How to Visualize and Animate Products in Blender to GET PAID - Blender Tutorial (Aryan)

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I'm going to teach you how to model texture and render this microphone and blender if you can do this right you can definitely get paid for visualizing somebody's products for e-commerce purposes I'm first going to pull out PF open up this first image and drag and drop that onto the canvas here now when I'm working on blender I can just look at this thing to see what I'm supposed to do next I'm going to throw this on my second monitor if you don't got a second monitor you can just put it in a corner like this that way it's not going to be in the way and you can always look at it as you're working I'm not going to use a background reference because I don't really care about the proportions this time I'm just doing this for you guys for the video if you're doing this for a client you're definitely going to need some measurements or a good background reference so that you can align your model with this picture and make it realistic get rid of the default Cube give me a cylinder the default 32 vertices will do take this top face and lift it up select the bottom control B to Bevel it I only want one segment for now like this take this Edge Loop and slide it up after you slide it up we're going to Bevel this again but this time with more segments insert this insert it again take this tiny Edge Loop and extrude it inwards then lower this down control B to Bevel with two segments in a shape of one delete this face select the edge Loop here and go to face grid fill I'm going to adjust the offset here so it's aligned with the world grid and here you can see what the bottom of the microphone looks like first we're going to take these couple of faces inset check Edge rail select these two Edge Loops go to individual Origins and scale them to zero on the x-axis then take these two and scale them to zero on the Y AIS now select these three Edge Loops like this and go to Loop to space do the same with all the vertical edges like this this is going to be the USB port if we delete this surface and subdivide this we're just going to have to make some minor adjustments like this and this is going to have a good shape then over here we're going to select these four faces inser them with eye Loop D Circle inset slightly like this then inser one more time keep this middle area selected and also add this to the selection extrude that inwards we're going to lower this down slightly select all these Edge Loops like this contrl B to Bevel them and again I want a shape of one and two segments we can also delete all the faces on the back at the bottom of this hole face grid fill here inset slightly then inset again and extrude these faces backwards the same way we did on the other side bevel the sharp edges and while we're at it we're also going to add some of the tiny details that are on the inside of this hole to do that I'm going to add a cylinder with eight vertices scale that way down delete the face in the back and the face at the bottom select this Edge Loop face grid fill bevel this and scale it way down again with shift number pad 7even I'm going to go to bottom View and then give me five for orthographic projection I'm going to place this around here somewhere give me an array modifier set the factor to two and scale it down to something like this close this and give me another array modifier this time set the factor to something like three on the y- AIS we're going to have to do minus three instead set the count to four we definitely got more than four so let's try something more like eight and now we got these little things on the inside here let's lower them down a bit take this and lift it up then apply the array modifiers and once we join this with the other object they're also going to get the subdivision surface modifier so they're going to look a lot more smooth now go object shade smooth and that's good to go let's go back to the top we're going to inser this face extrude it downwards delete the interface bring me a loop gut up to here now we're going to make this little Gap over here at the top of the microphone so bevel that only slightly extrude right click alt s this is going to push it inwards you can delete the faces in the back because we don't need them they're completely invisible then take these Edge Loops control B to Bevel them again give me two segments also bevel these top Edge Loops like this and now I'm going to show you how to make a good microphone mesh even better than this one I'm going to be the first one on YouTube with a decent tutorial for how to do this throw this over to the side place the cursor in the middle add a new empty Cube then with shift a at a plane give me two Loop Cuts Like This select them and bevel them with contrl B delete the vertices on the corners take these two V to tear them lift this up by one or two units and lower this down by one or two units Phil if you want to you can make this just a little bit wider just make sure you do this on both of these shapes extrude this out right click gz minus 0.1 1 Let's do minus 0.3 instead because that works better then take this extrude right click and do the same thing you might want to bring these closer together but make sure that these edges are aligned on the ends so we're going to select these four scale them to zero on the z-axis then select the lower four and scale to zero on the z-axis delete the faces at the ends correct your normals and give me a subdivision surface modifier now place the 3D cursor somewhere on this end in the middle use it as a pivot point in edit mode scale this down by 05 push it down here to this corner now shift d to do duplicate rotate by 90° and then bring it over here to this side select everything duplicate again and bring it over here rotate by 180 select everything M merge by distance this looks a little bit too thin so we're going to select these go to individual Origins and scale