How To Setup EssentialsX on Your Minecraft Server (Add Kits, /Spawn, & More to A Minecraft Server!)

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hello everyone and welcome back to the breakdown today I'll be teaching you how to download setup install do everything go over every single part of essentials to complete admin tutorial for you using essentials X on your server or the original essentials for that matter but if you haven't already update to essentials X but as well as this video is brought to you by apex on minecraft oh so you go to the first link down below the breakdown XYZ slash apex get an awesome 24 hour DDoS protected minecraft server for just a few bucks a month it is the best minecraft server hosting company out there they're so good we use them ourselves to host our own network server play it up breakdown craft comm you can check out plate up breakdown craft comms information linked in the description down below to try apex before you buy it but nonetheless guys if you want an awesome minecraft server the breakdown at XYZ slash apex is the way to go but let's go ahead and jump on into essentials X now for essentials like you obviously need to download essentials and to do that you can go to the second link down below and click on download here there are some more experimental builds here on there Jenkins server if you are interested and say 1.13 but for now we're gonna just do this in 1.12 that's the last stable version click download there it's gonna take us off and it will get the download started well that's checking us to make sure we're not ddossing we can jump over here to a vault as well vault is a dependency that you will need for essentials to work at all and as you can see essentials is downloaded in the bottom left down there so what essentials downloaded I don't think it's necessarily required but I have never ran essentials without vault so we might as well get it it's gonna let us manage the essentials autonomy and all the awesome features that essential has so like yeah we're gonna get to the rest of these in a minute but first and foremost let's go ahead and just drop essentials on our server doing this is as easy as anything else just open up your bucket spigot or paper server most likely paper if you want a super clean super lean server and drop in your plugins here wait for it hold on got to keep vaults there so we're gonna go ahead and drop in a vault but if we notice if we just drop in essentials X this is in the jar file we only need only jar files work in the plugins folder we know this so go ahead double click on that and here you will see a bunch of different things now there is the main essentials X and the 6x we definitely need none of these other add-ons will work and that's what the rest of this is these are add-ons to essentials first up we have essentials anti build here now overall this is not going to be used I don't know the easy service that used this and most likely there's people commenting in the description down below I use ad build off done and I'm sorry if that to you but we're not gonna be covering that in this tutorial because I've never seen it really used and on top of that world guard is so much better then it since it was anti build and I don't know why you wouldn't just use world guard instead of essentials anti build we've actually got a world guard tutorial they can check out the I at the top of your screen so we're gonna skip that one essentials chat now this is what I would recommend it lets you customize look at your chat your join messages your leave messages how people's chats actually look the color they are whether they're prefix their suffix things like that is shown it manages all that so it is something I would recommend having on every single server and they're having another plug-in managing chat which most likely you're probably not I use essential shadow on all my servers because I've never had a need for anything else I mean we even have Bible suffixes on our server and essential chat works perfectly with that geoip no really made for that and you'll never need that essentials protect then this is basically just essential signs it allows for tons of permissions and things like that to do with signs changing size moving sites doing all that stuff we're gonna look more into permissions later and you'll see what I mean but overall essentials protect is just not something most people are gonna use unless you wanna use signs for changing things like damage you receive there's all sorts of stuff that you can do and use permissions to allow people to use those signs or not we're not gonna be going over it here it'll spawn allows us to set the spot of our server do slash spawn in general all sorts of stuff like that set a newbie spawn and things like that so we want to make sure that's installed now it's at this point I do want to mention that you will need notepad plus plus to do the rest of this tutorial or competent text editor no peb plus plus is free that's why I recommend that so you can go here and click on this big green download button and it'll download for your system you can install it just like any other program and you will have a free text editor it's what we're going to be using here it allows us to view the yml files and things like that and a cleaner more easier to understand way but if we go ahead and minimize this here we can run our server and generate the config so I'm just going to go double-click on run server here then if we open up the plugins folder we'll see essentials will create its own folder there's vault and then essentials will start on up right there it is now that we've got this essential folder created and everything is done over here which as we can see there it's done I'm gonna go ahead and stop that server no big deal now let's go ahead and open essentials here and here is everything that we're gonna be configuring and doing now we're gonna doing some stuff in game so don't freak out about that but overall the first place you want to look at the Central's is your config dot yml so let's go ahead right-click on that and then edit it with notepad plus plus if you have that installed otherwise you'll need to open this up with your text editor of choice so let's go ahead I'll move it into the center here that way we can see it and this is basically everything to do with essentials now over all you need to read through it all just in case so you know but I'm gonna be mentioning some of the top points here some of the big things that you need