get you a couple of utensils and you won't start shredding this stuff up the best thing I found to do is again just kind of scrape away as much as as bad as you can of course if you want if you want the fat on there that's perfectly fine with me but you think this you know putting in here kind of do like this I'm going to tell you what man y'all check out that Park on there isn't that just a gorgeous gorgeous sight right there but any of the fat I like to take off there you shred it by hand you shred about Foraker whatever else sum up some of those bear claw looking things however you won't do it this is just absolutely amazing there's a little fat right there and that's that's the the good thing about the important the butt here is uh it's got a lot of fattened and that tends to help us stay juicy throughout the cook cuz it's a very long cook save that bark though and barks gentleman Karen loves the bar yeah it's good stuff all right so I'm gonna finish doing the rest of this but I'm gonna tell you what folks let's taste a little bit of this for you real quick just y'all bear with me here real quick that rubber put on there that's some jam and stuff really really good you sound really it is - that's from that fat good stuff but what you got to do gotta put you some good vinegar-based barbecue sauce to make full pork sandwiches which is what I'm gonna do back you out a little bit junk see me there we go girl in magic calm folks my good friend David telling y'all check it out guerrilla magic calm and again real warrior on YouTube he's a certified a KCBS judge he knows his stuff when it comes to barbecue y'all check him out so we're gonna make some sandwiches here I'll do some pictures here at the end of the video I appreciate you watching y'all give me a thumbs up if you liked it and I hope you all share the video and when you do please tell all your friends that t Roy cooks responsibly see y'all next time everybody
Channel: T-ROY COOKS
Views: 355,383
Rating: 4.9031329 out of 5
Keywords: Pork Butt, Boston Butt, WSM, BBQ, barbecue, smoking, smoked, pork, srirachi, bbq rub, bbq sauce, troy cooks, t-roy cooks, grillin magic, grill warrior, recipe, meat, recipes, food, barbeque, smoker, how-to, pulled pork, canon g30, texas, weber, charcoal, how to, weber smokey mountain, g30, butt, smoke, easy, outdoor, cook, cooking, delicious, canon, grilling, how to make, pit, summer, smoking pork butt hot and fast, wsm pork shoulder
Id: FZAw4SDwuT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 32sec (1172 seconds)
Published: Fri May 27 2016
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