How to sing higher without falsetto - MUST WATCH! - PHILMOUFARREGE.COM

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how do I sing a higher without falsetto so this question comes from Reed and he's basically asking you know when I come from my chest voice to my head voice that transition area between when they blend how do I get that to be seamless so that I can feel like I'm singing with one voice rather than this kind of distinct change and then changing up right let me say this there's a little bit of a misunderstanding here and I see this all the time the goal with singing in all the way up in increasing your range is not about trying to smooth your break and then trick the audience into thinking you're singing in full voice when you're actually singing in head voice that's not the goal right the goal is to be in full voice all the way up okay that is the goal the only time you should be in a head voice and when I say head voice I mean huh that sound is when you want to be in that sound okay if you don't want to sound like that you don't that's not the voice you'll be using right now gonna make I can really point that out because a lot of people they think like this for example a lot of people think they're gonna get this you know for example for example a lot of people think they're gonna be like you know hiding somewhere right a lot of people think that to get that sound you do that by going in there and then learning how to just smooth it until it connects no that's not how you get there this isn't to say that bridging or going from chest voice to head voice and when I say head voice I'm talking about pretty much falsetto Oh without with that breath yunus it's not to say that those exercises aren't useful they're very useful and if you can't go ah ah ah if you can't just blend smoothly like that ah if you can't do that you should learn how to do it is a useful skill you will use it in many songs and it will help you in learning how to connect it up so he's a falsetto way ah and he's the proper way to full voice way or mix voice I'm actually stretching the chest and it kind of thins and tapers and yes at some point it does go to head voice but that's not the point I would sing with that's the point way up in like fifth octave or something I'm generally not gonna be up there that much except for maybe a note here and there so the goal the goal is not to really smooth the break I mean that is something you should learn but that's not how you get to the point of singing something like what I showed before when they're saying journey that's not how you get to that so the way you do this is you've got to pretty much stay in your chest voice all the way up okay that's how you do it now what's gonna happen is you as you try to do this you're gonna start to encounter tensions and your vocal break okay that's this is where all all these teachers are gonna come in and say oh why don't you write your vocal break it's time to bridge and head voice now do you be up here yeah everything's fine everything's going good and you hit that f4u first bright bridge ladies maybe see five I would be for man and you start the strength and you get told okay you've got a bridge in their head voices make it sound like you're you're not doing that no that's not hand get that's how you get to that I get to that by just staying in my chest voice okay up here I get here by staying in my chest voice okay I don't get here by going it's not to say that's not a useful skill like I said you should learn how to do that but that's not what's gonna give you to hear it doesn't get bigger by itself everybody will tell you it does it doesn't get bigger by itself the answer is you're going to get rid of the strain all right now getting with the de strain may may be a number of different things you may need to teacher a capable teacher that can help you that has a year and the body awareness to help you through this but your vows may be wrong or your vows may be trying to be in the right spot but there's other tensions in your body that are interfering with it so what I mean by vowels in the right spot is for example let's say your f4 is your break do something like that let's say that's happening it's you don't go to head voice to fix that what you do is you're gonna fix about vow is going wrong here ah its first no it's wrong right ah I can already tell it's gonna get ah that's what's gonna happen because the larynx is region in a high position boy you may start the bottom that good ah and you may go ah you get that problem right the problem was like second or third night somebody waiting it's kind of flooding it's in a better direction there so what I'm doing there is it's gonna help me more and and it's going to help me start to get through that range over time and start to increase my range so you're going to be able to do that all the VATS right there you're gonna find certain vows are hard for you to do than others but you're gonna learn how to do all the vows otherwise you start to get stuck in your voice and get rigid now what will help get the vowel right is not just been taught how the vow should be sounding in your voice but also you may have the bright idea of how the vowel needs to shade and adjust as you're higher but your body itself may be affecting it okay so you may you may find that you're not using support so you know he's gonna I'm trying to do it the right way it's falling apart because I've got no connection to my body my head might before I get that problem or I may be looking up to it gonna get those issues so I might be seeing them into my nose lots of things can happen that will affect it so the answer is not to dance around in the head voice because you're just gonna as soon as you spend hours fixing getting that transition smooth as soon as you try to sing loud again you're gonna resort to the same problems the answer is to learn how to sing in that robust solid chest voice and learn how to take that and take that higher because that will give you that voice that can sing on those really high songs that you're looking for with that full free sound you've got to learn how to work within that register alright I hope this video helped you share this with a singer friend or on a singing forum where people can benefit from this and if you'd like to see more head to my website for more photos calm you can book a lesson with me there where I can really help you get this working have a good day I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Phil Moufarrege
Views: 196,916
Rating: 4.730628 out of 5
Keywords: how to sing higher without falsetto, weak mixed voice, how to connect chest voice and head voice, how to sing stronger and higher, voice tips, singing, vocal technique, mixed voice, pro singing lessons, phil moufarrege, grow the voice, pro singers vault
Id: r4RvPTH_tN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 08 2018
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