to look at when you're using essentials when you're sending up essentials all of that stuff now notepad plus plus here seems to have a locked up on me so let me go ahead and close out of that and at it with notepad plus plus again and there we go now it is now it's working fine so once we're in here the first thing I would look at is the opposite name color so if someone has up on your server say we come over here and we're to type in slash opie space your username right close out because the server will stop leave you types post peace place your username do you want your there name color to be different from any other name colors on your server in my case I don't so I'm gonna change that to white right we wanted to do something crazy we could do it like a will actually make all mods names grain that way we can see that in-game nickname prefix is basically what you want before somebody's nickname now if you don't want anything before their nickname you can delete that but I would recommend having something before a user's nickname because otherwise it's going to be a bit difficult to tell if it's nickname or an IGN and how to use them all that stuff so that's what I would recommend doing there what's the maximum link someone could make their nickname I would recommend sending this because if you set it to something like 99 it's going to be crazy people will use super long nicknames 15 seems pretty good on our server and most others so I'll just leave that default know do want to go ahead and talk about one more thing on this top part here which is the change display name now for us to get this to work on our server with luck parse and do everything how we wanted to do it we had to change this to false so there might be something you look into if you're having issues with prefixes or suffixes displaying you might want to change that to false what does leave it as true for now because I mean why not but that is something you might want to look into now we're gonna go ahead and jump ahead a bit in the config all the way down the line 374 which might change in the future as they add more code or move more code but basically if you hit ctrl F you can search for what we're looking for and that is right here the auto afk right so Auto afk is basically when if someone doesn't move in game it'll come up and say this user is afk 300 seconds is where it is by default I think that's about five minutes or so and then auto afk kick is how long until someone is kicked for being afk about a fault that's set to negative one but I would recommend upping that this is in seconds by the way so it's 300 seconds 500 seconds so on and so forth I would recommend changing this to meet your servers needs if you don't let people get afk kicked right if you just keep this as minus 1 which means off man yeah your server could end up getting some lag from everybody running their mob farms and stuff like that on our servers ranked players can afk but non ranked players can't however you want to do it is up to you but it is something worth noting here now freeze afk players this is kind of funny basically if they're slash afk they're frozen they can't move monsters can't attack them and things like that they can't move push them and all sorts of stuff that could be a good idea depending on your server we typically leave that as false because there's no really reason for it from there let's go ahead and skip now just a bit to 416 here now this is custom join and the lady messages basically what that means is what do we wanted to say when someone joins the server what do we want to say when someone leaves the server you could do something like + 7 and then do like a colon and then do + or and 8 I'm sorry and then do a plus and then do + 7 and then do another one of those what that is going to do is display in chat in grey and green write the plus will be green the things around the + will be gray and then we can do their username which as it says right here is their username now you might be wondering Nick what this is what is + 7 mean green or grey what is and a mean green well that is going to be our bucket color codes but did we come up here I do have conveniently open for us these are all of your bucket color codes and you could even make these italicized by the way if we wanted to do and oh so let's go ahead and add that one thing I will go ahead and say if you're going to use like bold or italicize you want to put it after your color so you have an a here for your color then you want to put and Oh after your color to make it italicized so now that we've done that we can go ahead and look at more there's all sorts of different bucket color codes here that you can use black blue green and go all that stuff so you can look through those and any of those will work just do and eight for you know dark grey here and seven for gray so if we come back over here we have an seven that means that little brackets going to be great I'm gonna do and a and O for the pluses so that means the plus sign is going to be an italicized green plus sign and then we go back to an seven that's going to negate all of these colors here and that means that's going to be great then we can make the username white by the way with and F right because if we come back over to our bucket color codes and F is white so yeah that is how you can set that up that's kind of the general goal there we can go ahead and copy this just to keep things the same on our server and what we'll do instead is paste that in there and we'll do this from green because someone's join the server it's green someone leaves the server it's red we'll do and see right here for this to be red and then we want it to obviously be a - we'll keep everything else the same that'll keep all the server looking very very similar and like it's meant to be that way now let's go ahead and move on in our config just a bit here to set home you see this line 546 for me again probably different for you basically this is going to allow people on your server to set in multiple homes there's a lot of information up here that I would recommend reading but basically set essential stuff set Holmdel multiple dot rank right so whatever these are is what you'll put there for example if you wanted staff to be able to set ten homes as it is by default this would be essentials that set home dot multiple dot staff for their rank you can add in more here let's say you had a VIP Plus rank you could do VIP Plus colon space and then they can set eight homes for example and then