How To SetUp Control Rig In Unreal Engine

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what's good guys welcome to my youtube channel it's your boy race place for your channel and subscribe to all that great stuff so today we are going to be setting up the control reach in on ray engine and pretty much just come along and follow what i'm doing i'm going to explain some certain challenges i found but um and how to resolve those challenges okay so this character here the flash is in this kind of pose so one thing i would like to mention is when you import your character and bring it here always ensure that the character is facing this way like facing the camera sort of because if he's facing backwards it's going to be complicated when setting the control rig okay so my character is in sort of like a post doesn't really matter i'm gonna have it in t pose apos is still gonna work and also i have some morphs so the morphs actually work as well so i'm also going to show you how to set up the mods as well it's pretty easy to set it so yeah okay so we can close this we don't need anything here so now i'm going to right click here and before you do that you want to actually um enable control rig which is here so just go ahead to enable that and you can you can see that on your viewport so i'm going to go to create and then we can say sorry create create control rig so i'm going to call this flash freak okay we're gonna double click that and when that happens we're gonna have this come up okay we have the read hierarchy and then we have the actual viewport so i can actually drag this to the side here okay so this is all our um the hips you know all the joints that came with it and by the way this is a mixamo um uh you know skeleton so pretty much i'm using an example skeleton if you use other type of skeleton it's the same thing you know it's just it's basic things the same okay so what i'm going to do first is let me explain what forward and backward solving so forth so basically we are directly controlling the animation with the control rigs in on the engine so there's not like manipulation of baked animation why backwards off is you know inversion you know you want to manipulate an animation if you really have an animation you can bring that in orienting bake it and then manipulate it with backwards off so we need to create both actually if you want to have that working for you so the first thing i'm going to do is right click here i'm going to go to new space so now we can actually just unpair in this okay and then we're gonna call this root space okay so we have that in there now we are going to create our controls now you can either right click here and say new control or you can hold ctrl n now before i um before i create the rest of the controls i want to do something i want to change this to circle thick and then change to 90 degrees then maybe change this to 0.8 because it's too big don't need to be too that big i think this is okay so now i can actually duplicate so we need offsets hips spine now keep in mind i'm going by my hierarchy here okay so we have spine spines my last point too so root offset hips spine spine too my one's mine too then we need the neck and head okay so let's just put that as parent of each other now i'm going to you know name our controls so call this offset control and call this hips control call this spine control call this spine one control for the spine to control call this by neck control and then we have the head so pretty much we're giving our control names so we know what we're doing so you can actually move this route okay so i'm just going to move this bit down here you don't need to be up there so let's move this maybe uh let's move that 100 120 uh 130 know what 120 to do actually it looks kind of small to me let me make this one we can make that one and then the offset i'm going to change this to diamond thick oh not diamond thing but um octagon yeah let's move this to 122. that's okay looks pretty good and then the hips i'm going to change the color to green just because i like green so all this will be green now i mean okay this is your choice you don't have to do this but uh i like i just i just like it you know just like this now keep in mind if you create this controller you don't have to do all this process again so that's the good thing about unreal engine okay so now let me just minimize all this so for the hips here we're gonna copy the actual position of the skeleton joint and i want to say control v so basically you can just go here copy and then spine here you want to paste global transform i'm using the shortcode that's why so do the same for the other ones they have no spine yeah that's the one spine two oh that's too big we'll correct that and the neck two as well neck is way too big man and then the head okay that is way too big so i'm going to correct the heaps first so make this like uh and maybe the spine i'll make this you don't want to make it to b because when you're animating you want to see your character you know so you got you can make it literally small it's all right i think i'll reduce this to maybe 0.6 5.5 i'll move the spine here 0.5 as well then the hips i'll make this 0.6 then the neck is way too big i'll make this um point two point two is too small then the head we are gonna make this one two so obviously the the head is way in the wrong place so what i'm gonna do is i am just gonna move this up moving like 20 degrees okay okay 30 20 okay 20's inside let me 25 a little bit up that looks good to me right for some reason the neck looks looks a little bit in the wrong place let's move this negative 10 negative 5 and then i'll reduce this trust me you don't want your your joints to be i mean your your controllers will be too big that will interrupt your animation okay so we'll set this up now we're gonna go into the nodes and um we can actually link this to a sequence click on sequence here so we're gonna start off with