How to Setup Epson WF 7710 Printer for Sublimation (part 1 of 2) ep: 04

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Oh yo yo yo what's going on everybody welcome back to my channel this is Angelo from caps on fire and in this video I'm gonna be showing you guys how to build your own sublimation printers okay so before I get started I want you guys to go ahead and click below to subscribe to my channel so that way you get automatic updates from what I do any more videos okay so the very first thing that we need is of course a printer okay but it can't be just any printer okay I highly recommend you guys use the epson workforce 77 10 or the epson workforce 77 20 okay the only difference between the two is the 77 10 only has one cartridge and the 77291 cartridge the 77 10 only has one cassette and the 77 20 has two cassettes okay so with this one you can only put one size of paper in there at a time versus the 77 20 you can have two trays so that means you can put sublimation paper on the bottom and put regular leather paper on top or put mug or submission paper up top regular so our regular 13 by 19 inch at the bottom you know just however you want to mix and match it you can do that because you'll have two sets okay so on average these workforce printers as of right now sometimes they go on sale that cost anywhere from 150 the highest I've seen them is 179 or they can cost you around $200 or maybe a little over 200 it just depends on the sales that are currently going on okay so the epson workforce 7710 right here and then down here we have our sublimation ink okay you must have sublimation ink in order to do sublimation okay these printers do not come with sublimation ink they come a regular pigment ink that you use for a regular standard okay so with that being said if you take this sublimation ink and you put it inside this printer it will avoid out the warranty on your printer okay but if you decide to take it back to Best Buy or staples or wherever you got it from I mean that's a hundred percent on you that I'm not going to take no liability for that but you know I'm taking you through this process so that way you know how to do with the correct way and not mess up your printer because nobody has money just to throw away okay at all so this is what we're going to be doing okay so if you need sublimation ink right here this is my own personal line of sublimation ink which is called cosmos ink okay um just click down in the description below and then you'll be able to find the link that will take you to my ink conversion kits okay so we're gonna go ahead and open this bad boy up and we're gonna go ahead and get started alright alright you guys so we just opened up the box and we went ahead and took everything out all right well as you guys can see we have our printer right here we have our power cord right here we have the cartridges that the printer came with right here and we have our installation disk with our instructions okay so the very first thing you guys want to do is you want to take off all this tape and plastic we want to take all of that off okay don't leave no tape no plastic nothing on this machine okay you only want just the printer and it's removable components and that's it anything else that was added on to it we want to go ahead and remove that okay so the very first thing I recommend we're moving is that plastic film okay so just go ahead and take that off the top one comes off relatively easy but that middle one more than likely you guys are gonna need scissors for it okay just cut it just be careful not to scratch your screen let scratch the printer period all right you got that off after that I normally start from the top and work my way down to the bottom when taking off the tape okay so you're going to have some tape up here on the top they'll have some tape over here on this side right here in the front right here on this side and we pull this off you'll get this piece make sure you take this off and I didn't show you guys but you have these yellow things right here this will come off so just throw these away okay you don't need these at all okay when you take them off from up here these what these two yellow things will automatically slide out okay after that we want to turn the printer around because there's tape on the backside okay in the awkward area as well we'll just go ahead and pick it up flipping around you all right so now when you get to the back take this one off when you take this one off it allows you to lift this part up okay so to lift this part up and you can grab this piece of tape sometimes people will grab it from down here but they actually flip the tape over just a little bit to make a grabbable piece which is actually on the entire okay so I'll pull that down pull this piece of tape off and then this part holds down number took this one up a little bit you guys can see it there's two pieces of tape in there okay there's one piece of tape right here there's another one right here okay then go ahead and pull this one off and this one off okay we'll take that off this other piece off now we'll turn it back around to the front you so now we're back to the front we'll just continue removing all the tape now at this point you're gonna want to lift this part up and this part is the scanner okay after you lift that part up this normally there's nothing in here I've never seen any tape in here but I always take a precaution as to lifting this up but sometimes they may be like this glass right here may be cracked it may be different defects going on so I definitely like to check everything out okay I'll pull this up there's nothing in there put your hand on the side right here there's a groove okay and that's meant for you to put your fingers in there and pull it up to expose the printer head okay put our hands in there pull it up now when we pull it up you're gonna see some tape right here on the side okay this tape is extremely important okay if you forget to pull any tape if you can remember to pull any tape off this machine please remember to remove this tape okay because if you plug your printer in and this tape is still on here holding the printer head in this spot you could possibly damage your printer head you can break the belt that your printer head is connected to you can really mess them stuff up to the point where you cannot repair it and you'll have to take it back to the store or pay for shipping to return the item or various other hassles that you don't really want to go through okay oh we just get this tape pull it up pull it down a little bit and it'll come off and all come out all right