HOW TO SMOKE RIBS (3-2-1 method using Pitboss smoker)

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Pork mafia?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DJModem πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 10 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Good video. Some good tips.

Do you wrap at 3 hours no matter what or at what temp? (i'm guessing 150 ish?)

Do you crank the temp the last hour to get the bark back?

2 hour wrap for me seems to give me boiled meat type results.....even with a tight wrap the steam fucks up the bark and the meat seems to lose a lot of flavor. I think the sugar might help that but if you have other tips, they would be welcome.

I have been having more success not wrapping but I don't think I have successfully done a 3-2-1.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Captcha_Imagination πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 10 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Not bad. Too long in the wrap for my taste. 30 mins max for my cooks

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/squiggitysquashua πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 11 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
Chris here from wage Bulls barbecue welcome back here with white Bulls barbecue today we're doing pork ribs the same Louise stop [Music] good things to square off your ribs makes them look better you know exactly the bone at the end you're not gonna get no little bone piece and bite into it and stab yourself it's gonna be good to eat and square them off those are ready for seasoning highly recommend this Cosmo Q's Killer Bee rope here my racks with the rub now [Music] pretty good alright YouTube for this other rack we're gonna hit it with some fourth mafia Memphis mud here a lot of people using this getting good results we'll see what happens [Music] this is just a Snapple jar with some holes punched in the lid our label on it but it's pork mafia man look at that Cosmo Huber upsetting in their older daughter back there they're looking good guys Chris from Waco is barbecue here and today we're doing some st. Louie ribs they're gonna be amazing but I wouldn't be able to do them without my venom steel guys these are the best bugs in the game shameless plug because they didn't even ask me to plug them they just sent us needs to support us and I got to tell you they're the best they're about at least this double the thickness of any other night rolls you're gonna get out there and they have a two-layer penetration system basically so if you were abrasive this cut it's great you'd see the white side underneath go get you some venom still got it there all this is our white ghouls rope for our ribs it's great guys and it may or may not be coming to you sooner than later but we're definitely working on it got a nice reddish color to it I think you guys are really going to love it definitely stick with us and you're about to see the results right here alright guys we're gonna season the bottom out some people don't we think it never hurts to get this meat down here seasoned duck because you're still gonna get there and he'll throw some down there too 30 bad boys on the stove [Music] try and make sure you're not hitting that back wall those are already looking banging all right let's let him take that smoke sauna [Music] [Music] Chris from labels we're here with the ProSeries pit box got four racks of ribs on but we ran into something interesting today one six two seven 169 170 the days are around one seventies this one as well so check these guys out over all the right they went on virtually the same exact time that was reading 153 so for some reason this size burned hotter on the pro series at least an arch so we're gonna flip them around we'll take these two rags put them over there we got a red outfit I'm gonna hit it we'll be wrapping it with a couple pieces of butter just like that a big deal little brown should not too much we don't wanna kill it that's fine start wrapping it up [Applause] it's like that around here we like our Snapple Apple we take a little bit just like that with another piece of foil all right guys so for our signature rib we're gonna give it the glaze we always can look at this bad boy beautiful just like the others they're all beautiful they're like children the kids on one or the other right do and take our little blend here a lot of people just brush it on brush round brush it all and I just kind of pour it right in the middle and evenly distribute it with the brush I go with the ribs themselves it's kind of brush across horizontally not vertically and just get a real nice thin glaze on the whole thing you want this thing pull this around 180 internal temp cuz you're going to about 200 around 180 ish you want to hit it with the sleighs it's about give or take an hour of time left on the smoke and it'll really hard in this glaze up and be just enough guys you're gonna love it use any sauce here with white Bulls barbecue what we're gonna do is never put checker pellets in here take some of these cracks off take them out of the wrap and throw them right back on the grill [Music] we had a meat side down so I got all that we got some nice pull back on these bones it's exactly what we were looking for in this pullback right here it's exactly what we wanted they smell delicious right back [Music] pull back [Music] you hear I'm gonna take some of these ribs off they're done sitting around two or three internal they got their color we got the pullback we wanted [Applause] kill her honeybee or come off you as Memphis mud white Bulls barbecue rib rub [Music] Chris from white balls here you see the slogan we just did four racks of ribs today you guys were a part of it hope you loved it I know we did can't do it without you guys the link is below for all the recipes the link is also below to LIKE and subscribe this channel so what are you waiting for dude go do it join the team we love you guys you're the best BBQ fam in the world keep being a part of this BBQ fam and what are you waiting for go like and subscribe obviously that's it we're out [Music]
Channel: White Bulls BBQ
Views: 98,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ribs, st louise ribs, pork ribs, smoke, smoker, smoked, pellet smoker, pellet, pitboss, pitboss smoker, rub, rib rub, rib rub recipe, spices, bbq, white bulls, method, how to
Id: rCfOM1x10ck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 7sec (787 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 09 2019
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