them up to 1.5 on the Y AIS then select the others and scale those up by 1.5 on the x-axis object shade smooth you can always lower this down further if you want to now once again we're going to scale this by5 and then we're going to push it over to this corner duplicate again rotate by 90 bring it over here duplicate licate again rotate by 180 and bring it over here you can do this a couple of times just so you get a nice grid and with individual Origins I can scale up the top and bottom surfaces this is going to make this whole thing look a lot bumpier now there's two things that you can do to wrap this around the Dome firstly you can add a lattice scale it up so it fits this thing increase the U and the V resolution but set the W resolution to one now add a lattice modifier to the mesh Target this lattice grid and as we modify the vertices of the lattice the mesh is going to get deform according to those changes you can now select the sides and use your proportional editing and try to turn this into some kind of circle you can lower down the sides but this makes it very difficult to wrap this around something properly as you can see we get some weird shapes because of this we need to subdivide this way further if we want to accomplish better results plus this is extremely high poly so my solution is to bake this as a normal map so get rid of the lattice modifier get rid of this add a plane just above this surface like this make sure your normals are all good add a new material to the plane make name that mesh normal map give me a new image texture generate a new image we can do 1024 x 1024 we're going to name this mik mesh generated type has to be blank check 32-bit float click okay set the color space to non-color select this select the mesh and shift select the plane make sure you're in Cycles scroll down to bake bake type got to be normal check selected to active lower your samples to the lowest possible value make sure that this node is selected and now hit bake mine is kind of Blocky so I'm going to increase the level of subdivision here I'm also going to reduce the margin to something like two and then we're going to bake one more time now we got this Frame normal map we're going to go to image save as and save that to our computer in paint net I'm going to load up this image copy it onto new canvas select all the areas in the middle delete those give me black underneath this top part has to be black and white also going to increase the brightness on that save this this is going to be our color map for the mesh we're not going to apply this texture to the Dome yet now we're first going to finish modeling later we're going to apply the textures so first let's add a dome give me a cube let's do three levels of subdivision maybe we better start with just one for now apply that delete the lower half scale this up Loop to circle on this extruded downwards give me a subdivision surface modifier again select this scale it down to the z-axis if you want to give this a crazier shape you can lower this vertx down object shade smooth pairing this to the body and now let's start modeling some of the details right we got a couple of buttons over here in the front then we got some of this on the side here and eventually that attaches to everything down here we're going to do three Loop Cuts Like This bring them down scale them down on the z-axis bevel them to turn each Edge Loop into three Edge Loops like this maybe it'll be better if we turn each Edge Loop into four Edge Loops like this then we can use nine faces for each of these knobs merge by distance select this inset make sure Edge rail is checked give me Loop tools Circle uncheck flatten and adjust the angle so that this is not Twisted you might get some pinching on the side so you maybe you got to push this outwards a little bit like this Shifty to duplicate this and right click then give me alt s to push it outwards a little B a little bit take the surface from below and extrude it inwards bevel this Edge Loop extrude this outwards scale it to zero on the x-axis to flatten it scale it down like this select all these sharp edges on the front and the back control B to Bevel them that gives us one knob which might be a little bit too large if it's too large we're going to place a 3D cursor between these two edges at the top and the bottom select the entire hole but not the surrounding area also select this knob 3D cursor as the piver point and then scale this down to adjust the size properly there's also some going on over here this little hole so let's inser Loop cut take these two inset Loop tool Circle extrude inwards and bevel this now we have to copy this to this lower segment so we can delete that place the cursor on this Edge Loop select all this shift d right click scale to minus one of the z-axis correct the normals then delete the next one cursor down here and just do the same one more time it looks like we messed up because these are kind of Twisted I foolishly assume that we're modeling exactly on the side but we're not we can fix this by just rotating this and try to align it with this surface in the back it doesn't have to be exact as long as it doesn't look stupid now we got knobs let's make this button up here to do that give me another loop cut over here another two on the inside inset Loop D Circle push that inwards bevel this duplicate this face grid fill extrude out flatten bevel the edges now let's get over here to the side and make this select a surface like this inset slide this inwards like this also on the other side slide these down and slide them up make a tiny inset area here select this and extrude it inwards it looks like there's something fancy going on here where there's a little cylinder coming out of this side to make that let's inser these faces give me Loop dual Circle extrude this out flatten it and I guess that's it for this shape here now what have we got here I'm thinking a circle with 12 vertices flip that sideways face grid fill delete