oh you can throw that piece away and that would be the only tape that's going to be inside of there you can just close this back now next up is your cassette okay I'm go ahead and slide the print I'm going take the cassette out and slide the printer back so I can show you guys what all tape is on our cassette so when we get talked to set we want to take all the tape off on here as well okay so they'll be taped right here and right here I'm going take that off and toss it to the side tape right here and right here and you have to take these two off in order for you to get to the tape on the inside once you pull those two off this plastic piece it just slides right out okay we can sit this up here take this piece of tape off and this piece of tape off then we just tape this right here initially you pull this piece off on the side and then if we flip it over that's it you know see any more tape okay so now if we just take our piece right here we took off earlier put it back right here and it just slides right in guys there's these little grooves that are right here they just slide into these little slots yeah but once we do that you got a slide our printer back up some so I can put it back in there okay slap my printer back slide it in now all we gotta do is just plug it up and go ahead and get it started okay Oh we'll take our plug open this up this piece off you don't really need this you guys can throw this away it's just er I guess some Park holds have there's trash that now we'll turn it around and show you guys where to plug it up you all righty now this is a very very special plug okay do not lose this plug all right I've heard of one instance where Epson when they sent out a printer they sent out the wrong plug attachment in case that does happen leaves just contact where but you got it from or contact Epson and you'll be able to get you know the correct plug for this printer okay this printer it's a three prong like this okay a crazy-looking prong I've never seen this type of prong a day in my life okay so this is definitely you know a proprietary piece when dealing with the equipment all right so you want to plug your you want to put your plug in right here down here in this area okay we'll just match it up or line it up and plug-in okay and then once that's plugged in we're just going to turn up more now that that's plugged in you're gonna just turn our printer around and plug it into the wall and start everything up you you you you you you we're plugging it in right now now that we got it plugged in just go ahead and press the power button and bull comes right on you and so now I'm gonna just take you guys a little closer so that way you can see exactly what's on the screen and everything that I'm pressing all righty everybody so we just finished plugging in our printer and as soon as you plug it in all you do is just press the power button and as soon as you press it you'll see the Epson level come up and I'll make another little theme music sound or whatever and then I'll go ahead and we'll jump to this screen okay this is the setup screen okay so it's going to take us through all the setup process I'll just do the whole setup process or your printer and the initial setup okay so you have multiple language options on your printer Portuguese Netherlands English French Spanish you know just all these different languages but for most of us if you're watching this video nine times out of 10 I'm pretty sure you speak English so we're just gonna press the English option now country-region we're gonna go ahead and select USA they have multiple countries in here tons of countries on but for us USA okay daylight savings time um we're still in the summer season so we're just gonna select summer now we got the date format okay you have year year we have year month day then you have month day here you have day month year okay so whatever your preference is you would go ahead and select it here we're just going to do the traditional civilian multi-day year okay and today is October 19 2018 those somebodies October 19 and then you get to this next part all you do is just press 1:8 we're gonna wait for just a hot second for this focus it's also just gonna turn it away real quick turn it back and then we focus back in and so yep there we go so just do one and then eight no-one's gonna press okay now time for me okay I normally select be a 24-hour time for me nuts which I'm sorry I normally select the 12 hour time format we're just going to select that and then we get the next part which is the time okay right now it is 3:14 p.m. so we'll do 0-3 you can either press the keys on the screen or we can press the keys that are on your actual printer so we're just going to do 0 3 and then 14 and we'll just press ok on the screen and then let's set it up for us okay I probably I'm not I'm a hundred percent certain I didn't change from a.m. to p.m. but whatever time it is on where you're at you'll be able to select that okay well now it's telling us to install the ink cartridges that came with this printer close the scanner unit okay but now we're just gonna jump into installing the inks that came with the printer first okay I know in my last video I said install their sublimation ink first and didn't really matter but in our case this time we're gonna install the Epson cartridges first because we want to make sure our printer head is working at a hundred percent okay if I we have issues with our printer head that's why I said we install the regular cartridges first so that way if we do have issues we can just take it back to wherever we got it from they'll see we install the regular cartridges first and not trying to put sublimation ink in there and all that stuff well then we're not avoiding the warranty at that point we're still under warranty you can't ship it back and get another one okay so we're about to open up the printer open at the top of the printer and install our regular Epson cartridges that came with the printer first right all righty so now we're at the point where we have to install our cartridges into our printer and that's it before guys I recommend just install your regular Epson cartridges first just to see if the printer is working at 100% okay so we want to go ahead and open our ink cartridges and insert them into our printer okay when you open this please wait for I say about seven seconds as this printer head will shift all the way this way then we'll come back slowly and it'll stop in the resting area which will allow you to open this up okay and open this up all you do is just get your finger put it right here underneath this tab and then lift a