Bee Dub's Angry Baby Back Ribs on the Big Green Egg

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it's the outdoor home stayed home cooking so and today we're gonna do one of my original creations VW's angry baby back ribs and we're going to talk about the angry part here in just a second we are gonna do six baby back ribs today I've already got five racks prepared but I want to give you a little insight into the method we're going to use to get these nice and crusty so the first first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna rub these down and the recipe that I've developed over the years has sort of a rub that I've borrowed from other people and modified and made my own we're actually gonna make our own barbecue sauce on the minimax and while our other six racks of baby back ribs go on over here we're gonna enjoy the outdoors like we're all supposed to be doing right now and this is a really really fun one this is an all-day project so I'm gonna post the specific recipe and all the ingredients you need in the comments here it's all written out so if you missed something don't worry about it but I want to show you the major thing so these are pretty standard rack of baby back ribs we pulled the membrane off the back for those of you that don't know what that means there's basically a little film on the back that you just want to want to get your butter knife under and kind of pull pull off of it look that up if you never done that before we've already mixed up some of our what we call B dub rub that's got paprika garlic onion powder cayenne chili powder oregano thyme brown sugar regular sugar I'm probably missing a few ingredients there it's a great rub to have around maybe one of these days I can get Devin Rd to bottle it for me so we can make it easy for you but I'll post the recipe for that down here the angry part of the baby back ribs is of course angry orchard hard cider we're going to use what's traditionally known as the three to one method which is three hours in the smoker two hours covered with juices and then one hour back based on blitz sauce which were going to make in the meantime now these are a little smaller ribs hence the name baby back so we might not call the full three to one hours we may just go to ours and they go one and a half hours in some of the phases we're gonna kind of play that by ear but basically what we're looking for is that bone to pull in the meat to start coming back before we put it in with liquid and the liquid is going to be angry orchard hard cider so what I like to do mixed up the rub already like I said we put that in the comments for you here but I like to we've already salted the ribs kind of just dry we've let them sit for several hours salted not a bad idea to have that done overnight this rub as we mix it does not have salt in it so you do your salting before let it interact with the meat and then we just rub these very very liberally you can't really go to much and you'll see there's some chunks of brown sugar left in here I kind of like to push those in the fatty areas that's of course that's sugar that will kind of caramelize over there the smoke get a good coating before I did that by the way I had a little microfilm of olive oil on there oh sorry but this royal that helps create a little bit of a kind of a bonding agent with the meat if you will and then we're gonna take Heinz spicy brown mustard for those of you that don't really like mustard no worries the mustard flavor does not really come through in the end product it's just a good seasoning agent it's gonna help us make a really nice crust on these ribs now yes we're gonna sauce them at the end but I personally like a rib that has a crust on it that is just just kind of like a bark but also has some sauciness flavor to it so I've been scientific about this just rubbing it all over and I've already done the other five this way we're gonna start at 250 it's a little hotter than a typical smoke we're actually sitting a little higher than that right now but it'll come back down and we've got a full firebox of charcoal and what I did this is a pecan wood recipe you can use whatever smoking would you like I found that pecan is just just right for this particular style and what I've done is I put maybe a third of the charcoal in and then I sprinkled in some soaked pecan chunks and then I put another layer of charcoal over that and then put another handful of chunks in there then put the last layer and then put some chunks on top of that so as the charcoal burns down we won't lose our smoking ability over here so the other thing we have going on you'll see is the Big Green Egg rib rack this is going to allow us to cook six ribs at a time once we close this lid we basically won't see these for another hour I'll probably check them in an hour just to check the color like I said earlier we might go a little less than three hours for each part of that or for the first part of the smoke and just like that and try to get as much air separation ribs aren't exactly all created equal so we want to make sure they're not going to bend and set up a weird way and what you'll see here just a little bit we're gonna kind of insert insert some