Shading workflow for comics - Krita

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[Music] hello bonjour so today we do the shading of our comic page this video follows a previous video here so if you haven't seen and you want to know how i prepare all this flat color just refer to this video and if you are ready let's start so in today's tutorial we will replicate this layer the shading layer on this page 7 of episode 34 and it's a layer that is really responsible for all the light and all the shadows on my webcomic so if i remove it the visibility not the layer you will see that the page is full flat there is only the background that are painted and sometimes it's just a flat color and if i reactivate it you can see now the page fully shaded so i will zoom in so you can see more detail about it if i deactivate it you see all the part flat and if i activate it there is and the shadow and the light and this is quite unique because usually other comic artists prefer to shade and shadows and highlight separately but i prefer to put them together on a single layer because for me it's easier this way so to start i will start to remove this layer because we will recreate it and i will keep this stack so in this layer stack what i have i have here my inking that is my character you can see it's tainted slightly in violet this is done by calling the control u filter hsv hsy and just put colorize and then you can put the color of your choice on your line and you have also my speed line that i keep separately you have on the bottom of the layer stack that is not visible because it's not part of the group it's my colorize mask the one we obtained on the previous tutorial it wasn't on this page but it's really similar and you can see that my colorize mask fill areas like the face fully there is no apart for the eyes or for the color for the tongue it's all the same color because i treat it by selection area and you will see it has a very important role into this tutorial so then i duplicate my colorize mask into the character layer and in the character layer you can see that i use a normal brush just to paint this eyeball color this tone color the little blushing here and i'm doing even the tears of shishimi here and then i paint the background under the character so this is usually more than one layer i simplified the stack to get a single layer here but as you can see i'm painting all the lighting effect and everything directly on my background layer so once i have a layer stack that is prepared like this what i can do is i can select the character layer and i will put it inside a group so you have a shortcut for this is ctrl g and it creates a group where your character layer is inside now i will create a new paint layer just a little plus here and i will rename this layer shade and i will press here the little a greek symbol on the layer stack and this is the inherit alpha and thanks to this everything i will paint on this layer will have the same alpha so the same transparency as my character i i can also do more if i can put another layer and paint some red i can color and then i will only shade my character so i will remove that and delete the content of this experiment for my shade layer i want a blending mode that is able to do the shading and also to do the light as mentioned before so i will just put the layer into the r live blending mode so i'm clicking here on this menu and if you don't have already the r light in your favorite you'll find this layer in the light and category so press the little arrows here to unfold all the layers related to the light and category and inside it you will find the add light here so you can press the little checkbox and this little checkbox says that you want this blending mode to be part of your favorite list so it will be quicker to find next time but then when it's ready you can click it and now your layer is set to add light now we will select a brush i'm proposing for this tutorial to use this one it's the dry roller one and then we could already start painting on our layer but i prefer here to fill it with a mid grey and why i prefer fill it this layer with a mid rgb gray it's because if we start to get some transparent color like this one gray and we want to then pick this color on this character right now as you can see on the straw on the layer there is only a black color so if i'm picking with ctrl alt and click this is just to pick the color on this layer and not on the full stack i will obtain some black everywhere and this is a problem because sometimes i want this gray and not this black for my brush if i want to replicate exactly the same color from this one to here i have some black so to avoid this problem i will delete i will pick on my palette here 127 127 and 127 type of gray it's really at the middle if you have rgb in 8 byte document so i'm pressing ok i'm going to edit and fill with foreground color so now my layer is full gray as you can see but the light blending mode consider the mid gray as a transparent color everything above it will be some lighting or light effect and everything under it will be a bit like multiply some shadows effect then i can start to shade my page so at first i advise to use a very low zoom so something that you can see some for from far away and do some color sketch so because the background is blue i would probably assume that the general color ambient is bluish so i'm selecting a blue color and i will replicate this maybe on all the page here maybe for this tutorial i will change the scene where chichimi is fighting and i will give her orange power for changing and now because i can pick the color previously because i have a solid bases layer i can control alt click this color and replicate here because we have the same light on paper and we can also reproduce this by click selecting this color layer for this character so now we have a first pass of color if i want to select to start shading for example this panel i will want to just start shading the hair but how to not paint outside the hair and that's where our selection remember the colorize mask under will be very useful for that you can right click on it and oh my menu is a bit outside so i will move a bit the windows so you can see what is happening if i right click on it i can select here a color label and you can pick the one you want but for this tutorial i will pick a pink one and i will try to reposition the windows like that and now i can ask for example the magic wand the contiguous selection tool if i go to the tool option so i will just unfold that a little bit i can ask to select by color label here and i will pick the pink color label so now when i would be on my shading layer if i press the magic wand here it will select the hair and this will not depend of the color because you might say yes it's normal because here the color is yellow but no you will see even if i do some really weird stuff on this layer shading if i go to the magic wand this tool i have a shortcut for this and i press it again it will select the hair and here it will select the skin and here it will select the the clothes so thanks to that i will go back with undo in time and i will select the air of teaching me here and i want to start to shade the hair so i will pick this color right here and i will press the k shortcut key on the keyboard and i will press it twice or a bit more and this will darken my color selected so then as you can see i have like a shadow color it's not a good one it's a bit too warm for me so i would probably go back and select something like this yes this one is better and then i can start to make some big block for where i don't want the light to reach this character so maybe for this uh tutorial i will limit myself to this panel because i don't want to reshade the full page it would be like uh working another time on it and you can see that i'm using the color picker on this layer a lot so it's ctrl alt click and i have my key light here i could probably take a little bit brighter color and fill the shadow with another color here something just a little bit brighter just to better see the volume maybe something like that i will i will zoom it a little bit more so you can see what's happening and if i want now to make some deep shadows here i'm just pressing k on keyboard just to get darker color and then i will be able like this to to select a relative darker color to the one i have so this is very convenient for making a very deep shadows and by the way if you are annoyed by this preview of selection the marching ants it's called you can hide this marching on by pressing ctrl h on your keyboard the selection is still here but you will see a sort of what you see is what you get rendering and at any time if you want to show the selection again press ctrl h again and you will see the marching ant so right now i will launch a little time lapse and i will continue to shade this way all the character [Music] [Music] when your shading is done you can also influence the color if you are not really happy later with the with the composition just select your shading and select your panel with a rectangular selection tool and then compress control b for the color balance and control b the color balance plus this shading technique works very well together because you can decide for the mid tone to go a bit more violet and you will see directly the effect and for example getting the highlight probably more yellow so but here i guess i have mostly mid-tones on this layer and no small points of highlight and for the deep shadow you can also get them a bit more reddish or a little bit more bluish following your taste so that's how ends my video about shading uh it was a little bit too detailed and if you want to continue and get more tips about color grading you can see this video that i'm showing right now on the screen and if you want to know a bit more how to make this character some very good magical effect i also made this video about the magical effect i hope you liked the video and i want to thanks here my co-worker here i also want to thank all the supporters of my web comic on tp liberape and patreon this video wouldn't exist without your support and that's a lot i also want to thanks all the comments all the like all the buttons the reshare and etc etc this is very important for the channel to grow and also to reach more audience so thank you very much for that and see you later bye bye
Channel: David Revoy
Views: 59,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 30sec (1050 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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