that permission would be essentials dot set home dot multiple dot VIP plus they'll also need another permission which is just a sensual set home so they can actually set homes but yeah that's basically it there and that's where you can configure how many you're ranked players can set if you want to give ranked players more homes or you want to give staff more on things like that now moving on our config we're going quite a ways we're looking for shat a formatting now you might want to look at essentials eco here as well basically starting balance is how much money you start with max money and all that stuff but overall you can probably leave that the same moving on down through here though we want this which is essentials chat essentials chat is going to control how entire chat looks and things of that nature radius I would recommend leaving that as zero to keep check global as far as format goes though this is where it can get really interesting let's say you wanted to add in something like a prefix well what we would do is go ahead and do that little thing right here they see that in front of display name there you see that copy that paste it right here and then do prefix and then you want to copy that one at the end of display name right so copy that and then do prefixed and then we'll do a space and then we'll go ahead and do a bold so we go ahead and do and L that's bold I have the bucket color codes memorized if you can tell and then we'll do two double arrows so now we'll have a prefix a display name and then it'll have that as bold and then we can go ahead and make our messages italicized because why not and then we'll make them something weird well like blue I don't know and we can also make our display names orange with and six it's not gonna look the best but it's just for demonstration you can see what we're doing now that's how you can format chat make it look certain ways change how it looks at so well when you join in to some servers they have a custom and different looking chat you know like we do on play it off breakdown craft comp that does that it's done with the chat format here in essentials X moving on down to near the bottom of the config here we can really start to see how cuss servers can be customized so announce format this is going to announce whenever someone joins in your server it's basically going to be whatever you want it to say like welcome this player like if you join our services welcome your username to the server to bake breakdown craft so go ahead and change this here we'll do like and six to welcome and then we'll change their username to read to the server right so now whenever someone new was to join this server it would say this message in this way you can actually change this to other text to our server for example instead of the server or just put your server name whatever you want to you've got options and that's how you can configure it now for spawn points if you want to set a newbies spawn point or a new user spawn point when they spawn the first time at a different place than when they you know just join in and do slash spawn normally you can set that up there and change what that name is called the kit that you want to give them on the start and we're gonna create this kit later so I'm just going to do a new player is what I'm going to call that that way whenever a new player joins in they'll get that new player kit that again we're going to create later on and actually let's just go ahead and do that right now so you set up this entire cockpit you do want to make sure you save that convict you new file save or just do ctrl s which is what I did to save it this now kits are managed in essentials in a very cool way I'm gonna go ahead and minimize our background here and then we're gonna go back into our convict fun you see there's a kits dot yml we will right-click on that and then click with edit with notepad plus plus we can see all of our kits are listed in here just a note for 1.13 users you can't use item IDs you would need to use the actual name of the item as listed on minecraft I'll list a place where you can go and get all the item names in minecraft in the description down below let's say we want to do this as iron sword at the right sword what did I say iron sword we can do that right here change that but since we're in 1.12 we can still use the numbers so that's what we've got there now you might be like do I really have to create all my kits this way can kind of be confusing especially when they have a lot of lore and stuff like that on them like these do is there any way to do that easier yeah in-game so let's go ahead and jump in game so there we go server is now started minecraft is now open if we jump into our server here oh wait what was that played off breakdown craft calm the best minecraft server in the multiverse if you guys are looking for an awesome server can play on come play on played up break down craft calm nevertheless if we direct connect to our ipv4 address here it will log us right on in and we can even see our custom join messaged you see that says plus Knicks games over there yeah that's a custom join meze there it is we customized that in that plus sign is italicized and we've got the you know little brackets around and everything that was something we did custom welcome Knicks games to the server we changed that to be gold like it is we also changed our name to be red that setup pretty cool stuff now I can't do anything right right now because I'm not officer let me go ahead and pop myself and actually we can test that as well if we type in shot right now it does have our custom chat with that Knicks games in gold the bold arrows and then the chat in blue again it doesn't look pretty but oh well but if I go ahead and up myself it will actually change the color of my name why because we set it up to do that remember at the top of the config back here we changed it to where those names would be green see that ops colors names RA or green and so with that we are now green because we're off some pretty simple stuff pretty easy set up to get all this stuff done as you can see it all comes together in game pretty quickly now I'm gonna go ahead and do slash top because that is an essentials command for those of you who didn't know another we're up here we can kind of get started with our kits so the first thing I would recommend doing for your kids is getting everything in your inventory and these away to do that just do slash DMC and then we'll go ahead and get our newbie kits