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Hey good evening friends you go buck in here I just welcome welcome to the channel if you're new here and if you're not what do you think you're doing here what have you done coming you know you've come back here for some reason what would that be mmm how's the true-blue Hey and the news I hope you're all well I'll tell you something a friend of mine just just now I was just at his house he broke a fruit tree it was his wife's fruit tree and he's not happy about it she's not happy about it okay and grafting time is just it's it's okay right now it's good grafting time right now for fruit trees in that you know but anyway I went over to try to get my hand a little bit with that and you know as I do axes and he comes out he says I got this thing at the swap meet here Jade and take a look I don't I didn't know that it was the first week actually at the swap meet I missed it so it's good he got it look at it friends it's an HB it's a little boys axe it's a little two and a half pound axe I freaking love it anyways there's a lot in the video but the the stuff that happens on this video the the stuff I do there's some good tips friends I share all my stuff with everybody i I don't I don't hold nothing back Oh someone's gonna learn how to do it I worked for a tree service years ago friends he was afraid to show me stuff I was like hey what was that thing you did with the not there I'll just he goes never mind you know you don't need to know he was afraid to show me because he was afraid I was gonna come to be his competition and yes I was but I told him I was going to do it we're good good friends to this day but it was just the fear that fear doesn't work friends fear doesn't work it did it doesn't that's just my opinion I have what to write it is really really nice it's gone it's been beat up so it's probably spread to pull a little bit you can see it as it actually has you can see what happens look I'll throw it on my shoulder and hold it see here great HP satorious for a big guy anyways friends but you can see when they get pounded they spread a bit here usually right there here and same on the bottom and so it creates air and you've got air here you just do look you can see it see it there's there so it's a nice little ox but I'm gonna fix it for if I'm gonna resurrect it I'm gonna use the handle to go down I'm not wrong with it it's not it's not terrible it's you know it's good vertical grip or a pardon me 45 which is fine but it's a beautiful little box I guess it is it's a nice animal it's tough but it's loose friends it's not good it's not good at all actually it's loose you can see it so we're gonna we're gonna pop it apart for him and we're gonna actually turn it into a box brush so you can see there was a screw in it friends yeah real good Hey good okay now I've got a couple little tools for this thing it's not brain science friends it is not brain science it so I use a little punch and my favorite hammer of all the time I've got a couple of these punches and what I do this is very important first before you commence okay get it get it on the head further first so it'll expose the way see where it's at right now it's just sticky it's not good enough you can get it where you'll have to dissect a bit so expose the wedge you won't go that far but there we go look at friends look what I did okay so we've now exposed it and dropped it's it's not that good of a fit be honest it's straight on the head it almost looks like a UNIX handle from a long time ago but there's nothing wrong with this handle at all I'm gonna fix it up but mice hopefully it's got enough girth here to reseed it but anyways we're gonna pop wedges now because I just seated it now once you do that friends once you seat the wedge like that it exposes that little steel wedge right good now we're actually I'm gonna bring you guys close up and show you what I did you can see it there but you can't see it that good so let's give you a look and show you what I did see what I did hey how you doing over there I banged it out I exposed it and and you can see where I put the little steel thing in the wedge and started cracking it out so we've got it friends we've got it now I'll just turn you guys down on here and give you a little an spectacle here this is a nice thing about these things so now what you can do and I'll tell you friends this works wicked I haven't seen anyone do it and I don't know why look at friends get your freaking hammer out just get your hammer freaking pole watch oh there it is there's the wedge right there don't this one you could probably almost do the same but we got to expose it a bit more now so let's get onto this one there you go I've just exposed it let's see if we can't do the same ordeal here we may have to create something no we got it now we go back the other way like that now we can really get a pitch on it there we go oops sorry friends oh it's actually loose there it is it's done Oh bangle okay so it's out okay so we're gonna resurrect it out oh look what we got friends it's out it it didn't even I don't see a wood wedge but I know what they did I know what they did they put these wedges in after they and that one actually looks fairly new Oh mind you that's my wedge sorry friends that's mine there's flipped over here somewhere it's here somewhere we'll find it in a minute okay so now friends now what we're gonna do is we're gonna pop this axe right off the freaking handle right exactly let's do it so now I take my little special hammer again boom one good swift hit check it out let's see what happens Oh would you look at that it's moving I just step on with my and I see if I can get it if I can't which I can't I put it in the vise I got my little favorite hammer again I