How To Use PS Plus On 2 PS4s - How To Share PS4 Games On 2 Consoles - Use PS Plus On 2 Consoles

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yo what's going on guys I'm Jake RA from girl new ChiCom teaching you how to be better and in this video I'm gonna be showing you how to use PS Plus on to ps4 and share games between two ps4 so stay tuned it's been a cold when I ran is lasted far too long now this method basically gives one person free PS plus of course someone does need to pay for it but you can share this with a friend or family member and it it costs the price of peers plus if you go huffs on it basically so let me show you exactly how to do it so you want to go up to settings then you will go to PlayStation Network forward slash account management then you want to go to activate as your primary ps4 and if this is your account your PS Plus then you want to deactivate your ps4 as your primary ps4 so deactivate it on this ps4 and then what you want to do is you want to sign in to that profile on your friends ps4 and then you want to go to the same place playstation network account management and you're gonna go to activate as your primary ps4 and then you just want to activate it now there are some benefits of having your ps4 activated as your primary ps4 so you may lose these benefits if you want to share your PS Plus the benefits are if you have PS Plus on one of your profiles on your main activate ps4 then you can use PS Plus on any other profiles on that ps4 so you'll be losing that out but this way you can share PS Plus with a friend maybe you can sell PS Plus if that's something that you're into or share it with a family member or share it between two consoles that you own and doing this you can also share games as you will both be able to download the games that you have already purchased using this profile so you can share games you can share PS plus it is lovely days right about now so if that's something that you want to do this is the way to do it now I hope this video helps you out thanks for watching and liking and subscribing and if you are a YouTube gamer or gaming youtuber stay tuned for the upcoming announcement also you can go to grow on and check out my youtube guides on this channel if you want help with growing your channel before you guys go I just want to let you know that you can download your free content plan template below the link is in the description so be sure to get that this free content plan template will help you plan your content in a way that will bring you more views and subscribers so definitely grab that ASA it's been a cold when RN is lasted far too long so for this if I share with you you [Music]
Channel: Jay Cartere
Views: 265,853
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How To Use PS Plus On Multiple Accounts, how to get free ps plus, get free ps plus, how to use ps plus on more accounts, how to use ps plus on more than one account, how to use ps plus on new psn account, free ps plus, how to use ps plus on 2 ps4s, how to use ps plus on more than one ps4, how to share ps plus with a friend, how to share ps plus, How To Share Games On 2 PS4s, jay cartere, psn guide, how to share ps plus on ps4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 38sec (218 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2017
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