3-2-1 Ribs in my RecTeq Pellet Smoker / Easiest Way to Smoke Ribs

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hey everybody welcome back to heartland productions today we're going to do a quick video on smoking some ribs this is the easiest method a lot of you probably heard about the 3-2-1 method so gonna just do a quick video on it show you how i do it i'm not the expert on ribs but this way works every single time it's super simple and you don't even have to have a smoker you could do it on a grill if you have some a pan with some smoked chips something like that so i'm to do it on a rec tec pellet smoker today but you can do it other ways reach out to me if you have any questions or you want to know some other tips to do it on like a weber grill or a gas or charcoal grill et cetera tico also says hello he loves it when i get the smoker up and going don't forget if you like this video please subscribe give me a thumbs up share it with your friends let's get the grill on let's get smoking [Music] first thing you want to do is you want to set your pellet smoker or your grill to the lowest setting possible 180 degrees well now it's down to 179 on the rec tec they call this extreme smoke setting so whichever brand of pellet smoker you have just crank it down to the lowest setting once it's on that you want to get that heated up let's go over and start prepping the ribs while the rectex heating up to 180 degrees let's talk a little bit about the ribs i'm going to be doing st louis style a lot of times i mean these are basically spare ribs i get a lot of questions about why i like spare ribs versus baby back i think it's a misconception a lot of times people think since baby back ribs are more expensive that they are by default a better rib but in reality the saint louis or the spare rib is a bigger cut of meat there's more meat on it they are flat compared to baby backs these are the lower part of the rib the baby backs are the upper part so they're very curved these are the lower part closer to the belly there's a lot more meat and fat on it so they stay juicier they're meatier and i think my opinion they're a much better cut of meat and they're less expensive because they're in less demand i'm gonna smother them in just some standard yellow mustard then i'm gonna put a spice one this is basically black pepper um basically just salt black pepper a little paprika and garlic powder that's all i'm gonna put on it you're gonna see a lot of videos about people talking about making sure you trim them up and you take the silver skin which is basically this membrane that's on the bottom sure that's great if you want to spend the time to peel it off it's not hard you can use a knife and just kind of scratch it like that you can see it right there just get like that and you peel it off most barbecue places the pro places like around here i know at least in austin like franklin's bbq they do not remove it i've done it both ways it really doesn't make a difference i'm gonna start with the bottom side first just make a lot of mustard [Music] okay now the mustard's all on i'm gonna shake it up make sure the salt's all distributed evenly i just save these old spice rub things and just fill it myself it's a lot cheaper and then you get exactly the spice rub you want now you want to liberally coat these pat them down a little bit a little bit more okay flip them over [Music] there you go add them down just a little bit a little tiny bit more there we go that's it okay got them all spiced up rub on the mustard everything now let's get them on the rec tec i like to place them with the meatier side up first okay we're going to close this up it's going to smoke for three hours again keeping it on the 180 degree the extreme smoke setting or the lowest setting on your smoker it's been about one hour i'm going to go ahead and open this up and spritz the ribs to keep the moisture in one thing you want to do is that you want to be all ready you want to have this right you don't want to open it up and leave the lid up too long but you're going to lose heat retention so i have my bottle ready again this is just about a cup of apple cider vinegar and a little bit of hot sauce to add a little more acidity to it and a little flavor if i shake it up good make sure it's spritzing all right perfect ready that's it cover it up wait another hour the ribs have been on for about two hours now so that means it is time for spritz number two so while i'm waiting to for the first round to finish up and wrap these up with foil i wanted to take a few more seconds to talk about why i didn't remove the membrane or some people call it the silver skin i'm already envisioning getting tons of hate comments on youtube from people saying that i ruined them you have to take the silver skin or membrane off or the ribs are going to be horrible the first thing people always tell you is that oh if you don't remove the silver skin they're not going to get real smoky tasting that's not true at all because the membranes on the bottom layer of the ribs and all the meats on the top of the bone so the smoke goes around everywhere so absolutely no truth to that they're going to be just as smoky with or without the membrane number two people are gonna tell you oh they're gonna be all tough and chewy you're gonna have to like chewing through rubber again that's absolutely not true either the whole principle behind smoking something and doing things low and slow is to take a piece or a cut of meat that's typically not really edible or very chewy and making it fall off the bone so we're going to be smoking these ribs for over six hours well pretty much six hours exactly they are going to fall off the bone with or without the membrane i've done it both ways a million times no difference third if you're going to be doing one rack of rib or maybe two no big deal spend the extra five minutes or whatever pull the membrane off easy if you're gonna be cooking a bunch of these for a big party i don't think it's worth spending a half hour trying to pull membranes off this and picking at it and pulling it etc so most of the best barbecue joints here in austin are in central texas none of them remove the membranes because they're doing hundreds of racks of ribs every day and they would spend hours and hours trying to remove the membrane so places like franklin barbecues downtown they do not remove the membranes they just season them throw them on the smoker that's it and they're phenomenal ribs i'm sure i'm gonna get some some lovely comments about it that's my opinion i do it all the time with the membrane on i don't waste my time removing it if you haven't