lower half take this and extrude it down this should probably be a little bit further out I don't know what this is but we got some kind of metal plates here so let's try a circle with 16 vertices extrude it inwards select all the faces go to select checker deselect delete faces subdivide give me a subdivision surface modifier extrude this out select all the sharp edges bevel them correct the normals and whatever that is it's there now so let's parent it extrude this down place the cursor somewhere in the middle 3D cursor the pivot point extrude this and bring it somewhere to the middle like this Loop gut over here lift this up bevel this one then bevel this now mirror this over to the other side alt e extrude faces long normals to give this a little bit of thickness like this now select all the sharp edges contrl B to Bevel them and we can do a sub division surface modifier again now we got to make this little wheel here I think we can do that using a circle with 64 vertices scale it down flip it sideways extrude it to turn it into a cylinder like this select check or deselect extrude while individual Origins is active scale down on the y- AIS subdivide two Loop Cuts over here scale them up on the y- AIS and now we can fill this then fill in the back inset the back correct the normals and there's that then I also added some more down here below the mic as you can see right here now listen I can't sit here all day and model this if you want to learn how I model some common items like these screws down here I can put that in a future ebook update just let me know but you're also going to be able to download this model on patreon but now I'm more or less done with modeling probably I'm going to do something else off camera to make the stand in the back here now let's move on to the text string now luckily we don't got to do a whole lot of text string here we just need a simple dark ray background a couple of words and a couple of simple icons and maybe a logo of some sort so give my bucket tool give me dark gray that's going to be the background color on a new layer I'm going to take my text tool give me light gray and to be able to place these correctly I'm going to take a screenshot from the front an orthographic projection like this then I'll paste that onto a new layer on top of this background and I'll make that transparent now I can see how I got to place this text so over here we got to write mute then we got minus space space mic space space plus we got to copy this plus minus and bring it down here and then we got a little headphone icon which we're going to make using a circle tool so give me a circle like this which is kind of like an oval take half of that circle cut and we're going to pull that apart cut paste and then push it to the side like this same thing on the other side once we got that give me another circle like this cut off the bottom and that should be placed here between the lower two knobs down here I want minus space space space space Echo space space space space plus get me my brush tool I want a blue color and then I'll place a blue dot right around here somewhere I want my own go this will be my company name so they can call me racist on Reddit instead of this J I'm going to make a little note so give me a little circle over here and give me this little tail thing in the back I'm going to draw that with a line tool I'm also going to prepare an extra canvas then I'm going to drop a USB icon on that we're going to align that with a screenshot of the bottom of the microphone adjustments invert colors and we're also going to need another pair of headphones over here under this Jack so give me a circle cut it in half and the headphones got to look something like this get rid of this save this we're we're going to name that bottom save the first image and we're going to name that top and let's go over to the shading tab give me a new material for the body contrl T to load up a node Wrangler if you don't got your node Wrangler go to edit preferences add-ons type in node check node Wrangler and now when you select the principal node you press control T you're going to get these three nodes where you can very easily load and map textures load up the texture set the coordinate to object apply the subdivision surface modifier and we're going to have to mark some seams before we can UV unwrap this so that we can place the texture correctly so I'm going to select all the edges around these holes around the knobs CR E mark seam then select this and the same thing on the other side Mark seam these edges at the top also these up here Mark seam and then separate the bottom as well I'm going to mark an edge around here and also a vertical Edge along the back U unwrap and first give me the big island rotate it sideways and place the UV map according to the letters which we made for in between the knobs let's first use this as a reference point then we're going to place the 2D cursor right here select everything else use a 2d cursor as a pivot point and now if you have to you can scale this to adjust the size but I think we did all right then give to me this section at the top place that over the logo we're going to make this material metallic and now that looks beautiful next let's apply the normal map to the Dome new material named that normal map contrl T open up the mic mesh make sure it's set to non-color plug that into normal and make sure to add a normal map node in between these two nodes set this to UV then select everything and you unwrap we're not going to cut this because if we leave it like this we get our pattern which looks a lot like the real thing look at the bending on this picture right here we're just going to increase the scale and maybe to prevent this from being a lot larger than this we can select the faces in the middle and with proportional editing we're going to scale those up so this area covers a larger space now it's going to be a little bit more evenly distributed and that looks a little bit better