How To Sing ON PITCH

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this is what I sounded like 10 years ago [Music] and this is what I sound like today do you have difficulty carrying a tune do people sometimes tell you that you're tone-deaf do you have a hard time figuring out whether you're on pitch or you're off pitch does singing a song feel like it's a lot of guesswork if any of this sounds like you please stick around for the rest of this video so if you've been labeled by a number of people as being tone deaf I have really great news for you you're most likely not actually tone-deaf I personally worked with 20 so-called tone-deaf people and I've been able time and time again to get them from having no pitch control to being able to recognize and carry a tune within two or three lessons now lessons is by far the quickest and easiest way to start to develop tone because it gives you much much more than what you get in this one video if you're interested in one-on-one lessons check out the card above there you can find some information about one-on-one lessons in the absence of private lessons here's an amazing tool you can use to start to make the connection between your ear and your vocal chords what I've found is that for people who can't recognize pitch one of the main issues is that they can't reproduce pitch with their vocal cords I've personally worked with multiple instrumentalists that can tune a guitar by ear which is stuff that I can't do but they can't sing on pitch once you understand that this can be due to a communication breakdown between the ear and the vocal cords it becomes clear that having a good ear doesn't necessarily mean that you'll have amazing pitch so I'm gonna have you do right now is get on to your smartphone so it doesn't matter whether you're on Android or you're on Apple doesn't matter store or App Store we'll have one of these so what I want you to do is type in CH r o ma TI c tuner tu and ER that's a chromatic tuner type that in to your phone right now so once you've done that depending on what device you have you're gonna end up with an interface looking a little bit like this you're gonna have notes from C to B with some hashtag signs or some flat signs and those just mean sharp or flat so the little B is a flat note and then the hashtag sign is a sharp note now the way you're gonna use this chromatic tuner to improve your voice requires a keyboard if you don't have a keyboard at home that's fine you can go to virtual piano dotnet and over there you're gonna find a virtual piano on the computer that you can play along with and you can actually create these tones for yourself so let's run through this and get you improving your pitch right now so I'll show you what you do so you're gonna see on this screen there's gonna be a representation of the pitch that the microphone on the phone is picking up now these tuners don't differentiate between instruments or voice you can definitely still be able to tune your voice with this as long as you follow these steps so first off what you're gonna do is play a given note on the piano keep it within your comfortable range you don't have to go super high so for men that would be a pretty comfortable note for most men now you can see that that's a C on my device here if you can see it from here not sure but if you do see it it's AC right there [Music] okay so now what we're going to do is try to reproduce that with our voice [Music] so I actually don't know what showed up on the on the screen there but hopefully it was in and around the see area let's say I'm not on the sea and this is where we get into a little bit of the practice here let's say I'm a little bit off the pitch and I'm having trouble recognizing that pitch so there are probably on it yeah so that I'm hanging out on that pitch but again let's say I'm having trouble hitting that pitch so what we're gonna do is find a lower pitch and then try to scoop up to it so let's say and I don't want to do this on purpose but let's say you end up not being on the pitch so there am i above or below the pitch that's the first question you want to ask yourself where are you hanging out above or below the pitch if you're above you want to slide down if you're below you want to slide up the great thing about this tuner is that it tells you whether you're above or below so if I were trying to get a C and that thing ends up around a D or an e you know you're above the note if you're trying to get a senior and you end up around an A or a B then you know that you're too low and gotta come up so let me show you what you would do if you're off the pitch so now I want to slide [Music] until you find that pitch and it's really that simple just sliding through your rings trying to find all the pitches within your comfortable range so oh let's say I'm around there and I gotta go to there and the key is to try to slide slowly but this is going to help you do in addition to increasing your pitch accuracy you're going to get much better at making minor adjustments with the vocal cords which is going to help in general with singing because you're going to be able to sing with much more accuracy and specificity in songs it's important to note that a lot of people think that they need to push or force their voice to certain notes in order to do this exercise this exercise is actually best done within your comfort zone because at the end of the day you're not actually going to get any additional benefit from this exercise if you're gonna go to your extremes of your range because this is a pitch exercise that focuses on making sure that your voice stays on pitch it can really be worked on in a comfortable area of your range and then applied to higher notes as those become more and more comfortable so if you're really great at being able to sing high notes and more power to you sing this in your full range but if you feel like it's a struggle to get up to your high range don't feel like you need to be able to go up there keep it within your lower range and you're gonna see just as much value from these exercises it's also extremely important to practice with this on a regular basis so don't think that it's going to be a one-off exercise that you're gonna do one day and that you're going to see massive results this is something that you need to start integrating into your regular practice so that you can develop the muscle memory that's necessary for hitting proper pitches this also doesn't require a massive time commitment even 15 minutes a day is going to show a massive improvement as long as it's done consistently on a daily basis so let's do a couple more let's do a couple in the female range [Music] okay so if you hit that right on but let's say you're off [Music] got a slide up to it around there [Music] so we got a slide up to that note and try to sit on that note until we feel comfortable that we've hit that note with the representation of the needle on or if you have like one of those represent whatever the representation is on your app it's always going to be a little bit different but the same basic principle always stays true now the next problem that a lot of people run into is octaves so C - B repeats itself over and over within music so if you have and then it repeats it again [Music] and again so when we're dealing with octaves let's try four now to keep it a little bit more simple because it's going to get very complicated especially for people that pitch is not their Forte so let's try to just keep it simple we're gonna try to keep it within one octave and if you feel that you're having difficulty figuring that out leave a comment down below be happy to respond to it and we'll work through it so if you found this helpful and you want to find something that might be a little bit more regimented for you with you know piano scales and specific notes that are hit for you so you don't have to start doing it on the virtual piano yourself and if you're interested in getting some more exercises that are going to help further your ability to sing on pitch and get even more accurate with your pitch accuracy I would highly recommend you guys go to check out my complete course that I just created on how to sing in tune it's called stop being tone deaf and I want you guys all to stop being tone deaf as soon as possible I believe this is the fastest way to do it so it's really as simple as that try to practice with that about 15 minutes a day if you go through your comfortable range trying to practice with that pitch accuracy I guarantee you within a couple of weeks you're going to have marked improvement in your ability to carry a tune and recognize pitch thank you so much for watching this video if you like this video I'm sure you're gonna like this one so check it out
Channel: Adam Mishan
Views: 144,625
Rating: 4.956377 out of 5
Keywords: adam, adam mishan, am vocal studios, mishan, how to sing, how to sing on pitch, singing lessons, singing on pitch, pitch training, ear training, recognize pitch, itch accuracy, sing on pitch, what pitch, tone deaf, stop being tone deaf, ami tone deaf, am i tone deaf, learn to sing on pitch
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 15 2019
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