How to sharpen and re- profile your axe with a file ,for the everyday person

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hi friends how about doing I hope you're well I truly do friends i I've been you've heard me talk about it and I've been kind of evolving a bit in my oh by the way yeah you see it I'm talking about I just need to check the time excuse me a moment please it is 5:30 Wow says salt spring island now I've done the other side of this already I've been I've been I'll tell you what I've been doing it's not about and I I'm old school and I mean axes for me you were for splint and wood okay that's what axes are for me for me they're for splitting wood well not everybody just wants to split wood and I get that there's lots of folks who live in the inner city who when they get out they want to chop like chop some wood like not split wood but chopped [Music] you know what I mean by that crosscut like like buck with an axe and chop trees and and crosscut I get it I'm the same I'm actually getting more there now into my edges so so friends this was in HB it's an HB it's an old I like my vintage steel it's much nicer to work with but I've been evolving a bit in in this area and I'm really enjoying the the results friends so I mean I I've been filing an axe by hand for years because that's all I ever had and I never had no power tools but I think what a lot of maybe homeowners do is that Wow I'll just they do it wrong III guess well wrong might be the wrong word but it's you know see a profile of an axe has comes to a convex here it comes to a you know a point right so the idea if you're out in the field and you want to sharp you go is guy goes we got to get that edge shut so he goes like this look let's just let's just do this very gingerly okay there's the there's the factory grind right there okay see it that's it that's what they come with they come with a little bevel micro bevel they call it okay well if you want to get more penetration in in wood with wood here's my other side I just finished doing it's nowhere near done because I actually stay off this you see this is okay friends so here's another one of my favorite axes for splitting but it can become a better splitter I want to show you the difference in profiles here let's take two seconds together and and look at this okay see the see well let's go up now I just pulled this one off the dusty old rack look at the difference see what happened there you see the fellas just he I've never touched the socks I've never sharpened it or nothing you see what he's done he stayed on actually he hasn't he's there was another filing there he should have stayed with that first one that higher shine he's gone and he's just made it sharp so that he can penetrate and I get it I get it that's fine and dandy but look at is he he stayed out and he's not done the cheek whereas what we did is we went after the cheek first friends see ours the one we're talking about today big difference friends okay so on this one to make it a better splitter because it's got a ton of cheek I would actually do this process that I did today because I've got a ton of girth but I wouldn't go up as high right oh I can still touch this because I've stayed off it and then actually what I did do and I'll have to do it again is this right for this to make to get my edge solid again not not brittle edges so I stay off and the only way for me to show you this is this starting fresh okay now I've just done it a little bit here so it'll be difficult to see but you will notice you will notice the yes you can see the little shine part right there but I don't want to be on there I want to be here watch what happens here oh that's the wrong file now what let's show you what I do I just I go right through the Ross this will start the bite Steel instantly there it is now we're in we're gonna show you how I do this I'm not I'm not on the point trends okay I'm not I'm not out on the point think about all the strokes you're doing and everywhere you're doing your strokes okay have your file card with you you know get that keep that file clean this is just how I've done it through the years I I do the point at the end is when I do this the edge again you'll notice I'll show you you'll even see it in the edge that I already filed you'll see it so so think about how many strokes have any touched here yet haven't even touched here I'm only been from here to there but you think about how much you know if you want to count them go ahead but I don't I don't count I just know because this is the toe of the bit right friends this is the toe it gets used a lot there now that I've got the whole thing I can start working here we go okay see all the steel it's working good so I just want to bring you to something apparent here okay I have not and will not touch this see this this is untouched you can see it in there in the video because I'm looking at it it is all untouched and so is this all of this is untouched look it right there I won't I won't touch that or this the edges you got to be careful out the edges because that's the most warm the axe has ever been so you want to come in oh you don't have to and you don't don't it's up to you what I do I do them individually I come out and I'll do this point I don't try and get some long sweet from here to there like like this I don't do it I come here and I actually go like this swatch and I concentrate on the on the toe this is the toe of the bit okay there you go you can see I just got it there see that because the other side has been done and now I want to match this side up okay so now we're there and we're still not will reprofiling okay so you can see what's happened there now now that I've gotten that video there now I can work this I sometimes work half the bit see I'll do this I'm still not even near the the apex okay you'll notice it change a little bit see it getting a little bit narrower friends see that watch I'm changing the angle of touch there now see that right there I just started to come up closer to it now and I haven't touched it here so this looks even