finger up in a curling motion like this and it'll pop right up okay like that and it'll pop right out so now we take our cartridges and we insert them I'm just gonna go ahead and open up open them all up at one time so I don't have to fumble with each one as I and if you're doing I'm just telling these open real easily there's a little slit right here right I'm sorry you guys can't see that I'm sorry there's a little slit right here or you can just be able to tear it out okay just pull it back a little tear open now once you open these cartridges there's these little yellow tabs okay take these yellow tabs off that is it do not take anything else off of these cartridges just the yellow tab do not take this plastic off that is on this home do not take the plastic off on this hole okay leave that on okay when you put it in there it's a piece in there that will puncture this for you and that will pull the ink out for your winning prints okay if you pull this off it will flood your printer okay and you do not want that to happen we'll just go ahead and take this yellow tab off and when we put it inside we're gonna mention we slide it down in the correct grooves or that one and then press it down all the way till they can't go down anymore and then you can either put your fingers right here and pull it up some and that's how you know it's nice and snug your neck because it won't budge it won't come up at all so we'll just do the same thing for the list okay take the yellow tab off but it is I normally try to go from one side to the other not try to do black and then jump over to magenta then cyan and yellow I don't try to do all of that I just go in order for alignment purposes okay I would put it in that's it down the tab off again put it in and press it down okay make sure the tab that's on the cartridge is facing this scene and not the other way okay if you flip it and try to put it in the opposite way you will break something inside you are inside your printer but it's something that you do not want to deal with okay please make sure your printing you're putting your cartridges in the correct way okay so now once we're done with that all we do is fold this down close our top and then we'll go ahead and recognize everything for us okay but we close it it'll make us little sounds little motions you making the noises alright and then you know you've done it right when you get this a pop up on your screen okay it's really just a loading thing I'm gonna dem the light so you guys can be able to see it and I'ma zoom in for you guys you it's just a loading screen saying that it's initializing and getting not everything ready for you and this could take a few minutes it's not gonna take like a crazy amount of time or anything like that I say a good probably not even five minutes okay it's not gonna take that long at all yeah there you go this will take about six minutes all right well then once that's done you'll get the thing to pop up I think the next part is like the wizard or something like that like tax wizard or something like that but um we'll go ahead and see what it is as soon as it get done all right you guys so once that bar finishes loading and that's it okay your initial setup is complete okay so now we just hit the close button now it's selling used to select the paper size and type or paper source so just select okay now paper sighs okay of course when you get it is gonna be the regular set up the eight-and-a-half by eleven but you can change that to various sizes that are already preset within the printer okay same thing with the paper type you can change from playing papers to glossy paper it's a you know a lot of other different paper types that they have already said on here okay but in our case with sublimation we're gonna stay with the plain paper option okay and for the paper size we're gonna go ahead and stick with actually for this one I'm gonna show you guys something we're gonna change this first one to super be so just keep scrolling down and you'll see it's super ba3 plus we select that okay now what I like to do is I like to go to favorite paper settings okay what a favorite paper settings we've already got the UH do we start the first one no we didn't okay so in this case that's what we're gonna do but our favorite papers for the favorites ending one we're gonna do super beat on playing paper and then for the favorites ending - we're gonna leave that at letter-paper okay and I'll show you guys why in a minute alright so right now we'll just select the favorite sending one use this setting to to change the settings touch edit we're going to touch edit to change that precise roll down a super be again super b83 plus like that a prototype we can just leave it at playing paper press the back button then that's it it changed the force okay now just select the back button again and we can you know continue the process or you can change the other things okay so if there's an option where you know you have mug paper and your boat paper is a specific size and you're going here and look for that specific size and you find it I would HIGHLY advise you to change it now but in that way we can come back in here later on or you ever need to change your paper you can just select your favorite setting number that the paper is set to okay so now just press the back button again a favorite paper settings like the first one and then touch use it use press okay all right now it'll ask you for the facts wizard I do not use mine for facts if you do use your facts then you can research you know how to set that up dealing with facts but in this case since we're just using our printer for sublimation we're just going to hit cloves X is not set up yet remind you later uh we're just gonna select no okay so now what we want to do is we want to go ahead and put some paper in here okay but in our case I'm gonna go ahead and change it back to regular letter paper because we're doing a printer head cleaning and it will not a cleaning but we're going a printer head check but a nozzle check just to make sure everything is printing correctly okay so now that's what we're gonna do we're going to go ahead and install our regular letter paper alright guys so now we're gonna go ahead and install our regular letter paper into the printer okay this is regular plain letter paper it's not sublimation paper and the reason we're doing this is because we don't want to waste sublimation paper on what we're about to do okay so what we want to do is when we go ahead and pull our tray out like so we can take this piece and go ahead and take this piece off set it up here up top and now we