How To Cook on Weber Smokey Mountain (WSM)

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T-Roy !

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/joowseefruit ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 18 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I just started smoking today and this was really helpful video for explaining a basic set it and forget it setup.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Timedoutsob ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 17 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

He loves his Weber Smokey Mountain :D

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Efferri ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 18 2018 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
hey everybody welcome back for another episode here at tear or Kooks I appreciate you join me once again I've had quite a few people ask how I set up my weber smokey mountain to do a long low and slow cook I like to cook about 225 fahrenheit in that range and I'm talking about a cook that's like eight plus hours so I like to use the minion method this is more of an instructional type video than a cooking video so you won't see a lot of cooking here but I will show you how I set up my Weber Smokey Mountain how you maintain the temp on it and it's going to be a great one y'all stick around here we go well here she is my 22 and 1/2 inch weber smokey mountain this thing is proud about 4 years old now she's been a good one too it's a great little smoker I'm gonna point out some add-ons first off you notice this big huge honking dial right here this is about a four and a half maybe five inch dial I got it off of Amazon from River Country and I'll put a link down below y'all check that out if you want I actually like this one not only because of the size I can see the temperature of my Weber Smokey Mountains from really far away even if I'm in a pool that's why I got this so I could see it for far away but it's also got an adjustable dial on the back so that I've got this thing tuned in to the great level alright so my great level is what this thing will read because I've adjusted it so again let's let's open this thing up show you what we got here got the at the top here I've got the great got a water pan down in here and also I did buy a stainless steel door I have not put it on yet so I'm still using this one separate that fire ring down here and this is something else I did which I think helps with the charcoal if you notice the weber smokey mountain comes with this this basic charcoal grate right here I took a smaller one like about a 14 inch or so and just took some copper wire and basically twisted the copper wire around different points to hold this one onto this one and I criss-crossed it so you got a lot lot finer mesh for the coals to fall through that helps alright and I will tell you to the weber smokey mountain is it was designed to use Kingsford Charcoal blue okay the original Kingsford Charcoal that's what I use in my Weber Smokey Mountain you're welcome to use lump or whatever but I will tell you lump charcoal burns hot so you may have a hard time keeping the temps low use Kings for blue charcoal that's what it was designed for yep this one's fun beat some nice low and slow cooking when you use Kingsford trust me alright folks you see I put a fire ring back in here ready to load it up a charcoal I want to point out something too if you've ever used a weber kettle you can do the same thing with this just take your grade you're gonna put your meat on sit it right there you got you a nice Weber Kettle not this not exactly the same but it does work I've done plenty of sticks this way folks and it's great so get your Kingsford or whatever charcoal you want I use briquettes though all right now you can see this is a large bag this is the 14 and a half I think 15 and a half ounce oh sorry fifteen point four pound bag and again this this is a full bag like this will last year good 1215 hours make you a little hole in the milk it's like so all right now what I'm going to do I'm going to take my charcoal put it in my my chimney the rest of it and fire it up and get it going and then we'll dump that charcoal that's fired up into the center of this fire pan and that's going to slowly heat the other ones around it give you the nice long slow cookers called the minion method you can also do a snake method with your charcoal which will give you a nice long slow cook as well I like this method though that's the way we're going with it let's light up that chimney alright everybody this is the chimney this is the way you normally fill it up put your coals and everything down here I'm stuck you some paper in the bottom okay what I like to do though I like to flip it upside down but I'm not heating a bunch of coals get you a fire starter there put the rest of these truffles that's probably like 15 or 18 so if you have any left just dump them down here back in the weber smokey mountain all right now that's like this alright both of my coals are just about ready see the a step over here those are pecan chunks in there just use whatever kind of wood that you like you'll need a whole lot with the weber smokey mountain this way so and also I put them as a vent hole there there's one down here and there's one here kind of like to put my wood around where the vent holes are there about yeah just like that he strangles a truck