different pre-recorded stuff on this live section so you're not sitting here six hours watching nothing happen but while this happens here just a minute we're gonna start the sauce and as you guys know we're big fans of trying to do everything we can outdoors so we've done our prepping inside with all the ingredients but for fun and for the spirit of doing everything in the outdoor kitchen we're gonna try to make it all happen out here without the use of burners or ovens or anything like that so quick recap I've got the VIN set pretty low right now I'm trying to choke it back down and that opening that lid let some of the heat out so that's going to be good the ribs will absorb it we're gonna go at about 250 to 275 for the initial couple hours of smoke kind of judge it based on the color and the temperature there and I'll show you what we're looking at here in just a little bit and indirect of course pecan wood sprinkled throughout the firebox we've got our rub made up we've salted the ribs we put a little co2 oil on and put the rub on sealed it all with some spicy brown mustard and now we're gonna prep I'll look over here for just a second here we're prepping our minimax because we're gonna try to cook our entire sauce recipe out here and I'll post the recipe but we've got sweet onions and garlic that we're gonna make kind of a sauteed mix to start with we're going to go in with some ketchup some mustard a mix in of our Rev that we've made up earlier it actually gets a dose of angry orchard hard cider and then it also gets some tomato paste and some honey to sweeten it up at the end I for one love making my own sauces it's a lot of work to be honest with you but if you're going to be outside and it's kind of an all-day project I think it's a lot of fun to play with it and this recipe has always been a crowd-pleaser over the years so we're gonna let this keep heating up and get ready to make our sauce and we'll see you back here in just a minute two hours into our rib cook and you can see we're getting some very nice color on these guys right here notice the bone starting to show through the meat that means it's cooking contracting and we want to keep an eye on that when it's about 1/4 to 1/2 inch out of the meat is when we're gonna pull them and put them into the angry mode the two method of the three to one method the two part of that but now we're gonna do something fun we're gonna start our barbecue sauce and we've got a very hot cast-iron pan over here doing on our minimax just very simple direct no no convector in and this has just kind of been sitting here waiting to go the only secret here is a little bit of heat now this is probably slightly over the smoking point of vegetable oil but we're gonna go ahead and put in our onions this is one for three or four minutes and then we're going to add our ketchup and mustard and tomato paste and basically all the stuff systematically to start making a nice sauce out of this not the end if you don't like a chunkiness to your sauce you can put this in a food processor and it'll make it very very smooth but having the raw vegetables in there in the beginning really adds to the flavor so gonna take just a little bit of this oil back out a little heavy on that we got nothing but time on our hands though so we want to get this sauce done in plenty of time because the next part of the cooking phase we'll want the sauce to kind of cool and sort of mature up a lot of pros suggest that you do your sauce the night before because it only gets better when it sits in the fridge and kind of marinades together but we're doing this all in one day with the kids outside doing their thing and [Music] close that a little bit to keep the heat going to get it to 450 degrees I was wide open for 10 to 15 minutes hey Anna we're making a video say hi everybody okay okay so we have company today now a quick recap of what we're gonna be doing with the ribs here in a second if I had fewer racks we're gonna go I would normally wrap them up individually and and pour a little bit of the cider in individually but for this application I've got one of these nice aluminum pans and we're just going to put them all in here and and drizzle some of that angry orchard hard cider over them and cover them with foil it's probably not the most proper way to do it but it'll it'll do the trick of adding that moisture back in and get them up to the temperature we want them to be able to be very tender and then after that as our sauce cools we're gonna base that over it and put them back in the egg without covering or without any moisture and that's going to give them that final baking that little sauce gooey action that we like on them on the ribs and type of flavor so back over here we should be ready to add our ketchup and I'm putting the exact recipe in the comments here but we're going to kind of wing it a little bit here I usually do about two cups of ketchup I'm gonna add a little more because we've got a few more reps of ribs on normal thing the sauce is you can always do it on the fly you can always add more ingredients later and make it exactly as you like it and we do roughly half cup of mustard with that it should be exactly so much I have