grabbed one of my tools that I like so much to do and I pop it out very simple where's my favorite one it's a little square one I just love it friends but we don't have to use that when we can use this one for now okay so we're getting close oh yeah look we're almost out okay so I think what it is is there's there's there's uh there's still wood in it you're still wouldn't waking it this is a nice little accent I wanted to document this friends okay let's see if we can find my little square one cuz it takes up more of the oh I think it's over here it's funny I'll be right in front of your face you know well there it is right there HP's a big head done okay so here's the deal with the handle this this is something that I I'm not I don't know I don't I don't like when they do this friends okay I understand I mean basically what this is is they've carved a spot out for it to sit down on like a Ledge look at it there's an actual ledge yeah what happens is it moves forward like this one did won't necessarily come off but it will rock back and forth than that little quarter-inch or not even maybe or whatever it's it it moves it's not something I like so now I don't know what yeah so that's so the heads in pretty good shape it's in pretty nice shape long at all it's just a quick little repair but what I'm gonna do friends to before is we're gonna give it we're gonna we're gonna give it a special special one he doesn't know I'm doing it but I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do it for him oh you're darn tootin I'm gonna do it for him sure right now you guys have seen this little technique I do right that's subtle one where you some I use my body like this yeah I just it's how I've always done it I'd like to get one of those horses you sit on right so we're gonna expose this handle we're gonna expose the wood you okay friends so so what I just did is I actually I took this thing right down okay I'm gonna do something here but not with that not with what I was just using I'm tucking it right down it's actually quite a nice handle it's strong but what I did friends is I remove that shoulder that it was built on you see that I did I I just I removed it it was a legit was sitting on a Ledge which didn't allow it friends sorry I just needed straight they didn't allow the axe to let's see if it'll do it now it needs to be actually metal worked a little bit too it's been spread now look at this is what I'm talking about okay so oh actually I'm sorry friends I know what we got to do anybody's go check it out we we need to expose we need to expose the curve again it may just bust off I'm fine with that when we resurrect Brett resurrecting a handle you take what you can get okay [Music] let's take a look on the other side important to have your turf back friends [Music] okay so now that Kurt was back and that piece of wood is still there it'll fill something at this point it could come off it is gonna come off it's gone I removed it okay good now let's grab the Ox head let's see it's almost like that [Music] shoulders gone now friends yes this is no more got a shoulder anymore and had that big ledge the axe came down and then literally sucked it just sat down on a Ledge so let's see ok so this is actually gonna go on quite good but what I'm gonna do now friends and it may may just bump on that little ledge again see it there I'd like it to actually you know what friends we're gonna be able to we're gonna be able to get rid of that because I'll show you why look look at the little hole there see it there see it's not bad look what we'll do we just did the dry run look at friends look what happened it's it's gone ok so and we have no space all the fits amazing so now we've just created a completely snug axe there's no space anywhere because we created a transition from the old ledge we knocked the old ledge down this is gonna be a much more general axe and look where it's sitting friends look look what's actually happening look we're gonna get proud and I'm not done yet so this is gonna be a good thing this is gonna be a really good thing but I think what I need to do yeah I do I need to do it so let's look at something very quickly shall we let's pop it up again and let's look at the toe and see what there we go see what it's doing yeah see so it's it's I think I could make that a different transition look at friends this is what I'm talking about look at see it's smashed right there ok and it looked good but I don't know how good it was I think it just kind of smacked up against there I think we can smooth that out well look at it it's a freaking ledge it to fit just led yourself partially because this wood broke out but I'm gonna smooth it out they want it to go on [Applause] they get rid of all the grinding line [Applause] and it'll protect your wedges when you're back if you're gonna be banging okay let's go back over here all right this is working out really nice friends this little view this little you know what I mean it does so so because you get these types of marks can you guys see here well you know what I mean grinder marks friends you can see them there I don't know if you can see them here now but [Music] okay that's it friends the pole is completely fixed up it looks wicked it's smooth the marks are gone off and it just looks a little shiny Rizal okay we're on a ten minute video right now we're giving it the Watkins little touch clean it up it's looking like a sweet freaking sweet HP look at it friends poles cleaned up a little bit of a hump there nice looking pull I love the look of those dents in there let's see what goes on here now so instantly it bites me which Oh see that's my favorite and then sunk on it goes so look what's happening now I'll show you so so just so you see yeah see this is actually