hold in here goes up there all right folks now some of you may be asking why did I put the wood down into the charcoal simple answer meat will only accept smoke flavor until it reaches about 140 degrees Fahrenheit internal so you're going to be smoking like the first half of your cook if it's a like a 8 hour cook you're going to be smoking about three or four hours you don't want to put more smoke on after it's going to make it better so I don't bury my wood down in my charcoal I just lay right on top and let the first part of the smoke get into the meat and then it's all heat from the charcoal briquettes after that to finish cooking the meat so simple answer man that's all you do so we're going to dump all this charcoal and again this is probably like 1518 briquettes somewhere in there right in the middle it's like that that's all she wrote folks if you want you can kind of keep them in the middle that's what I like to do all right then we're going to finish putting the weber smokey mountain again again all of the bottom vents all the bottom vents are wide open you want to keep them wide open until you start reaching the tip that you want to cook at so let's fill up the water pan that's another thing too a lot of people they put sand or ceramic bricks in their water pan don't even use the water pan I'll look at it this way Weber made a water pan for the weber smokey mountain it was designed to put water in it I put water in mind I noticed a heated debate out there in the barbecue forums and stuff but to each their own do it your way whatever works for you is best this is the way I do it I like to put water in my water pan sometimes I put a little aromatics like some rosemary thyme you know stuff like that in there but most of the time it's just playing water tell you some beer in there if you want anywho we're gonna throw a little bit of water in there and we'll get to cooking bring this thing up to temp here and I like to fill my water pan about 3/4 of the way up and I don't put any foil inside of it or anything I'm just putting water directly in the water pan and you can check it after depending on how hot you are running your weber smokey mountain you may need to add water about you know midway to 3/4 of the way through the cook I usually don't have to lid on it make sure your lid vent is all the way open and again make sure you bottom three vents are all the way open she's coming up to Tim I'll tell you what I'm gonna let it come up to about 225 and we'll pick back up that point all right folks it's been about ten minutes since I put the lid on it and we are already up to 225 again all of the vents three in the bottom at one here at the top they're all fully open so we need to start taming the fire back just a little bit because we've reached our temple going to cook at now what you want to do is leave this top vent back here just top bit over here just leave this one wide open the entire cook I never mess with this fear you control your tips by using the vents down below let's swing you down there and show you what I do alright folks we're looking at the bottom of the weber smokey mountain got three of these one over there one over here one right here in the center yeah I like to close these down about the width of a pencil that's about a quarter of an inch so close all of these down about a quarter of an inch so you fit a pencil in there now I'm going to go ahead and close the rest of but I just wanted to show you how this is set up yours may be a little bit different and sometimes I have to actually close down one of the three vents on the bottom just to try to maintain it depends on the temperature is outside tends on the wind depends on a lot of different factors depends on how fresh your charcoal is a lot of different factors go into it but generally I've got three vents on the bottom and they're all closed about the width of a pencil or a quarter of an inch there abouts so I'm gonna do that and close the rest of them down we'll meet you back here shortly and we'll catch back up we'll see how we're maintained and 225 we have to do small Justin just stay tuned we'll be back all right folks it's been about ten minutes since I shut the vents down to a quarter inch and we're getting creeping up a little bit towards the 250 instead of staying down to 25 so I'm gonna shut down one of these bottom vents so they just leaves two vents on the bottom that are quarter inch or so opened up quarter inch or so and the top then again wide open don't touch that top and just let her go wide open that's all you need right there so I need to clean my great let's do that get ready to put some meat on here for you just give her a nice little breath those greats warmed up since the Weber Smokey Mountains been going out for well with the Leonowens probably going about 20-25 minutes but I'm going to let this thing maintain about 225 we'll check on it here in another 10 minutes or so it will be right back all right everybody as you can see it's been about 10 minutes and we're still cranking up the heat in there hold about 250 and it is the dead heat of summer right now this is July in North America so you may have trouble maintaining 225 in the wintertime is one of them getting at in summertime with the hot Sun hitting this black Weber Smokey Mountain it's generating heat just from the middle and then you got charcoal in there so anyway what I'm getting to is the two vents that are left open on