How to set up OpenWRT as an Access Point repeating your WiFi SSID

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so like many of you have got a Wi-Fi uh signal at home a wireless network and like many of you there are some blind spots within the house so what I did I bought a TP link and I flashed open wear they on it um this TP Link you're currently looking at is my main router um the next thing I wanted to do is create two access points within the house uh so I could uh enhance the the range of the network work so I'm going to show you now how to create these access points in the latest version of uh Lucy which is the web interface for open we so this is the one I've got upstairs which is already set up but I'm going to reset it now just to show you how the complete thingy goes when you configure it so reboot oh perform a reset when the system has been erased you will find uh open network which is called openware day but it won't give you an IP address so you have to set it up manually so I hope a network like open we T will show here after the reboot uh but I already know that it will so we're going to open network configurations Network preferences I'm on a Mac now but you can do this on Windows as well you need to set up a fixed IP address so the default IP address of the new router which it currently is the reset open RT system is just functioning as a router is O point one so we're going to set this to manual so we don't want conflicting IP addresses well so we'll give it number two this is going to be set the router is on one so we're going to be okay here we're going to apply and by now I hope we'll find some open VT signals there it is and it's currently stating that no password has been set up so we log in and first we're going to set up a password um for some reason in this version of Lucy you have to do it twice save and apply configuration is applied and now we are going to go to interfaces you'll find multiple interfaces here we won't have to reset uh the password twice by the way uh we'll throw away these two because we won't be using them then we'll edit the L settings currently the IP address is uh 1.1 but we want to set it up as a router of as an access point so my main home network has a 10 range and 10.1 is the address of the main router and I'm going to configure this one at 10.4 because that's a free space uh I'm going to give in the Gateway so the Gateway is the IP of the router my main router in the house then I'm going to disable DHCP DHCP is this system that gives out the IP addresses I'm going to press save and apply so now the thing will apply the changes and restart and if I'm right it's going to be we can now find it at 10.4 just give it a second to show up again 10.4 it's not there yet I'm just going to see if it shows up oh we have to change one thing of course because we were currently pointing to our reset router which we were going to configure as an access point so we're going to open network preferences again and we're going to make sure that our IP addresses aren't given from the old out there but we're just going to receive it via dhgp we're going to ask for refresh and here we'll see we get a it won't refresh via VI the HTP let's just set it up like this via DP renew the release apply yes there it is so we're now on the sun Network again my main router is giving out IP addresses and if I'm right we can find the open we system on 10.4 there it is we're going to give in the password what we've done now is that it function as a regular access point the only thing we still need to do is disable the firewall which is done on the startup sequence so if I disable it here enabled disabled it will function as a regular uh exis point it will be repeating its own Wi-Fi signal which is currently that it's open we T and we don't want that we want this to repeat our wireless uh uh Network so we're going to enable this you will now find that I've got one main Network device functioning as a router so this one is giving out IP addresses I've got one access point setup already which is another one one um the router is giving out an SSID called sun and this one is given out an SSID which is called Sun as well the thing is with access points with the same SS ID your device won't be able to recognize the difference in networks so the only thing you have to make sure is that it operates on another frequency because they won't be mingling so chosen six 11 so this the last one will go to three you have to make sure that the password settings and the SS ID are equal so the SS ID is Sun so here I'm going to call it a sun the mode is as an access point for wireless security I'm going to set up the same encryption type which for this main device is weia the cipher is Auto so I'm going to set it order and I'm going to give in the key and now I'm going to save and apply and I've now configured an access point which gives out the same Wireless signal as my main router and uh I've got now when I check my app I use an Android device and I've installed the app which is called Wi-Fi analyzer I will now now find three Wi-Fi signals one from the main router one from the device in the uh in my living area which is operating at Channel 6 and I find one device which is operating at channel uh let's see channel three um maybe channel three wasn't the best option if I look at my Wi-Fi settings now they are overlapping a little so I'm going to even put it down to one and this may be a strange thing but this one's transmitting from the uh the uh bedroom from one of the kids and since this is quite a strong Wi-Fi signal and I don't need that much of a strong Wi-Fi signal uh at my upper level I'm going to tone the mwatt down a little bit just to make sure we don't know exactly what the research says it isn't near to a bed but I still want it to tone tone down at least a little so I'm going to press save and apply and we're done we've now got a very strong Wi-Fi network which is operating in the entire home on the same SS ID and device can just hop on the one that is strongest so that's it have a good day cheers
Channel: Mark Vletter
Views: 166,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Accesspoint, WiFi, repeater, ssid, OpenWRT, LuCi, Howto
Id: 4GZLQNku6Rk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 46sec (526 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 01 2016
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