good friends we didn't need that big shoulder there look at look at can you see you can see look we didn't need it that big shelf look there's no freaking there's a teeny little gap there it did not need to be there it was screwing up the fit friends it was screwing up the fit it was it was it was bouncing against the aughts and doing nothing that could actually even go away more it could it's going to it's not correct it is not correct I'm doing this right so this guy doesn't have a problem with it anymore right friends yeah gonna fix up friends up we go go okay so we do not need that there we don't need it there it's going [Music] okay excuse me sorry friends welcome back song look see the ledge is gone see it's gone it's now a slow transition from a certain depth to a bigger depth or thickness pardon me do a little bit thicker which allows the axe to go on until it stops right and then you crack crack and you give it two more and it actually goes further on digs into the wood right instead it just goes pop and lands on a Ledge that's not good friends I don't like the ledger so I don't I like something that like this now I'll show you what I'm talking about this wasn't getting any curl it was sitting on a Ledge breaths okay the guy didn't know you did an okay job but now check it out watch there it goes there's that ledge it was sitting on right remember okay check it out so I'm actually gonna burn the handle cuz I know we're ready oh look at that friends look look at now can you guys see that look it's just there's nothing now it's beautiful okay time to burn good this is lovely friends what good is this hooked up rag in there we're going to is it hot you what happens to this you're not really ready friend dear friend spender you're doing the exes in the bunker is this what I'm supposed to understand Billy he says what time to understand I see yeah yes gosh I hope you watch this video one day buddy you guys are good friends so this is the process my friend you're getting it you get in the bucket special whoo that's hot boy hot real hot I like putting it on there when it's hot okay [Applause] understand look see there it is that that's where it's sitting we got a little bit of rub here now which is good oh yeah we got good contact here very good contact actually and contacted the back friends which we didn't have we didn't have it we just didn't have it and we got kerf that goes three-quarters the way down the axe it's gonna be beautiful actually so I think what I'll do friends is I'll clean that up one more time one more time I'll clean it up and I'll put the axe head on yeah I'm going to I got new sandpaper lead it up real fast okay so so this is actually probably pretty good look at those friends what kind of just did I took it right away I got rid of it because now what it's gonna do look at friends I'm not joking it's gone I took the number right off the corner not now what it's actually gonna do it's not gonna sit on that ledge it's gonna go down and grab wood it is on I'm gonna show you I'm very happy about that move we just did it makes me feel a lot better does just burn it come on sweetheart hey it just won't okay hey sorry it's just little things that guide us okay that's looking real good real good interesting oh it's green that's that it's actual grain very interesting okay let's put this thing on it's ready to go this thing's okay so now we'll be able to see oh sure we will yeah look there's even space there now this is good look I'm gonna show you this can you see it see that little teeny space here we can get a good angle on that notice you can see that don't tell me you can't right there there's a little space now look see see the green look at that little spot so now that's actually gonna go on it's gonna go on further than it did before there we go very good I like it yeah and I'm gonna tell you something right now and I'm gonna use this in my hand to explain something to you right now you can listen up or you can turn the channel or you can catch this very important information see this you see this here you know what I'm gonna say don't ya this is important information this is the yardstick of life this is the yardstick of life and what this represents is 90 years and I'm shooting tall life expectancy 90 years right there okay there's one year old there's 90 year old how old are you I'm halfway there are friends I've spent half my life here half my life is is in the past and what can I do about it you guessed it because it's gets really fast now it starts moving way faster now I find then back here I'm talking fast like you know what it is we had a little joke around here Merry Christmas hey it's summer Merry Christmas hey it's summer Merry Christmas you know what I mean yeah I know people over 40 will understand it is 4 it goes fast you know it and I know it this is all I'm saying I'll make this short now it's already 8 minutes but I want you to understand something if you if you choose to and and and you know what you're probably thinking right now this guy's nuts Buchan is nuts I might be I might be but that doesn't matter that's besides the point I think we're all a little nuts and I wouldn't have it any other way to be quite honest with ya right Bernstein hey Johnny you're nuts you hold like I hope you are ok so anyway we know Greg s Greg Brown he's crazy here we go well I'll tell you something this here should have something that says happiness ok I'm going to be happy you see yes I am I'm going to be happy I don't know why but I'm still here and it's being closed a few times real close so I hope that helps you understand my thinking and sometimes you'll see little ratings the videos that I you know I'm a tree climber and a faller but you'll see little little you can call them what you want