want to slide these down to make sure these match up with what we're using okay when you get your printer you're gonna see numbers and letters and different you know things right here that pretty much just saying hey move this slider over to line up with this or that particular paper size okay well since we're doing letter paper which is legal paper it's gonna be capital l TR slash legal okay so this blue tab we just press this blue tab down light it over till we get to the right one which is right here LT r slash legal and has a line to it going up to right here we make sure this arrow on here right here in this corner is pointing down at it alright and the same thing with this one okay so we just pull this blue tab down slide it down and on this one you'll just see capital ltr' okay you won't see slash legal after it all right you'll just see ltr' so that's the O then that would be ltr' would be the UH I guess that would be the height and the legal would be the width that's the only explanation I can come up with as far as on that one now we have our paper a legal paper all we do is just sit it down in there and it'll fit nice and snug okay you want to make sure that this is nice and snug in there okay because if it's not when you go to press print it it'll definitely pull it through but when they come out it may come out crooked you're all blind your stuff may not be you know lined up correctly or things like that on your paper so you definitely want to make sure you slide these you slide these on these are holders to the right slots but in that way when you put your paper in here it's gonna be nice and snug so avoid that from happening but now we just take our cover again slide it back down in there and then that's it okay go ahead and push them back in and then it'll ask you all the screen it'll say paper cassette and now I'm gonna show you guys why we set up our favorite settings earlier okay so we just put our alright cassette back into our printer and now this screen popped up okay so like I said other guys we wanted to mention we setup our favorite paper settings for this okay we're just gonna hit favorite paper settings at the bottom and then this will pop up and then we just what a favorite setting to just press that and we'll press use and then press closed and there now that's it okay so it makes that a whole lot faster so now we just want to slide this all the way over to go to settings to maintenance we go to our with it right head nozzle check we click that then it'll tell you to load letter /a for plain paper okay so that's why I went ahead and just switched it over anyways just to let it know you know and we're gonna be using that anyway so it's really sitting in Exodus but they do that just as a precaution let you know hey if you're if you're ever on super beat and you decide to do this then this will still pop up just to let you know you know so that's why I highly recommend you get the 7720 you don't have to keep changing out your sublimation paper with your letter size paper you can have one cassette four letter paper I mean for when you need to do our nozzle checks then you can have the cassette right under it or your sublimation paper and when you're doing sublimation now just click start the sheet force I'll show you guys what that will look like all right so it just printed out this okay and this is exactly what we are looking for okay we're looking for all solid lines and making sure the color is showing up on all the lines and making sure there's no gaps at all okay so now we know we have a working printer head with our brand new printer which you know is expected of course and now we just want to go ahead and switch it over to sublimation ink okay and also we got to see what the screen says alright so I'm going to show you dick right now guys so this is what the screen will say okay so the paper we just looked at it has this side where the oh is it okay you don't have this side with the X is that you will be able to see there are gaps within your lines on your paper okay and if there's gaps within your lines on your paper then you would just press X and you would go to the printer head cleaning set well quilted up the printhead cleaning steps okay but in our case we don't need to do a printer head cleaning on these cartridges because they're printing correctly okay we'll just go ahead and press the oak and that's it they take you back to this screen now at this point you can just press the home button on the side and then it'll take you all the way back to the beginning instead of pressing this back button up here in the corner multiple times we'll just press the home button and then that's it it taking us back to the home page alright so now what we want to do is we want to go ahead and remove the cartridges that are in here okay we'll just slide it all the way to the end the settings and press settings now we go down to maintenance at the bottom its maintenance and then we go down to the bottom where it says ink cartridges replacement okay so we'll press that and they'll ask you replace the ink cartridges and you press Start and then it'll tell you to lift the scanner and replace to replace the cartridges when finished close the scanner unit now when you open the scanner like I said earlier whenever you open this unit the arm the printer head is gonna move for a few seconds okay so while it's moving don't touch anything just wait till it comes to let's rest in place and then you can be able to remove them all right I'm gonna go ahead and set you guys up so you guys can see what I mean all righty now we're going to go ahead and open up the top of our printer and replace those our cartridges open it up it's gonna move on one side and they come back and then now it stopped so now what we want to do is we want to go ahead and open it up take out our cartridges and replace them with our sublimation ink cartridges okay but like I said before just put your fingers in here and then just curl your finger up against this tab and then it'll just pop it right up and so we'll lift it up now that it's open we want to go ahead and take these cartridges out okay and to take these cartridges out we repeat that same motion that we did on this tab open it up against these tabs right here along the cartridges let's put your finger in there lift up and then we'll pop right up and then you can slide it out or just slide it out and sit these to the side and then I like to put these in a bag because I will be mailing these off through the person that I'm doing this sublimation printer for all right now we'll just grab our cartridges over here but we just