How to Shade in Krita - Tutorial

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no you want to know how to shade hey guys i'm about to spike i'm kind today we're back once again taking a look at exactly what i just said i've been getting a lot of comments recently asking me how i shade when i do i don't usually do it because i my style is very unshaded but i got a lot of comments asking me how i shade things or how i would go about shading things it's very very simple so let's get this thing started as you can see on our image here i have a couple things i have our background which is obviously just white and then i have our line art on a single on a single layer and then i have our color on a different layer other than that so that's what uh that's what we got basically um now what we're going to do is we're going to create another layer in between the line art layer and in between the color layer so this little plus button right here and make sure this layer is in between both the color and the lines nice we'll call this one um shade nice apparently this one's spicy it pulled out some old tweets on twitter nevermind okay all right let's go ahead and as you can see uh what i'm gonna do here is i'm gonna do this with a mouse because i just wanna show you guys that you can do it and i don't wanna pop my tablet out just to shade two things just to show you guys something um so let's go ahead and um as you can see if i use this brush tool up here at the top um you go over here to advanced uh color selector go to tool options and i do believe if you don't have this dock you can go ahead and pull it up right here in settings dockers and then down at tool options right there and that should pop up somewhere on your screen you can put it where you want it but if you change this brush smoothing from basic to stabilizer and then put the sample count on somewhere around 400 ish about 400 ish okay orange edition and a delay on like 25 or something like that you can see we have a really nice way of just like drawing lines with the mouse and the nice and smooth very cool stuff but right now so what we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and on the shade layer i'm just going to click and drag a nice little arc on the side of his face like this just something like that you see how the lines overlap you see how they're kind of crazy like that that's what we're going to do now obviously this is if the sun is coming from this way or whatever the light source is if the sun's coming from this way obviously the the the light would be on this side and because his head is round obviously you're going to put an arc to that because if you were to do something like this then all of this is the part that's shaded and that looks weird that that's not how that would work his face is flat if it's like that and it also wouldn't be like this because that would be arcing the wrong direction because if you look at a circle then the closest point to us is probably about right here and then it goes down from here and then it goes down to here like that that's how that's how spheres work just a nice little breakdown for you if you if you didn't know what a sphere was um so um in essence what we need to do is once again just draw this little arc back there we go and now because his head is kind of like protruding over top of his chest and over his arm and his um neck and shoulders um not only because his head is just bigger because that's i mean what heads are our you know heads are are bigger than your shoulders and neck and whatnot not even only for that but because he's a little slumped over as you can see so he's a little slumped over you know maybe he's not having the best day so what we're going to do is we're going to create another line we're going to start right here and we're just going to drag like that so you see a nice little shadow there you can also do a shadow here but like i said once again make sure you keep in mind um where the sunlight is but i think for this this might be fine because um because his head is still giving that shadow but i will go ahead and do the line back here create a little nice little arc to it like that there we go cool so the sun is casting this direction it is making this part of his face really bright it is shading this piece right here and it is shading this piece right here because his head is creating a shadow onto this which is his back and like his shoulder area so just keep in mind where the light's coming from if you have to break it down like this and that's completely fine if the light was coming from this direction obviously i want to break this down just so you guys get it if it's like coming from this direction obviously this is the part that would be in shadow like this and then most likely like this so all of this would be shaded in and all of this would be shaded in so yeah it just depends on where the light is coming from so let's go ahead and delete that and put this back all right cool now so once that's done uh let's go ahead and get rid of the um arrow there we go um nice cool so now i thought you're wondering how are we going to make this into like actual like shading so let's go ahead and grab the um grab the fill tool the fill tool there now what you need to do is you need to make sure that in the tool options you have the grow selection set to at least two pixels probably two is probably the best place to keep it make sure this is set to two pixels because if it's set to zero and we fill this in you can see we have that nasty outline that's gross right that's gross we hate that we don't we don't like that but if i change this up to two and fill this back in boom instantly gone there's no more of that weird line because it's growing the pixels by two so in essence what it's doing is it's making it filling it two pixels past the edge of the black lines so that's what we needed to do there um now the same thing with this down here boom and we have that nice shading now instead of going ahead and erasing these lines like this i mean we can do this you know and all this stuff and whatever what not and doing all this like process stuff and missing some of it potentially what we're gonna do is we're gonna do something very very very simple we're gonna right click the shade um layer right click go to group there we go and then hit quick group now what this is going to do is going to create a group and it's going to put the shade layer inside of it so the next thing that i want to do is i'm going to go ahead and grab the color layer and click and drag that into the group with the shade now there's a group we have with the shade and the color and lines in the background i'm not in that group now what we need to do is we need to go ahead and um grab the shade layer and go over to this little icon so that's a little a hit this little a button as you can see once we do that it gets rid of everything that's not on the color layer so if there's nothing in that section on the color layer it doesn't put it on the shade layer so it's just taking our shade layer and then mixing it with the color and only placing the shade on the color because it's inside that group so it's like anything in this group is what's going to touch so if you put the background into this group you see it it'll put it on that but we don't want that so don't put the background in there it's just going to bleed onto the background so um now with this done as you can see this shadow's a little a little dark unless this is the style you're going for which in that case then fine that was solid black shadow that's cool there are very many cartoons and very many things uh that have done solid black outlines and it's like shading it looks pretty cool but for this i'm not going for that style so let's go ahead and grab the shade layer and then drop the opacity down uh something about like there i don't want the shadow to be too harsh so it's going to do something like that um we can also go ahead and um change the color by going up to filter adjust hsv adjustment and then grabbing this i know you can't see this box but there's a box here i'm just changing the lightness i'm making a little bit brighter and then i'm adding uh saturation behind this colorize hitting the colorize button and then just adding saturation to it it's a little reddish now as you can see you can make it blue blue is probably a really good um color to stay with so blue shadows are usually the way to go so this is like bluish as you can see um if i turn off if i turn the pace to the other back up you can see that it's like bluish now right um you want to go for a color like this call it this most likely and then turn the opacity down and then it gets a nice nice nice blue cool shade like that now of course you can go for a red iron or a green depending on what your scene is or what color you want to do what style you want to go for but for typically typically i want to go with this blue this darker blue um shade color so that is basically it that's really all that it is um you can do highlights the same way real quick so let's go ahead this little plus button add in a highlight layer let's go ahead and just make a really really bright yellow color like that with the same exact thing we'll just create this nice little line right here on the edge of his head and then we'll go hit this little a button there you go and we can even actually wait we can even just make this white so just make this solid white like that there you go so that's our little highlight there as well and it works the same exact way now if i was to go ahead and show you with a different color background there we go all right so as you can see that is our highlight you can see it overlaps there if we turn it if we hit the little a button then boom we have a highlight too so very very cool stuff um i hope you ladies and gentlemen enjoyed today's tutorial do a little highlight do a little highlight here as well on the right layer make sure you're on the right layer there you go um but yeah so i hope you ladies and gentlemen enjoyed today's tutorial that is going to be it for today um thanks for watching i appreciate that very very much i will see you next tutorial let me know what you want to see next time down below and i will see you there but until then [Music]
Channel: TutsByKai
Views: 33,926
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutsbykai, tuts by kai, kai, tuts, beginner, tutorial videos, tutorials, tutorial, how to, beginner tutorial, easy tutorial, simple, easy, animation
Id: uYPR5u-dlJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 22sec (562 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 25 2022
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