left in this bottle I'm using spicy brown mustard you can use whatever you like and we'll add about 1/4 cup of honey and this is kind of our secret ingredient at the end if we ever wanted to be a little bit more sweet keep some of that around and I usually say about fourth cup of beat up rub which is going to kind of tie it into our ribs we're put aside put 1/4 cup in now and then 1/4 cup in here just a little bit to taste I'm go ahead and shut everything down here on my egg you have a sort of thing down here so that it doesn't scorch when we close it up but the secret ingredient which I going to need a bottle opener for Oh run and grab the secret ingredient is angry orchard hard apple cider I used to use the traditional hard the Crisp apple what they call defined this is a little bit less sweet so you can manage the sweetness factor of it a little easier I'm gonna go open this while our camera operator gets her arm exercises all right we're just gonna put this straight in its gonna make it pretty runny at first but it's going to kind of reduce down normally do this a little bigger Pam but I wanted to do it on the mini today so the less room for here and then that in there we're gonna go ahead and put our tomato paste you know like hard apple cider you can substitute apple juice or maybe a sparkling apple juice or something that you find at the grocery store this is basically just a thickening agent and so all you want to do is pay attention just make sure this doesn't scorch over the next five or ten minutes while it cooks here and then you take it off and take it inside then let it cool and sort of marinate so we'll we'll get a taste of it here in a couple minutes and see see how it's doing you might add some more rub to it or we might add even a little more honey or pepper or whatever we feel like in use at the moment but that's the base there so we'll be back with you as soon as it's time to pull the ribs and finish up the sauce okay we just pulled our ribs off and you can see the bone is just starting to show here maybe I ate too quarter of an inch some places more like a quarter to a half-inch that tells us that we're ready to put some anger on them this is the angry orchard beer now if I were doing a smaller batch I might actually individually wrap these but right now really the point of this whole part of the method is just so they get some steam and have some moisture in there and so they can finish cooking and so we're just going to put pour that in there actually might pour a hold another one in there given that we have so many of them and I don't normally do this one at a time so we'll kind of fill the bottom of that we're going to cover it so we're gonna we're gonna cover that and put it right back on the grill probably for another hour and a half to two hours we'll have a peek in about an hour assess the situation but that is going to bring them back up I'm gonna probably dump another bottle to here in just a second in the air but that will bring them back up to the to the temperature we wanted it will kind of melt some of those fat membranes and this is the part of the cook that makes them super tender and then we'll finish them off with some sauce all right we're back in our ribs I'll bid on for about an hour and a half and they are getting really tender tender enough we're gonna go ahead and curl them and start the saucing process of the three to one method so for those of you that weren't here earlier the three to one method is three hours open smoke two hours covered with a liquid and one hour then sauce with an open smoke again and the thing about that with baby backs is that they're a little they're a little smaller they cook a little faster every rack of ribs is different has a different fat content and so so we're gonna have a different experience with each one of them you just kind of have to know but I kind of pull in the meat you don't want it to get too tender you don't want it to fall too much apart and we're just at that point right now where another 30 minutes to an hour is gonna make them at that level so we don't want him to get overcooked in the and the two part of the three to one method so we're gonna go ahead and pull them and as we pulled in this is gonna be interesting we're going to sauce them and we're gonna do that with just kinda based on some sauce over them we just want a nice coating here and the great things about ribs on a nice day is that you can go ahead and start them and go to an hour aku's was a yard work and then come back to him and so you don't don't have to waste the entire day cooking even though it's an all-day process sort of gives you something fun to do and then in between your Sunday chores you can see I'm just putting a nice coating of sauce here now we didn't come back on live for the middle part of our sauce I ended up adding a little bit of cayenne pepper to spice it up from what I saw earlier and I forgot to add the apples apple cider or sorry the apple cider vinegar which gives it a nice tangy little more acidic bring some of the sweetness down and then I ended up also adding a little bit of thyme a little bit of oregano to bring some earthy tones out of it and then just touch more honey