put them in one by one okay like I said earlier I like to start from one side and just work my way down okay now we put it in and when you put it in you're gonna have to press firm down on it right here and then you'll hear a snap okay the snap is going to be relatively loud but when you do that snap that's hot when you hear the snap that's how you're gonna know it's all the way in all right you heard that that was the snap okay we're gonna do it to the rest of them let's sit down another snap this one in another snap in this last one snap all right so now these are all in just press a little bit down long just to double-check but they're all the way in okay and now these plugs that are on the back okay not these plugs up here in the front there's some on the backside okay I'm gonna pull one out just to show you for a second up close these plugs back here you want to make sure you remove these plugs okay these are your ventilation plugs if these plugs are still in here your printer head is not gonna be able to suck down any ink from your cartridges that you need okay but make sure you just take these plugs out and you can put them to the side and you know just save them somewhere so if you ever leave in go on vacation or whatever I have to take these out and you don't want the ink to dry up you're going to take those plugs back out and put them back in here and just set them off to the side okay so we'll just pull out the plugs for the remaining ones on the back end and then with this black cartridge I'm gonna show you guys this one just remove the one that's farthest in the back okay remove this one that is the furthest in the back and don't remove this one this one is your fill plug just like these flows up here that were in the foot okay these are your fill plugs the ones in the backs oh well on the backs are gonna be your ventilation plugs we're gonna pull this plug out we can put this back in it then we check something real quick Josie it would and that's it and press it back down if you break down and then drop it down and then let it start to work his magic then we're going to look back on the screen because there's gonna be a message that comes up on the screen okay all righty so now that the printer has just finished his printer head cleaning what we want to do now is we want to print a nozzle check just to make sure you know all the lines are there just as we did earlier with our regular Epson cartridges to make sure everything was printing correctly okay so now we ask us our printhead cleaning complete printing and nozzle check is recommended print the pattern we just click yes and then it'll print out the sheet for us yes then it'll print up the sheet for us and of course they'll say load the paper or whatever but we already have that letter sized paper loaded within the printer they little print the paper I'll force I went ahead and printed it out of course on the first go-around it is always gonna print pretty much perfect and we're not looking for the perfection on the first go-around okay that nine times out of ten that will never happen when dealing with sublimation ink okay so what we're gonna do is we're just gonna press X on the screen and then we're gonna do another printhead cleaning and I can show you guys what I mean okay right now this ink that's on this paper this is still the regular ink from the printer head okay that's why we want to run a few cleanings to go ahead and flush that out and get the sublimation ink in there and you'll be able to tell the clear difference from the sublimation ink being on paper versus the regular ink being on paper so now what we're gonna do to track how many printhead claims you have to do forearm get it coming through I'm gonna write a number on this sheet and I'm gonna write a number on the remaining sheets that we have to do all the way until we get to that final um you know final outcome that we're looking for with the sublimation ink being on the paper okay I'm gonna go ahead and take you guys back to the screen and I'm gonna run another one you like I said guys we're just gonna press the X button I will ask us we're going to do all colors again uh cleans the printer head touch start click start or what handed cleaning again alright guys so we just went ahead and installed our sublimation cartridges and then when we closed our printer top this is what pops up next okay the exclamation marks are a good thing okay in our case they are a very good thing that means our printer does recognize these cartridges however it do say you have not installed genuine Epson ink cartridges okay which is a hundred percent true okay the card the cartridges that are in my conversion kit they are not in genuine Epson cartridges however the chip on the cartridges are auto-reset chips okay so with these auto-reset chips whenever you install these in there that's gonna pop up and then whenever you need to refill your cartridges you're gonna want to take all your cartridges out refill the ones that are empty and then put them all back in at the same time and then start it back up okay and this will pop up again then but in our case like I said the exclamation marks are good now if you have an X now that's a bad thing okay when you have the X that means the printer is not recognizing your cartridges okay so remember exclamations are good the x's are bad if you do see an X just take that cartridge out and of course you know you have to take all your other cartridges out as well because you have to put them all back in at the same time just take them all out and then just put them back in normally like on your third or fourth time putting them back in sometimes less than that um it'll go ahead and recognize the cartridge and it'll take it in okay if they don't I highly recommend you know just contacting me and hey you know having problems with it recognizing or you know whoever you got the cartridges from contact them back and see what they can do for you as far as giving you a replacement for that cartridge that you're having issues with okay so now at this point all we do is come up to the top and press okay and then this will come up okay this pretty much states that hey you know the quality and reliability of non genuine ink and not be guaranteed and it may cause damage to your product not covered by the Epson warranty as I said earlier okay these printers are not built for sublimation however you can convert them to sublimation okay but when you convert them to sublimation you're pretty much adding an aftermarket product to a printer you're not adding OAM or original equipment manufacturing products through the printer