set up now we obviously want a pickaxe in that lesson good swatter go ahead and make this an Opie server so we'll do a pickaxe and we'll do a sword just for time reasons now having these me Raymond Tori if you created the kit right now you could what if we wanted to add enchantment swell essentials makes that easy you can do slash in chant right like so and then you can do whatever like a juror ability and then you can do like three durability three there we go so now durability three has been added to that we can also do things like unbreaking five right and you can even enable unsafe enchantment so we do unbreaking five on this that'll go sorry I'm breaking has to be one two three there we go we can do efficiency all sorts of stuff like that and if we come over here and search we can do unsafe enchantments so I can find it right here it is so we've got unsafe enchantments then we go ahead and change that to true here we might have to restart the server but we can probably do slash these essentials reload and now suddenly allow us to do that unbreaking five on this because essentials enchants are are unsafe enchants are enabled we could actually do something crazy like unbreaking 22 right and so now this has unbreaking 22 as its enchantment level as you can see enchant level 22 it's so big it doesn't know what to do with it ten is the highest you can go by the way with it still looking okay in-game just gives you the X Roman numeral but yeah so we've done that let's go and give this slash enchant a sharpness 15 so we go ahead and do sharpness 15 on that there we go so now that has sharpness 15 and that has unbreaking 10 so we've got that set up now train our kit is pretty simple just do slash create kit and then name your kit whenever you want now we wanted to name this new player that way whenever a new player joined in they would get this kit so size create get new player and then oh we need a delay that is my Babbitt C essentials is helping me out here we need to delay this delay is going to be in seconds I'm just gonna do this every 60 seconds a player can get this every 60 seconds if they have the permissions for it you do essentials kit dot whatever kit you want if you want them to I have the permissions for this kit but permissions will talk about just tad later I'm getting ahead of myself but that is how you can create a kit and now video slash kit new player it'll give us that in game and we can spam it and by the way we know that's working because they're stacking but we can also see that all those do in fact have unbreaking tin and all these do have sharpness incredible 15 so yeah that's kind of how you can do that so you can said I've been safe unsafe enchantments and that's how you can add kits I'm dropping knowledge everywhere and then again we have already formatted our chat to look like this check that is like this so there we go we can see that chat is blue on green Gizem up if I was to Diop myself real quick we will be able to see that it is changed now to where my name is gold I do need to reapply self though for this tutorial to work let me go ahead and do that there we go so now we set all this stuff up but we're still not done essentials does so much it is absolutely incredible right so let's go ahead and move on to setting our spawn right because if we do slash spawn right now puts us in that like underground like we can't even move here there's a war some minecraft spawn ever by the way we're just inside of this I don't know what's up so we do slash top we won't respond to be like on top of this mountain right here right we want to put it like on top of this for some reason to do that just do slash set spawn and then just hit enter right and that's going to set the spine for everyone so now if I do slash spawn I can do that I do slash back it'll take me there let's jump down here by the way flashback yet another essentials plugin but if we do slash spawn there we go that takes us to spawn that's how you can do that let's say you want to just set that new player spawn you wanna new players this one at the bottom of mountain looking at the looking at the Majestic spawn up there we can do slash set spawn and then do whatever we called that spawn at the very very bottom by the way this kit start yml is wanting to be changed why because now it has that new new player kit and we can edit all of that right here as well so if we wanted to add in a diamond pickaxe to this kit or a diamond shovel we could just do - diamond underscore shovel and then one and then that is pretty much it I just need to make sure that is correct and that we are formatted at the correct spacing right quick now we should be able to save that come over to game do /e central's space reload and then do slash clear to clear our inventory in the new slash kit new player boom and now we have a diamond shovel in that kit so you can edit in game like that or you can edit it over here you've got objects that's what's great but how do you set that new be spun well first and foremost anything to see what it was called it was luckily at the bottom of our config and we did call that newbies so how do you set this well pretty simple let's go ahead and just copy that the way I don't forget about it but you do slash set spawn and then enter the newbies thing so there we go set spawn location group for newbies which is a new player joining in is now here pretty simple stuff and pretty cool you guys have any questions or anything like that post those in the comment section down below but we're still not done right that's just kind of getting started here are not getting started but we're kind of about halfway I'd say through the tutorial maybe a little over half light so let's go ahead and look at two different things every time you join into the server you're going to get a message of the day so we go ahead and join server here we'll be able to see that the message of the day is welcome Knicks games type self-type slash list all this stuff you can also check that in game by doing such the motd and then it give you the message of the day you also have rules slash rules in game it will give you the rules now you can see this doesn't exist it's creating one so now we go ahead and do slash rules it'll have the rules there so how do you change these what do you do to change the rules the message of the day well let's go ahead and again refresh our server if I can find the file got a lot of stuff open there we go go ahead and refresh our server go into plugins essentials and now we have