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total payment free confirmed purchase and thank you for joining what is going on YouTube but my name is monk tutorials and in today's video I'm gonna be showing you guys how you guys can get free PlayStation Plus in 2020 Here I am in the sign-in screen what you want to do from here is you wanna click on new user from here you want to click on create a user you wanna click on accept and you just want to click on next now once you are here you are all the way down to your new PlayStation create an account once you're here you trunk click on sign up now it's gonna load alright so this is the important part here so the country or region you just refer the United States you want to change it to all the way up here Indonesia Indonesia I can't pronounce it Indonesia Indonesia you want to change it to Indonesia English that's fine birthday just make it random you want to make sure that you are over 18 years old so I'm gonna go all the way down to 1999 and just click Next once you're here city and stay that doesn't really matter you can just put whatever you guys want state whatever you guys want and also post code whatever you guys want you just wanna click on next now you actually have to put an actual email because you need to verify that you know now you can use a burner email if you don't know what I mean you can just search up on google burner email but if you want to use a real email that's fine I'm gonna use a real email that I have that way I can verify moving so let me enter this information real quick and I will be right back all right guys I entered my gmail and password these you don't really I'm just gonna uncheck them because I want to receive any type of notification that doesn't really matter but once you've done that you want to click on next now from here it doesn't really matter what you view you can just select anything you want like a random icon and then on line D like I said this doesn't really matter unless you I keep the account but put a random random stuff here like so alright then click Next all the way down click on next same thing here all the way down to go on next same thing again next right click on accept alright the account was created which one do here is one click on ok and then from here you want to actually verify the email so I'm gonna quickly grab my laptop to verify it and then once you verify it you want to click on already verify it and then we can move on so go do that and let's move on I guess once you verify the in your email you just one click on already verified didn't tell you to please wait then all it's just gonna tell you the profile information just click on next and then from here you can just click on do this later and it's gonna same thing here do this later and say please wait it might take a little bit so I just wait on that alright now from here you just want to press circle you want press back you just want to get out of there and it's gonna say please wait again you have to wait then from here you wanna click on OK and then ok alright so now once you were on the home screen you want to go left we want to go to the PlayStation Store now once you are on the PlayStation Store you want to go to the search and then from here as you can see on the right it says PlayStation Plus free for 14 days you can do this so say the 14 days goes away you can just redo this and make another account and over and over so it says you need a credit card required you do not need a credit card because it's free something you don't need a credit card just just click on subscribe proceed to checkout as you can see proceed to checkout it's free proceed to checkout total payment free confirm purchase and thank you for joining that is it ladies and gentlemen that is how you get the PlayStation Plus now if you want this PlayStation Plus to go on your main account what you can do from here is you want to go up you want to go all the way to the right to settings account management activate as your primary ps4 and then click on activate mine's already activated but if it's um it's not activated click on activate and then once you sign out of this account just sign out of this account you will have PlayStation Plus on your main account so yeah I think you just redo this every 14 days and you will have PlayStation Plus for free so if you guys did enjoy the video and it did help and it did work make sure to subscribe and like and comment tell me for work or if anything wrong I will answer to every comment so that's it for today's video hope you guys did enjoy and I will see you guys in the next one good bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: MonkTutorials-Tutorials & More
Views: 881,284
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: LzfFeb8IozU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 15sec (315 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 17 2020
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