How to Setup a Atomos Ninja V (Unboxing and Complete Setup)

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everyone in today's video we're gonna unbox and set up a ninja five and adamant in Geo five monitor and recorder and I've used animus for a really long time in fact I have a samurai here from way back in the day I think I bought two seven eight years ago for a project and the Ninja is kind of a similar version to it the samurai actually had SDI and HDMI this is a HDMI only recorder but this will have the option to get SDI sometime in the future so let's go ahead and open the Ninja five I want to show you the setup process of it how to get started with it the battery options some of the cord options that you want to use this is HDMI cord I want to show you and some of the hard drive options for recording you could always use as a monitor for mirrorless and DSLRs because it's HDMI that's the best option I'll show you a camera connection here I have a Sony FS five here that has HDMI so I'm going to show you the connection from this to the Ninja and we'll set it up show you the lots everything all about it but let's go ahead and get started with the unboxing right now so the Ninja five is a very cool monitor recorder that starts for about seven hundred dollars just right out of the box and here's the device let me just take it out of the box here and it's pretty lightweight very sturdy durable the atomists samurai that i showed you in the previous video is a little more bulky this is super old obviously but I just still had it laying around so I thought it's perfect to show you with this video but then ninja let me show you how to get started with it right here on the back of it you have a battery plate this takes the NP batteries these Sony MP batteries that I actually have actually these are made by watts and this brand that I have but they plug right into it just like this and then here is where your hard drive is gonna go and I recommend getting these sony hard drives these 500 gig hard drive solid-state they actually go flush right here so I'm gonna plug one in right here and they're just slide in and right here they go right flush to your device here and you're pretty much ready to go before I turn this on and show you the full setup of it let me show you what else comes in the box let me set this aside and underneath where the ninja came out of you could just move this pad here and you have couple boxes underneath so inside you have a couple of different things let me just take everything out that comes in this case that's pretty much all you have here so let me show you what that is you have your power supply here so instead of using a battery that does not come with your device but I'll put a link to these in the description they're very inexpensive you could actually use this here and that will slide in and power your device this will go right into it and you could power it right with the power outlet right here and that's your power I always recommend going battery with these is much easier obviously than the power supply and you get these caddies here where you can put your own hard drive so if you don't want to use the Sony one that I showed you this one's about a couple of hundred dollars you could get other SSD drives could go ahead and put these right inside it comes with provided screws the one thing this does not come with is a reader the samurai came with a reader and I'll put a link in the description to the new readers that you get but these this is a USB 3 reader it simply slides right into it like this you plug into your computer and you've downloaded this is also it has firewire 800 and USB 3 the new ones have USB C Thunder both 3 and so on so let me unplug this and now let's talk about the connection so here you have HDMI in and you have HDMI out this is great because you could loop in a camera feed and loop out to another monitor for example but I recommend getting this very expensive HDMI cable because these thin ultra thin HTM eyes they're very durable and they're very flexible and easy to use if you use a bulky cheap HDMI I noticed that over time it actually does give you a hard time using it so spending 50 bucks on the HDMI may seem kind of Aegeus but when you think about it this is gonna last you a really long time might make your life a lot easier so I'll link to this in the description so let me connect this to my camera so when we turn it on we actually have a signal to talk about okay so now I'm gonna turn on the ninja and I'll show you the connection here from the camera again any mirrorless DSLR doesn't matter as long as you have HDMI output to HDMI input which you do on here it will work so let's go ahead and hold the power button right here on the side for a few seconds and then you'll hear a kick on you'll see the animal sign right here in the very beginning so then you'll see this page where it shows no input obviously I don't have anything connected here so the HDMI cable that I showed you let me go ahead and make the physical connection between the camera make sure the camera is in the HDMI out so some of my cameras that have SDI out you have to change that in the menu so I just did do that and it has HDMI out now let me go ahead and make that connection here so HDMI goes in the camera and then the other end of the HDMI you basically want to put in in the input HDMI in so that's gonna be your connection here and the out is a loop out so if you were going to a different monitor for example I have this director case here so I could loop them to each other or I have a Teradek Wireless I could monitor a different way that's more advanced obviously that we're not gonna focus on in this video but now that the connection has been made you could see this is my feed now coming directly into ninja five so it's that simple the connection just simply figured out what was going on and he made the connection but if you do have any problems just make sure you troubleshoot the connection make sure HDMI is selected on your camera and this physical connection is happening between HDMI IN and HDMI out from the camera so let's go over some of the settings that you could see on the monitor here the great thing is you don't have to jump in a very detailed menu here to find things like you're doing cameras everything is actually laid out right in front of you so I'm gonna talk about some of the things from the left to the right on top so here is your input so if you press this everything is touchscreen it shows your input and output connection so input I have an HDMI input that 2398 that's what my camera is set to and it's coming from a Sony fs5 II even shows that right here from that connection and my camera is set to s log3 s log gamma 3 cine those are all the settings within the cameras getting red right here and your output I don't have anything so it's kind of showing no output that's the HDMI out and my recording setup it shows what I have remaining on the card because I have a cart putting my Kodak I could change that here between pro res and DNX I usually do ProRes because i do edit everything on Premiere Pro on a Mac that seems to be the best option and ProRes HQ you could do LT or four to two if you want to change how much you were getting out of that card you don't have to worry about anything else here and then under file you could name your file here and you have your audio meters and things like that here HDMI obviously has audio embedded coming into it so as you could see I have an audio feed coming in because HDMI