How to wrap and protect axe handles

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well well how's everybody doing yeah i know it's bucking here i'm just in the in the bunker the weather is it's it's just well it's disgusting okay i'm just to give it to you straight goods i want little bucking in the video see little bucking right there he keeps an eye on what i'm doing so he's looking over my shoulder all the time giving it to me the the crazy guy i'm working on an axe for a lady right now it's an axe for my buddy's wife okay and i i don't want to i don't want to wreck the surprise but i think you know who i'm talking about yes indeed you do friends i'm feeling good i'm feeling stronger in my arm my legs coming around yeah i i just gotta i gotta lay back for a couple days i gotta i just so i'm i'm i'm working on axes my jaw from from from them reefing on my face at the dentist i'm telling you wow so what we're doing is i'm going to send this out uh today as a matter of fact friends it's a big day rita just wrapped up her first piece of artwork friends she sold it for 35 dollars she came in here and i'm i'm helping her wrap it up right it's on a piece of canvas and wood and everything it's like the one that's called check out her um her instagram it's crazy artwork she's good at it it's called uh rita's canvas on instagram and she sold this freaking thing for 35 and i went honey we what 35 dollars i mean of course it's my kid i'm going to say sell it for more but it it's worth more i'm like honey but she's she's just she just wants to get it out there and just she's very honest and and fair she was raised that way so she's just i'm like oh honey that's wonderful you've gone beyond so but it's exciting because the caster man bought the piece of artwork and we're shipping it today with couple three axes so each day this week the weather's snot i'm going to mail axes i want to get people their axes before christmas so that's what we're doing but we're doing this we're doing a little somebody asked me about doing these things i guess what i could do is maybe bring you guys over and uh i'll show you the wrap again well there we go you guys want to see how to do this we're gonna do it let's do it somebody was asking about it so we're gonna do it there just you and me okay here's the deal you don't need to come right up under the axe head just nice to get it in here because this loops up so you do two you do one to about there and then another one and they meet in the middle you can do that you can do whatever you want there's no rules in life only experience see so you just make a loop like this see start like this make a loop it doesn't even need to go that high because it's probably not going to go up there anyway so i could probably shorten that to about there that makes more sense see this so all i've got is literally a loop that's it now we go over the loop we start like this very simple see what i done just keep everything in line another one you want to get a few wraps on there you see make sure that's down okay you see so we've just gone over top and around that's it don't try and keep it tight as you're going but not too tight because it'll it'll wrap around you see well let's put another one on there maybe another one here so we got four or five now you see how it's loose well that's about to change see it's loose you can't have that so you grab this now pull this up make sure it's all like that like this you can't pull tight yet or you'll freaking lose it you see see what i'm saying so you keep it all snug when you're starting out we go give this a little snugger rounds you can see it tightening you see go over again you see what happens slowly getting tighter here now you see what's going on so now because these bottom ones are going to be loose here a little bit it doesn't matter because i think i got a fix for that they're not that loose actually as a matter of fact so i wrap this around my hand i hold this and i i literally like that look at that friends i literally just this all just went tight right now super tight see this is a little loose there's a fix for that i'll show you what it is i'll show you i'll show you where's my little thingamabobbaroni here it is here this is what it is right here you see let's just make sure let's get a few more here we go then you grab this thing here see this look see that i pulled on this one now look at tight you pull on this one which is that first row see there we go that's how i do that that's it we're tight again now we're tight now i'd like it if it stayed like over top the first one for some reason it goes over but i use my mice what do you call it my crazy glue it's called uh where is it sealah so i'll do about three or four rums like this three or four and then i just keep this will tangle up on me at the back so i just keep whipping it around like this then i go like this again and then when i get three or four rungs i wrap this on my hand like this and i got s show freaking clank that's what i do and it's tight i mean tight i hold it with my thumb like that so i keep tension see look at how tight this is keep tension i can feel it pulling on my fingers where it wants to go keep tension keep tension so now friends i'm not joking yes this is like freaking tight super tight oh yeah now see what i'm doing i think it's about time for another super grab grab this one two oh it's staying freaking tight boys and girls okay because you can see how it comes up on a bit of an angle right see how it does that friends because this starts to get wider and this doesn't so it starts to drop down that's just life in the fast lane that's that's that's what it does there's nothing you can really do about it unless you start on some crazy angle at the bottom but i don't like doing that check this out friends so now what i can do because you gotta remember the axe it depending on the shape of your axe head this covers some of this here the bitdest friends you see this it covers some of it so yeah this comes to about there so i don't you know sometimes i don't even go up in there oh let's make sure we're not losing anything yeah there we go she loosened off a bit okay we got like one or two more rungs and we're we're homesteading it where's our uh ah okay i i just can't believe how how good this stuff works i mean seriously friends i've got them on all my axes that i that i want them on that i put them on and uh they work like crazy they save the wood out let me tell you that right now okay so this is coming up super duper good one more i think maybe two no one this is it actually this is it here i wonder if i can get one more out of this just like that and then i gotta get that through there somehow yeah i can do it okay now let's get our pull this out like this now we hold on to this here we take a look at how much we're going to need which somewhere's out there right friends somewhere's out there so let's just grab this like this there throw that on the ground here's the trick now you got this thing you see you got to get this opened up which it already is by nature come on you here we go now now we're now we're cooking with gas there we go now now we got it here we go oh yeah oh yeah now i should be able to fish that through there i hold that with my thumb come down here check clank done every bit of tension's been kept see that friends we went through that loop now we come down here and we grab ahold of this guy did you just see what happened so now make sure this is super duper snug