Live Performance Coaching - Mic Technique - Sing on Stage

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hello I'm Kevin Richards here from Rock to stage here on YouTube and rpm vocal studio calm on the web for voice lessons with another live to Youtube upload I'm not affiliated with coca-cola in any way so I just need to sugar rush so director Youtube upload so forgive me for all the stakes I'll probably make so what I wanna talk to you today is about some microphone technique microphone on the stand it technique a lot I see lots of singers put a microphone on the stand and they have it way up here and it's like this what are you looking at 3/4 on my face with a microphone blocking it can you really really get into what I'm doing if you can't see my mouth moving if you want to have the microphone up high like that give it a little bit lower if it's straight like this it should be just under your chin if you could put if you put it straight parallel like this to the floor you should be able to walk up to it and have it right under your chin now tilt it up now it's still by my mouth but it's not blocking my face is so much even a little lower I'm going to down okay down a little bit up that way I can sing out the microphone will still pick it up because like I said oils about microphones here see this band right here in the middle of the capsule of the screen here right microphones are designed to reject or not hear sound from the band here back they're designed to pick up sound from here up so if the microphone is like this I'm still within that little sphere of where it's going to pick up the microphone because it's picking up basically what's behind the microphone is what it's trying to reject really so if it's pointed up at me it's still going to get my voice I don't have to eat the mic right I can put it up and it's in my fan I can sing out to the audience sing to them instead of singing to the microphone the other thing too now the mic stand lots of people see this as an obstruction I see it as a prop something I can use to help me deliver songs it's your dance partner it's your buddy it's someone you're going to take with you when you sing back and forth to the side and to this side and we do a dip pick it up with your ticket with you also it's a really cool stuff it becomes a prop for you something to do with yourself when you're not singing or even when you're singing you got something to do with it right use it to your advantage don't look it as an obstacle or something that just holds the microphone up high use it make it a prop make it your friend make it your dance partner watch any clip from the 80s maybe with Prince master it's using the microphone stand as a prop beautiful Steven Tyler of Aerosmith also really really good at using the microphone stand as a prop till next time this is just a little performance for you there for you guys out because I see a lot of guys don't know how to use these things and what to do with it when they're on stage so I'll fit ourselves till next time this is Kim Richards walk to stage here on YouTube in rpm vocal studio comm on the web for voice lessons worldwide subscribe to the channel share wherever you like tweeted Instagram and Facebook or whatever you like I don't care just get it out there comment below I'm more than happy to answer your questions and your comments below unlike lots of other coaches here on YouTube so until next time see you
Channel: undefined
Views: 34,982
Rating: 4.7589288 out of 5
Keywords: how to sing, singing, lessons, Stage, Live, Performance, performance coaching, what to do on stage, mic technique, rockthestagenyc1
Id: L8Oy7V7b3eI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 54sec (234 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2015
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