How To Find The Correct MIG Welder Settings For Any Project

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hey what's up with Danny Fogarty here from the unhone welder again and I'm here for King metals calm and today in our back to basics welding series we're going to go over how to set your speeds of any MIG welder and why bacon yes bacon has a powerful part in that process the problem that a lot of people have is unless they have all the stuff memorized for every different machine and every different type of material it's hard to know exactly what settings are right now usually they're your settings between different machines they're not going to vary that much but they do still vary you know different materials that you're using the thicknesses different types of material different types of wire different types of gasses all these things play a huge role in what the settings on your welder need to be now what I'm going to show you today is how you can use your ear to listen to how the weld is is going to know if it your settings are right or not and this way you can it doesn't matter what machine you're using or what kind of materials you're using you will be able to hear whether or not your weld is good because that sound is going to be the same no matter what you're doing now I'm using the Miller 110 here's my my favorite machine of all and I have two settings wire speed and voltage now sometimes you're going to hear a lot of people say you need to control your amperage well you notice this machine doesn't have a setting for amperage and a lot of these smaller machines like this don't all they have is voltage and wire speed now the front by default when you're changing your wire speed in your voltage that's automatically going to change the amperage that machine kind of does that for you so what we're going to do today is I'm going to show you three different speeds and that way you'll be able to tell right away how you need to adjust your weld and when you hear these different sounds key is before you do any of this is to have a piece of scrap it's the same same type of material same thickness and everything that you're going to be working on now the goal is to have this sound like sizzling bacon like bacon sizzling in a pan or a skillet now let's go to sound like a lot of bacon but it's supposed to have that nice fluid sizzle sound and you're going to hear what that means that sounds like here in just a second okay so to start off with I'm going to keep my speed kind of slow I don't know where I'm starting again so I'm going to start somewhere around you know 30 or 40 somewhere around there we're going to see what happens with that nice that's a terrible terrible well you could hear how that had that popping sound it just sounded like it was going back up into the gun which it was and there's actually some pin holes in these welds and it just didn't penetrate at all just just not good not good enough at all all right so you can see that didn't really do anything at all it was just melting back up into the cup it was you know if we kept doing that it would have gummed up our tip we'd had to replace it pull the wire out it just but it was a mess it wasn't doing anything so what we're gonna do is we're gonna turn the speed up and see what happens when we turn the speed you know way up because that was obviously way too low that's when the speed turned up a bit and you could still hear the popping it's still hearing it was popping and I could feel it a lot in the gun and also I mean you can just look at the weld it's just it's just not good and it's there's a lot more well because we had a lot more material coming out a lot faster and all I did really was just sort of build up and you know make this shape here okay that obviously wasn't doing very much either I mean obviously we were getting a lot of material out and there was some lot of weld going on but it still wasn't a good well it was just too much going on we definitely had to clean it and probably would have been that great so now we're going to turn this down and find somewhere and a happy mid and see what that sounds like I got a feeling that's going to give us that bacon sizzling sound and that's what you're going to want to go for so we're going to turn this number in the middle so we're between 50 and 60 I think so that's the one right there you hear that consistent it was a very strong sizzling town but it was like it was a consistent sizzle there wasn't any popping there wasn't any it wasn't going back up into the gun it was it was just beautiful and our well is a lot nicer and you can actually see nice smooth penetrated it's good stuff alright so there you go I gave you some great examples of of what to listen for and what that what those sounds mean whether you're running too slow too fast too hot and now in my case you know my settings were kind of in the middle of everything but that doesn't mean that's going to be the case for you BK it's going to change depending on the material and the machines and the gases that you're using the key is to listen for that sound that consistent no popping nice sizzle sound that strong sizzling sound keep it nice and smooth for this episode I hope that answers your questions and I hope that makes things a lot easier for you in the future now if you have any questions about anything at all that has to do with welding design anything like that please feel free to ask them in the comments below and we will try to answer them as soon as we can in an upcoming episode now if you want more great tips and tricks like this come on over to the mo over comm sign up for mig welding 101 it's going to give you the five basic cornerstone techniques of mig welding but more than that it's going to sign you up for weekly tips and tricks on how to speed up the process make things a lot easier for you and also how to make some good money doing this welding stuff on the side it's a lot of fun and a great way to get paid so I'm Andy and I will see you again next time
Channel: KingMetalsInc
Views: 715,315
Rating: 4.6187816 out of 5
Keywords: at home welder, MIG Welding, settings, voltage, material thickness, King Metals, bacon, Andy Fogarty
Id: _f54YG08CC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 23sec (383 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2013
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