How To Share PS Plus Account | UPDATE 2021 (PS4/PS5)

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happy new year everyone and welcome back to the  channel in today's video i'll be updating you guys   for the new year on how to share playstation plus  across all your accounts now this method works for   playstation 4 and playstation 5 and the process is  exactly the same regardless of what console you're   on now typically before this process is done if  you were to go to an alternate account for example   and try to play games online it will say  that you have to purchase playstation plus   first but with this method that i'll be showing  you guys you'll be able to go on any account that   you have on your console and be able to play games  online and not have to purchase playstation plus   for each individual account now all you want to do  to begin with is go to your main account that you   have playstation plus on then once you go to your  main account all you want to do is scroll up and   go to settings from settings you're going to go  to account management and from account management   you're going to go to activate as your primary ps4  when you go to this option you want to make sure   that you have activate selected and grayed out  once you have done this all you simply want to do   is go to the power option and then go to switch  user and go to an alternate account that you have   on your playstation 4 and you can do this process  for every other account that you have on your   playstation 4 or playstation 5 as well once you go  to the alternate account all you want to do is go   up again and then go over to settings and  then from settings you're going to go to   account management once again you're going  to go to activate as your primary ps4 or ps5   and you want to make sure that  deactivate is selected and grayed out   once you've completed these steps then you'll be  able to go on any game on your alternate accounts   and be able to have access to playstation plus  features like playing the games online and this   process is mainly to just be able to play games  online across all your accounts that's the main   purpose of sharing playstation plus across all  of your accounts but when it comes to downloading   games you want to make sure to download those  games on your main account and then you'll be   able to go to your alternate accounts and  play the games on your alternate accounts   so this is a very easy process to do guys  and it is currently working for the new year   and this works for playstation 4 and playstation 5  but if you guys want to enjoy this video remember   to hit that like button and if you are new here  it would be awesome if you subscribed and if   you guys have any questions whatsoever need help  with anything when it comes to this process make   sure to leave your comments below and i'll try to  respond to your questions as quickly as possible   but thank you guys so much for watching have a  great year guys and i'll see in the next one peace touch heaven
Channel: DruManjiDrew
Views: 508,983
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to share ps plus, how to share ps plus 2021, share ps plus, share ps plus account, how to share ps plus with friends, how to share a ps plus account, how to share your ps plus, how to share a ps plus, how to share your ps plus account, share your ps plus account, share your ps plus, ps plus 2021, how to share ps plus ps4, how to share ps plus ps5, how to share ps plus on ps4, how to share playstation plus on ps4, how to get ps plus on all accounts, ps plus sharen 2021
Id: bXwFwIqC8L4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 56sec (176 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 01 2021
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