Freya's Singing Tips: 7 Risks you should take to become a better SINGER

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Spray with another singing tip well actually today I have seven tips seven wrists you should take to be a better singer if you want to find out more please stay tuned I think there's nothing more boring than a singer that always plays it safe that always stays in the safety zone and the comfort zone you know what I'm talking about so I'm gonna give you seven tips how you can get out of that comfort zone - first of all be more interesting singer to have more expression and just to have more fun yourself number one sing out loud and clear now this seems to be an obvious point but there are so many singers that I see that just don't dare to sing it out loud just all the way they are always hesitant and just kind of like okay I don't know am I supposed to is it right or not so just put it out there sing out loud just dare to do it don't hesitate don't doubt yourself just it's better to make the mistake and do it all the way then just to do to be vague and do nothing at all number two do ad-libs now ad-libs comes from the Latin odd libitum which means at your pleasure of course you should have pleasure singing but it actually means like taking you freedom taking your freedom to add something to it instead of just singing the plane line twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder what you are you could just add a little bit of your personal flavour twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder what you are so just add some add lips that fit your style and add them in your own voice like just whatever is your string do it just add your own flavor that distinguishes you from all the other artists number three take your time now the thing is whenever you're in live performance or in front of anybody time seems to go much slower for you as a performer so usually you have the tendency just to kind of rush through and also when there's a break just to do it too short you're depriving your audience of like this tension that's gonna build up so whenever there's a moment of silence in a rest or in a break or whenever you're doing like an end cadenza take your time also indulge in that high-pitched sometimes like in that high final note or in that pitch that's just that has a for Matta on top of it just don't rush through it if you do an em cadenza hit the road Jack don't come back no mono mono bah bah bah hit the road Jack and don't you come back don't you ever ever ever come back no yeah just like take your time don't rush through there number four use different voice colors for me there's nothing more boring than a singer that sounds the same from the beginning to the end that there's absolutely no change in voice color it's always the same it's like a speaker that sounds so monotonous because he never raises his voice or he never he never puts anything really interesting in it it's like telling a story to a little kid who you know that in there came the Wicked Witch and bunnies they're so cute like change your voice colors around matching the words that you actually want to convey I am so desperate now I'm excited and I'm mad yes I'm mad oh I'm so mad no I'm so tender change your voice colors number 5 live through the story now if you have nothing to do with what's going on in the story that you're singing it's not gonna be fun for you and it's not gonna be fun for your audience it's gonna be like okay what are we gonna do it's the thing that it makes your audience forget you really quickly after you're done so only when you really connect to the story and live through it then you can really transport something to where it really hits home with your audience now you know you put on a great performance when you're physically totally exhausted after your performance not vocally physically like you really lived through it there can be miracles when you believe when hope is frail it's hard to kill just live through it and it what it does also a great side effect it gives you more body tension you have bought better posture and also you support better when you do that I think my life is coming to an end really live with a story number 6 be vulnerable not perfect your audience doesn't want absolute perfection they want someone who's human you need to show your vulnerable side perfection is something that maybe we should strive for but we are actually never gonna achieve as human beings and we always need to keep that human side otherwise we could just put a robot there and you sing the perfect pitches or something but what we actually want as humans is other humans that have imperfections that we can empathize with that are sad or hurt and don't always do everything perfectly so don't be afraid to show you a vulnerable side now what happens when you play it safe and you put this you put this wall between you and your audience and you can't get through there his flare like okay I'm just gonna make sure I don't look awkward and I'm gonna make sure I'm gonna hit all those pitches ride but you don't connect to anything because you like just like okay I don't need to show any vulnerability here because I just want to be perfect and great this doesn't work it absolutely doesn't you know what your audience is much more forgiving if you make a little mistake in pitch or you forget a word or two but you stay in it and you really give it you all you put your heart out there and just give it to them then being pitch-perfect technically perfect but there's absolutely no motion behind it so dare to be not perfect but vulnerable and the last point so important have fun I know it's so nerve-wracking sometimes to get up in front of an audience it's like what are they thinking am i doing it right okay the monitor is not loud enough I'm not hearing myself and like what is the drummer doing he is just too loud I can't hear anything I'm doing oh and that reverb it's too dry but you know what there comes a point where you just have to try to cut it off and be like I don't care I'm just gonna have fun now so if you're not having fun surely your audience isn't gonna have fun so first of all you need to have fun and really be in it and just enjoy what you're doing so these were my tips for you to take some risks these things are risky because when you do them it takes your focus off a little bit of it like okay I got to do everything correctly when you train that you actually get a lot better with it so if you liked the video please don't forget to give it a thumbs up and also if you have not already subscribed to my channel for more awesome tips videos to come out also check out my blog at fire singing tips calm the link is below I put out new articles about singing all the time and there's also some great resources for example I have some free downloads there like this the vocal warmup checklist you can download that one you can also download the audio program that goes with a vocal warmup checklist is the I've been three file and it's about it's a 28 minutes long and I made it for you so cheeky listen to it like on your way to work and just go through the vocal warm up routine also catch me life on periscope Monday through Friday and on other social media sites such as Instagram Facebook Twitter and Pinterest I have some great boards there that have links collective pertaining to singing everything you want to know so check that out hope you will have a wonderful day and don't forget always keep on singing and always keep this on your heart bye
Channel: Freya Casey - Master Your Voice
Views: 26,166
Rating: 4.9731941 out of 5
Keywords: how to sing, how to sing better, how to belt, how to become a singer, how to become a professional singer, belting technique, how to sing on stage, how to perform better, stage performance, learn stage presence, singing tutorial
Id: MXsFP9dW_5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 08 2016
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