metallic next give me another node Wrangler where we're going to load up the color texture we got to make sure to map this with the same scale values here in the node Wrangler and we're also going to use use this as a specular map the black Parts in between are not shiny I'm going to add a brightness contrast node here so I can reduce the brightness on this mesh and this looks pretty cute reducing the roughness makes this look a lot better and then we just need to make a black material for these other parts so load up this image where we got a texture for the microphone create a new material for this outer part we're going to name that metal click on base color use this eye dropper to pick up this color crank up the metallic value and copy paste the roughness from this main material now select all the parts which also need to have the same material and lastly select this part crl L link materials and give me a chrome material down here which is going to be metallic and very low roughness that's going to be for the screws down here finally give me a new material for this button up here make that white crank up transmission lower the roughness and we can also make this transparent and Eevee we just got to reduce the alpha set the blend modes to Alpha hashed and also the shadow mode and now when we reduce the alpha this looks like a glass cover or a transparent plastic cover at least that's it the mic is textured let let's figure out a way to render this in Eevee I'm going to check screen space Reflections that's going to make the materials also reflect other objects otherwise it only reflects light sources and that's why Eevee looks unrealistic for you somebody told me this in the comments last time so this is a 300 IQ trick we're going to rotate this sideways then press I to key frame rotation move the marker down the timeline and then rotate it to this side and once again I key frame rotation press T to set the interpolation to linear now when we play this this is slowly going to rotate we're going to trim the animation so it ends around here somewhere Control Alt zero to place my camera into the front view shift a give me a plane align that with my view scale it up and throw it in the background somewhere we're going to make the background black reduce the specularity and now we got to add some light so first give me shift a give me an area light crank up the power on that area light and we're going to place that somewhere in the background like this bring it over here to the side and the material properties on your background are going to significantly affect how this reflect ction looks but I'm going to make this light start out back here so I'll pull it out on key frame zero I'm going to key frame it right there Then somewhere around here it's going to move inwards like this again key frame it and now this is going to slowly appear in the background we can maybe add some color to this I'm going to go with blue just because we got this blue dot over here then I'll duplicate this light bring it over to the other side of the scene delete all the key frames in the duplicated light pull it out so it starts here key frame location rotation then bring it inwards like this and once again key frame location rotation now these lights are slowly going to turn on and now we just need to add some more lights for the microphone for the microphone we're going to use an area light duplicate that a couple of times so we have a whole row of Lights like this we're going to make them start up here somewhere but before we animate that I'm going to create an empty Cube and I'll parent those lights to that Cube now we can just key frame the cube it's going to start up here and then bring it down here somewhere key frame for the second time linear interpolation and now these lights come into the scene slowly I'm also going to duplicate these lights and place them below the scene like this this set the color of the under lights to blue or maybe we can even use a different color because it looks pretty cool with a warm color so we're also going to make those start somewhere way down here key frame them and then bring them up at the same time as these lights come down here's what we got so far if you want to be cool you can add some smaller lights with maybe some different colors over here to the side and these lights are going to give you some cool Reflections if you look very closely I also want a few of those to move over here on this side I'll make them start back here and then they're slowly going to move towards the front so the reflections come from the Mac of the microphone now when we play the animation these are slowly going to appear over here from this side I'm pretty happy with how this turned out so far so it's time to render this my render resolution is going to be 1080p give me 30 FPS file format ffmpeg encoding M 4 and once I got my output folder I'm ready to go so go to render hit render animation and that's all she wrote if you want to learn more about the techniques that you see me use in these videos then check out my blender ebook I'm about to put out a 100 page up update about materials and textures also make sure to follow me on my other platforms because I am going to get banned from YouTube because of my personality so follow me on Instagram follow me on Twitter and follow me on my new Rumble Channel where I'm going to make long videos about other topics not just blender so you guys can get your together in other aspects of your life but at least like this video subscribe to the Channel let me know what you want to see next and I'll see you in the next one 1
Channel: Aryan
Views: 17,817
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, tutorial, product, visualization, design, render, rendering, 3d, modeling, aryan, arijan, money, animation
Id: n4Hqu4A4SZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 32sec (1172 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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