now from here kind of here all the way down down down down down down down to there okay so how I look and make sure if this is going to meet up like this you can do it by feel or you can do it by visual so now I come over here now and I make sure that this point is done it's just what I do friends I'm not telling you gonna do it you just get it and then start moving over now see cuz you want those points sharply there there we go now I'm now I'm working a nice I'm able to work a nice stroke and still stay off because what I'm doing friends is actually making a sharper axe and I'm changing a profile a bit I'm going after the bit after the cheeks a bit here okay friends get the cheeks this is the last part I do this is last this is still Dolph friends I've literally dull okay now we've got a really nice you'll feel it there's probably a high spot right where I am a few minutes later so now [Music] now is when you can look this way you look into your bit and you it won't focus you all that stuff they're friends that's dollhouse that's what you want still I haven't touched any of it that's all doll okay but I've gotten here and I've gotten here okay so now once that's done I can take it closer gander right see see I'm still not out there look right see the line good a touch here just to blend a little teeny bit just opens there here here in here see it there I'm still dull here look I can still literally do this with my finger that's what you want friends okay you don't you don't want that up there okay so I'm coming back to my file and I'm gonna go out of here looks like oh yeah [Music] [Laughter] [Music] we go very nice [Music] [Music] just see can you guys just see that we are getting close friends should almost look at this now so there we are okay see right there you got to get a little closer down there but it's pretty much slender and ready to go so now it's time to get after the edge a few minutes later and and there's several ways to do this we're almost ready for the stone friends seriously we are we're almost ready for the stone romance in the song take a look at your edge from this way down you can see the shiny spots what happened here now is this what I'm thinking yeah it is okay good there we go yeah there we go I'll show you what we're gonna do I'm ever so slightly now gonna change my angle of my of my file to go to the bevel now almost a micro bevel out at the tip you'll notice it I want a little you'll see it forming so now we're gonna be sharp and you can see where there's where there's work to be done see that right there there's a there's a nick in the blade so now we're starting to get sharp so we gotta look after that can you guys see that from where you are you know you can it's right there look very close there's an actual Nick right there I take it out okay that's just that's what you got to do friends okay you can do it however you want to do it but it's it's time to repro file okay yeah that's pretty good dent there right there it's still there we're gonna flip it over and see if we can get rid of it so we can flip it over now okay yeah see there it is look friends that's what I'm looking at right there so I don't know how finicky I'm gonna get there I don't you'll notice that little shiny line start disappearing see it's almost gone actually I think it is gone so that there see that micro bevel there you can see it really nice almost to here now but see that little niche right there that that you know that's that's got a girl friends see it there we should be getting sharp real quick [Laughter] okay see it there it's barely visible now right there it's barely barely visible okay okay so there we go there's our new and this will be totally dull now again okay but now we're into good steel now we go micro bevel see there she be very nice oh yeah very nice it's just by hand friends now okay you see it there don't you let's get you in the light a little different in the light there there it is there's the micro bevel taking place okay right there see that line I can see it real good there it is so there's my little micro bevel and just by hand friends okay micro bevel ooh oh dear Oh were there very interesting it's by hand friends it's not polish it's not anything it's just a way to get things going with a hand file no bastard so now we'll get the stone is he will get a stone out and probably start doing it [Music] we got a weird man in our house friends he showed up again we tried to kick him out but he keeps coming back I don't know what to do now now he's got me labouring with them I'm trying to freakin get sawed stuff done anis keeps calling me what are we gonna do with this character we call him Mike but I've yet to find the proper nickname it'll come yeah it's coming too very I need to work with the men a little bit friends so look at this and the nickname will come precise Mike is starting to ring a bell precise forsake precise Mike so friends that this is really really cool this is like no joke so what we've been doing is we've been doing a little bit of a just I call it a bottom was it a facelift inside the house would go friends this is what we're doing it's the live edge piece of wood this is the tree that me and while I cut it down and Mike Nick and I we milled it and it's on the channel and literally friends this is down the road from our home what's your name again - Darlene hi Darlene and this is we battled with this we were gonna do a miter and we were gonna do a book a book and you know how they cut and if we decided to can reconfigure because my wife found some space for stuff and we're gonna do one chunk and it's gonna be our new countertop and it's going down to the the original Vancouver Island live-edge the man who started this almost this movement of live-edge he did his name's John Laura John you're probably not watching this but if you ever do Johnny you're the man and and and I know it and you know it and I used to work with with Troy avender one of my best buddies first guy that ever sent me up a tree Troy I love your brother yeah I get going sometimes let's just get you guys