the bottom I'm going to shut those down to about an eighth of an inch shut them down about halfway from where we started and give it about another 10 15 minutes and let's see what the temp does at that point we're getting there folks just hang in there you got to keep adjusting it but I'll tell you what these weber smokey mountains once you get the temp set maybe you can go all night with this thing you ain't gotta touch it yeah I'll show you y'all stick around let's go give it a little bit see we can get her back down to 25 be right back everybody we are back let's see what time it is here yeah here we go about 1:30 Sunday hope y'all see that anyway we're holding about 225 and we're gonna go throw on some meat real quick so it's just a beef rib I had my butcher slice up hey everybody we're back it is been an hour to 30 to 32 actually and we're still holding about two 25 to 30 ish somewhere in that range now let me show you the meat real quick meats looking really good pulling away from the bone a little bit but it did won't let you know that I did have to close off hang on get over here I did have to close off two of the bottom vents the one that's left open is just barely cracked and again dead heat of summer sun's hitting down on this weber smokey mountain keeping it warm too so when you do that it actually gives you a lot longer cook I can probably get 15 16 hours out of this since I'm barely cracking one of the bottom vents open so there you go in the winter time you have to crack them open a little bit more or if it's raining or real windy you know you just got to play with the vents just maintain that temp and once you get it set it pretty much is a set it and forget it kind of kind of cooker this weber smokey mountain so once you get it dialed in your good to go pretty much until you start running out of fuel but that's gonna be a long time away anyway we'll keep checking on it we'll be back here in a little bit hey everybody it's been a long day this river smoky mountains been working fabulous as I knew it would she been maintaining 225 the entire day folks - 25 to 35 she doesn't very merit very much at all tell you what it's uh it's 901 how about that knot on one p.m. again sun's already set back behind me over here and I just got to tell you man these rubber smokey mountains they're truly set it and forget it I went inside chilled out for you know half the day or so I come out here and checking on every once in a while just to just check on it but I didn't have to touch anything tell you what man this is well worth the money it's the best smoker for the money that you can buy on the planet tell you wherever Smoky Mountains love these things yeah check this out all right see we still maintain in to 35 to 40 there somewhere but tell you man this this this thing is just fabulous and it's getting towards the end of the cook so what nine nine o'clock yeah nine o'clock so it's been on about seven and a half hours we're gonna pull this meat off and this meat it should be about done let's check it real quick just to be sure bring my probe at right here here we go suitors meet looking like here for 9191 that could go a little bit more 196 106 there you go yeah we could actually go a little bit more check to thicker will but anywho I just wanted to show you I fixing to pull this stuff off here within the next half hour I probably do eight hour cook and just just so you know when when the weber smokey mountain starts getting down to blank when you put a full load on like I did today when it starts getting to like the the 10th 11th hour or something like that if it starts dropping in temp of course open your vents on the bottom but if that doesn't help you may need to stir the coals up a little bit you know just get you a poker or stick or something just kind of knock the ash off of them get as much as you can off of those coals and if you're doing like an 18 24 hour cook knock the ash off and then put some more coals on there before the original coals die out that way you don't have to relight and you don't mess with the the temperature in the pit and all that but I'll tell you what man you get you one of these weber smokey mountain just these things are fabulous if you've already got one I hope this helped you but as far as having a smoker that you don't have to worry about maintaining the fire and all that you can't get any easier than these Weber Smokey Mountains so hope y'all enjoyed this instructional video I'm fixing to go and enjoy these beef ribs folks again I appreciate it y'all like this y'all give me a thumbs up hope y'all share the video and when you do tell all your friends that tear oil cooks responsibly see y'all next time
Channel: T-ROY COOKS
Views: 661,079
Rating: 4.9315572 out of 5
Keywords: Minion Method on Weber Smokey Mountain, weber smokey mountain, wsm, bbq, smoking, how-to, smoker, charcoal, barbecue, grilling, recipes, weber smokey, smokey mountain, cook, grill, smokey mountain cooker, mountain cooker, weber, charcoal smoker, cooking, food, lauren curtis, lozcurtis, makeup, Viacom18, Viacom 18 Movies, Viacom 18 Motion Pictures, Skateboarding (Sport), Skate, recipe, meat, beef, Barbecue Grill (Culinary Tool), How To Cook on Weber Smokey Mountain, t-roy cooks, canon g30
Id: PzWw8yEq8qw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 3sec (1083 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2015
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