How to share PS Plus across all accounts (PS4/PS5)

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this video is sponsored by skillshare hey guys this is dr glitch and welcome back to a brand new video in this video i'm going to be showing you guys how to share ps plus from one account to across all the accounts that are locked down to your console this method is going to be useful if you guys want to play games online using ps plus but you've only got ps plus subscription on one account and you want to be able to share it with another account that is added as a user to your console now you guys want to keep in mind that this method is only going to work if you have ps plus on at least any one of your psn accounts that's registered with your ps4 or ps5 also i'm gonna be showing you guys how to share ps plus on your ps4 as well as your ps5 so if you have a ps5 don't worry guys i'm gonna be showing you guys how to do it on the ps5 as well and the time stamp for the ps5 method is going to be left down in the description if you guys have a ps5 you can jump straight to it also i want to let you guys know that when you share ps plus to your second account you're not going to be able to download free ps plus games on that account the only thing that you're going to be able to do is play games online across all the accounts that you've shared ps plus to now before we begin with the video i just wanted to answer this small q and a question that i always get a lot of people ask me as to how i find these tips and tricks for games and gaming consoles and the answer is actually very easy guys in order to understand how games and consoles work you gotta think from a developer's perspective and this is why i use skillshare skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of inspiring classes for anyone who loves learning and wants to explore their creativity and learn new skills invest in themselves and their personal growth skillshare has literally got thousands of classes on game development and software's like unity java unreal engine etc i'm sure a lot of you guys already know that a game like fortnite has also been designed and developed on unreal engine so if you guys want to dive deep into how such complex games are designed skillshare has got you covered now of course you don't have to worry even if you have absolutely zero knowledge in game development i took a class by greg wundra who is an actual authorized instructor on intro to game design and me being an absolute newbie was still able to understand and comprehend everything that was taught in the class the class covers basic topics like how to download and install unreal engine to complex ones like game geometry player metrics and stuff like that and right now guys since skillshare is the sponsor for today's video the first 1000 people to sign up with the link given in the description box or use the code dr glitch we'll get a one month free trial of skillshare so go ahead and try it out right now all right guys so in order to share ps plus from one account to other accounts that are registered to your console the first thing that you want to do is you're going to have to log in to the account that you want to share ps plus do so as you guys can see i already have an active playstation plus subscription on one account and i'm going to be sharing the subscription to this account right here which is called nextgen now once you've logged in what you want to do is just switch user and go back to your primary account where you have an active playstation plus subscription and once you're on this account what you want to do is go on to settings so just scroll up and go all the way to the right now scroll down again until you find this setting right here it's called application save data management and scroll down again and go on to auto upload and then once you're here guys what you want to do is you're going to be unchecking all of these boxes so all you have to do is just uncheck the first box and it's going to take care of the rest so once this is done scroll up and go on to account management scroll down again and go on to activate as your primary ps4 now once you're on this screen if you see the activate button is grayed out on the screen for you it basically means that the account where you have an active playstation plus subscription is set as a primary account so what you want to do is go ahead and deactivate it as being the primary account on your console once this is deactivated the system should log you out of your account automatically and it's basically going to get you back to your secondary account now once you're here guys you're not going to be doing anything or changing any settings just yet what you want to do instead is go back to your primary account or the account where you have an active playstation plus subscription and then once you're here guys just go on to your settings once again and go on to account management and go all the way down to restore licenses now this is really important for this to work so just wait for a few seconds until the licenses are restored so once this is done go all the way back now you're going to be logging in to your secondary account where you want the playstation plus subscription so just log back into this account now go on to your settings once again and you're pretty much going to be doing the same thing again on this account uh just go into account management and go on to activate as your primary ps4 and you're gonna be activating this account as your primary account in order to be able to share playstation plus subscription now once this is done scroll down again and restore licenses on this account as well once this is done hit ok and then go back and go all the way back and as you guys can see you now have playstation plus subscription on this account as well now you guys can do this on the ps5 and i'm going to be showing you guys how to do it on the ps5 right now all right guys so now i'm going to be showing you guys how to share playstation plus subscription from one account to another on your ps5 so as you guys can see this is the account that already has an active subscription what you want to do is again go on to the secondary account and just log into it and then once you've logged into the account that you want to share ps plus to uh you want to switch back to the primary account in order to tweak some settings now the settings on ps5 are actually exactly the same the only thing that's different is the arrangement so the first thing that you want to do is again go on to settings and then scroll down and go on to save data and game app settings scroll down again and you want to make sure that auto download is turned off once this is done go back and scroll up and go over to user and accounts now scroll down and go on to other now what you want to do is you're going to make sure that console sharing and offline play is disabled on the account that you have a playstation plus subscription on so this is what i'm going to do right now and then again as soon as you do this the system is automatically going to log you out of your account so you want to press the playstation button and log back in to the same account and we're going to go back to settings and then scroll down and go on to other now you just want to restore licenses real quick once this is done go back again and now you're going to be switching your account uh to the one that you want the playstation plus subscription on so we're just going to log into this account and again we're going to go on to settings as you guys can see there's no places the subscription uh as of now but we're gonna get it after we uh turn on console sharing and offline play and that's what we're gonna do right now we're gonna enable console sharing and offline play on this account once this is done just quickly go down and restore licenses and then now when you go back to your main screen you're gonna see that this account also has a playstation plus subscription now in case you guys are wondering uh if the changes that we made on the ps4 are gonna be transferred to the ps5 even if you have the same accounts and the answer is no because if it were to work it would have already worked for me because i've already made all of the changes on the ps4 uh and in fact this wouldn't even work if you tried it on a different ps4 console so it has to be the same console as well but that being said guys this is how you share ps plus from one account to another on your ps4 as well as your ps5 with that being said guys if you find this video helpful please don't forget to leave a like to this video and also do not forget to subscribe to my channel thanks a lot for watching i'll talk to you guys in the next one
Channel: Doctor Glitch
Views: 901,960
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to share ps plus on all acounts, how to share ps plus ps4, how to share ps plus ps5, how to share ps plus, how to share playstation plus, how to share ps plus subcription on other accounts, how to get ps plus
Id: m104d7SjznY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 13sec (493 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 15 2022
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