A few TIPS to get you started with KRITA! (Best Painting Program!?)

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[Music] krytie is probably the best drawing program I've ever used in my life hey guys one bad test by Kai I'm Kai and today we are in Kryta I've had so many different comments about drawing programs and and I've used Kryta before on the channel you guys asked me so much about it I figured today we will do a bit of a tips tutorial because I can't really give you a whole big tutorial on everything in Kryta because there's just so much stuff so I figure I've been using it for about two years now and I think I'll give you a bunch of tips that I've picked up along the way of just using the application like I said the biggest way you're gonna learn something like like krytie and all of its nooks and crannies is just to get in there and get your feet wet with it and do it yourself but I won't give you a couple of tips that I have come up with we're gonna start up a new canvas here and usually I use 2560 1440 but today we're doing something a bit different I have almost a square canvas here and what I'm gonna do is if you if I mean I'm using a tablet right now by the way I'm not using my mouth now so I'm gonna assume you're also using a tablet and if you're using a mouse it's gonna be much more difficult to navigate and to draw obviously I'll leave a link down in the description for and I'll probably put it up in a card for the graphic tablet that I have it's really pretty nice it's not too expensive saved up for it for a while but but yeah we can get started if I use the bottom button on my pin while dragging around I can pan around the canvas so I can move around pretty simply and pretty easy if I hold down control and do the same button it zooms in and out if I hold down shift and use the same bottom button then rotate my canvas and that is nice now let's say you rotate your canvas like this to get it to get a nice a nicer angle on some kind of edge you're drawing right maybe something like that but now you want to rotate your camera's back how do you do that you get it five on the top of your keyboard to put that back and you also have one two three and four I'm sorry one two three one one will zoom in to 100% three will zoom it to 37% and five will five-oh rotate it backwards so that's that right there you can also do the same exact same exact thing I just showed with with view up here you can go and turn and turn but about your image not view you can rotate right here as well and then in view or somewhere you can zoom as well yeah all right so moving on if I want to go ahead and change my brush I can click this button up here and change my brush by by scrolling through these nice brush presets that Kryta comes with and choose one that I want just start painting with it over here testing it out maybe I want to change some of the things I'm gonna make a separate video on brushes because there's so much stuff to go over I mean look at all this all this stuff that we have here it's just it's crazy it's insane so I'm gonna leave this for now you like I said you can go ahead and choose some brushes just get started painting with all these different brushes let's say I finally chose one that I want to use go ahead and paint with it in our canvas as once again zoom in holding down control and use my my bottom button on my my pen delete that over on the right hand side we have colors and color colors brushes and layers here if I ate this button we can add in a new layer name and have this drop-down box we can add in many different types of layers if I wanted to let's say I draw the changes size let's say I drew this giant black circle maybe I want to go ahead and only be able to draw this blue color inside the black so I don't I want to do a rim light but I don't want to you know bleed out into the white that that's a problem I only wanted to be on the black well if we can do that is if I go ahead and and right-click my um my layer with the black circle and go to group and add a new group a quick clipping group right there what this will do is if I drop down my size I can paint now inside of the black and not have it spill out into the white which is exactly what I needed it's so perfect look at that now if I were to go ahead and drag this layer outside of that group you can see exactly what we drawn much better than that so that's that's a really quick and easy way of getting that done violence can I show you really quickly a couple more tips to make it like easier oh I got it so let's say I'm sketching let me delete that let's say I'm sketching a new a new piece of art a new masterpiece my brush size at 4:30 let's say I'm sketching something new maybe I have you know a head here right I have a head this is really sloppy by the way something like that right and I have a neck this brush is not the best let me just change it really quickly that one there we go no not that one the other one that's the wrong one I think there was three I could pick I think the wrong way so here we go I have this maybe I have a neck a jaw whatever some shoulders maybe I want to rotate this guy's head I can choose this this little lasso tool right here the fourth one out of one two three four and we can just draw a circle around this guy's and Nick and and just grab his head now I can go up here and use this button to move this just the selected piece around and rotate it maybe I want him to be looking up some more or something like that maybe I want to scale it if I just scale it it'll free scale but hold down shift then it'll scale with a lock on it maybe this guy's heads huge maybe something like that maybe I want to make it a bit thicker maybe a bit thinner shorter shorter and if I grab the edge and you see how it has those two arrows that go back and forth like that I do that then I can shear it which is pretty sweet so that's cool I can also move the anchor to have it rotate on a on a hinge or an axis so that's pretty that's pretty nice like that I'm go ahead and do something like that and I'll grab my brush back and then on the layer we'll continue to go and then we can just go ahead and start painting I'll deselect that then we can just start going ahead and painting once again something like that yeah pretty sweet huh alrighty so what I want to get in one more tip here before this video is before these videos over what can I or can I show you oh I know all right so let's say I'm once again let's keep that sketch maybe I want to bucket fill the background to be like a uh like I like gray maybe like this blue yeah that's better like this is blue I go up to the bucket fill uh thing right here and I go ahead and I I just hit that button hit that button but you see there's a problem you see there's all these white spaces if I were to go ahead and hide our sketch you can see it bucket filled everything except for what's on top of it so it's really weird how quite a does this and I'm not really sure why they chose to have it work this way but it does so pretty much what will happen is if I go ahead and I paint this giant black splotch here on all these sides whatever is visible will not be bucket filled so now let me do that in different layers so even if it's on a different layer it won't it won't no no no no no all right so let's do that again and the background now we have on our first layer we have the sketch then the second layer we have these two lines no matter what layer it's on if it's visible the bucket fill will not fill over top of that it's really strange so if I go ahead and hide our sketch you can see our sketch was not bucket filled and the lines are also not bucket filled so I have to actually make sure I go ahead undo that and the I know I'm back no no no there we go so if I go ahead and I hide all my other layers then bucket fill you can see that now it works properly and I can also go ahead and put our put our stuff back it was it was a bit faded right there because you saw I hit ctrl Y by accident I turned soft proofing on so don't mind that so you can see how now that since we've hit our layers then bucket filled we now have a full bucket fill background so I figured that out the hard way many many times of me dealing with that that quite annoying feature but really quickly I'll just add in a bit of a gradient the default grading is always on grayscale sorry color to transparency you have to make sure and change that to two colors and if we can go ahead and just draw the same thing now you can see with this it will also it will also we don't have to hide the layers for this so that's fine and we can also go ahead and go to tool options change it from Ray date radial to linear and then we have a linear gradient instead of a instead of a point based gradient so that's that's gonna be it forward the tips a couple of tips I might do some more tips later on in the future but that's gonna be all for today's video we can delete that right there maybe one more thing just can I can I get one more thing for you guys is there one more thing that's important enough to say I don't think there is I think that's pretty much all the basics of things that I've come up with I'll be doing more tips in the future and I'll be doing more painting tutorials drawing tutorials and stuff like that in the future I do love I do love drawing a lot so we'll be doing a lot of stuff in the future hope you guys enjoyed it hope you learned something new today if you did make sure you let me know down in the comments section but I'll see you guys the next video but until it [Music]
Channel: TutsByKai
Views: 763,069
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutsbykai, tuts by kai, kai, tuts, beginner, tutorial videos, tutorials, tutorial, how to, beginner tutorial, easy tutorial, simple, easy, animation, krita, krita tutorial, krita tips, krita drawing tips, krita beginner, krita painting, krita free program, free drawing program
Id: u8az5DijlnY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 56sec (596 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 15 2018
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