okay which does void the warranty however if you decide to take it back to wherever you got it from like I said that is completely on you okay so now you just hit proceed another as you do you want to continue using this ink you select yes and it says replacement is complete and okay so now this is a very very important and crucial step okay like I said earlier gasps remember you take those mint plugs out okay well now that we have those vent clothes that were taken out earlier we want to do a printhead cleaning and printhead cleaning we're gonna do all colors the reason why we're doing this printhead cleaning is because even though we put our sublimation ink cartridges in there inside the printer head it's still primed with the regular ink that came with the Epson printer but now what we want to do is we want to flush out that original Epson ink and go ahead and prime the printer head with our son Domitian ink all right and the best way to do that is to do a printer head cleaning on all the colors so it pulls all it pulls the color from all four of our cartridges down into the printer head and flushes out the old stuff okay we just hit all colors I can make sure I hit all colors yep all colors and then cleans the printer head touch start I'm gonna hit start and it'll take us through the motions okay of course this is gonna take a few minutes so at this point I'm pretty much just gonna pause the video and then when it comes back up on the next part I'm gonna go ahead and hit recording so it'll just pick right back up okay you don't even have to press next video or anything it'll be a continuation within this video all right alright guys so this is the second go-around of the printer head cleaning oh now is asking us to do the same thing just print a printer pattern we'll go ahead and click yes click start and it'll print the pattern out ah here we go this is the truth okay the whole book was not horrible but the good truth okay so now when you first put yourself in cartridges in there of course when we did that printer head check early and I will show you guys what we did that nozzle cleaning earlier everything printed out good okay but this is the regular ink okay even though we have our sub ink in there all we did was just flush out the regular ink that was inside the printer head onto the paper well through the system and then what was left was still in there so now this is our second go-around and now what's really truly starting to push out that regular ink that was in there okay and now we have this okay black is definitely missing nine times out of ten you guys black is normally gonna be missing first you may have other other colors missing but a lot of the times it's gonna be your black okay so in this case we're gonna do another printer head cleaning but that way we can go ahead and you know just keep on flushing it out okay but we'll go back to the screen in those spots that were missing that's where the X is that okay so how you have the eggs in those missing dots that's pretty much what that representation is that was on the paper okay it's saying hey you having those missing lines or whatever um you know you're definitely gonna need to do another printer hand cleaning to make sure those lines show up properly all right so in our case we're gonna hit X and we're gonna do all colors again and be on the safe side and first start okay normally I like to run all colors at least like four times just to go ahead and you know make sure those other colors are out of the arm those are other regular regular absent inks aren't out of the printer head like fully out and you know it's definitely gonna be primed with sublimation ink and then after that if I'm still having problems with my black and not showing up then I'll switch to UM do a printer hand cleaning but of black only okay so right now I'm gonna just go ahead and stop the recording and then we'll come back on the third time we print out the sheet and see how things turned out alright guys we are back and this is our third time doing the printer head cleaning so now as always we're just gonna hit yes to go ahead and print the pattern and see what turned out you now when we look at it it's a little more spaces well a little less spaces I mean more lines aren't showing on the black versus what showed up on our second one on our number two so the black is definitely more visible than number two so we're definitely getting somewhere so now we just go back it X again all right oh yeah we'll just go ahead and hit X we're gonna do all colors just one more time okay this time we do all colors on the next go-around we don't even have to do that no more we can just select the black only we'll be good alright guys so we just finished our fourth printer head cleaning and now we're getting the same thing as we did before we're just gonna click yes to print the pattern they start you and there it is it's doing slightly better each time we go this way kind of still look a little bit like number three you guys can't really see it but I'm starting to notice the words that go across up top here and also a little bit of the first line the words that end up coming down here and like I said the color the color side is good the UH the yellow magenta and the cyan those are all good on this side okay well the next go-around the only thing we're doing is we're gonna clean the black only now that's exactly what we're gonna select on the screen okay we're just gonna press the X button and now we're gonna go to the bottom where it says black only okay if it were other colors that were missing but the black was good then we would do all except black okay they don't have a separate option for just yellow or just magenta or just I am okay and if you're missing black and you're missing either yellow cyan or magenta then you're gonna have to do all colors okay so in this case we're gonna do black only I start as always when Swinson let's go around and see how it turns out alright guys so this is our fifth turn ahead cleaning and of course when you're just doing black only um since it's only cleaning that one cartridge is gonna be relatively faster to clean that one cartridge then if it has to go through all four cartridges and clean all four out okay so now of course all we're gonna do is just press yes print the pattern let's start he was going on you and this is for compared to this one which is five you guys probably can see it barely but there's a little bit of wording and stuff that's starting to show through right here on this line okay um I I'd say maybe about numbers have been number seven it should be all cleared up okay