Krita Colorize-Mask: Advanced Tips

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[Music] hello bonjour on the recent pepper and carrot episode 34 i used a lot the colorize mask it's a feature of krita it's a tool to accelerate the flatting of your line art and i already covered the topic on a video here if you want to get the link it's an amazing tool and i love it but today i want to skip the basics and i share only the advanced tips i found while coloring all the comic page of episode 34. so let's get started so at first i advise you to prepare your pages to feed the colorize mask feature my page by default has multiple layer you have here a group with the speed line with the drawing the drawing is done on a gray background it's just better for my eyes and also i can see my borderless panel here white that is a vector layer but colorize mask is very hard to apply on this type of result so i need to change that a bit so at first i will just go on my frame and i select opac it's a the last element on the menu here and then i want to go to select border selection i i will pick just like three and uh this three pixel will be the size of the gutter here so it transformed the selection into uh giving a width of this so right now i can create another layer on the top i will name it line art and i will select some black color and go to edit fill with foreground color so now i have some edges around my panel i can deselect this i can remove the speed line temporary because i want to keep them for later but the colorize mask will be very confused with all this line i don't want a color here another color here and another color here i just want the same color for all the background and only the character to get the area color red so it's good to remove that and also i will do a ctrl a selection on my group and i will just ctrl c ctrl v so now i have a sort of projection see i will put it on the top it's only the line out of the character here and i will push it just under the panel that i trusted and i will select this line art for colorization this panel and i will merge it with this drawing with ctrl e so now i have a single layer here on the top that has the character and the edge of the panel but i have this gray background and colorize mask really prefer to get some pure black and white picture so i will just call with ctrl l the levels and i will remove here the gray background with putting the white cursor on this side and also by experience i know that the colorize mask works a little bit better with a little bit more contrast so i'm rising a little bit the contrast and press ok and once i have this type of picture it's easy to right click on it and add a colorize mask to it so the colorize mask will just work with this type of picture but later when i will get all my colorization i will put it under my drawing speed line and everything and it will it will look fine so i jump at a little bit in the time here to show you the result after i put all the little stroke the brush stroke of markers on my colorize mask uh remember it's on the basics previous video and once you have draw all this little marker for where you want krita to colorize your line art you can press here this little wheel colorize mask and it will compute the result but here i have already something computed so i just activate the preview if you have very very very precise line art and you don't want colorize mask to do any smoothing or anything you can use this very easy setting to remember edge detection 0 gap close 0 and clean up 0 and it will get the more sensitive you can about finding your lines you can see that i selected the green color to be the transparent color and also you can see that if you plan to use the colorize mask with this little palette here it's very complex as soon as you have many color on the page like this so if you use this presses setting you will also get this symptom of your stroke being totally merged with the preview so it's probably clear here because you have the red stroke that i draw that are really the same color as the merger and this is complex if you have to erase for example a marker because it's not placed the where you want so what i advise in this case is uh to reduce the opacity of the colorize mask that's something i found by an accident but you can just reduce the opacity of your colorize mask and then you will see better your stroke but you will continue to get the preview of where the stroke filled the color and something very good also about reducing the opacity you get so this preview but if you press ctrl alt and click so it's clicking on the active layer you still select the the color of the area a simple control and click will select this reduced opacity color and you don't want that so it's it's really convenient to to sort of continue to make some more stroke on your colorize mask so i'm jumping here for a minute on my krita with my layout user interface customization because usually for the tutorial i'm launching a krita with all the default settings so sorry for that but i'm launching this version because on this version i have the reference docker installed i will put the link into the description to this plugin it's not a plugin installed by default on krita but i very love it it's a plugin that allows me to load a picture on it and as you can see that i made a picture with some just color area some color reference and when i click on it it will just select the color and get a little preview here so yeah i can zoom in zoom back and just click so when i'm doing this type of work it's it's really convenient to just select and just fill here some color and get the skin color and quickly colorize like this all the pages because the colors are very often repetitive across all the character in the dialogue scene so it's very good to get some references and i'm not using the reference the usual feature because the usual feature will i will show you if you have like here my little palette and i'm taking a palette from a previous episode and i'm doing insert as a reference image and i put it on the side it will be good to color here this panel but as soon as i will move i will have to just put it here always and if i zoom back i will have to move it etc etc once everything is done just select the colorize mask right click and convert to a paint layer so you will get your color area only restore the opacity and uh you can just delete your temporary line art with your panel trussed this is not useful anymore and you can now put your line just under your inking with your speed line and restore your frame with your vector panel and i can show you now a result of the page once it was shaded with all the effect for the next tutorial i will show you probably how i do the shading [Music] thank you for watching and i hope you liked the video if you have any other tips please write them in the comment section under the video i'll be around to read them thank you all so very much to all the supporters of pepper and karate on tp's patreon and liberape they really allows me to take the time to make this type of content between the episode and also the episode themself if you want to join them you'll find all the links in the description and see you next time bye
Channel: David Revoy
Views: 58,025
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Id: M-NNUdnPgbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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