the hips to the head and uh pretty much i am just going to get a node that says set transform i want to set transform and then we want to also get transform so basically what this is doing is the information from here is getting passed on to the controllers so that in that way we can actually you know uh um control that part of the body so i'm going to say propagate to choose right now the meaning of propagate to children is basically if you if you bend the hips the rest of the children which are the spine down to the head will also move with it so that's what probably get children so let's go ahead to connect our transform here i'm actually going to disconnect this and now we cannot we can start working with the hips hips i'll change this to control then call this hips control so now we just have to do the same thing for the spine and all that so i just duplicate all this and actually link it up duplicate link it up duplicate break it up so pretty much your it's not really complicated and you're going to see how easy it is to be honest if you use the mannequin it's just not going to help it didn't help me the mannequin skeleton didn't help me at all okay so now changes to the spine and then spine control and changes to the spine one spine one and then we change this to spine two spine two and one changes to neck back as well i want to change this to your head head here okay so that is done now let's test it out compile save so when we bend this it should work see that even if you you bend the you move the roots gonna move with this part it's going to move as well you move your neck right your neck it's going to move the head it's going to move so we're done with that part like that easy okay so i'm just gonna name this as um all these heaps hips to head okay so keep in mind that um this is actually using the the current location of the actual head joint like look at this this is negative 8.6 and 1.9 so this is actually using this you know um location which is here and it's trans it's transferring into the controls so if you don't use that method like copy the location of the joint your your your the head might be a little bit down and it's just going to be all over the place so that's something i realized so yeah you have to do that okay let's do the leg so for the leg i'm going to right click here create new space call this legs or you can call it fruits actually food left space so let's go ahead to create new controls so i'm going to change this to again circle thick i can leave it as red i don't mind and change it to 90 degrees so let's duplicate this maybe i'll change this to maybe 0.2 maybe 0.3 kind of look too small now actually 0.2 okay so we need the toes and then we need the knee and for the knee i'm going to unpair it then drag it in here so this will be knee to the left control that did not okay so let's go here circle click i need point three point three point three and this would be two to left control so this knee i'm going to use a diamond thick then make it really small you can actually making that 90 degrees like that okay let's make it smaller i don't need to be big to be honest okay so this one will be our foot left control all right so i am going to mirror all this okay i want to right click mirror but before we do that we need to select everything so i'll select everything here and then nero none which would be l l this will be right so pretty much that just mirrored everything so we don't do that again you know saves time okay i'll make the story here okay so next step is to actually copy all the locations so i think okay we're doing this we can minimize that so these two it can be my stuff now for the right food i'm just going to copy and then paste to the right side and then for the tool do the same the toy is too big actually i think that two is too big i don't need to be that big let's make it 0.15 actually just make it so it's okay and then for the for the knee um actually for the knee you can just okay for the knee we're gonna use the location of the right leg so i'll just use that there and then i'm going to move this to maybe negative 50 sorry 100 just moving far away from the actual location of the leg if that's too far let's make you like uh 80 60. i'll trade 15. 16 do so want to do the same thing for the left so left leg copy to the knee side and i'll make this 50. or 60 and then let's do the left foot v there and then the toes copy this up the wrong thing there control v all right at least then we are done with this part so let's set up the nod i'm gonna grab this here remove this of all this up so [Music] for the leg we're going to be using basic ik so you want to type in basic ik here let's disconnect this so next you want to do is to grab the get transform control so we're going to start off with the foot left actually i'm just going to drag this in here and a get control i want to grab the knee as well get control okay so pretty much we are going to grab this transform to the effector and then drop drop this down and then go to rotation sorry translation into the pole vector and then i'm gonna say propagate to children and change it to location so basically this will actually move the leg wherever you know you want to move it to if it's in direction you can actually move it you know freely and then the propagate to children basically controls all the hierarchy you know from the parent to to the child so that's what that means we're going to have some problems with the leg i kid you not you see so yeah anyways so this is left up leg then left leg then left foot you want to bring that over there now you can actually go ahead to basically okay so when you do that you're going to have something like this which i already told you about so the reason why this is happening is when you for example if we look at the control bone transform or let's change this to so let's let's look at that again you can see that is the axis is going down not up so what we need to