no issues at all whatsoever possibly number six is everything if you know we're really lucky but uh I definitely think number seven is gonna be it okay so now I'm just gonna go back to the screen as always press the X button if you guys situated all right yet we're good what's the X button black only press Start I'm gonna see how that looks alright so we just finished our sixth and a head cleaning but now we're just gonna press yes to print out the pattern let's see how it turns out I'm really really guessing number seven but we'll see this May yes still doing pretty much the same thing ah now this is number six so it may be seven maybe eight who knows but it definitely shouldn't take that much longer now let's go back to the screen press X black only and we'll be good to go and once again guys whenever you guys do these um this initial printhead clean to go ahead and get that ink into your printer um it definitely of course as you can see it will take time but on another note you won't ever have to do this again okay so when you get yourself if you ever own need to refill your cartridges you can be able to refill your cartridges and put them back in your printer without having to go through this you know printer head cleaning or anything like that okay I only recommend doing this if you're only like replacing a cartridge with another cartridge then yeah I recommend doing it just you know if there's any air that's inside the cartridge or especially if you have air near the ventilation plugs or anything like that it needs to build up some type of pressure inside of it so then you may get you know like it may not be coming through all the way as you would right now but once we build up that pressure um inside the cartridge by doing these printer hair cleanings then it'll all start to flow through seamlessly and you won't have any more problems you know dealing with this okay um the only other time you were truly run a printhead cleaning is if let's say you don't print anything for like four days five days you know anything in my opinion longer than three days I would definitely just run one printer head cleaning just to be on the safe side okay so that way your ink won't dry up inside your printer and as always leave your printer on okay do not turn your printer off just leave it on okay when it's on you know you have to worry about the printhead dropping down and then you know ended up you know clogging up whatever because it ended up drying up so just leave your printer on okay so this is going to be number seven that we're doing now and then when this is done we're gonna print it out and see how it turns out all right so we are back and we just went ahead and finished up printer head cleaning number seven okay so now all we do is click yes let's start it'll print it up for us oh man I hope I have a really good guest y'all I don't really go all right so this is it number seven okay so if we compare this number six this is how everything turned out okay and yes it's just same like you just completely jumped like tremendously from six to seven as far as clearing up that black okay I don't like how it just jumped tremendously from the very first printer head cleaning we did down to number three while no down to number number two we did that second one when all that black just disappeared okay on this one as you guys can see the difference is crazy okay so now imma just I'm just gonna lay out all these pages on the table that you guys can see the whole transition of you know how it went through cleaning out all the ink out and then replacing all of that old ink with our sublimation ink while also at the same time building up the pressure that needed to be built up on the ventilation side of those cartridges inside the printer I'm gonna just walk you guys over here to this side this area imma go ahead slide the printer over and when it's done on the screen guys all the guy do was just press the O button I will just press Oh that's it okay and press the home button and it'll take us back to that home page okay so now we can come over here we're going to take a glance at our pages now this one we just did was number seven one Oh you one two three or Thanks so now when we look at it as you guys can see I'm try to get you guys as close as possible okay as you guys could see this was number one okay number one like I said earlier it had the regular ink in it even though we installed our sublimation ink there was still a regular ink inside the printer head okay so now when we did our first printhead cleaning of course it still had the regular ink inside the printer head and that's what came out and then we did our second printer head cleaning and then that's what we ran into the problem well not problem really but the transition okay it pulled out the rest of that regular ink that was in the printer head and started pushing in that sublimation ink but it needed a greater amount of pressure within the cartridge and sort of build up that amount of pressure and the cartridge that we needed we just kept on running printhead cleanings okay and then this is the next one where the black showed up a little bit more as compared to the second one and then we ran a fourth printhead cleaning as you guys can see up there at the top okay the lines were definitely showing a lot more well not a whole lot more but it was definitely a noticeable amount you know he came down to number five by the time we got to number five we didn't have to do all colors anymore all we had to do is just the black pony that I know he got down to number six and then it still seemed like nothing changed but as soon as we hit number seven all the black showed up okay and when all that happens that means you are good to go now guys back they can see you you you you all right guys alright guys so there you have it that is how you build your sublimation printer okay so now the final step that we have to do is we have to load our printer cassette with our sublimation paper okay so now the best way to do that of course you gotta take the cassette up once you take the tray out take this plastic piece off put it up top we can take out our regular paper you can throw this back here now so put your sublimation paper in here and you have to move this blue tab right here this holder all the way to the far end where is say a three down here okay typically it's not supposed to say a3 technically okay if it's 13 by 19 that superbee that's not a 3 however they didn't list it as a 3 on here up they listed it as a 3 plus which is correct I'm sorry y'all I didn't see that but that is correct they have a 3 plus on here and then