but little affirmations or a little whatever's that friends I'm just so happy to free could be here yeah I am I'm just so happy I feel I'm on borrowed time I've said it before and I will say it again I should be here because I'm here it's not like I should be dead I would never say I should have been dead if I should have been dead I'd have been dead I shouldn't have been nothing I should have been raid here cuz that's where I'm at you see what I mean so there's no there's no of see it is what it is I'm just I'm just saying to you wherever you are sooner the better I would say but wherever you are on the yardstick of life just remember the further you get down the yardstick the faster time goes it's almost like it's a locomotive picking up speed and it goes fast and friends your time here is important it's super important I'm just a messenger now that's all I am that's straight up I am NOT a religious man never have been never been to church other than weddings and funerals okay my mom raised me do unto others as you would have them do unto you and karmak type spiritual principles okay that's it that's it so I believe in you know you what you do is coming back around I believe that I was raised that way and not only do I believe it just cuz I was told it and raised that way I've seen it happen in my life I've seen it happen in other people's lives I'm still here find your spot on this yardstick wherever you are if you're 25 if you're 35 if you're 50 are you 65 are you 70 you know I mean you got this much time left and as of our old buddy old Shawshank would say get busy living right so that's what I'm doing I'm getting busy living right now and I'm doing the things that I think about want to do and that mean things to me this channel means a ton to me more than you probably know folks okay friends I put out seven videos a week sometimes more I'm up early what do you want to know I work from job to job that's my life that's just what I choose to do so but but amongst all those other things that goes on in life the most important thing for me here yes I've got three people that depend on me my boy Hogan my daughter Rita and my wife Wendy they depend on me I'm the bread guy I bring in the bread that is my main goal to feed my family and to raise my children with love and kindness and my wife she's already lovely and kind so we're traveling this road together oh is that it okay tangle or what look it just take your time but get it friends yeah look though she's there's nothing down friends it's good okay it's wedge time and we got the wedge for it let me tell you that right now this is a long video Wow I've got two to 10-minute oars and like I think another five or six takes time friends to do these videos okay what do we got oh look at this what's that no too small yeah I can almost guarantee you this is gonna be the one right here yeah it is and there's a fair bit of space here friends I think we should I gotta turn you back on I'm gonna find a wedge [Applause] okay Josh Oh buddy this is the part that an axe guy when he's putting this together look at my wedge see how it's narrower at one side yeah it's for a reason it's just the way this axe handle was this is a resurrection friends okay and it's got more it's got more thickness at the front than it does at the back I still think we're a little thick hi LAN LAN LAN let's see wonder if that's gonna force its way down in there I actually have a feeling it is but it's not going all the way you know we're gonna do friends because now that I see the space there this is too wide still I'm gonna wipe this off real quick this blue I'm not happy with my wedge Manship and I know I know for a fact I'm gonna break it it's gonna go in so far and it's gonna stop I know what I gotta fix it friends it's driving me nuts I'm gonna do it'll take a second okay just just just hang tough you may as well just come with me we're gonna do it it's not going in far enough by hand because it's gonna sink that far and if it doesn't go in far enough it [Music] we're getting there there we're done that's it yeah see she's thinned out no it's it's thinner I had to do it friends it was driving me on that side so I'm gonna bring you guys into position we're gonna do the old chip thing sorry for bouncing all over us but we're in the shop it's a spring night the grass is growing and Bodkins growing so let's do this I'm gonna put some glue on her little tight bond thanks for the tape bond I think it was was it Peter I forget who it was man you guys are so cool all this little glue on there just enough to get it to do its thing friends not AG looping amount you know but you want enough on there so it's gonna do its thing okay there it is here okay nice little cloud now we gonna do this he's gonna do it we're gonna do it right now as a matter of fact nah no let's look at Dan because we had a shoulder friends because we had a shoulder we're going to sorry we're gonna hold the axe head down while we do this just for the original heads just for the first few okay Josh you ready for this bud okay gave me that really nice feeling so now what's happening is we're about half way down and look at there's no bounce-back none whatsoever it's down on the head so I'm pretty confident that I could take my hand off the head now and just pound the sucker so but I still like okay look at friends it's sunk it took it you I take so much time with my wedge Winship now friends I'm not joking yet this thing came to me as a resurrection we use the same handle okay but what's important to see here friends is we have no bounce back whatsoever on that shelf it was on see the curl little teeny bit of curl there everything has been token right up it is a good good seat now a very good seat what's that glue no that's that wood that's