do is to change it here i'm going to zero this out and um i think this should be negative one and then the secondary axis we're going to zero that out maybe it's one okay so that fixed everything there see that so if this you know um if this formula doesn't work for you you just have to figure out where your where your your y-axis is in my case it's z so that's why i made it negative one because it was going down so if i move this here oh still tumbling okay something is definitely wrong so let me make the other way around let's see okay so yeah like i told you before man the the legs are very complicated to be honest so let me look at the control again so control phone transform so this is going down so i think this should be my y-axis so let me put this at least one change this to zero and then i'll put this to the one okay so that i did something let's see now okay that's what that works better now see that that works fine now okay so let me see [Music] still not working the way i wanted to okay okay let's see so what we need to do is we need to move the the location of the knee so i'm just going to make it farther okay and then compile so now if i move this okay that that still didn't work so let me see so let me right click here and set initial for current let's see now still not working so you don't need we need to me is very complicated i don't know why it's happening like that okay i'm just gonna reset all this so let's see i'll disconnect this and just reset okay actually i'm going to delete this i'm going to new new control call this lee left control let's change this to diamond pick so now i'm just going to move this here then i'll set initial from cards so let's connect that back okay and then compile connect this again see that that works now okay that works pretty good now so if that doesn't work you have to correct this here and it's not even in the right place look at that so let me see i'm gonna disconnect this now as you can see it's not in the right place so just move it here a little bit actually what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna go to the left leg and then it's at negative two so let's see let me grab it here and i'll right click and say set initial from current so let's connect this again now that moved a little bit but it's okay okay that looks better now that looks better actually i'm going to move it further yeah it's not it should be on the like you know that's going to set in the shuffle current then move this here okay i think that's the right position now yep it looks good now perfect so we want to do the same with the other side so i'm going to tell you this i think i'm going to just duplicate this guy here and bring it over here change this to right and i wanna so it will show this so let's drag it here drag it here okay then set initial from current so now the next thing i'm going to do is i'm just going to duplicate all this and just bring it here and want to connect this and change this to right knee right all this should be right up and up leg right on that right arm let's see right foot right leg so this should be in location correct we'll get children so let's go ahead and connect this now see that they move so we we are in the right position if we grab this it works perfectly so we jump in that's how you set up the legs okay and then if i grab this down and see how i got the it's bending properly you know see that pants properly so we need to also set the tool let's see nothing's working for the tool yet so let's go ahead to right click here so set rotation because the two only rotates right so you just want to set that up then let's bring in the total left control you can click on propagate to train doesn't really matter now for the transform i'm gonna use the rotation only then change this to toe left left toe you wanna use the two joints duplicate this this for the right side and then we want to do this for the right side here so let's connect this so now it should be okay okay that didn't work is this connected why okay that works okay but the right doesn't work i think we connected the wrong one all right right to end see that this should be right to bend okay that works now so pretty much the legs are set up the only challenge you might face is this access problem but again you just need to go to your control bone transform and see where the direction of the joint is heading okay usually heads down so you make that y negative y and your z axis is one pretty easy alright also the legs are done i'm gonna hold down c call this legs now the next thing is the arms now for the arms um it depends on what you want to do like you want to do ik animation or fk animation for me i rather do k animation because it's way it's better you know i can manipulate more freely than ik so in order to set up like um fk animation what you need to do is you can minimize all this so i'm going to go to the spine here you can actually minimize all this so all we just need is let's minimize the fingers trying to be minimizing things here so what we need to do is we need to actually create the controls inside of the joint i know it's weird but that will allow us when we control the hips it will move with our arms you know what i mean like the way it's having me do right now so let's go ahead to do that so start with the left shoulder let's create a new space call this left hand space so now let's create controls so i'm just going to change this to circle pink now i mean change to 90 0.2 0.2 okay so i can leave that as red doesn't matter now let's duplicate so this would be our left up shoulders left arm left forearm left hand okay so let's call this left shoulders control all this the left um control and call this the left hand control okay so i'm pretty much going to do the same for the right shoulder as well go new new space right and space new so by the way but let's just connect this i could take three zero three point three and nine degrees so this