DIY All Over Sublimation T-Shirt with Small Heat Press (part 1 of 3) ep: 17

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[Music] what is one of y'all working back again to a brand new video my name is Angelo from caps on fire and in today's video I'm gonna be showing you all how to do all over sublimation on the t-shirt at home on your small heat press alright and when I say a small heat press I'm referring to the 16 by 20 or the 16 by 24 unfortunately I don't recommend the 15 by 15 heat press mainly because these templates they are not created for the heat press and also secondly the standard now is 13 by 19 especially when dealing with t-shirts so to make it a lot easier on people I create this template so you can be able to print out sections of your image and then put them together but only for that 13 by 19 inch size paper so before we fully dive into this video there's three things I need y'all to do for me alright number one and these water press the subscribe button down below that way you all will be notified whenever I post new content number two click the other link down below to join our Facebook group it is extremely extremely important that you guys join the group because once you come in we do things like live tutorials I do giveaways you can showcase your artwork you can ask any type of questions that you need to ask dealing with sublimation just any and everything alright umm it is a group of full of people who actually do sublimation for a living and who are committed so you know pretty much help out each other so please feel free to join the Facebook group and also last but not least we are the owners of Cosmos Inc so if you need any type of sublimation ink just click the link down below in the description it'll take you to our website where you can go on there and get all your sublimation supplies that you need alright so now that we got all this out of the way let's go ahead and dive into the video so all over t-shirt sublimation it's plain and simple are pretty much all your image is gonna cover the entire shirt or go a little bit you know beyond the edges to make it seem like you know it's all over your garment the industry standard much the industry standard machine that can do this which is called a large format he press that can range anywhere from like nine thousand to like twenty thousand dollars you know how much ever you're trying to spend and plus the thing is extremely big so if you only have like a one door entry into your home you may not have the garage you know like the door may not be wide enough or whatever the case um this is a good alternative for that and oh by the way they're nine thousand to twenty thousand dollars that's just for the machine that's not including the electrical work that has to be done to install that heat press within your home or your business so this this is a great alternative if you do not have that machine alright so the very first thing that you all are gonna want to do is I'll have a link down below you can click on that link it you can go and grab this template once you have the template it'll download you know wherever you specify either your desktop on your downloads area or wherever once you have it downloaded just right click on it come down to extract all and then click extract be sure that you are aware of we're aware of the location that you're extracting your files to in our case whenever I right-click on and I go to extract all it'll automatically extract it to where wherever our current folder is at so we're not gonna click browse or change anything it's just gonna extract it to where it's already it so extracted files when complete yes click extract and as you can see it extracted the file right here and it automatically opened it up for me after that we'll double click on all over t-shirt templates now from here as of now I have three t-shirt 3 t-shirt brands and types that I would recommend for sublimation the reason I recommend these three is one because they are all 100% polyester and that is the best way to get the most vibrant um image is by using a hundred percent polyester for sublimation and also number two these are a good quality shirts if you are on a budget when creating you know your our garment alright they do have some other ones that are geared more towards the sublimation however those will cost you a little bit more so if you're trying to save a little bit of money but still have a good quality shirt that actually feels like cotton and don't have that really shiny polyester look these will be the best ones for you so we have jerseys 21b which is a youth shirt we have jerseys 21m which is a unisex shirt and we have jerseys 21 W R which is the women's fitted shirt so for our case for our case yeah I'm gonna just do one that I wear which is the jerseys 21m and then we'll go to jerseys 21 in March and also I do have templates for multiple sizes as well which again today a little bit the end of this video so now that we have affinity designer open let's go ahead and take a look so you have two different size well two different sides all right this side the left side which is your printing layout and the right side is where you will place your designer and set everything up over here the reason why I did this is because over here you're gonna print your image in sections while over here beginning design everything all on this one artboard so let's go ahead and go over here i'ma hold ctrl roll my mouse wheel forward to zoom in a little bit and I can give you guys an explanation of what all this means so the outer edge is what you call this right here your bleed edge the reason why you have a bleed edge is because when you go to create your image and go to printing and press it if you're trying to sublimate something from edge to edge get a whole entire sublimation on it without having any type of white lines or missed areas around the edges you want to have what's called a bleed edge which means when you put your image on here you want to extend your image out all the way into this area that's in between the shirt and in between the bleeding so extend it all the way out here so that way you won't have any of those white lines going along the edge of your shirt that happens when people try to print out a picture that is the exact size of your item so to