squared away here you know you know what I mean friends I get going right okay this is I know this is a new shot for you here but is that good enough there that's probably better isn't it right there okay now excuse me friends I got a bucket axe heads out the back okay it's so how do you know India this huh I don't Tuesday maybe Tuesday uh-huh and I I found an HB friends I gone all the show I put an edge on this thing could make you got to get rid of your burger that's what I'm saying you've got to get rid of that bur or it's just gonna fall over on you leather strop the whole gamut I'm evolving I've said it before and I'll say it again anyway here's the deal so I just happen to have I was looking for something shorter because this is a chopping axe friend it's not really a split max it would split but I've got all the sharpening on on video I did it all right here in the vise of my little camera not I did friends anyway I wanted it to be about a twenty eight thirty huh right in there not thirty-two cuz it's if you want to do some some chopping with it you know friends like in between like like you know what I'm saying choppin so anyways I had I haven't goin on this handle I went in for supper I came back out excuse me and I instantly grabbed this handle for another head and I started going I thought wait a minute let me see if it will work on this because I wanted something a little shorter than this one you see this one here see it I mean friends look see it's gonna end up shorter than this one I know it doesn't look it but it is it'll come up shorter see the shoulders you see so I'll be able to get an inch this will probably come up let's see probably thirty inch which is great yes yeah well it's gonna come up thirty inches and it's ash and it's got the the Lichtenberg burn on it I like it too nice axe but it's a finesse look it's gonna be a finesse relax it's good not not like thin thin it's good it's a it's a Colby handle but it's gonna be a chopping axe not a brute of a split max it's HB friends it's freaking HB just over three pounds and just under three and a half but sharp and there we go you can see the curl right there I would reckon it it probably should yeah so now yeah let's have a look oh yeah it's gonna yeah oh good see that's lovely yeah this is this is actually gonna be this is gonna be lovely it's not too heavy of a head friends so you just you know you mean you want to be able to this is gonna be freaky wicked dead square dead freaking squirt what a crazy accent oh and I did a number on the sharpening friends I mean you probably won't see it but I did a freaking number on it yeah I don't know anyway time to take some more off but we're down down down we're going down down down you know what I mean okay well friends here is kind of a late night axe we're just closing up shop but I've been working on this axe and it's that HB and I once I get going on something I don't like putting it down until it's done and we're going get it done and I ended up kind of making this thing look kind of half used and you know anything like I just made it look older than it was I kind of just whatever did patina'd it fake patina did this where's this thing here this head weighs three and a quarter pound three and a quarter so it is they perfect look at this friends look do you not I mean it's it's it's the perfect chopping axe not a wood split knocks this is an in hand you need something done chop down a forest axe HP he straight up 1692 whenever they were they were a sixteen and see inside forming out when it's time and this is this this has been an enjoyable fit and enjoyable put my glasses on so I don't break nothing oh yeah oh yeah see one hit with a persuader and that's it did you hear that that's it yeah oh yeah you know friends I think I just made the perfect axe this is it these are so hard to give away friends they are they're so hard to give away oh it's deadly oh it's just where do you listen if you're looking for an axe friends get a hold of some guy like myself not not me particularly not right now anyways I'm I'm loaded up with orders and I'm not taking orders right now but there's guys out there doing this this craft because it's a very popular thing right now it's been popular on YouTube for a long time it's a great pastime people love refurbishing axe I know of four guys right now that that I could recommend Killinger Tom Lee Lee or but what my point is friends there's a gazillion people doing it a gazillion pick somebody do a bit of background on them you know just be careful because a lot of people can do this craft but they don't know how to test their axes they want to test them you want to see them use the axe vigorously before you purchase it if you're buying it to use right there's a lot of good guys making axes out there so just be careful but pick a good guy get referred Killinger is one I know I can refer an Tom Lee Lee they both make wonderful axes and I've used them bolt so I have to know that that I can refer somebody before I refer them Killinger makes a nice axe so I guess basically what I'm saying in a nutshell is is you will not find something like this in the grocery store friends and you won't find it at the new the noose just get a custom axe buy a custom axe off somebody vintage steel is nice and so is hand forged the new stuff coming out like Liam Hoffman he makes a good axe I mean he's a blacksmith he's a great blacksmith so I've watched him on YouTube there's lots of guys out there friends lots of guys so get a good axe because there's nothing like using a good axe oh that's thanks carry over no friends get you on the next one thanks for watching my videos see all the stuff do you know what I mean so that was their ashes nice I love HP and I'm just about to pop a wage earner now HB boys and girls women and children be kind
Channel: Buckin' Billy Ray Smith
Views: 170,562
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -ix_J4omsxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 28sec (2308 seconds)
Published: Wed May 13 2020
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