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hey everybody welcome back to another goo tutorial today's video we're going to be setting up a ens shrouded server for the latest Survival game that's right so what we're going to do is go over to the G portal website you can find the link in the description and 10% off for your server so the first thing you want to do is when you get to the website head over and click rent a server when you click over here and if you don't see it at the top just type in e n s and it should there just click it and then order how many slots you want and configure it so for example for this one I'm going to do 40 slots we're going to set it up on the London server and we're going to click order now and then it's just click your payment and once that's done it will activate it once you've activated your server uh you'll see it pop up here under my servers and then you just want to click this one here and it will load up your server information uh once your server information is loaded up you'll be on the status screen which will show you basically all your FTP information for now it's next click on basic settings and this is where we get to edit the name of the server unlike other Survival Games insed is very very basic so not much to set up here what we want is the server name of course and a server password so just put in whatever you want forever you know hey whatever and then choose how many slots you want I've got 16 for the server so I'm just going to leave as blank hopefully they add a few more options later once it's done just click save and that will load your Ser now before we carry on I'm going to let this finish okay so once that's finished finish saving the next thing we're going to do is have a look at the other options before we restart and get into the game the next thing you've got is a file manager over here hopefully later on this may to be to do with modding and whatnot but for now going to leave that as it is then you've got the restarts make sure you have your daily restarts put in it's like so and you want to set a time I'm going to usually put mine for about in the morning when nobody's on to 6:00 a.m. lovely jly that keeps the server clean and then backups make sure your automatic backups are on that saves your server from having issues um you'll see it switch over to that color once it's activated and then go ahead and create yourself a fresh backup always do this when you start a server that way if anything goes wrong at any point you can just that back up uh you see that it will appear here here after a little time so go ahead and wait for that so once that's done you'll see here that it's being backed up next thing you want to do is if you have someone like a mod or whatever you want to uh control your server here um I would highly recommend they make a goo account and then you get their username and you add it don't want to do that whatever support one of the best places in G portal if anything goes wrong uh just head over and click write a ticket like so and fill in the information and describe it to the best possible way then they can get to you and get it started if you need anything else or if you have any questions leave them in the comments Below guys and we'll see you all in the next video don't forget to hit that like and what you call hit that subscribe button for more server tutorials and as always you can watch me live here on YouTube or on Twitch and with that enjoy 10% off your server link is in the description thanks for [Music] watching
Channel: Dayr
Views: 12,053
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to, server hosting, gameplay, enshrouded, enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded gameplay demo, enshrouded gameplay 2024, enshrouded new gameplay, enshrouded building, enshrouded pvp, enshrouded demo, enshrouded demo game, enshrouded multiplayer, enshrouded coop, enshrouded combat, enshrouded gameplay coop, enshrouded gameplay pc, enshrouded demo gameplay, enshrouded demo co op, game, Gportal
Id: _744v6b6vtk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 12sec (252 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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