avoid that and avoid having those white lines and messing up your products in any type of headaches please be sure to extend your image out to these bleed edges so make your image a little bit bigger than your actual item that you're pressing after that we have what's called the safety area the safety area are these red dashed lines alright anything that is on the inside of these red lines will show on your shirt anything on the outside of these red lines there's a chance that it may not show on the shirt the main areas that you want to look out for are gonna be right here in the armpits right here and right here so there's anything that you want to be seen put it out here all right if it goes in these armpits or if you go in in these armpit areas it will not be seen all right so definitely please do not put anything right there in that area that you want to be seen you know by your customer or anything like that so after that we have our actual t-shirt right here and once you have your t-shirt clicked over here in the layers panel you're gonna click on this down arrow right here next to it once you click that down arrow you'll see a bunch of curves pop up just ignore those those are actual pieces of the shirt so do not delete those and do not unlock those or do anything to that from here you want to go to place image below so you're gonna left click on it you have down here which is changed shirt color here so you can come up here and be able to change the shirt color and all that good stuff and then we can minimize this minimize this grab our actual image which is right here click and drag it into affinity designer and we can just drop it right on top of here so when you drop them but first when you drop your image in this it may be placed pretty much almost anywhere in here all right what you want to do is you want to find this layer let's say if you place it in your image and it shows up up here if it does that just click on it and drag it down because it needs to be right here and also please pay attention to this bar all right so we want to right there you want to have it even right here with the layer right beneath it was the change shirt color so now that we have that in there let's go ahead and drag it to the middle and that red line going horizontally that means that is on pretty much the centered in there horizontally and then the green one vertically that means it's centered vertically all right so from here just click this right here this blue button and you'll be able to drag it all right but now when we drag it if you notice it's only moving everything else except for up here so it's being held down by an anchor out there so what you want to do is you want to hold the control key and then drag and now by doing that it changed the anchor from being in the upper left hand corner to moving it to the center of your image so now just drag then we can Center it right there now let's see if you're dragging it out and it starts doing a bunch of stuff like this like it's not staying proportionate at all so if this happens you either need to hold the shift key and it'll go back to being proportionate or you can release the shift key and it'll go back to being proportionate all right so now that we have our image as big as we want it which is right about let's say right there drag it over just a little bit all right fine we're just gonna work with that so from here let's zoom out a little bit and you have a couple options all right number one I always recommend sending your image out just pretty much export it and then send it to your client so that way they can be able to look on the line okay hey you know that's exactly what I want so in order to do that I recommend you hire your bleed edge and also hide your safety area before you export your image so to do that just come over here to this panel the layers panel you see bleed edge curve check that box and it'll automatically take everything away well uncheck and then safety area you see this check in this box will click it to uncheck that as well so now we can zoom in and it looked like you know a regular t-shirt just no anything right here in this collar area it will not be on the shirt all right so remember anything that's right here where your head go through the shirt this will not be inside the shirt so from here we can come up to file we can go to hold on before that click on shirt group right here we want to make sure we have that selection now we can go to file we can go to export PNG and therefore the area we're gonna click on selection without background that's the reason why I clicked on this because it is now a it is now a selection well it's now selected in store selection height so area selection with selection now with without selection without background we want to export it as a PNG and this is the actual size of your image now you have a couple things you can do at this point because you're sending it to somebody else the first thing is you don't want them to take that and go to any other graphics person and go ahead and get any printed up and get it done and tell you nah never mind on each normal you know type of situation so what we're gonna do is we're gonna leave this box locked so that way it'll keep our image proportionate we're gonna come to size we can click on let's say the first one and drop it down to let's say 1500 Betty it now will lower a little more let's say a thousand since we've dropped it down to a thousand pixels now when we export it the file size is gonna be relatively small but also it won't be the exact size that person needs in able to talk walk being able to take it to somebody else so now we're not giving them that opportunity at all alright but it'll still be a clear enough image on their phone or on their computer where they can say you know give it a yea or nay pretty much so we'll click on export and for the destination yeah we're gonna export it to the desktop we're gonna call it a Zen AF tutorial image and click Save now I can minimize this screen and there you go tutorial of Zen AF tutorial image double click on it and so this will be exactly what you'll be sending your customer all right so what exit out of that click on that we can delete that let's go back into any designer so now let's say you know a day has passed whatever like a few hours went