How To Sing In Tune Using Free Tuning Apps

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hi welcome to Amy Nolte music today I want to talk about singing in tune a lot of times I have students and they'll be singing through something and and I'll have to say to them it was pretty good except you know you there's this one part where you're constantly a little bit sharp or you're just barely missing it you're a little flat on this part something like that and and for me if somebody told me that I was flat or sharp I could I could probably fix it but but for a lot of people when when they hear that they're out of tune they're just like well what do I do like how do I know how will I ever know when I'm out of tune because I'm always like you might just want to practice that part a little bit more and and so up else them say how do I practice that and I say well you gotta sit at the piano and you know and hate your note and make sure that you're right on they'll be like but how do I know I'm right on that's where modern technology is awesome because I think that you can learn to sing in tune by practicing very often with your favorite tuning app I've been using a tuning app for a while that I wasn't very happy with and so last night on my Facebook I just ran a little poll and I said what are your favorite free tuning apps because I didn't want anybody to have to go spend money on like a tuning app but I got some good suggestions and and I went ahead and I downloaded about five or six of them and checked him out until I found my favorite one might not be everybody's favorite one but it's it's one that I kind of locked onto because I like its precision and I like the layout I like the way that it looks so let me show it to you oh you want to see the ones I checked out like okay these are the ones that I checked out you should know okay the one that I ended up liking is AI NS tuner instrument tuner I guess in sooner something with tuner light that was okay pitch lab that was okay Bo's tuner that okay even lift one called g-strings I don't like it so much okay but the one that I like is called ins tuner i ns let me show you so it's this one right here I NS tuner the reason why I like it is because it's this wheel it's this it's like a clock or something or I'd dial so if I sing an A oh I really like that needle I think that it's really accurate and you can see all the other notes around the wheel just in chromatic order and I think that's helpful because let's say I want to practice my intervals oh say I would like to jump to an f-sharp [Music] oh I think it's so nice and you can see that I ended up a little bit flat so one thing you can do is practice you can practice making yourself a little bit flat making yourself a little bit sharp let's do this F sharp again [Music] oh it's great practice you can take a deep breath and have a goal to start on an f-sharp go to a G come back to an f-sharp go to an F come back to an f-sharp go up a quarter tone go down a quarter tone it back to an f-sharp all within one breath [Music] Oh not bad it gets hard toward the end of your breath if you do that exercise now let's say from the f-sharp I would like to hop to a see I like this wheel because it shows you that a C is directly across from it that means it's halfway between another scale right that's a tritone away Oh [Music] whoo bring it right there until it's there okay now so let's say that your student or you is working on singing some song and they always are missing some interval let's take a difficult song something like lush life how about that there's my C sharp or D flat that's where lush life is and what I can do is I can just start singing the song and I can check myself on the difficult intervals like this I used to visit all of their gay places those come with me places where one relaxes all the exercise ah look at us a little bit sharp so I had to bring it down so I'm gonna go back and I'm gonna try it again and see if I can land right on that a used to visit all the very gay places those come with me places where one relaxes on the axis oh that was a little better I was slightly under I also like this because it turns to green when you've got it and what does it do it turns to red when you're sharp let's try [Music] oh and read when you're flat both I think it's cool I think those are all really helpful things the we love the way that it's laid out I think that like some apps the hey let me show you another one it has this little meter and it's just kind of jumpy right and and I can't see it really well because the lights flash and they go away so that's why I didn't like this one it might be perfect you know for your guitar I don't know but that's kind of why I didn't like a lot of them this one to tuner tuner light I just thought that this little meter thing was a little too jumpy [Music] Oh it's not bad it's better than the Bose one but it's just kind of a little bit flighty for me and and I don't like that it didn't have that whole wheel I really like that wheel I don't know it'll be different for different people let's go back to the one I do like lush life is a really hard song but what if you or your student just needed practice with intervals you could just you could play a game you know they could get a point for every time they were within one little increment you know there's like how many one tooth there's five between every one you could you could have a point system and play a game so you can say all right you're going to go for an A right now if you get within one you know you get five points but now maybe got five points and then you'd be like okay now I want you to sing a D so we're going to you know hear that in your head nope Amy did not get five points it was two increments off so we go back to the a and my five points are now taken away I have zero back to five got it that time ten points BAM it every time you get ten points you get a I don't know what you get a Jolly Rancher what do you get I don't know that's up that's up to you and if you're not talking about your student and you're just talking about yourself then you know sky's the limit drop your tuner right now and go get some dang frozen yogurt so really I think the sky's the limit with these apps I just think you can be really creative and do lots of things you can make up games you can quiz yourself you can cause your students and you know it's not just for singers we've got other instruments that are hard to play in tune all stringed instruments I think it would be a great thing to do for a bass player too maybe even in a bass player class you know you like you could go around the circle with a whole bunch of bass players and see who can jump from an aid well not an a too because those are open strings but whatever a G to a C or something and be right in tune and you get points who doesn't look point I love a good game with a winner but I really do think this is a good way to improve your pitch even if you think you've got pretty good pitch everybody i'll miss a little bit i think everybody will miss a little bit i think it's a good a good idea for singers just to spend a little bit of time with this every day maybe in your warmup or right after your warmup just to fine tune your hearing a little bit and your muscles and anyway i hope you'll use it in your own practice and with your students and thanks for watching i'll see you next time on Amy Nolte music
Channel: Aimee Nolte Music
Views: 219,374
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jazz p, perfect pitch, jazz, voice, vocal, tuning, tuning fork, tuning app, instuner, boss tuner, gstrings, tuner, guitar, sing, in tune, singing in tune, how to sing in tune, improving pitch, pitch, singer, piano, bass, stringed, violin, cello, viola, music theory, game fun, game, fun, tuner lite, lite, apps, ios, andriod
Id: p7p2gMwsPjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 07 2017
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