they have a 3 okay remember regular a 3 is 11 by 17 a 3 plus is 13 by 19 okay so now that we have that set up we want to touch this blue tab and drag these boots have all the way down to the bottom okay now once you drag it down here you're gonna have to flip this cassette over okay well no you don't have to flip it over there is one that you do have to flip over they have to I guess two different kinds of cassettes some of them do have this button that you need on the back okay but in this case I guess we got a newer version of this printer well now we just hold this blue tab right here and slide it and it extends okay and then it extends to make sure this is all the way down so right here where it says a3 plus and that is it okay now it's big enough for our 13 by 19 inch okay I've seen people try to put the sole mission paper like in the back rear are real loader that's a back here but we don't do that I don't do that I just go ahead and extend this all the way out lay my sublimation paper down in here put the plastic piece back on top and then that's it okay that's exactly what we're gonna do now the sheets and when you lay it in here guys make sure you are laying the bright side face down okay please lay the bright side face now all right but once you have that in here you should be good to go I'll get this lines up real quick all right to work with one hand okay so now we got it all lined up now we just slide it no I'm sorry I before we slide it back in another printer get our cover put our cover back on top back into our printer and that's it okay and of course this is gonna hang out some okay that is 100% normal okay this will hang out alright so now we can just take a look at our screen and see what all we got on our screen and what all we need to change you all right so now that we're back on our screen all we do as we did earlier we had our favorite paper settings that's all we're doing we're just pressing favourite paper settings the first one at the top we set to a super be a three plus playing paper we just press that impress yous and press closed and that's it guys that is it you are all set for your sublimation printer so let's say guys we are all set with setting up without physically setting up our sublimation printer okay but next what we want to do is we want to switch over to the computer screen because we have the drivers that we need to install on our computer or our printer ok so now we're just gonna go ahead and switch over in this next video this next video is gonna be the actual arm setup on the screen that you need to follow or your printer ok and actually no we are not done with this printer just yet we need to connect this printer to the Wi-Fi in the house ok so to do that I'm gonna show you guys real quick you now to do that guys what you want to do is you want to go all the way over to settings when you get the settings to see I believe it's in general settings yep go to general settings and then go down to network settings okay which would be the third one down network settings it'll say Wi-Fi setup at the top press Wi-Fi setup and then it'll ask you it'll say select connection method okay do you want to do Wi-Fi direct or do you want to do the router okay in our case hmm in our case we're gonna do Wi-Fi direct okay look it seems like router router means that if you have a LAN network so if you're connecting a wire from your router directly to your printer okay you can do that but like I said in our case we you know pretty much everything is Wireless now okay so I'm just gonna do Wi-Fi direct when you get to Wi-Fi direct it lets say connect computers or smart devices directly to the printer without a Wi-Fi router access point ooh my devices connected with Wi-Fi or automatically switched to Wi-Fi direct connection up to four small devices or computer can be connected directly to the printer running X X as the access point let's click start setup and see what happens when I was setting up no this is not the one that we want to do let's list select the owner so yes I'm sorry that's the one you want to click okay like that top one where it says router we're gonna click that and it says the connection method when a Wi-Fi router this just pops up you can register the Epson to connect from every connect services no we don't want to sign up for that at all from now this pops up the connection method when a Wi-Fi router is available at your house or office ok you definitely want to have this selected as when you print nine times out of ten you're gonna be printing through your network okay well this click start setup and then it say Wi-Fi setup wizard at the top we'll click Wi-Fi setup wizard and then mind is gonna be the very top one that's the name of my network whatever name you have for your network that will pop up more than likely nine times out of ten it will pop up at the top unless you have like a really weak signal and there's another signal that's stronger than your signal then yours may pop up further down the list but in our case ours popped up at the top so we click that and it'll say access point we don't have to change that at all it'll say enter the password and now we just enter the password and we connect it okay so I'm gonna pause the video into my password and I'm gonna bring you guys back in right guys so now I just insert the password for my Wi-Fi and then this will pop up ok and say Wi-Fi setup is complete print the connection check report for details no we don't need to print that at all we can just actually hit OK and then that is it okay we are connected to the top one which is our router okay so now we just press the home button off to the side and that's it it's back to the home screen okay so now we're just gonna go ahead and transfer over in the next video so what you need to do to setup the drivers on your computer or the printer okay so just stay told and the next part of the video will come up [Music]
Channel: Cosmos Ink
Views: 893,295
Rating: 4.8170538 out of 5
Keywords: DIY Sublimation Printer, How to build a sublimation printer, Epson Sublimation Printer, Epson WF7710, Epson WF7210, Epson WF7720, Epson WF-7710, Epson WF-7720, Epson WF-7210, CISS, Refillable Cartidges, Caps On Fire, Sub That, Sublimation Starter Kit, Sublimation For Beginners, How to do Sublimation, Sublimation Tutorial, What is Sublimation, Sublimation and More, Sublimation Unchained, Sublimation 101, Sublimation Tutorials, Sublimation Cove
Id: rYD2icw0we8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 34sec (4474 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 20 2018
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