by and they say hey you know I really like it I want to go ahead and approve this one to be made so from here now we're gonna come over to this lovely side which is our printing layout so we'll click back on the Zen AF they say they want it exactly how it is we go ahead and press this lock key up there so that way it will not move our image from here now that we have Zen AF selected hold ctrl on the keyboard and press J and that's pretty much just a duplication function so now that we have our image duplicated all we do now is just click on the image and we can drag it over to the other side now when you drag it over to the other side the main two things you want to look out for is that vertical grain line and the horizontal red line the horizontal red line will let you know hey is perfectly centered with your other image back on your other shirt and the vertical green line will let you know hey is centered vertically on your current you know our artboard that you're using or hey it snap to the artboard that you're using so now we know it is exactly in the middle of this shirt even though we don't visually see the image we only see a little bit of it in the bottom right hand our artboard artboard number 8 where you see the little red flower and a few of the green leaves so now that is over there we can release our mouse and as you can tell down here is now automatically moved our image from being up here where we duplicated it at down into artboard number 8 which is right here so now that we have that down there we still have one two three four five six seven other artboards that we need this image to show in so from here we'll just hold ctrl and make sure then AF image is selected or whatever image you have make sure it's selected hold ctrl and press J and that will automatically duplicate it so now we duplicated it once but we need we still need six more so hold ctrl and press J six more times so what's one two three four five six so now that we've duplicated our image eight times from here what we want to do is we want to drag it up and put it inside each artboard but we want to put it right below our bleed edge so we'll click this first one right here tragg it's right there so now you drag it it automatically goes underneath that bleed edge and it's pretty much telling the computer that hey you want to put your image inside of these red lines so that's why down here and you see the flower is not extending past the red line which is exactly what we want so we'll grab each image and we'll just repeat that process so we'll drag it up to number six put it right here in number six do one for number seven [Music] do one for number eight I'm sorry not seven do one for five we got five already do one for four do 1 for 3 to and number one and that is pretty much it oh we also gotta do one for number eight as well and looks like we didn't make one for number eight so let's just right click on it click duplicate and we can drag one down here for number eight and there you have it so now each image we pretty much just chopped it up so now when we go to file print we can file print number one our board number 2 3 4 and we can art print I mean we can file print all of these and then we're gonna cut them up and we're gonna tape them all together so from here all I want to do is just close these boxes down minimize all that stuff minimize this minimize minimize zoom out a little bit and all I did was just hold control and pull the mouse wheel back to zoom out and there you have it so now that you have your image completely done let's say your client hits you back in blind hands low and this line one is just a large but better yet I want a jerseys 21m large and I also want a Jersey 21w are small which will be the women's fitted small shirt so the easiest way to do this is to we can first minimize our window we will come to the jerseys 21w are and they said they wanted the 21w are small which is right here so we'll double click on this one and as you can see it's already shaped that shirt all right it's already you know made for that shirt so from here let's go back to our Jersey ones jerseys 21 WM we can click on the image right here we'll right click and we'll go to copy and click back on our other one right click if you cannot right click just hold ctrl and press V it'll throw our image in there and as you move it around it'll pop up right here all right it does in case you didn't see that I'll hold ctrl Z and if I move it over here and drop it it place that image right here so now we can just open these up and look for it which our image is right here which is great and then we'll take our image drag it down to right here right underneath our shirt color and then I can hold the control key on the I'm sorry hold yea hold the control key on the keyboard make it a little bit smaller and make it more proportionate to this size shirt so let's say they want it like that I can possibly squeeze it in just a tad to get Zen to show at the word Zen show a little bit more without compromising too much of the image thing that is almost perfect alright so yeah let's say that's perfect alright actually a whole shift pull over some to bring the flowers out a little bit more but as I said earlier we don't want this in that circle so that's kind of shifted down up just a little bit and you know for this image it is what it is so now that we got that done let's go ahead and click on Xin AF right here will you go ahead and lock this image as well and now let's just do ctrl J to duplicate that image and it's the same thing as earlier all we're gonna do is just drag it over here to get it centered I said before sometimes it'll click sometimes it won't but we are going to try to get it as centered as possible Wallace over here so let's say you know what like okay again not floating more let's say that Center from here all we're gonna do is just click back on 10 AF image and we have one two three four artboards for this one because naturally this shirt is gonna be smaller than your jerseys 21 are alright well not some one are then your jerseys 21m so from now we just hold ctrl press J three times to duplicate their image three times and we'll just drag each one up so I'll put that one in there actually right below this one try this one up right below that one and we need one more solo