so left shoulder oh sorry right shoulder control right on control right for um control i will do the right hand too control okay so that is good now so now we want to copy the locations of the joints into our controllers right um this looks a little small do you think oh it says gizmo that did not duplicate oh i should have said ctrl w okay it's fine it's all right yo whatever so we'll do for the right for one two circle peak that will do for the right hands 90 degrees and 3.3.3 i do think that the forearm is too big so going to make this 2.2 to even with the arms okay that looks good now save this and then let's do the left shoulders so i'm going to copy the location of my left shoulders copy here that looks good let's change this quickly and there's like a circuit bit 3.3.3 so let's copy the left arm which is here over here paste it there and the left one you can actually just go ahead and copy it then the left hand copy and paste there so i'll make this point two point two point two ninety seven thick platform on two point two point two so thick and ninety okay so we are all set for the arms two looks pretty clean professional no it is always try to look professional you know in my opinion anyways so let's grab this so basically everything we did here we're gonna do exactly the same thing for the arms so what i can do is i can just grab all this and duplicate and bring it down oh never mind never mind well actually we can do that what am i doing yeah we can do that that's fine so let's go ahead and duplicate all this okay i just wanted to keep this part here not the actual yep okay so again i'm not using ik so i'm not gonna be using this basic ik stuff i don't like ik if this is like fk setup in case you guys are wondering so now let's go ahead and change this i'm going to start with the left shoulders change this left shoulder and then the left arm left arm control then left forearm and the left foot arm control and then this will be the hands and left hand ctrl so we want to do the same for the right as well right through the control right arm right um true let's look at this we need four arms and the hands like this right forearm like this here right forearm and right hands and right hands all right yo that's done so you can go ahead and connect this compile save so when we move this moves properly pretty easy that's how easy it is to up control rig look at that everything works you know go to the arms works too go to the hands it works too so like i was saying before if i now move this that will move with my arms as well which is what i want right now if you don't want the arms to move all you have to do is remove the controls from the joint and then the arm will not move so if i compared all this then i move this see that that will not move with it and then you have to set up basic ik you know so that this can actually stay in a location so yeah okay so we are nearly complete with the fourth so let's do the fingers now the thing is i'm not gonna do everything just because it is the same thing you know connecting all the bones and all that so i'm just gonna do a few and then you guys can figure it out you know all right so for the fingers i am going to go to my let me start off with the right so we want to create a new space inside the right hand okay so i bring this down this here and we'll call this rights fingers space and then you want to call create new controls now for this i'm going to use box obviously that box is way too big even that is too big still too big to me okay so we can use that let me make this 90 degrees which doesn't do anything so now i'm just going to duplicate the tom for the tongue so drag this here drag this here this is the right tom tom one find a controller so right um two drawer then right um three controller okay so let's go ahead and copy our location for that one i think the the box is too big but we'll see so let's do three now that looks pretty good yeah i like that okay so now what we want to do is to let's just make these hands call this c these are ions okay so we want to do exactly the same thing here so basically y'all the snaps are just the same to be honest so i'm just going to duplicate all this and then bring it down here and we're going to move it here so now i'm going to look for the right tone i'll just go to tom here come one maybe stop two so i'm just gonna do the thumb and then you guys can do the rest it's basically the same thing so this will become one from two and five three so now can actually so let me just disconnect this oh wait one sec this is left that should be right so let's just disconnect this point here we don't need that let's grab this and bring it here let's say compile save so when we click here this works perfectly see that that's not working that should be right shoot two so let's let's change this to right then connect this okay that works now yep so pretty much that's basically what you have to do for the fingers so yeah ladies and gentlemen this is how you literally set up control rings it's not complicated not at all so in my next video i'm gonna be doing the the forward self okay so that should be exciting so let's test this if this actually works okay so if we let's delete this guy here let me bring this character here let's turn in here right you can see works nicely looks pretty good to me now this is real time you know it's crazy right so yeah pretty much that's that's the whole procedure on how he set this up so yeah ladies gentlemen all right yo go ahead to have fun with that i'm gonna catch you on the next video take it easy and peace
Channel: Razed Blaze
Views: 5,382
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unrealengine5, unreal engine 5, UE4, Control Rig, controlrig, setup, tutorial, Control, rig, ue5
Id: vTQzrX2hYU4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 1sec (2881 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 11 2021
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