BREAKING NEWS: Swalwell Rapid-Fires Questions Ben Shapiro—& Some Of Shapiro's Answers Garner Laughs

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Mr Sall thank you um Mr Shapiro thank you for joining us today I I think it is important that you're here um as one of the leading conservative voices in the country and and the country has in the last couple weeks talked a lot about and Googled uh proog project 2025 it's one of the most Googled uh Search terms right now and uh you're not going to get any censorship for me so uh I just wanted to know from your persp perspective I think it would help us understand on just like a scale of 0 to 100% how much do you support project 2025 I think like President Trump I haven't looked all that deeply at project 2025 but it seems that Democrats on this committee sort of like Peter Pan and Tinkerbell uh if they say project 2025 enough their presidential candidate becomes alive again and so well let's just talk about pieces of it and you I guess you can tell me if you support it um you probably want less bureaucracy right I do I want less bureaucracy you want more efficiency I do I want less effic more efficiency you want taxpayer money spent wisely I do congrats on becoming a republican yeah yeah my parents would be proud um Mass deportations it calls for that do you support that part I support the deportation of any illegal immigrant who is in the United States who is not of benefit to the generalized American public so if they're uh picking agriculture that puts food on the tables of of everyday Americans they've never committed a crime inside the United States they didn't come across with documents should they be deported if they have not paid taxes and if their draw on the taxpayer benefits are larger than the contribution they are making to the economy or if they're involved in criminal activity they should be deported how do we measure that the same way that the IRS measures my income every year it seems like if the IRS can track down every aspect of every receipt that I've ever submitted and hundreds and millions of other Americans they can do that for illegal immigrants as well except for the fact that no one knows how many are the country thanks to this Administration so you would be cool with creating a system where they could pay those taxes if they wanted to and then stay and work and put food on our table uh it depends on how long it would take for them to pay the taxes and they would also have to go presumably to the back of the line although I'm not sure why I'm testifying about immigration policy at this point how about banning the abortion pill that's part of project 2025 do you support that part I think that that's a state-by-state issue on a personal level you know I'm sure I'm I'm I'm I'm a fully pro-life person which means that I'm not in favor of the distribution of the abortion pill Banning samesex marriage what about that part I am in favor of traditional marriage between a man and a woman and I am perfectly fine with anyone having any sort of voluntary sexual Arrangement they seek that's a different thing from whether the government should attach benefits to that personal relationship but you think it's a sin to have same-sex marriage I mean I'm I'm confused are you asking me as a religious Jew what I think about biblically I'm just asking is it a sin to be gay is it a sin to be gay I mean would how long do we have here 2 minutes I mean if the if the basic idea is that sexual orientation is up for government regulation I'm not in favor of the government regulating the private consenting sexual activity of adults that is a different thing once again from whether the government ought to engage in actual benefits for particular sexual Arrangements that adults make but again just you you to me is it a sin or not from a religious Jewish perspective orientation is not a sin but activity is that's also the same perspective of most major religions so far as I'm aware okay and how about cutting Social Security do you support that part of 2025 I'm I'm not sure what project 25 202's position on Social Security is I'm I'm in favor of the restructuring of Social Security along the lines of privatization and lowering and and increasing the retirement age because you as well as every other Congress person knows Social Security is going to go bankrupt and yet everyone seems to have an interest in lying about it for the next decade and a half until we have to take austerity measures or radically increase inflation or taxes and and bans against uh books about slavery support that part about why would I possibly be in favor of bans about books about slavery that that would be absolutely ridiculous what I am in favor of is the idea that school libraries should be able to make decisions along the lines of what exactly is appropriate for say a seventh grader and whether they ought to be treated to cartoons in gender queer that's not quite the same thing and and just because we found some receipts you did say I think homosexual activity is a sin yes I'm a religious sure there's a genetic component orientation but the view of all religious people I know has always been that sexual behavior is something that is up to you and you said I may have a desire to sleep with many women but I uh do not I agree with me yes that's true congratulations on your yeah uh I'm sure it's very hard to restrain um yourself Mr chairman I just want to uh shift to um Alvin Bragg uh he was supposed to be here uh this week and he's not coming and Hunter Biden was supposed to testify now he's not testifying we were supposed to have votes on articles of impeachment and we didn't and again we're just wondering you guys write great press releases uh but the payoff uh seems to never come and so I guess we will uh keep waiting and and we'll do hearings like this and finally chairman you know you can you can yell you cannot yell fire in a crowded theater but and that's a restriction on speech as you have recognized before uh but you can yell theater in a crowded fire and and you all can continue to do that uh all you want and we'll just waste the American people gentlemen his time has expired and I remind him of the first rule of holes when you're in one stop digging uh chair recognizes Mr
Channel: Forbes Breaking News
Views: 655,701
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Id: B95AXNW_7Ag
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Length: 5min 38sec (338 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 10 2024
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