from my camera is getting video and audio signal embedded into this device so that's why you see audio meter here but it does have a side piece here a mic input that you could also use and a headphone out so you can monitor the recording from here if you wanted to I usually do it from the cameras and but you could remotely monitor everything from the ninja itself then next to it you have your outs that just brings in the same menu here where you could jump around so everything if you press on top you could see the input and output just from right here in the middle here if I press native right here this will show me some other options like my lot so the native lot esta es la guys showing but you have rec.709 you have h LG some of these lot options are here so I could just press those I'll show you in a different video a more advanced video on how to load your own lots onto this monitor here as well I have some already here next to it you have waveform you have your focus and peaking you have your zebra you have lots everything is right here so here's a bunch of different lots here I have so here I'm just selecting waveform here and now it's become on the bottom you could press it and then you'll get the waveform monitor here as you can see my image is underexposed here let me see if I could change it on the cameras end I'm just opening up here on the camera as you can see my waveform changed a little bit now I'm wide open and you have some other controls here that you could turn on like vector and things like that are a little more advanced and I'll focus on peaking you could change the color of your focus and peaking to be red yellow and so on I'm gonna turn off the waveform here so I could see the full screen again and now to record it's super simple right here on the bottom you have record so if you press record you get this red box around your frame showing that the recording is in process so if I move my camera here it's recording everything and at any time I could press stop and he will stop recording if I press play you will show me the playback as you can see as soon as I start moving the camera it's gonna actually show here because that's what I just recorded you could always go ahead and shuffle back and forth right here this is where I start moving the camera and I could always scrub through my frame here and then I can press record here to go back to the recording then up here let's just jump back here that was your recording options here you could go up here to record ProRes that will be the same recording option so as you can see on top this menu this shows you the input this shows you the output this shows you the recording and then you have your media right here if you press that right here that will show you your media so you could jump within the menu so easily right here from the top and you have your battery right here at the very end to show you the battery life I put one of those watts and batteries on there and I have a Watson dual battery charger so these batteries are great their lasts a long time and you could turn on and off the thing with the menu here than enjoy you could turn it on and off with this or from the bun that has on the side if you wanted to do that and within the menu here I was on their battery you could jump into audio here to see your audio input here if you were feeding it audio you have your time code option here where you could type in a timecode is starting at one hour right now so if I exit out here you could see the timecode here are recorded for 18 seconds and 18 frames and this is again if I press audio here this audio bar it will show me my audio feed from the HDMI input and one last thing I wanted to show you is one of my favorite settings ever that I originally discovered on the Odyssey recorder right here that I have is false-color which is one of the best ways to adjust for exposure so if I press false-color here which is this color bar it shows me false color which is from 0 exposure to a hundred exposure and to overexposure it shows it with different ranges of colors so let me point to this light right here you see it's red that means this over a hundred and things that are yellow will be around 90 and the things that are grey right in the middle there are things that are correctly exposed so here's some yellow right here that means this in the 90 range so is zero to a hundred exposure is false color I have a complete video of false colors in this channel as well which is my favorite way to expose for an image it's a lot better in my opinion than using wave forms or histograms or things like that zebras false color is a really great visual way to look at that now when it comes to the mounting of the camera I wanted to show you my favorite arms they're made by the same brand they're the cine arms by the Noga brand and I have a shorter one here and I have a longer one here and I've used every arm in the market I think I have 17 different arms throughout the last decade or so that I bought and I try to always get the cheaper ones these are the most expensive arms that I actually found but they work so well that I never went backwards to any other other ones they're just sitting here in junk drawer but let me show you how to mount it on the ninja you have a mount on top and you have another one on the bottom where you could basically put your arm in so I'm gonna go ahead and do that right here you could also use simpler things besides arms like shoe mounts but this one goes directly right on top here and then you will take the other piece and mounted somewhere on your camera usually there is mounts right on the handles of your camera or you could use the shoe mount or if you have a cage that's even better you could go ahead and mount it right on the cage here okay it's usually easier to put this on the camera first then put it right here but I'm gonna go ahead and lock it so if you were to set up something like this the bigger arm probably would have been better and on my bigger camera I have a cage that's a lot easier with a lot more holes but that's pretty much how you mount it I use this Noga arm because it locks so well right here on the camera and it has quick-release locks as well that I have on a couple of my other setups that make it really easy to install and remove from a device so that's pretty much it now you have a completely setup right here on your device I'm just kind of excited here and that's all I wanted to show you here with the ninja 5 unboxing and setup make sure you check out the description to all the things I talked about and to the other videos on the Ninja 5 like loading your own nuts into it and don't forget to subscribe to this channel I post easy to follow filmmaking videos just like this one multiple times a week and I really want to show you everything that I use you might today video production company to try to help you be more successful with your setups with making money with video production and so on I hope to see you on the next video and thanks for watching this one
Channel: Saj Adibs - Filmmaking Mentor
Views: 31,914
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: atomos ninja v, ninja v, atomos ninja, How to Setup a Atomos Ninja 5, atomos, how to setup atomos ninja v, how to connect ninja v with gh5, gh5, how to add luts to ninja v, luts, lut, adding luts, monitor, external recorder, ninja v and gh5, atomos ninja 5, ninja 5
Id: dtnysyEmYcY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 26 2019
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