okay so once you pull that you swap over and you hold on there and you go back down here there it won't even move now see it's not finished but there it is friends this is this is no joke i i i swear by this stuff it works awesome so now once you get it till it's just on there now you can use two hands right i just have this little guy here because now i do a little twisteroni watch what happens did you see that it disappeared right there i hope i wasn't in your way there we go see it's coming down i'm going to pull it all away until it disappears boom it's gone there it is disappeared see that friends and this here holds this down on there super super good now this thing here i just go like this make sure i got a nice sharp knife that's it done that is it now check this out friends this is no joke look at this i gotta i gotta click you guys up now there okay so friends all it is it killing you these are nice this axe is made for a woman okay it's made for my buddy's wife and that's a great idea by the way i don't think we're doing anything else this ended up really good so now what i do friends you've seen me i just excuse me i'll loosen these off okay just like this watch i'll loosen these off a little bit because they're super tight up here like they're snug snug snug i loosen off about four rungs like this okay and i'll show you what i do this is just for a little insurance we don't want unravels there's no there's no sense in having any unravels there even if it did unravel you just redo it okay look this is what we got see how i've got it space watch what i do i grab my seal all where's my cloth here it is right here let's get this back down so you guys can see what i do okay let's do this sure [Music] clank there we go this is what i do this is all spaced here now so i go like this i put mr sealaw right in there okay i go like this i come around here i put it here i take a little more out of the old canister it's kind of gooey and wet and it's it's called seal all and it is a super super glue i just use my finger but i i only use it to mash mash it in here then what i do i know it's in there i grab my cloth right away i get it off my fingers and i go like this boom and i push down down like this what happens is it squeezes all the glue out and i give it the old wrapperoni the san francisco freaking treat you know the one i know you do that's my trick that's her super goo ceelo i love the seal all stop there it is done that sets in about freaking two minutes it's solid as a rock i like it that's it it's done so once that glues up it's a finished story right friends it's a finished game right there okay it's getting warm that fire's kicking in yeah hey we'll get these on the website at some point if they're if people like them okay it's done i can't tell you how many of these i've done friends i love it it's just it doesn't look fantastic they're not how's it gonna look fantastic it doesn't look horrible i'll tell you that right now i actually quite like it i like that i'm gonna tell you right now i like it this is basically the famous boyz axe an underused underrated axe it's not if i think a 28-inch handle friends for an axe a 28-inch handle is a worldly worldly length that everybody can use from a boy to a wife to a strong man to anybody just it depends on what you do up here is what the kind of work you're gonna be getting done this is a three pound head it's three pounds i find the two and a half and the two and a quarters i find them a little late friends i i do first for split and wood you can split wood with this you can chop with it you can do all kinds of stuff it's a multi-purpose i made my wife one she freaking splits all the firewood with it after of course it's split by me she re-splits it for the little stuff right this is a gorgeous axe oh i'm stoked with it okay so now uh i'm out friends i'm gonna wrap this thing up and it's off to the races down to the post office i love you friends catch y'all later i'm glad i got that freaking belt back in that old ford oh my goodness well there's how's everybody i tell ya we we uh i thought about maybe keeping this a secret this particular axe but you know what i signed off on this already but but i'm just it to find an opportunity to make someone's day i i've always jumped at that opportunity friends i have i've always jumped at it i i like to make people feel good my mom said i've been like that since i was a little teeny kid seriously friends it's no joke so amanda allison caroline and the maker of these three beautiful daughters michelle i hope i got that right i think i did because i remember my good buddy carter he he he put out this request for the axe friends and he got me with the with the donation thing he just he just got me it just no one has no one has said that yet not not one that i've seen and and i haven't seen them all so please if that if you've done that uh i i just didn't see it and and i apologize if that was you but but we we saw this one and what carter did is said buckin i i know you're busy and i know you get these all the time but i i really what i want to do is i i want to give you a certain amount of money and i'd like you to pick a donation to your you know a donation to your your liking i'm like done done so carter brother thank you for that so we have two uh operations over here that that i deal with so far and they're both of them are like super close to my heart and the only reason i'm sharing this right now is because i want to and because carter's involved in this with his family and it's a wonderful wonderful gesture on his part you've heard me talk about samaritan house and that's a place where women battered women and and drug addicted women with children or abusive relationships a place they can go if they have nowhere to go they go to the samaritan house and they are friends they're in nanaimo right here in my hometown they're actually expanding they found a piece of land they're going to build homes for them like like i guess complexes i'm not sure yet but i'm i'm i'm supporting that i'm donating to that so carter allison amanda and caroline and heather are pardon me michelle michelle that's what you guys are helping out with on this one with this axe and carter i know you spearheaded this thing but we're mate we've made this axe for michelle the mother of the family the matriarch so yeah uh listen carter i gotta thank you again for that wonderful idea and and so the other one i want to talk about is that we've already donated to we donated to them i forget where it came from it was super chats i think or somewheres but we took a lump of dough and we gave it to the place called the covenant house vancouver they've even done programs on east vancouver but anyways regardless um we donate to the homeless youth in vancouver it's a wonderful program it's called the covenant house so those are two operations i don't even know the proper word i just call them operations uh charities charities that we donate to this axe right here the payment for this axe is going to that samaritan house on this one carter allison amanda and michelle caroline i love you guys thanks so much we'll see on the next video
Channel: Buckin' Billy Ray Smith
Views: 85,643
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: axe, handles, firewood, splitting, felling, trees
Id: Afi1iXuMiBg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 22sec (1282 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 23 2020
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