an MOTD text and a rules dot text here's where you want to edit those so let's go ahead and change the message of the day first so just right click on it we'll edit with notepad plus plus even though you don't have to with this you could edit this in like notepad but I'm gonna do some color changing so we're gonna do boom change that to B it will change the player name to red and so am C and then we'll do and B at the end to make it to look all nice and pretty now I don't care about people doing /list I want them to do slash rules so it's do slash rules there I also don't like this being red we'll change this to green real quick and then we can just change this at the bottom to and L & O and then we'll change this to a orange to say check out play breakdown craft comm boom gotta get that plug everywhere let me go ahead and save that again just ctrl s to do that coming game to slash the essentials space reload right like so and then do slash mot beep and the message of the day has changed even with check out play da breakdown craft calm the best server it the multiverse guys that's what it is so as you can see there it all is and it's all set up and looking mighty fine so you have any questions about setting of the message of the day you can do that now I'm gonna go ahead and do the rules off-camera just because I mean it's the same process if you open up the rules here and notepad plus plus you'll be able to see here are all the rules now one thing that is worth noting is pages it will automatically set up pages so I'm not gonna do all of these I'm just gonna copy these all down just right like so machine-gun fire out of the keyboard if we do essentials reload in the new slash rules it will have created pages for the rule see there's rules 1 then we do slash the rules too to get to the page 2 of the rules section there but bucket color codes work here as well so if we want to go ahead and change this to and a we could change this to and B we could and then change this one down at the bottom to like and I don't know let's do something weird like an to zero so let's go ahead save those do essentials reload here boom and then do slash rules we can see those are now that color and then slash rules to the bottom one is now black which is anthem zero so that is how you can set up rules and all of that stuff but there's one more thing we need to talk about here lastly we need to talk about perms there are a ton of perms and essentials now here they are and when I say there are ton there are a ton of permission I mean an overwhelming amount of permission over 430 permissions to be exact all linked to over 830 different commands by the way which are on this link in the description which by the way this is linked in the description down below you can come to the commands list here and see all of the essentials commands but I would recommend going through and setting all these permissions giving all of them time of days some of them you all add sure but if you know they're there you at least know they're there and can add them in the future if you want it takes me hours every time we're all a new server every time we do anything new on our network to set up the essentials perms but I'd do it individually for every server because I want to make sure that I'm giving everybody less than we did this right when we went through the setup or last server I realize there was a ton more sub we could give players in other game modes that's what's important to do this every time do you always know this new stuff I mean there is tons of different permissions here but go through all of these at all these I'll recommend using the lockup arms as your permissions plugin you can check out the eye at the top of the screen up there if you want to see my tutorial on how to set up look perms is a complete guide just like this one is but overall there are tons of stuff this adds from everything from /hs to slash workbench to slash repair slash hill slash feed it can even manage bands for you okay like if we come up here we can see that bands are managed right here band essentials not band band exempt it has ten bands built in and then if you want to see the modules you can actually sort those so as you can see here all the parts I was talking about with essentials protect essentials protect signs down here break balanced what signs you can break what signs you can create whether or not you can use colors on your sides all sorts of stuff it's all listed down here for essentials protect essentials channel so has its own stuff and you can do that there nicknames I want to do they covered in essentials this is where you'll find it vanish right in game so you can do /v spy on your some x-rays that's managed to buy essentials that's less important to go through all this so you know what is managed by what and what is all in the game but nonetheless that is how you can set up essentials you've gotten to basics down at this point it's a matter of going through all these commands and learning them and that would make this video that's probably already 30 minutes long into two or three hours so we don't want to do that here that is for you to do on your own time if you have any questions post those in the comment section down below I'm more than happy to answer them I love talking about this stuff it's what I do it's what I love so be sure to ask me in the comment section down below I'll be more than happy to help you out also join us on Dischord link down below and on plate up breakdown craft comm are incredible minecraft server I'll see you over there nevertheless guys give it a thumbs up if it helped you out subscribe to the channel for more awesome pledging tutorials mod sorro's all sorts of stuff in minecraft my name is Nick and I am out pace
Channel: The Breakdown
Views: 316,135
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How To Setup EssentialsX on Your Minecraft Server, how to Add Kits to your minecraft server, how to set your minecraft server's spawn, how to download essentials x, how to install essentialsx, how to get essentialsx, complete guide to essentials x, essentialsx tutorial, how to configure essentials, how to add essentials to your server, how to add warps to your minecraft server, kits in essentials, guide to essentials, minecraft admin tutorial essentials, essentials tutorial
Id: _ts8x-4R9No
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 32sec (1652 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 18 2018
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