How to Smoke Pork Ribs in the Weber Kettle

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[Music] look at that all right pork ribs in the weber kettle after our last corporate video on the drum smoker a few of you asked if we could do them in the weber kettle this time that's exactly what we're going to be doing in this video so let's get into it [Music] alright so we're going to get started with our weather setup we're just going to make a nice big pile of charcoal or briquettes at one end of the webber if you've got a charcoal rail put that in because it's just going to help it not collapse everywhere but you'll be all right without it and we're just going to leave a little space to the left where we're going to put about 12 to 15 nice red hot hashed over brick hats if you don't have a chimney starter just use a couple of fire lighters and that'll get it going and then the rest of the weber setup is pretty much exactly the same as what we've been doing in the other videos i'm going to leave our top vent wide open and once we get around that 175 fahrenheit in the pit we're going to close our bottom vent down to pretty much closed and that's going to stabilize this off at around that 250 to 275 degree fahrenheit range which is exactly where we want to be for this poor grip cook all right so one thing i forgot to mention in the weather setup it's pretty obvious but just in case you don't know since our charcoal is at the back you want to make sure your lid vents at the front so all of that smoke and heat is coming up over and passing through them pork ribs and you've got a nice smoky flavor and that nice even heat going over your ribs all right the smoking wood that we're using today nice big cherry chunk from natural smoke you could use anything fruity or even something nutty like pecan i like to use sometimes a combination of peach and pecan you could also use something like nectarine plum applewood any of them fruity ones go really nicely with pork so if you've got a favorite smoking wood you can go ahead and chuck a chunk of that in all right so now the weber set up sorted we can move on to our pork ribs so what you want to start by doing is just trimming off any hard excess fat you might get lucky and find a rack of pork ribs that doesn't need any trimming at all and then you can move on to the underside where we want to take that membrane off so you want to get yourself a butter knife and then we're going to go from the second rib in we're going to move our butter knife right underneath that membrane right up the top of the bone we're going to give it a nice wiggle around we're going to break that membrane and we're going to get some paper towel which is going to help us grip the membrane then we're just going to rip it off and hopefully we can do it all in one shot all right so now we're trimmed up and that bottom membrane's off it's time to season our pork ribs we're going to be using cosmos q's dirty bird rub it's a nice savory rub it does have some nice sweetness to it as well so what we're going to start by doing is just giving our ribs a nice light coat in mustard this is just going to help bind the rub and then we're just going to give it a nice even coverage both sides [Music] all right so now your ribs are trimmed up and seasoned they're ready to go in the weber so you can go ahead and chuck them in we're going to leave them for about an hour and then we're going to check on them if they're starting to look a little bit dry we're going to spritz them with some apple cider vinegar and then after that we're just going to leave them for about another half an hour to an hour and we're going to be looking for that nice deep rich mahogany color so we'll come back a bit later on all right so it's been about an hour 45 in total now we've given it two spritzes really nice color going on so it's time to wrap them up in two layers of foil some butter brown sugar and some honey [Music] all right so they're all wrapped up nice and tight we actually put them back in meat side up i've tried meat side down meat side up and i find there's not too much of a difference but i do find that meat side up you get to preserve that nice color from the rub that you've used a little bit more so we're going to leave them for about another hour hour and a half and then we're going to get our instant read thermometer we're going to probe around and we're going to check for tenderness if they're not quite where we want to be within that 200 to 210 fahrenheit mark we're just going to leave them for a little bit longer they might take one hour they might take two hours they might even take three we're just gonna wait and see you can't put a time on this stuff that's why i like to use this method rather than the three two one method if you smoke to color wrap until they're tender and then glaze at the end you really can't go too wrong so we'll come back a bit later on and check them for tenderness [Music] all right so our ribs have been wrapped up for about an hour and 45 minutes now they're feeling really nice and tender when we're probing around and they're sitting at about that 205 degree fahrenheit internal mark we did check them after an hour but they were only at about 185 degrees fahrenheit internal and they weren't feeling very tender when we were probing around so these are pretty much ready to get sourced and get into our final stage of this cook so if you've got some barbecue sauce save the wrap juices you can mix that in there to thin it down a little bit and it's a good quick way to heat up your barbecue sauce so you can grab your favorite glaze or bbq sauce and start getting that ready all right and now we're ready to baste our pork [Music] ribs if you guys wanted to see the awesome homemade glaze recipe that we're using today i'll link it to the end of this video and i'll also put a card up above here for you to see as well so make sure you check it out because it's absolutely perfect and it's so quick and easy to make too all right so because that sauce is quite thick and sweet we're just going to give it one coat but if you like yours extra saucy and sweet by all means go ahead and give it a second coat so let it set for 5-10 minutes come back slice them up and serve [Music] all right so our ribs are done we'll have a quick taste [Music] perfect fight through twice away from the bone man that flavor is just incredible look at that [Music] so that's the end of the video highly recommend using this method great for beginners you can't really go wrong so if you like the video don't forget to subscribe give it a thumbs up and we'll see you next time thanks for tuning in [Music] you
Channel: Low n Slow Basics
Views: 125,341
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to smoke pork ribs, how to smoke ribs, how to smoke ribs in the weber kettle, weber kettle smoked ribs, smoking ribs in the weber kettle, smoked pork ribs, pork ribs, pork rib glaze, pork rib tutorial, how to smoke pork ribs in the weber, baby back pork ribs, weber set up, weber pork ribs, weber kettle, ribs, weber, bbq, low n slow basics, low and slow basics
Id: 4yO6VL4ZK-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 26sec (446 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 27 2020
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