tried it try it give it a shot if you don't like it no big deal getting ready to take the ribs off to wrap them i recommend getting something like this some heavy duty barbecue aluminum foil if your store doesn't sell barbecues just make sure you're looking for heavy duty if not get as wide as you can roll and you want to make sure it's if it's not heavy duty or super thick that double it up just so nothing leaks out you don't lose the moisture i'm not going to double this up because it's very thick go ahead and get two big pieces set out we're going to set each rack inside one too so you're using some some barbecue gloves so you don't burn your hands and it's easier just to grab the ribs of your hand instead of trying to use tongs or something let's get the ribs off those are looking great very excited while i'm doing this you want to make sure you crank the heat up too we're going to crank it up to 225. good looking ribs as i mentioned when i took these off i went ahead and cranked the smoker up to 225 degrees so it'll be heating up while i'm wrapping these they look great i always keep the meat side up just makes it easier for me and i want to make sure that i get the spritz on the meat side i'm going to spritz them one more time liberally let's wrap these up kind of make a crease and fold it keep it as air tight as possible and when you keep all the steam locked in then you just kind of fold up the end perfect set that aside do the same with [Music] this now we're good to go as soon as it hits 225 we're going to put them back on the smoker smokers at 225 let's get these back on close the back up to keep the heat now these are going to stay at 225 for an additional two hours all right it's been just about two hours we're gonna go ahead and open this back up get the ribs out i use a cookie sheet so just in case there's a hole in the foil you don't burn yourself see the hot juices dripping out [Music] that way it's easy to hold it set them over here cover this back up to keep it hot this is the easy part now we're just going to unwrap them again be careful it's going to be a little hot oh look those are looking great so far perfect just wanted to open them up now i'm going to get my gloves back on and we're going to place these back on the smoker for an additional hour maintaining the smoker heat at 225 degrees again you want to place some meat side up that'll help it when you put the sauce on now they're going to cook for about another hour at about the 30 minute mark i'm going to gently cover them with a little bit of sauce to help make a nice glaze so at 30 minutes in glaze them with some sauce if you want and then we will cook them in 30 more minutes and they're done the reason it's called the three two one method is the cadents are going crazy at the beginning of the video i mentioned that i was going to be using the three two one method and i'm not sure if i did a good job actually explaining what that is so for somebody trying this out for the first time ever that has no idea what that means it's extremely simple it literally means three hours two hours one hour so it's going to be at the beginning three hours at low heat high smoke three hours uncovered two hours wrapped in foil at the the higher heat 225 and then it's going to be one additional hour at the end uncovered to help when you add a sauce or a glaze to get the nice texture on the outside of it so that's it that's why it's called the 3-2-1 method it's probably one of the easiest methods out there and if you're new to using a pellet smoker or a smoker in general cooking ribs is probably going to be the easiest thing to start with we're in the final hour of cooking the ribs it's been about 30 minutes so now it's time to put a little glaze of sauce on oh look at those those are great you don't have to put sauce i like to do it because it just makes them look really good i'm not a big fan of super sugary sweet sauces so i'm going to use this franklin's bbq espresso sauce it's more vinegary it's very a very loose sauce more vinegar almost a soy base it's great let's get this on there just gonna pour a little bit on brush it on make sure you get the edges good too and this is going to make a nice glaze when they're done [Music] traditionally here in texas you're not going to get ribs with sauce on them the sauce is served on the side again i like to put it on just makes them look a lot better let's cover it up another 30 minutes my timer just went off the last 30 minutes has finished up have my cutting board ready you want to keep it closed have my gloves ready let's check them out oh yeah those are some good looking ribs see how the glaze when you put the barbecue sauce on at the 30-minute mark it makes almost like a mirror glaze on top of them those look delicious see how the fat and the meat's pulling off the bone these are going to pull right apart they look delicious [Music] let me get my gloves back on and get these off on the cutting board again the good thing about using the gloves is that you can protect they're going to be falling off the bone so you can grab and gently sew them on the cutting board oh look at that delicious man these things look so good i'm absolutely drooling just looking at them show you quickly how i like to cut them i hate to mess them up i like to flip them upside down that way it's easier you can see the bone and like the groove in between it i like to take my knife and just go like this that way it's easy cut them right there oh my gosh these are delicious let's take a look see how they turned up oh yeah that's a good looking rib look how delicious got a nice smoke ring all around so those people who say you don't get good smoke rings with pellet grills get pellet smokers right there you can see it these are absolutely delicious and juicy look at that juice oh that's delicious so moist so delicious let's get these inside before they get cold i want to eat them again thanks for watching these ribs turned out awesome if you haven't had a chance yet please subscribe give me a thumbs up stay tuned i'll be working on some more pizza videos coming up soon we'll see you later have a good night [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Harpland Productions
Views: 48,860
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RecTeq, RecTec, Pellet smoker, Pellet grill, Wood, Homemade, Backyard, Ribs, Traeger, Yoder, Pit Boss, Green Mountain Grill, GMG, Silverbac, Cooking, BBQ, Texas, Port, Cerdo, Costillas
Id: EeZnhXA78h8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 50sec (950 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 06 2021
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