right that's that that run out sorry so you know what I mean friends and look yeah that's what I'm talking about so yeah I'm pretty I'm pretty stoked Josh you've got a very very Integra lacks right now [Music] yeah I I got a good freakin feeling I can go out just kick the living pulp pulp out of this thing right now and it'll be fine you want to go give it a shot skis let's go do it hey I'm in I love throwing an axe around uh you're darn tootin I do let's do it let's go it's a beautiful night so I had a nice little cleanup in my yard today friends but this all cleaned up got them tarp a couple of boards left from the project there we'll get that straight note I hope everybody's doing well tonight I do I hope your lives are in good good order okay so now let's hit this chariot it's tough as nails let's do it friends come on see this piece of wood right here friends this thing it's acacia it is absolutely 100% gorgeous 50s bumper down there this wood I picture it as a high table bench like thing I love it I've had it for years and years okay here's the cherry here is the cherry sure it's right there okay so here we are we're testing our ax now and it's an HB so I mean come on little hard that is friends Oh cherry bark look at it this thing is dry it may as well be a rock our wild cherry is top friends really tough I'm not trying to split wood out I'm trying to test the ox so that's why I'm hit straight down Wow yeah nothing friends nothing yeah so that was a nice set of tests for this little little boys axe show he has a little boys axe slowly the pressure washing their brother hey where's boy I've misplaced a double bit and it's driving me absolutely nuts who Micah relax friends my girl axe it's it's scary scary nothing okay I always test my axes right after I put the wooden wedge in that wedge went home all the way all the way beautiful and I'm glad I took it down it wouldn't have had to smoke it friends it's on film you saw it I had to smash that thing in there for that to go this tape on does good stuff it dries faster than the normal or glue doesn't that friends tight bond it's wicked this video is 30 35 40 minutes on that's crazy I could end it Josh if you ever watch this you may not but if I tell you to you might I love you buddy you're a good friend you're family I love doing tree work for you guys your property's wonderful and your family's beautiful and this.hb now is part of your family don't go don't go losing this thing buddy she's a bucking special now it's been fit like you wouldn't believe you just watched it happen and it is integral my friend it's on there really good I'm proud of this little axe now buddy and I hope you are too I love you pal good night anyways there's a lot in the video but the the stuff that happens on this video the the stuff I do there's some good tips friends I share all my stuff with everybody I I don't I don't hold nothing back whoo someone's gonna learn how to do it I worked for a tree service years ago friends he was afraid to show me stuff I I was like hey what was that thing you did with the not there I'll just you guys never mind you know you don't need to know he was afraid to show me because he was afraid I was gonna come and be his competition and yes I was but I told him I was going to do it we're good good friends to this day but it was just the fear that fear doesn't work friends fear doesn't work it doesn't that's just my opinion I have one too right what I don't show on the channel or on the on the regular I'm out in the shop right now finish up the last video for it okay it's this now what I did I'm gonna show you this right now I'm gonna add it into this video and make it longer than it already is check it out you know that you know the ones there are these ones here I'll show you okay it's it's these suckers okay they're big they're big friends they are they're massive okay now check this out wait sorry look I got to show you this see look what I did okay I fabricated the wedge so it wouldn't blow the thing right out of proportion blow it out of the water okay so friends don't don't be afraid sorry excuse me miss again the camera take note to just fabricate use the old noggin and and see because this axe friend I will tell you this right now if the man doesn't blast the handle out of this thing or or honest honest-to-goodness friends this axe is done it's done for life this thing will not go anywhere it's a resurrection hander there was no moisture in it you've seen on the video when I done its and friends thanks for watching the videos I know I'm excited about my axes and there's a lot of ax content yeah I'm into ax aside that's you know what I'm saying I mean to access man okay I like the axe alright so there's gonna be a lot of that I'm into trees there's tree cotton power sauce there's all that stuff we know that some but about me already but this little HB it's a freaking beauty I hope you enjoyed the videos if you did you know what to do hitchhike down to the corner store grab yourself some sweets slurp on a lollipop have yourself a great day folks over no friends be kind to one another in here we're doing a heck of a job I am we are I'm super proud of you folks this chick this channel and it's comments actually this wicked I'm gonna keep her nice for the kids that come in I talked to kids all the time on this on this channel friends we keep her good I love it I'm proud o pr2 over now be kind you
Channel: Buckin' Billy Ray Smith
Views: 16,947
Rating: 4.9588056 out of 5
Keywords: axe, restoration, old axe, hang, handle, tree felling, falling trees, logging, firewood, splitting, wood, tree removal, arborist
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 32sec (2612 seconds)
Published: Wed May 09 2018
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