and it is tasting quite good a little bit somewhere between the Kansas City and maybe a Caroline that type sauce I'm a complete amateur so this is a made-up recipe but it is yet to fail me we're just gonna keep doing this for the ribs then of course we're going to pull our rib rack back out and we just wanted to finish and the smoke and what's nice is that as our charcoal has continued to come down burn down its met that extra layer of pecan wood that we put in at the start and so you can see we've got a nice smoke still going now I was told by somebody that meat actually only takes on the smoke flavor for about 30 minutes so as far as your meat being smoky have an extra smoke beyond the 30 minute to an hour mark doesn't really make a difference but it can compound and make that crust that we all like or at least that I enjoy you know be careful your ribs are too tender I might want to use two sets of tongs instead of one so you don't so they don't break these are just at that point where the fat is melted away you can see they're quite flexible this particular set of baby backs I got had a really nice fat content to it which i think is key if you have the choice of picking the ribs that you get I think that's key and making them tender at the end and our camera operator has definitely got her exercise in today iPhones get really heavy after you hold them in the same position for about 20 minutes and then just put the last part of this sauce on last rack here a little redundant but you get the idea I want to remind you guys that we are making deliveries for your supplies today I'm using Big Green Egg charcoal I've had the best luck with it for long smokes you never never had an inconsistent bag of Big Green Egg charcoal and actually folks at outdoor home graciously delivered that to me last week along with fire starters and a couple other supplies that I needed so we're going to grab our oven that's here and go ahead and pull this tava juices off this is mostly the remnants of the angry orchard that we had and then we're going to pull our rib rack lomotil ear back out and just put them back like they were in the first position [Music] we're gonna set this probably for another 45 minutes and then they will be done and ready to serve already in our case to the liver to our family members who may not know this is coming that's why we cook six racks today do a little surprise cook we'll probably keep one or two for ourselves but then the rest of them are going to people who we haven't seen in a while so we'll do this little trick here pull the rest that sauce off on top we will let this go for 45 minutes that closed as close to one could be a free sample we'll do this as close to 250 as we can that smoke rolls out of the con smoke and we'll see you here in just about an hour when these are ready to eat all right guys five and a half hours later we have some angry ribs and truth be told I already took a sample so I know we're ready well we're gonna pull these out actually come in here let's look at this we have a nice blackened caramelized coating on these guys we have sauced them we have let them smoke for about another hour and they are just tender enough that you can pull one out without the help of the knife and they'll just barely bite off the bone so you're gonna pull these out so you can see him and then we'll do a taste test for you just to make sure all of them ended up the way they were supposed to but that park that little coating on top is what adds that final flavor and that experience of biting into them actually my extra pair Tom's food Oh Nora got a free sample a little bit on the hot side this is where silicone tips tongs make all the difference now our crowd tonight will probably only be able to get a couple of racks of these down so we're gonna wrap the rest of them up and go over them out to unexpected friends and family that's a great thing to do with your outdoor cooking if you got the time that you're already investing and you got a few extra bucks that you can spare throw an extra rack of ribs or an extra tri-tip or an extra risk it on and deliver some joy to somebody else oh hi Anna and it's been in the creeks hey we're doing a video to say hi everybody she must be in the sprinklers or the creek one of the two we're going to cut one of these off the only reason I'm using a knife is just so it's clean see if we can get a taste here hot see how that just pulls away all the reason I'm using nice because it is pretty toasty still coming out of the 300 degrees there but perfectly down the inside the fat is melted through we have a nice oh good grief Nora is gonna get another sample she thinks it's all right nice little crust on the outside tender very good flavor that's the bdub angry ribs give it a try hope you guys are having fun cooking outdoors we're gonna see you guys real soon
Channel: Outdoor Home
Views: 16,455
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: babybackribs, baby back ribs, biggreenegg, bge, bgenation, egghead4life, kamado, smoking ribs, rib rub
Id: WRR2CGi1o1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 4sec (2044 seconds)
Published: Tue May 05 2020
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