control-j one more time drag this one up as well and there you have it it is now sized up and ready to go onto a shirt so from here let's go ahead and go back to the other image that we have right here and we're going to go ahead and print so now this side is what we want our shirt to look like and now over here this is the actual template that we will be printing out of our workforce printer so from here we're going to go to file go to print profile we can leave that what it is for printer we're gonna be printing out of our 7720 all right so this will be our sublimation printer well click on properties and we'll come down here it's a superbee sublimation preset if you all need to know how to make a preset please go to that video on my channel I will link that below as well but um you can pretty much go inside any program and create this preset since it's preset is under your actual printer properties not the properties of your program so if you make this preset one time you will never have to go in here and change it again unless you want to play with the settings but as far as printing stuff from other programs once you save it one time you can come back in here and look at it later and it'll still be there now if you have another printer and you're trying to print from another printer you will have to make a preset for each printer but if you have one designated sublimation printer you don't need to make this preset one time and that is it so why not click on superbee sublimation it automatically says paper source or paper cassette 1 which is where I have my sublimation paper read document size superbee 13 by 19 paper type premium presentation paper met quality on high color everything's good on that side more options document size same things would be sublimation paper output paper same as document size which is right here your document size for color correction since we're using cosmos ink I select custom go to advanced and go to ICM so from here click mirror image as well that will automatically turn your image around and print on it you know a mirrored and so that way when you go to press it it'll press showing the right side from here press okay now go down to range this part extremely important all right this is what will tell your printer what you're printing all right what section you're printing so from here we'll click on range order range one which is artboard one so pretty much range you can print different artboards all right so do artboard one will print that don't go to artboard 2 which is right here it's showing this area will print that as well then three four five six all the way up to number eight so we'll click on one go to fit type we can keep it the same at scale or you can fit to printable each one is good um better yet for us we're gonna go to fits our printable orientation we can leave it how it is and leave everything else pretty much how it is on for color management you can click on that every using cosmos Inc please select Epson IJ print 0 7 and that is it so from here we'll go to press al-qaida prey and it'll send it over to our printer then from here we can just hold control press P go back to range since it's bringing that first one we can select number two and then we can go ahead and hit okay and then it'll start printing that one as well now the main difference between and I can show you guys cuz other properties you have a premium presentation paper met and you have high quality plain paper the main difference between these two is that one of them is gonna lay more ink than the other one but depending on the type of sublimation paper that you're using you don't want to put down too much ink on that paper because then that paper may not be able to absorb that amount of ink that you're putting on it in our case we're using image right sublimation paper sold by coastal business supplies and that paper and my opinion is one of the best papers out there right now so with that being said we can be able to print using premium presentation paper met and that paper it will soak up that ink which is exactly what we need but because we're putting down so much ink it will take a while for just one of these pages to print so trying to do all these pages on premium presentation paper or matte setting right here just be patient alright because it's gonna take a long time to print and it'll be using up more ink but if you don't want to use that much ink you can do high-quality plain paper all right it'll print your image out a whole lot faster it will use less ink but the ink won't be as vibrant as your premium presentation paper met so that may be a good alternative if you're gonna be doing all over sublimation on a shirt and you know you want to save on the ink but more just know when you try to save on that ink you will risk a little bit of your quality for doing that so now that we got that explained we cancel the other ones already printing right now and I'm just go ahead and print the rest of these and then from here I'm going to go ahead and do recording number two so please click down below to the next video it'll have the same exact title as this video is just say part two which will be showing you guys how to cut each paper and then we'll have part three which will show you how to heat press that image onto the shirt alright so that pretty much wraps up this first part I want to thank you all for tuning in and don't forget hit the subscribe button down below also click the link in the description to join our Facebook sublimation group and last but not least click the ink to go to Cosmo sync website where you can get your recommended sublimation ink for this tutorial right that's it I'll see y'all in part two [Music] you
Channel: Cosmos Ink
Views: 98,280
Rating: 4.9337859 out of 5
Keywords: How to sublimate a t-shirt, all over sublimation t-shirts, all over sublimation, caps on fire, cosmos ink, sublimation tutorial, sublimation printing, sublimation ink for epson, sublimation paper, all over sublimation printing, all over sublimation printing at home, sublimation for beginners, how to do sublimation, afffinity designer sublimation
Id: Crtsw9lTz_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 51sec (1911 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 12 2019
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